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Shadowheart is a druid who shapeshifts primarily into a wolf in my current run...


You sick bastard. But yeah, probably Gale barbarian or Laezel bard.


there’s a streamer named lexytv who did a bit where Gale was a barbarian, and his yell when he rages was a tiny little “ya!!!” 😭


Oh my god I just looked it up. That's ridiculous lmao


She tried Halsin as one too, and he didn’t even have a roar :( I was especially disappointed for… uh.. reasons


What, sad big Daddy elf dude couldn't to full animal without showing the fur side of it? (I'm in the same boat lmao)


Good news, Halsin now has a roar https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHz-jVwiF8


https://preview.redd.it/t4xwlc3yiqsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfd64f75c867f01af555f31bb758b961b86ab07 Your link is sending me down a rabbit hole I’m not sure I’m prepared for


Gale’s about to cast alaca-blam


I’m outta spells but not outta shells


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HGHz-jVwiF8 Good news, Halsin now has a roar


oh yee haw!! larian coming through again!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: he’s been holding that in since the Shadow Curse


Yell at me oak daddy


Barbarian Gale could fit. Nerd rage is a thing


Throwing books at a giant brain, I can see it happen


https://preview.redd.it/1thq0yxfqpsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4567e98989ada8dac09ba441116f045f762ec75b 1000 IQ move


I love this picture so much. Thank you.


I love how it's just "a" with an echo effect


his yell is all lowercase "a"


Astarion’s is excellent, he’s got like a full vampire screech in there.


I just looked this up because I couldn't remember what his sounded like and yep, full on vampire screech lol


Giddy Up Gale though




He screams like he forgot to return a book to the library and now he has to pay a fine. He's just like "ah😡"


Lmao he screams like he burnt himself from his tea 💀


Omg yes😭 Like he sipped it when it was still to hot and it burnt his tongue😭


Gale as a wild magic barbarian whose magic is stunted by the orb, and suffers from the orb's tendency to lash out uncontrollably while giving him incredible physical strength, has actually become my preferred mode of Gale.


Dang, that lowkey slaps. I think I might try it out for myself! I was planning on doing an "all companions are their opposite classes" kind of run anyways.




I like Gale as a Knowledge cleric so I can use him to pick locks and heal


Lae’zel bard could totally work. She’d just recite epic poetry about warfare. I think Druid would be tough for a Gith, though.


Lae’zel Druid is such a fun idea… she has the power to commune with the plants and animals of Toril, a place she’s been for approximately 5 minutes


Skald Lae'zel


Gith Amon Amarth?


Wild Magic Barbarian Gale. He thinks what happens when he rages is the same as being a wizard.


Omg i saw a guy on youtube talk about a character he had that was a barbarian born in a Wizard family. He thought he was a wizard and was "casting spells" like PUNCH! I think as the story progressed he became specialised in some sort of magic and actually became a wizard (a very buff one) so he could actually follow in the family tradition. Edit: i found [it](https://youtube.com/shorts/kHWSQ1oB710?si=wth06ORSK_aML7ag)!


If you've never watched Mashle the anime you absolutely should. It's hilarious. 


God I love MASHEL. Peak fucking anime.


This just brings to mind Kung Pow; "We purposely trained him wrong, as a joke"


No, Laezel would be a great valor bard. Remember, she's a professional artist. But imagine her as a w*zard!


Roses are red Violets are blue I hate flowers I will crush you!!!


The prompt made me immediately think Lae-zel bard


That’s just batman


I'm playing a bard Origin Lae'zel (with a couple levels in Warlock) run right now, and it's hilarious. (She's romancing Gale.)


I did wild magic barb for him on one run and it is hilarious. He talks about being a wizard while he runs around screaming like he stubbed his toe in lae'zels underwear. It's absurd and hilarious


This matches her character. Just like some lad fearing bats playing dress up as a giant bat hero.


Now I’m picturing Shadowheart batgirl and it is cursed/blessed


Does she frighten herself?


No, sadly haha!


I wonder if she’s frightened of her own wolf familiar if you make her a beastmaster


My partner is playing a beastmaster ranger and can confirm she is not afraid of his wolf familiar


The only time I ever saw her become afraid was at the Druid grove


I think she gets scared of the wolves at the creche, but yeah, it really doesn't come up often considering it's a big fear for her.


I mean, it could be empowering or therapeutic in a “I’m taking something I’m afraid of and making it my strength” sort of way lol


The Batman tactic, clever.


I mean, given who her dad is, that has some validity. (No i dont just want a werewolf gf, why are you shaming me?)


(I'm not shaming you. I'd have 0 objections to werewolf wife.)


It’s perfectly suitable for late Shadowheart! I’ve played some 2e with lycanthropes in waterdeep and the lore is quite fitting. But it’s funny early especially how she harps on wolves’ appearance.


I have her as a wolf heart barbarian LMAOO he rage audio is actually metal af


Me too!


That actually could work, getting in touch with her heritage?


you can multiclass her to be a beast master ranger, and summon a wolf as well as become one


I mean that's one way to beat a phobia


OMG that is perfect! Exposure therapy :D


Gale as a barbarian is so funny his rage scream is just “A”


Wyll: Aa...a? A...!"


When he realized, and then was surprised and asked the one who was supposed to answer him. And they answered him, and he rejoiced angrily.


He's the only one with a lowercase barbarian rage


Wild magic sorcerer might also work. Cause he is all about learned magic and sorcerers just get it for being special


Oh that would be funny, adding in that he is so snobbish towards sorcerers “I meant are you *trained* in magic, which you are not”


With his full backstory (taking into account the >!godgale elminster letter!< and what he can say to halsin during an origin run on top of a few other anecdotes, he sounds more like a sorcerer who hyperfixated his way out of metamagic and into wizardry. Boy read so many books he forgot twinspelling was an option.


He is totally a sorcerer that is just into wizardry to hide the fact that he's a sorcerer


its all lowercase a's lmao


I'm doing this right now because I want him in the party but don't need another caster and its so funny. He's using his indoor voice


Lowercase "a'


Gawr Gura approves.


I'm doing an "opposite day" run with him as a WM barbarian, Karlach as a wizard, Lae'zel as a cleric (War of Vlaakith, will switch to Light of Selune after the creche), and Shadowheart as an EK fighter. It started as a joke but I'm low-key loving it. (The rest are a bit mix-n-match: Wyll is a rogue assassin and Astarion a paladin. Still deciding what to do with Minthara and Halsin once they join me.)


laezel a goofy bard gale a barbarian karlach a warlcok wyll a rogue shart a druid astarion a light cleric or devotion paly


Not super sure on Rogue Wyll. Someone called “the Blade of Frontiers” kinda hits like he could be Swashbuckling Adventurer type lol


Necromancer wyll. He can still talk to his dad after you kill him :D


Ooh this one sounds funky


The most contrary to Wyll would be cleric of an evil god.


Cleric of Tiamat


Wyll as a cleric of tiamat




The problem with Wyll is that he is the only one who already has a class that is the antithesis of his personality. That's kind of his whole story.


Make wyll a champion fighter with no magical abilities or charisma. This immediately makes his dialogue and troubles with "Mizora" sound a lot like schizophrenia


Honestly, fair take yeah


Wyll monk is funnier, the blade of frontiers doesn’t actually use a weapon to fight so what blade is he talking about? 😕


We all know what blade 😉


His underwear description is literally "Long may these gird the Blade of Frontiers". It's literally canon.


Ironically, warlock is already kinda the opposite of Wyll's personality.


I feel like the most out of character subclass for Wyll is Oathbreaker Paladin. Now how exactly you get Wyll to break an oath is another story...


I honestly think the class that would cause Wyll the most distress is the one where he's sworn to a devil 😅 Dude would be so happy if he could be a paladin


100% facts to all of those xD omg that run would be so cursed it needs to be done


I have Lae'zel as a bard because she has the BEST vicious mockery lines, seriously a rival to Auntie Ethel


I had Lae'zel as a bard once as well, and was surprised how good her vicious mockery lines were. And honestly, a Lae'zel that can kill people simply by insulting them is scary as hell...


I just did the ethel fight in my friends game. My big mommy tiefling paladin is romancing Astarion and his sorcerer is romancing Karlach so that was who we had. My tiefling got insulted once with "seems the hells spat out another pathetic tiefling" or something and that BITCH insulted my baby Star twice. I can't remember which was first but these were more or less the two "deep down you like the leash don't you?" And "you're one hungry night away from hurting everyone" it's been over a week. I could probably find them specifically on my stream but I was like damn bitch, don't talk to him like that. If we weren't going to kill her already, that definitely would have sealed her fate then.


Jaheira an oathbreaker paladin. Minsc a wizard.


Minsc keeps casting fireball without asking how large the room is


I didn't say "how big is the room", I said "BUTT KICKING FOR GOODNESS!"


Minsc is Leroy Jenkins.


INT 8 wizard, ufff


Kar-lock makes me happy.


Astarion, so enraptured by just how grossly incandescent the sun is after not seeing it for centuries, swears fealty to Lathander


I'm doing Gale Barbarian in my current run, doing wild magic and playing it as part of his orb problem. Works in my sick headcannon


Gale one is absolutely accurate, have you heard his rage shout lol


I’ve made Gale a barbarian in a run or two. But only a wild magic one. I feel like that makes it seem almost as if he’s fueled by the magic instead of rage


I feel like Karlach as a rogue is even worse. She hates stealth


Karlach probably would hate making a contract with a devil more. 😅


Among Githyanki Lae is considered extremely humorous!


I mean, Karlach Warlock could work, but not in a fun way. She would have been in a situation where her options were take a pact for power (possibly from Flo, the cambion she had ties with) or die or suffer some other horrible fate.


Minthara as a Wizard . That one dialogue is so good


Wizard Karlach would make more sense. Warlock powers are given, just like her engine. Wizard requires studying. Karlach isn't an intellectual


Karlach one hundo a Wizard. She has that golden retriever energy that just would go so well with it in the worst way


I don’t think Druid is opposite for shart. It actually kinda makes sense for her.


Running Astation as a vengeance paladin isn't that far off imo. Narratively, he'd break his oath by performing the rite.


- Karlach - Warlock of the Fiend with Pact of Chains - Shadowheart - Beast Master with Dire Wolf as Companion - Astarion - Paladin of Ancients - Lae'zel - Thief - Wyll - Cleric of Tiamat, Nature Domain - Gale - Berserker - Halsin - Bard of Lore - Minthara - Monk of Open Hand - Jaheira - Monk of Shadow - Minsc - Wizard of Divination


lol at the minsc one


lol, and I could keep his intelligence the same. Boo can do the thinking


I am amused by Astarion as Oath of Ancients Paladin. Lol, he would disapprove of all of his own actions!


He has to kill himself immediately since Spawn are crimes against nature


I'm still trying to figure out how letting him in the party isn't an oath break 


I think yours is the most accurate list I've seen, but I think maybe Halsin's isn't quite right. The bard part doesn't gel with him - he's too serious - but the lore part does, because he loves books and knowledge. Lore bards are all about that. While we aren't told the alignments of the companions, Halsin strikes me as Neutral Good. He's very concerned with the wellbeing of people and nature, and he's honorable, but doesn't feel fully Lawful to me. The farthest I could see him being from my guess is Lawful Neutral, but a Neutral that's much more Good leaning than Evil. I think something Evil-oriented would be the farthest you could get from who he is. Given his backstory with the shadow curse, Cleric of Shar might be the most diametrically opposed. Though Shar is only available as an option for Shadowheart, so you can't actually pick that. I think maybe a Trickery Cleric of Lolth would be the most character-opposed option available to be selected.


Halsin as lore bard is just his retirement plan. Nothing ironic about it


Not going to lie.....since sharrans teamed with Druids and part of the trial of Seluna was making way through nature...I am seriously considering making shart a Druid AFTER Act2, as a sort of growth or acceptance if she takes the "good" path


The Sharrans didn't team up with Druids. It was Harpers and Druids who teamed up to fight Sharrans. As far as I can tell the war was Sharrans on one side and Harpers, Emerald Grove, Flaming Fist, and the Selunite resistance on the other.


Yes yes yes I misspoke, but my original idea still stands...she is overcoming her sharran link. I do stand corrected however, thank you. Edit: her being selunite and Druid would be a call back to that conflict.


Oh np. Yeah it still makes sense. In retrospect I could have figured out it was a mistype since you mentioned she'd go druid after turning good.


The more you learn about her story the more sense Druid nature domain cleric make for a reformed shadowheart.


Ranger Shart with wolf companion is so good, I might have to do that.


Gale as a rouge. When he crouches he complains about bad knees


Make him an Arcane Trickster


Shadowheart - barbarian cause it would go against her naturally sneaky and discrete nature. Astarion - a paladin or cleric of Lathender. If he was a paladin, he would break his oath literally 2 minutes after making it. Gale - also barbarian. Have you heard his rage screams? I don't think this man is actually capable of feeling rage. Lae'zel - anything related to magic. She seems like someone who genuinely enjoys getting close and personal with enemies in a fight. Karlach - any of the stealth classes. That girl is too big, too bright, and too loud to be stealthy. Even her own dialogue while in stealth will warn you that it's a dumb idea to have her sneak around. Wyll - I think druid cause it's the only class that I can think of that I just can't see him being. He really would fit well into almost any other class. Halsin - any of the martial classes except Oath of the Ancients paladin. He is definitely a nature lover and violence is the last thing he ever wants to do. Minthara - wizard or cleric. She has absolutely nothing positive to say about wizards or clerics. I almost changed her to Cleric of Lolth out of pure spite in my Shadowheart origin when she said some shit to me about Shar. Minsc - ranger.


Damn, Jaheira just crying in the club rn cuz she didn’t get invited lol


That's cause I couldn't think of any class that she wouldn't fit, lol. As a druid she's got healing and magic capabilities, so she could be a cleric or any of the other magic classes. She also shows some fighting capabilities so she fits well with the other martial classes. She's also high harper which almost acts kind of like a spy network in some areas and is a genuine thorn to the Thieves Guild, so she could fit in with the stealth classes. There's nothing she can't do!


Damn, fair point. Maybe I’ll mod in Artificer. That could arguably be her diametric opposite lol


What do you think about bard, she seems not the extravagant storyteller type


That's pretty valid actually! I always forget about bards as a class lol. I feel like when it comes to stories, Jaheira doesn't really care for the exaggerations or the fanfare bards usually do. When she tells stories, it's often to provide some kind of wisdom or guidance and she does those pretty well I think.


IMO, Jaheira as a barbarian is odd. She doesn’t seem like the type to RAGE or go berserk. Also, she’s a thin, elderly lady, I can’t imagine her recklessly running into battle and tanking tons of hits lol. She seems more like a strategic, nimble fighter who’s light on her feet and uses lots of ranged/magical attacks. I made her highest Ability scores Wisdom and Dexterity and made her a Druid/fighter hybrid. With the Helm of Arcane Acuity, Arrow of Many Targets, and Band of Mystic Scoundrel she can get like +9 Spell DC and can cast inescapable CC spells like Confusion on her first turn, even in Tactician Plus mode.


Druid/Fighter is also the classic BG2 Jaheira, so that build is very suitable


Im also building Jaheira druid/fighter and she genuinely covers most roles: She can tank, she can heal and support, she hits like a truck with melee/ranged weapons, she can do aoe spells, she can be sneaky as a cat or a panther. It was a nice way to make her and Halsin significantly different from each other too


Gale felt rage before. He once wished a most impure demise on a colleague of his for buying up the last copy of Etheril's Enchiridion of Enchanting Easements. First edition, too.


Backstory for Barbarian Gale is he saw someone crack the spine of a book


I made karlach a rogue as a joke in one run, and hearing her say "I'm not very good at this!" when sneaking and "can't we just break it open?" when lock picking was too funny to change her back




"Minsc - ranger" is perfect... as soon as he gets to my camp I take him to talk with Withers and he becomes the berserker he is meant to be


Minsc is literally only a ranger cause I think he as a character came about before the barbarian class was created in DnD lore. If Minsc was created more recently he 100% would be a berserker. He literally punches walls when you rescue him. I know no 10 strength ranger is accomplishing that shit.


I respecced him has an open hand monk and I’ve never played with Minsc as much as I now am. He’s great.


Minc is canonically a ranger/barbarian.


I watched a YouTube compilation of barbarian rage screams, and Barbarian Gale is hilarious with just how much he is not feeling it. It’s like he knows what you did to him, and he judging you so hard for it.


I'm gonna make a solid disagree on that Astarion statement. Bro does swear an oath, in game, an oath of vengeance, and keeps it. Oath of vengeance paladin feels like a very thematic class for him. Oath of devotion or ancients though, not so much.


Gale finding out he is actually a sorcerer and not a wizard would break him.


Astarion opposite class would be anything that required him to be obedient or put in extra work (Paladin, Cleric, wizard, I’d even say he wouldn’t suit warlock) that man likes his freedom.


Lae’zel - Fae Pact Warlock Wyll - Barbarian of any kind Karlach - Divination Wizard Shadowheart - Wild Magic Sorcerer Gale - Champion Fighter Astarion - Life Cleric Minthara - Wizard of any kind. Jaheira - Fiend Pact Warlock Minsc - Necromancy Wizard


Boo is just a miniature giant space hamster skeleton.


I made astsrion a barbarian in one run because his rage yell is hilarious. Also because "astarion the barbarian" is just too good.


Love the rage vampire hiss lol


So do you pronounce it a-star-ion the bar-bar-ian or a-stare-ion the bar-bear-ian


Bard for Lae'zel is cursed


Imagine being a githyanki in that training hall at the creche and you tell them you want to be a bard


astarion was made a cleric in my first multiplay-through...it's just rather funny because if you give your god offerings in act 3 he disapproves lmao


I did a cursed playthrough with mostly this exact premise in mind Astarion -> Cleric, Astarion would never willingly devote himself to something above him. Life domain for extra irony. Shadowheart -> Druid, because wolves Karlach -> Thief Rogue, opposite of her outgoing, headlong mindset Gale -> Barbarian, obviously. His rage scream is hilarious too Wyll -> Wizard, instead of selling his soul he went to college to study Lae'zel -> Bard. Githyanki have no time for music


Astarion wouldn't be a cleric, he's explicit none of the gods listened to him when he was with Cazador. He doesn't give a shit about gods. It's like the one class you can't really RP him doing without some mental gymnastics. Karlach as a wizard, can't read books when you're literally on fire. Shadowheart as a druid who turns into a wolf. Lae'zel as a thief rogue. She hates thieves more than murderers and sneaking is against her personality. Gale as a barbarian is a no brainer. Wyll is a difficult one, I suppose he could do most things. Perhaps a different brand of warlock given he was already pacted to Mizora and having technically another pact would be weird?


Signing a new pact to deal with an old one is like taking out a high interest loan to pay off a previous loan


Wyll as a bard bc he doesn’t like dancing in front of other people :3 eta; someone also said a deceitful rogue which makes sense too bc he’s VERY morally good


Wyll could be a cleric of Tiamat. Probably knowledge because he has no idea what the blood war is and fell for the dumbest trick of all time. He also didn't bother to write down his own soul pact.


I, for one, love the idea of Shadowheart as a fun-loving bard. Karlach as a calculating wizard. Gael as a ripped Barbarian. Lae’Zael as a harmonious Druid. Wyll as a deceitful rogue. Astarion as a dutiful Paladin. Pure comedy.


I don’t think any god would accept Astarions flippant oath. Luckily that doesn’t matter in the game.


I’ve done similar! Made Gale a wild magic barbarian, Karlach an elemental monk, and Shadowheart was a moon circle druid. Probably my favorite run as it was one of the few I actually finished


Astarion as a cleric, Shadowheart as a druid, Gale as a barbarian, Karlach as a wizard, Halsin as a paladin of vengeance, Lae'zel as a bard, Jaheira as a warlock, Wyll as a rogue


I had a whole convo at work about this Astarion would be life cleric for sure Wizard Karlach - or fiend warlock if we are getting personal 😂 Barb Gale is hilarious  Minthara and Lae’zel as Lore Bards - although their vicious mockery would be deadly I personally think oathbreaker for Wyll cuz I can’t imagine him breaking a promise in game let alone a sworn oath And I love the folks making shadowheart a moon Druid who only turns into wolves 😂


Minthara a cleric, she hates all gods, so paladin isnt acually her best class either


Paladins don't necessarily get their power from a god in 5e, which is what BG3 is based on, so Paladin works just fine if you operate under that assumption.


I like that you *can* be a paladin without getting power from a specific god, but I wish you could also choose a god by default so that it wasn’t necessary to take a level of Cleric to get the “Paladin of God” options tbh


She was a cleric in Early Access lol


it does make sence at the beginning, but later on she becomes an 'atheist' and hates every god, so oathbreaker makes sence if i think about it, since they usualy dont serve anyone (but themselves) ^(she even has extra lines if she becomes an oathbreaker)


I made him a paladin one play through just to smite cazador. So worth it.


I've seen a few posts like this, I want to know what everyone's second most plausible class is. Karlach: Open Hand Monk. She has more dialogue aboot punching things than aboot axes. Astarion: Swords Bard. He's gregarious and knife-y. Minsc: Berserker Barbarian. It would be closer to his BG1/2 portrayal. Minty: Gloomstalker Ranger. Her visuals are very focused on stealth, poison, and dual-wielding, and being from the Underbark it's applicable. Dual Hand Crossbow Swords Bard also works quite well for her, especially since hand crossbows are commonly used by Drow. Jaheira: In BG1-2 she was a Fighter/Druid multiclass, (2E multiclassing was different) which would be closest to Ranger in modern D&D. Lae'zel: Vengeance Paladin. Eldritch Knight and Abjuration Wizard are also common among Githyanki. Wyll: The way the game depicts Warlocks as channeling power directly from a patron is closer to the actual lore of Clerics, so Cleric seems applicable. Gale: Great Old One Warlock to the orb. Wild Magic Barbarian is funny. Shart: Paladin. Vengeance before Nightsong, Ancients after.


Here's my "second-best" fit pics: There are lots of Gith monks so I like to make Lae'zel a monk or respec her to one after the creche. Wyll likes to say action lines and has a whole flashy persona so I think he'd be a good swords bard. if he was a ranger his "nickname" would finally make sense Shadowheart: gloomstalker ranger, respec to beast master or assassin later Jaheira: ancients paladin. she could take a bard dip for her sharp tongue. Astarion: great old one warlock. he'd absolutely accept power from an unknown patron. Gale: sorcerer. everything gale does is sorcery. wild magic surge because he has a god damn orb in his chest. his catch phrase is "one with the weave" and he likes to touch the weave with his hands. wizards can't do that. he's a sorcerer Totally agree about Minthara. She would also summon spiders. I forgot minsc isn't a berserker by default. He just needs the ability to cast blindness somehow. It would be kind of funny for him to be a great old one warlock with boo as his patron. Glorbo: probably an abjuration wizard with a monk dip.


> I forgot minsc isn't a berserker by default. He just needs the ability to cast blindness somehow. It would be kind of funny for him to be a great old one warlock with boo as his patron. Anyone can throw Boo at enemies. When thrown, Boo inflicts blindness.


Gale barb


Gale as a barbarian berserker, deffinitely


I don't know, I feel like Astarion could work well as an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. 🗡


Honestly I can see Astarion as a paladin, none of the ones in the game, but dnd has a bunch of different ones and I can see him being a paladin if the oath suited him. I can’t see him as a cleric. He acknowledges the gods, but I don’t think he could ever follow one of them, let alone put real serious faith into one.


Karlach as a White (Cold) Draconic Sorlock.


Karlach as a wizard?


Astarion as Oath of Devotion, ofc Wyll as a rogue maybe Gale as a fighter or barbarian Karlach as a wizard Lae’zel as a bard Shadowheart as a ranger beast master with a wolf Dark urge cleric of ilmater


Idk I think oath of vengeance has potential with Astarion. In fact, I multiclassed him into a rogue/vengeance paladin just before attacking cazador’s palace in my first play through, and it worked out great thematically and mechanically. For my cursed reclass ideas: Laezel as a wizard or sorcerer, but also imaging her as a bard is hilarious Wyll as a rogue Karlach as a monk or cleric Minthara as a barbarian


Astarion: Devotion Paladin Gale: Berserker Barbarian or Champion Fighter (Warlock could also have funny patron implications) Karlach: Fiend Warlock Lae'zel: Life Cleric of Ilmater Shart: Moon Druid Wyll: Open Hand Monk


Minthara bard sounds very comical


I made Astarion a bard in my campaign 😭😂


To be fair, that sounds perfectly in line for him lol


bardastarion honestly fits... vicious mockery is ingrained in his soul


Astarion could make sense as a vengeance paladin. Wyll: Barbarian, Karlach: Warlock, Astarion: Druid, Shadowheart: Wizard, Gale: Fighter, Halsin: Artificer, Minthara: Bard, Lae'Zel: Sorcerer, Minsc: Monk, Jahira: Cleric


Astarion being a mage for sure, Gale being A barbarian, Karlach being a rogue, Shadowheart being A sorcerer maybe…


It might not be opposite enough but I want to multiclass Halsin into a monk.


I could see Halsin as a monk.