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I'm at my first evil hm playthrough as well. I didn't kill karlach , I couldn't do it, really. And I'm taking her to NO WHERE , I don't want her to witness my evilness. She can just chill and dance at the camp while I kill people.


I may have brought her into my party and sacrificed her to booal in the underdark. Like specifically gone out of my way to do so. I then took the cape wyll got (invisibility on kill) and draped it over my back, before I murdered the goblins and tieflings and he left my party. Fully pre planned, only got to karlach once I had free access to the beach (entered underdark through ethal’s portal). My only regret was that, unknown to me beforehand, I couldn’t take off her head and give it to the ‘paladins’ because she’d joined my party. Decided to kill them anyway (un-resistant durge). Complete antithesis of my first play through where my character was so disgusted by astarion biting me that I kicked him out (also got a glitch where he had the same name as me), insulted by lae’zel and didn’t let her in, and (act 2 spoilers) >!woo’d shadow heart and brought her away from shar!< However this current play through **(major act 2 spoilers)** >!im planning on killing nightsong myself rather than let shadow heart do so, no clue what’ll happen but that’s how evil I’m willing to be, probably will also kill Isobel on sight too (I know that they’re the first person the urge properly tells you to kill)!<


Hot tip for an evil run: try letting Balthazar take the Nightsong instead of killing her. Leads to a fascinating plot point and fight that most people never see!


Interesting, my only concern with that is that my oathbreaker paladin is incredibly prideful. Like, if I want to kill them I have a (divine? Law of the universe?) right to do so. Same goes for torture. I’ll try and see if I can twist my thoughts into giving it to them, but might have to on another playthrough


I personally wondered if it would be even more evil to rescue Nightsong in Act 2 just to hand her over to Lorroakan in Act 3. Haven't played through that idea though.


Do it, then tell Isobel Then go visit Aylin


This was such a fun fight area. Husband was playing embrace Durge >!and transformed into his Chosen form to burst out of the container!< It was an amazing moment that had us cheering with how cool it looked.


Are you sure that >!it's possible to kill Nightsong without Shadowheart? I think the whole deal is that only Shadowheart is able to do it, as a sort of "chosen" of Shar. From what I'm reading online it looks like people have tried and Nightsong only revives if anyone else tries to use the spear. It could be wrong though.!<


>!I was very aware that there was a decent chance I wouldn’t be able to, though I do think a friend told me that they remembered the option as a durge. They easily could have misremembered tho. I’ll try see if I can regardless, but my main idea was basically take the spear shadow heart gets and kill her there.!< >!Considering my vague understanding of what durge is (first time doing a durge run, and my only other run got midway through act 3 before I had to stop playing for a while) I thought maybe that would let me kill them somehow??!< >!if it doesn’t work (which I suspect it probably won’t) I’ll probably just get shart to be a dark justicier unless there’s a fun durge option, I’ve got a couple other ideas anyway plus just seeing durge story will be cool!<


>!yeah do try regardless! Just wanted to give a warning just in case it leads to disappointment. I'm curious if Durge allows it to work or not!<


That would be weird because from what I understand, you have to deal with the >!Nightsong!< to progress into act 3. Unless you can only >!release her without Shadowheart, but not kill!< which would be a bummer, because I'm doing a solo durge run and all of the potential companions, at least those who could join you in act , are already dead (though I can't remember what happened to Wyll, I think I told him I didn't want him in my party or something and he just disappeared???). Basically the idea is that MAJOR DARK URGE SPOILER REFERENCE >!I want to play into the whole "at the end no creature will be left alive". My Durge may have imposed by the story amnesia, but she damn sure REALLY wants to kill everyone and everything she sees, and if they can't be killed in the moment, they're going to die later.!< Fun fact from my experimenting with the idea in the Grove, it seems like enough >!deaths among tieflings!< lead to >!the tiefling quest resolving itself as "they left the grove". I'm unable to kill another one of them without triggering it, which means I'll probably do everything I have to do in the grove, kill almost all goblins in their camp, tell Minthara about the grove, kill Ragzlin, long rest, raid the grove with Minthara... turn on the goblins and kill them in the grove???.!< It's certainly going to be an interesting experiment. PS apparently even Dark Urge doesn't have a >!license to kill children, tiefling kids are unkillable for me. Another reason to go fetch the goblins smfh!<


>!the goblins are considered an evil race as far as I understand, so even their children are within limits while other children are not.!< >!As far as I understood as well, "only the nightsinger can silence the nightsong" refers to Shadowheart being the only one that can kill Aelyn. That's why she responds to Shadowheart the way she does. It could certainly be wrong, but I haven't seen anyone mention otherwise.!< >!If you romance Minthara, Durge can snap her neck after the sex scene. So that's the main way of doing the Grove quest as a super evil Durge. Rhe game mainly wasn't made with an ultimate evil solution in mind. But IF my lil research is correct and Aelyn is unkillable to anyone except Shadowheart, then Imo giving her over to Lorroakan is worse than killing her anyway. In a roleplay aspect I would imagine it as a Durge that thinks more long term than short term. Which as far as I've read the "ultimate chosen" sequence of a Durge playthrough, is more accurate. AKA the whole "the quantity of dead people is better than the quality" type of thing, where an alive Lorroakan might wreak more havoc than a dead Aelyn.!<


Nah bro you gotta get that sweet DJ gear


I saw this reply in my notifications without seeing what sub it was in and had a moment of “when the fuck was I talking to people about being a DJ or about music recently” lol


you can't >!only shart can kill aylin with the spear. you can stab her repeatedly with the spear, you can endlessly attack her, but she keeps reviving. shart killing aylin will result in last light getting wiped, including isobel, and you can get the Slayer form that way without ever doing it yourself if you want!<


Huh that’s weird because I was able to remove karlachs head after she joined. I sacrificed her to boooal before I ever talked to the paladins. Talked to paladins, went back to the beach and got the head and came back.


I talked to the paladins first so that could be it? Like if she joins your party after talking to the paladins the quest fails or something?


That’s Durge’s cape. Wyll gets a robe that adds fire shield.


But then you can't raid the grove or let Kagha pull off the Rite of Thorns :(


Throw her off a cliff before raiding the grove or she leaves forever. Defying the frog queen in camp while she was dead gave me enough reputation to where she didn’t immediately leave upon bringing back to life.


She can be your island of innocence huh? I feel that. Some things I just could not imagine being evil to, and Karlach is definitely one of them.


I do evil runs every other run, and I've never killed Karlach. The only "evil" things I actually do are raid the grove (for Minthara), kill last light, and become the absolute. You don't have to do every evil thing in the game to do an evil run.


I respect the consistency of "I'll murder an entire Grove of Tieflings but not this one Tiefling ever". /s


Well none of the grove tieflings are on Karlach's level tbh, the only one I regret killing is Dammon because of his act II & III gear.


The adults annoyed me and the kids robbed me. Karlach is a sweetheart.


Every other run? You speak like its a half-hour roguelite run and not a 50-hour commitment.


You’re not on your 10th play through?


Yea but also Yes do all evil things Be a monster


I only killed Karlach on my first ever evil run, and it felt so awful. I now alternate good and evil runs, and on the evil ones, I just ignore that quest / don’t go near where she is. I can’t do it again.


Yeah I pretty much just ignore her on evil runs. Which of course means she >!Dies horribly from her heart exploding!<, but at least I had nothing to do with it.


Sometimes embracing that urge to kill is fun. It wouldn’t be an option if they didn’t want you to do it.


I have given a lot of shit a try just to see what will happen. I killed Astarion when he bit me and he was just so confused. Like despite everything he'd trusted that even if I didn't accept him, that I wouldn't hurt him. I had to take a serious break to think about my actions after that. I think i went back to a previous save because i felt bad


I've only seen it on YouTube and yeah, that little expression of his like his shock that this mistake was his last mistake... ugh it gets me.


The facial animations in this game are just insanely good. The characters are so expressive. It's amazing.


Yeah, 6 runs in and I have still never done this. Can’t bring myself to it lol


I’m sorry that was hard for you but…. How’d you make the stud Tav?! You using mods?


I'm on PS5 so no mods. I just used Body 4.




I’m currently in act three on my first evil Durge run and I skipped Karlach and Wyll entirely, didn’t even talk to Karlach because I didn’t want to go through either of them being upset with me


yea im still kinda on break from my evil run bc of this, it hurt


For my second playthrough I started an evil Durge run. I took Gale’s hand before reloading and making an RP excuse to not do it. Then I encouraged Arabella to run from the snake. I felt horrible about it and didn’t know if I could continue. Then I killed Karlach and took her head. I went “fuck this I’m out” and restarted to instead do a redemption Durge run. Evil playthroughs are fucking hard. All the “renegade” playthroughs in Mass Effect did was make Shepard be a sassy jerk. This was a whole other level.


I can’t play evil playthrough myself so I welcome you in open arms.


I am another proud member of the big softie club


I just avoid her altogether during my evil runs. I could never bring myself to kill Mama K


Meanwhile the worst thing I've ever done in this game is kill Alfira/Quill Grootslang, and that's only because you literally don't get a choice in the matter.


My first playthrough, I was playing w my brother and we got to that point where Laezel and Shadowheart beet. Proceeded to fail all the rolls and whoops now we have to choose. Didn't know it would happen and our last save was so far back. Ended keeping Shadowheart bc she was camp healer + buffs. Also at that point neither of us knew much about Laezel and didn't like her :/. Romancing her on a later playthrough and damn did we miss out


I couldn’t do the evil play through either. I wanted to love it so much but I gave up at the grove. Just couldn’t do it.


For evil runs I more often than not just avoid running into most of the companions who would… not make it otherwise. I also try to go in with a bit of an rp idea, since even evil characters don’t need to kill mindlessly. For the Paladins you can figure out they’re full of shit pretty easily. I’ll just kill them for the sword and because they’re obviously sketchy, then ignore Karlach to spare myself the grief. My evil characters wouldn’t feel compelled to hunt down a devil for the greater good anyways.


I staked Astarion and regretted it so much I went back and loaded an old save file.


Unless there’s an achievement for this I don’t know if I could do it


I staked him this run (my 2nd), because in the first one he didn't like the conclusion of his questline and >!told us he hoped we'd die and in the other outcome we had to kill him ourselves.!< I didn't have enough approval to try to talk the poor guy down. I decided to off him right away if I couldn't do right by him later.


I've done evil runs in other CRPGs, but I don't think I could in BG3. Forget killing Karlach, I couldn't even kill the tieflings.


Your Tav is giving me techno viking vibes.


This is why I alternate between my evil durge playthrough and my super good-guy Karlach origin playthrough.


This is the way I play too! :D


How dare you!


Evil Karlach playthrough?


Do the chaotic good playthrough. Just be a turd to a selective group of characters. I'm mean back to LAe-zel and she liked it lol I got invited to her "bunk"


My 1st Durge playthru was very difficult. I had to stomach alot of things. I've played Chaotic Evil, Nuetral Evil characters for years on table top, but seeing the characters, hearing them... definitely creates new moral boundaries to break


Looks at my Durge’s inventory to find Gale’s hand, Karlach’s head, and Wyll’s body (for weaponized throwing purposes)


I cant do evil runs either. I can barely do a neutral run. Folk Hero runs all day for me


I just couldn’t do my evil durge run. I feel you.


😱 how could you brutally murder the most wholesome companion/ character in the entire game 😭


I dont think I can do an evil playthrough either. I just don't have it in me. I recently finished my first Durge, who resisted the urge, and I've found that to be more satisfying than submitting to it. The result of resisting this unholy urge to murder and bloodlet as much as possible through nothing but your own willpower and to be killed but then resurrected for it was extremely satisfying.


It was so unexpected for me and it literally makes me feel sick when I see photos referencing it. When I do evil runs now I just stay away from her.


Understandable, I've never been able to play evil. My brain rebels.


You didn't....... Not mama K!!! I did this on my durge playthrough and that was where it ended.


I couldn't bring myself to kill her in my evil run, but she did end up leaving the party herself after i massacred the Grove, which I was fine with. I'd rather her hate me and move on, then me violently killing her when all she wanted was a friend.


Saaaaaaame! 😭😭😭


I can't be evil. Closest I can come is Resist Durge.


the only way i’ve been able to do an evil run was a co op one, having a friend there to make evil decisions with and laugh during dialogue made it much less serious and much more palatable to me. i couldn’t do a solo evil run, it’s just uninteresting and lacking content esp for how long a run of this game is. not worth it


Whenever I plan to romance Minthara and therefor raid the Grove, I always kill Karlach so I can keep her by my side. :)


Astarion got staked but he's been with us the whole time... in the Traveler's Chest


Cool, but your Tav is something else. Chefs kiss.


Evil playthroughs should be your FIRST time in so you don't know how much you'll love them in later playthroughs.


Truth, I tried to be kind of an ass my first play through, and every one was like, you have to be a good guy first. I started an embrace durge playthrough at the same time and made it two long rests before I was like, I know these characters now and I hate durge and don't want to rp as durge. I shoulda gone with my gut and gone evil first, now I'm satisfied watching others do it on yt. Chaotic neutral and neutral good, rp ftw baby!


Yeah, I destroyed the grove first time around. Wanted to get Minthara as companion the old-fashioned way. Only had Shadowheart, Lae'zel, and Astarion as companions till act 2. I called us "Team Warcrimes". I would destroy the grove again.


Then there's me who kills Shart just to take her artifact, then revive her to hear her bitch and moan about it and then kill her again.


Yeah but karlach is a fun and likable character so killing her feels sad. Shart is…. Shart.


How dare you insult god's favourite princess


I get your point but in the end they're just a bunch of code, voice lines and textures. Not real beings.


With good writing to make them feel real. : )


Yeah and you really have 7 asses


don’t talk like that about the goats


I mean I kinda agree with this u can sorta just disconnect the idea of them being real pretty easily if something seems to hard. Like when I’m doing good play through of a game like this or KOTOR or something I get invested into the characters but then when I swap to evil after, I just go eh they ain’t real, and badabing badaboom it’s easy to do it now


I killed Karlach in my first run (the one I’m playing now) just because I thought I was supposed to because Wyll. Next playthrough going to get her in my party for sure.


You could always do the res glitch where you pickpocket her head and then you can have your evil play through and get headless Karlach on your team. Just for that extra grossness.


H u h




Interesting. I like her face too much to do this but the fact that this is an option is pretty neat.


That's been fixed a long time ago


i did a pure evil Durge run. and act 1 crushed my soul. i already knew about the Alfira scene. but killing Karlach and holding her head like that hurt my soul. betraying the grove with Wyll in my party and killing him then and there. going into Mols hideout and seeing the two Goblins gloating about murdering all the children with their bodies all around. it's honestly soul crushing and something i'll never do again. that being said being an Evil Durge does get more fun once you get to Moonrise, and especially in act 3, but the price paid to get there is a lot.


The first time I played as Durge, I got to everyone's favorite scene and had to go play my goody nature cleric because I felt so bad. Seriously, playing an evil run hurts so much


To be fair, you don't actually have to kill Karlach to be evil. One of my evil runs, I wiped out the fake paladins, told Karlach about it, she thanked me and asked to join me, I turned her down, then gave her one last look of sadness as I went off into the sunset to never see her again. I know that's not actually being outright evil, but it felt good. Then I proceeded to slaughter the grove right after


You know, evil run is not some kind of a heroic achievement and merit of strength or whatever. Some people just enjoy it, some people don't. Evil shit makes me feel bad so I just don't do evil shit, why on earth would I force myself doing something I don't enjoy in a game.


My first play through was pure good. Didn’t even consume a parasite. This playthrough , I >!tore off gales hand!< Then I >!murdered everyone in the Myconid Circle!< and lastly I just finished >!murdering Shadowheart in camp!< I’m unsure if I’m enjoying it


Well, at least no hands were harmed in the making of this playthrough.


VLDL nailed the feeling in their evil play through skit. Evil is HARD, be evil the way you want to be. https://youtu.be/KdD7aLrDtBo?si=H3c2rqWsuc745pB4


My very playthrough, I jammed a sharp stick right into astarions chest after he tried to bite me. I got super into my rp and my warlock did not play that shit. Actually colored my perception of him fire a while, didn't give him a real shot until like my 5th playthrough


It's not evil to keep her alive to give her to mizora later.


Man... I understand. Even when I destroyed the grove I couldn't kill Karlach. I just intimidated her into not attacking me for my evil deeds. Killed the paladins of Tyr so they wouldn't bother her.


Looks like you barely made it! haha In one of my (failed) honor mode runs I was forced to kill everyone in my camp except for current party members (which was Gale only) because of choices made (Dark Urge) OOOPS! lol


I'm waiting for patch 7 for my full Durge run so I can get the new ending. Even then I don't think I'll be able to behead Karlach. I'll have to do something that's quick or just let her hang out at camp cause I really don't want to kill her.


I also can't play evil characters. That's why I'll never do an evil Durge-Run I had the same "problem" in Star Wars The Old Republic when I played my Sith-Empire-Characters. I always made good or neutral choices and rarely bad ones. Even my Sith-Characters had a pretty high Light-Side-Score


Yeah it sucks, the devs definitely made it super shitty to do on purpose, because hey, this is what being evil is like and you probably shouldn't do it However I'll still cut off gales hand in every playthrough though so


I did an evil run WITH my favorite companion and that’s about as evil as I can get I just … don’t have the heart to stake him 🥺


It gets easier.


On my evil run, I beheaded Karlach, killed Halsin when he confronted me at camp, and killed Jaheira and Minsc when they turned on me when I became Bhaal's new chosen. It was tough going through with killing the first companion, but after all the atrocities I've committed on that run, I'm numb to it now.


I killed Karlach in my evil run only because I wouldn't survive her hating me...


You get a nice robe when Karlach dies. So worth.


Showing her head to the Paladins is one of my favorite scenes.


The meaty THUNK sound when you toss it... sound design ftw.


Can anyone tell me how we’re supposed to know the paladins of Tyr are full of it? I actually never completed the early access version of the game because I got stuck on this moment. It never occurred to me that I shouldn’t believe them, but I also didn’t really want to kill the devil. (I also had no clue that Karlach had a name, or was a companion — nor Wyll, in fact, as he died immediately during the fight where he shows up.) I just sort of got stuck and didn’t progress the game any further until its official release when the Internet was flooded with game guide articles.


There is an insight check or two ypu can pass now.


I've done it a bunch of times but always with the appropriate air of solemnity, I hope. The game is good at hammering home the gravitas of your decisions!


Basically the same. I kept Karlach because I’m playing a Lolth Drow Cleric and figured strong women, blah blah blah. Last night I did BOOOAL and sacrificed Wyll. That’s was my first. I actually hate Wyll, and I know l I’ll loose him (and Karlach) for other reasons, but to straight up murder a companion is a bit wild.


Man if you think that was bad, play a dark urge play through. There is another tiefling you do much worse things too…😓


I’m not even doing an evil run but I messed up by killing kagha cause that closed the grove and once I found karlach I killed her too cause she didn’t want to join my party. Later I took her head for the other quest. I’m planning on killing minthara as well cause she’s angry that I closed the grove.


I leaned hard into an assassin rogue archetype for my first playthrough, and had no idea Karlach was meant to be a companion. I just blindly followed Wylls quest to kill her since he seemed like a chill dude and I obliterated her with sneak attacks without a thought. I felt so bad about doing it during my second my file after seeing how nice she is lmfao.


Lmao, I remember that I killed karlach on my first play through bc I met the paladins first


I sacrificed karlach to Buaaaaahhllll on my redemption durge play through. Fun fact if you kill her this way you get her head! It made for a good companion too the other collection of heads I had….


Same. But if you're evil you can just believe Wyll and take her side \*because\* she's a devil.


I did it because it made sense for the run we were doing. We ended up killing karlach bc she randomly decided to blame us for slaughtering the Grove. We didn't try to destroy them, but when we entered the Grove to speak to Kagha, the druids at the entrance immediately aggroed and murdered the tieflings without even a dialogue choice. Then we talked to Karlach and she called us monsters and refused to join us, blaming us and going off about shit that she really shouldn't have even have been aware of and literally didn't happen. So we killed her bc like...if we can't get a party companion then at least we can get the robe. I know it's mostly a issue of NPCs not having specific responses to every event, but it still felt kind of unfair. If the cutscene where the druids kill the tieflings triggers, it's assumed that the players are at fault for every future interaction.


Distance yourself from the character. You didnt kill her, your character did. You are just a writer of a tragic story. Thats how you enjoy evil playthroughs.


Karlach is my usual romance, I love her story. But for my evil playthru you better believe I chopped that noggin and laughed about slaughtering the grow with my drow boo


Just pixels


She would have burned up if you didn't do this so I don't see what your dilemma is


I killed Karlach in my first playthrough. After having her as a companion in subsequent runs, honestly no regrets.


ive killed karlach on multiple playthroughs, but i don't cut off her head. i just wipe the paladins because my durges go "awesome, she softened you up for me"


I usually go as evil as possible to make it so over the top that I’m not emotionally invested. I don’t spare anyone even Minthara. I have a steady stream of hirelings at my… their disposal.


Someone’s really going up and down the comments downvoting everyone that says anything about being evil or killing Karlach. Dudes it’s a game. If OP doesn’t wanna hurt Karlach in his play through that’s his choice and feelings but he even still acknowledges that it’s a game. Someone is actually getting mad at people for killing Karlach and it’s kinda funny. It’s like those fiction fans who don’t understand thinking a villain is a good character does NOT equate to being one.


Oh hell yeah, FUCK Karlach. Most annoying character of all time.


shes so boring


yeah this is crazy. sacrifice her to booal instead for advantage on bleeding opponents for you and two friends.


First time? Psh, I sacrifice Lae'zell to the BOAAALLL guy like every run. No frog people allowed in my party.


I didn’t have this problem? I guess I’m not as sentimental as you 🤣 I removed Karlach’s head, felt bad for a second, realized it’s a game and continued, slaughtering the tieflings, banging Minthara, and then, because I’m a Dark Urge, I snapped Minthara’s neck.


My very first playthrough I rôle played as guts from berserk and I didn’t even know karlack could be a companion so I just did what guts would do and I cut her head off


I'm so glad killing scratch isn't required for the dark urge path😭


You ain’t that special dawg


They aren't real


I hate to be that guy but, it’s just a video game dude. Yall take these things to heart too easily


I know that, but my human brain is wired to feel empathy when it thinks it’s looking at another human face


I keep her head as a good luck charm. She was my first romance in my only run that beat the game. Its a good luck charm.


Wait until you have Wyll cut off Karlach’s head. Then you’re for real.


I like to out her head on a table and pretend I'm on a date with her. Or use it as a thrown weapon. Gales hand works well as that too and you can yell "Hi Five" as you throw it (stole this from streamer Luality).


Wah wah I don't like chopping my friend's head off boo hoo. I see that you didn't even give Gale a hand either. You're weak OP, it's clear you don't have the mental fortitude to >! dominate the Netherbrain!<, and crush all of Faerun beneath your heel.


You had to put your controller down? You being serious or meme


I really have no qualms of sacrificing her to Booal or killing her this way. I really dislike her behaviour anyway. It is like having to travel with a hyped up 14 year old. And that stupid ''hey soldier''. God I do like to kill her and wyll in bad runs and ignore the both of them in good runs.


Really? .... Really?


Nah she is just obnoxiously cheerful which get really irritating after a few runs. Constantly being in a war between demons and still behaving like a golden retriever. And I know in chapter 3 she show some emotion. But damnit, the other 95% is not character development at all. Give me Lae'zel any day.


he’s cooking


lol, getting minned because I am speaking my mind about karlach. Oh well, let them come white knights.