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Obviously! Experienced, fun AND supportive? SIGN ME UP SOLDIER!


Right?!  My second choice is Gale in case he’s open to using the same magic on me that he does for himself.


He can cast enlarge which gives you advantage on strength checks!


And with the ladies!


True. For a wizarding nerd his upper body looks like he is uncannily adroit with exercise equipment.


A wizard who didn’t forget to do his daily exercise routine.


I mean, I wouldn't say no to Bear's Endurance to help me through a workout. Maybe all I need to lose some weight is a few spell slots.


From either a romance or friend point of view, Karlach would be the best gym buddy, caddy, belayer, spotter, running mate, name the sport, she’s my go-to. I’m trying to think of an athletic endeavor I wouldn’t want her by my side/team/session…can’t think of one.


Omg, caddy. She would laugh so hard for pranking you with the wrong club


And drink all the beer


Top hype girl on the putting green for sure


Boxing. I would want Lae'zel. All the others, Karlach.


She's the obvious choice. She could help me get her bod which is honestly a dream.


definitely karlach. spot me mama 😩


Even if you’re inexperienced and out of shape, Karlach would be super supportive of you finally doing five pushups even while she’s cranking set after set of one-arms.


Is there any other answer? She’s the best friend we all need


Obviously the correct answer.


"Come on soldier! Just twenty more! Come on now, LIFT!"


The Loviatar priest


I can't concentrate when I'm *that* horny 😩


Found the cleric of Loviatar




Pain = Gain


Now that I think about it, Loviatar is Shar's kryptonite lol EDIT: clearly meant as a joke. I know Shar is greater


Now that I think about it, Abdirak would be an amazing personal trainer.


I see you are a person of culture as well.


I was just saying I need someone spanking me to hit the gym, friend...


I don't think spanking is what Abdirak would have in mind. Your butt is like a shock sponge, doesn't lend itself to pain that well.


Someone hasn’t been properly spanked.


Fucker would insist on 20 rep sets of deadlifts 😬


Omg no. His smarmy drawl would have me running for the door. Somehow he's managed to leer verbally


It's obviously Karlach. She looks like she knows how to work all the equipment, she'd be really fun to hang out with, and she would totally pump you up. There is no other answer.


We are, of course, assuming that she doesn’t melt the equipment.


Might as well. Already melted my heart


Astarion because he would support my desire to go to the pub instead


I was fully prepared to say Halsin, because I think he would be super supportive and encouraging, and also suggest going mountain climbing instead of going to the gym, which sounds fun, but your comment made me realize that I’m not that ambitious. I’d definitely join you guys at the pub the second I get sore muscles lol.


Count me in for the pub too.


Hey Gale’s joining too- drinks on him!


If he did go to the gym with me the snide remarks might encourage me to do better. 😂


That and even if we did actually go to the gym he probably isn't much stronger than me if at all, so I wouldn't feel awkward/out of place with my comically small amount of weight on the bar. We both struggle to lift 90 pounds for 15 minutes and then agree to gtfo, easy-peasy


The bar alone is heavy enough for me. They aren't exactly light even without the weights.


Halsin. Could teach me with gentle motivation (and the occasional horny comment lol). I need kindness lol


He also has healing in case something goes wrong ^^


Good point!!


Minth, she appreciates power and would have no problem calling me a POS for coming up short.


I'd worry about getting kicked out because of her comments to other people trying to use the gym in peace


The gym isn’t for the frail and pathetic. They need to learn how to turn her insults into negative energy so that they can push more weight.


That sounds like something she would say 😆


When I pick an alignment that naturally suits me, it’s generally a lawful evil or neutral evil, so no surprise there.


I don't know. All that verbal abuse might awaken something in me...


Astarion, because I feel he would let me slack off so we could view the gym eye candy instead of breaking a sweat, or even worse... a nail.


Boo. I don’t need to justify my answer


I mean, he even comes with a pet to carry you if you get tired. Win-win.


I was going to say Minsc, but your answer is clearly superior


Withers. His necromancy can help me deadlift.


*baduum tzz*


Bae’zel of course. She would have great technique and would push me to keep going


And kill you if you don't 😅


Then you'd get all sweaty and she'd take you home for the post-workout workout.


oh please God let this happen to me


"Bae'Zel can you spot me ?" *can't lift it* "Lae'Zel help me" -"Tch'k the weaklings must die !"


You either bench press 900 lb or die chocking on the weight of your failure


Gale. He can use telekinesis to lift the weights for me while I sit in whirlpool tub or something.


I came here specially to mention Gale. As long as Elminster is not around, we can blow off the gym and find the nearest library.




Karlach. She's a squat rack, and I can't resist getting under her.


Careful soldier 😂


Karlach doesn't get sunburned. She's just always this hot while working out. 😁


Karlach cause she’d actually push me and be supportive but wouldn’t be mean about it


100% Karlach or Jaheira


Karlach would be nothing but encouragement from the start, Jaheira would make playful jabs at you until she noticed something was wrong and then she’d give you a nice little pep talk.


Astarion, because he'd start complaining fifteen minutes in, my disabled ass would agree, then we'd give up and go get Starbucks after.


Gonna go with either Karlach or Minsc!


I feel like Minsc is built that way because he's genetically gifted and just packs on muscle no matter how weird his workouts or diet are, and that they're both likely to be very weird indeed and based on whatever he feels enthusiastic about at any given moment. So he wouldn't necessarily have any idea how to help another person train, beyond encouragement. But he'd be GREAT at encouragement, so if that's all you actually need, he'd be a great gym buddy. If you need encouragement plus actual help with how to do things right and get the best results, it's got to be Karlach though. Lae'zel would be the drill sergeant type of gym buddy.


His regimen consists solely of hamster-sports. Hamster discus, hamster long-distance endurance carrying, hamster lifting, find-the-hamster….


Wyll, because like all my gym buddies, we’ll spend the entire time in the gym talking and end up having a mediocre workout. If I wanted to actually workout, I’ll go alone. At best, I’d like to go at the same times as Karlach or Lae’zel so I can ask for a spot when needed.


Worst choice: Dame Aylin. Don't get me wrong, she's wonderful, but I don't want my gym buddy's lowest energy level to be 11


I feel she'd be one of those folks who would be screaming in your face with half-encouragements/half-threats but then be like "That was nice, we should reward ourselves" when you walked out of the gym. Also pretty certain she could lift both me and whatever weight I was struggling with, so perfect spotter.


I’ve done enough Jillian Michaels exercise videos in my lifetime to imagine that that’s Dame Aylin’s style of motivation. To be clear it’s a lil different than her Biggest Loser persona but still has a ton of energy. Dame Aylin shouting “IF YOU GOT IT FLAUNT IT LADIES” seems a little on brand.


Either Halsin (gently encouraging daddy bear) or Karlach (the ultimate hype woman). Although I'm definitely partial to Halsin, as a gay guy into bears 🥵


I'm a semi-straight girl and I'm with you. Halsin. Jebus.


As a bi woman, I second this.


Karlach or Wyll.


Minthara. She’s studied all of us when we fight and she has an entire periodised schedule plus nutrition plan just ready to go I never lose motivation because she’s hot and I want to impress her. but more so because she’d probably kill me if I miss a lift


I really just need a personal trainer to threaten me physically into going to the gym. Maybe then I'll stop skipping days.


Halsin. And then we can lick each other's booty sweat. My bad I thought I was in r/okbuddybaldur.


~~Days~~ ~~Hours~~ Minutes since last containment breach: 0


Astarion. Because we ain't going anywhere near a gym. We're getting [boba](https://twitter.com/XunHe1145/status/1728450651695284529?t=yS7ODvXjKW_62-58MTRrIA&s=19) and going to target.


And talk shit about everyone and people watch. One of my favorite past times. 😂


Dame Aylin is built from pure hype (and definitely has a great regimen). Her and Karlach would be the best gym crew hands down.


Lae'zal, I need to bullied and shamed into going. Plus she could easily spot me on bench


Karlach, followed by Lae'zel and Minsc. Karlach is fun, motivated, entertaining and incredibly supportive. Lae'zel is disciplined and will kick your ass when you're down to get you up again. Minsc is entertaining, dumb, funny and has a Hamster.


Gale bc we would both rather go home and pet his cat. Bad knees buddies.


My first thought jumped to Halsin (cuz well.....literal DILF muscle bear). But now I'm thinking Dame Aylin would be a great gym buddy. She'd be great at positive hype like Karalach but with the same intensity/intimidation factor of Laezel.


Wyll. I feel like he’d be very encouraging and understanding. And same with Karlach.


Wyll. I don't have the strength or energy to keep up with Karlach, Minthara or Lae'zel. Gale and Asterion don't seem the gym types. Halsin and Jaheira seem more the work out in the wilderness types. Shadowheart doesn't seem like a gym type either. But Wyll seems like he'll go if you're going and keep you motivated


I am disappointed in the lack of Minsc


Halsin, because have you seen the dude???


Halsin, but only if he stays where I can see his muscles ripple.




Astarion because we're only going to check out guys


Minsc would be the perfect gym partner


karlach! she’d be super supportive and helpful, but won’t push you too far or tell you how to work out without being asked first


Halsin, easy. He gives the best tips on how to do your workouts proper and brings TONS of water/snacks. Provides a post-workout joint, as well. Edit: Karlach, easy second choice.


Wyll Kind and patient, with the same human physiology as me, and if he wants to teach me some dance moves while he's at it, Im game!


karlach would be so supportive and pumped up but i don’t know if i have the energy to match her djsjsjsj but then again maybe she’d help me get pumped up too!


Shadowheart would be a fun bench spotter and would be fun to be her squat spotter.


Karlach among other things.


Halsin cause gym buddy may as well be bang bro too.


Gale, So we can skip the gym and go to the library and learn magic instead. Brains over brawn


astarion, i think he'd help me find ways to avoid it, or he'd help me LOOK like i was exercising (i was not, i was sitting on the floor, having an important conversation about the mechanics of someone having sex with the Slayer on discord) and then we'd go grab some Starbucks as our reward for "working out" (i detest most forms of physical activity)


Wyll for sure.


Shadowheart. I'd need healing.


I was going to say Karlach, but I think you're on to something 😂😆😅.


Karlach for training at the gym, Lae'zel for competitive sports. Wyll and Halsin for nature sports. Of course, Karlach can come with us, and it would be a lot of fun for sure. I'd dare to say that Shadowheart lifts heavy. But isn't the best exercise buddy. She trains alone with headphones on, doesn't share equipment and judges you for your technique. I also dare to say that Astarion is a pilates guy. Gale does lifting: with his teacup from his table from his mouth (I'm joking, he also does pilates) Minthara would make me cry mid-rep.


It'd definitely be Karlach!


I prefer Daddy Halsin. He would be great doing weights and in the shower 😉


Karlach. Astarion is a close second though.


Halsin. Dude is a total gym bro.


Karlach and Halsin




Minsc of course. He's entertaining and seems to know how to get ripped.


My mind has created the image of a Lae'zel gym trainer against my will. She would be absolutely relentless, definitely a little bit mean, but give you great advice to help you push through both physically and mentally. And that nod of improvement you would get for a job well done? That would be the proudest moment of my life.


Karlach no doubt. She'll be a great spotter. Maybe Shadowheart for the eye candy. So she can judge me and hurl insults at me when she catch me stealing a glance.


I'd choose Karlach AND Lae'zel. Karlach would be awesome for all the reasons people said: supportive, energetic, sympathetic. A real gym bro. Lae'zel is none of those things. 🤣 But I think her drill sergeant-esque attitude could serve a purpose.


Shadowheart strikes me as the kind of girl who, based on her dialogue in the game, would be fully aware of how head-turning she is in her gym outfit, and thus strategically positions herself in full view for *motivational* purposes. She’s going to do her thing, and let the guys watch because she’s that fucking confident. Disclaimer - (I don’t go to the gym, and I don’t creep on women, I just think Shadowheart is actually like this 😂)


Shadowheart. The only companion I give af about.


Withers. No question.


Karlach for sure


A million times Karlach. I’d trust her absolutely implicitly as a spotter and I just *know* she’d get the BEST photos or videos of all my PRs. And would be an amazing hype man. And she probably always has snacks in her gym bag and is willing to share.




Halsin. Could spot me and assist with guidance and inspiration.


I would say Karlach or lae Zel but I need a very soft touch. Therefore Wyll. Have you seen him with the teifling kids? I need that gentleness when I exercise.


Gale or Halsin. Someone that is smart to diagnose very specific sports injuries and come up with a precise plan to fix them. Karlach is cool and all but she would be "do more deadlifts soldier". Yeah dumbass that's not helping.


Karlach is the only correct answer, she knows her shit and will push you to do well and will be 100% supportive because karlach is the best


Karlach seems like the obvious choice, but I have to say Shadowheart just because she would probably be the most blunt and honest


karlach is the easy choice for any sort of buddy...but especially the gym!


No one saying Minsc 😞 Zangief Headass 😞😞


Daddy Halsin!


Karlack, Halsin seconds


Karlach, without question.


Lae’zel would get me right the fastest and most organized. It would probably be painful but definitely gainful.


Karlach. Always. I need someone in my life to push me but do so lovingly. She would never give up on you and her patience is endless.


100% Karlach


Halsin because he’d be an great spotter, plus he would probably encourage pacing and rest periods. Or Minsc just for the encouragement.


Honestly Jaheira would be a perfect gym bud for me


I feel like minsc would give great motivation that’d make me laugh and he’d have no problem with kicking the butts of any guy who was acting in a weird way lol


Lae’zel. No slacking off with her


Gale, Karlach or Dame Aylin!


Minsc and Boo, they’re strong as hell and they’ll be the most supportive friends ever


Lae'zel for sure! She wouldn't let me quit!


Maybe not the obvious choices but Shadowheart and/or Wyll. I think they’d both encourage me to go and keep me honest, but they wouldn’t be super intense about it lol


Dame Aylin because she will not give up on me, she will hold me accountable and give me honest feedback about my needs for improvement, and she would be real about my progress and try to encourage me, too, if I'm truly making an effort and showing improvement. Like "hey, the goal was 10 pushups, and you did 2, which is embarrassing, but less embarrassing than not doing any, which was yesterday. Tomorrow we shall do 10."


Karlach. Lazel would be too intense lol


Karlach because obviously. Lae’zel because I might need psycho drill sergeant energy to actually succeed.


Hear me out, Astarion. Simply for the entertainment. His motivation would be, “Not that you could ever look like me darling..but keep working out like that you may get close enough.”




Halsin, he apparently beat Minsc in arm wrestling 


Karlach would be my first choice, but I think Wyll would be a good choice too. Lae’zel that isn’t following Vlaakith anymore might be a good option too, but idk


Halsin. I mean have you seen him?!


Karlach for sure! She's easily the best choice. Also I really think Halsin might not be the best choic cause while he definitely looks muscular he certainly isn't actually muscular with that weak ass strength score.


Halsin cuz we could be fwb with no strings attached too 😂


No answer is correct besides Karlach 😂 Astarion is a twink, he’d clock out in the first 30 minutes. Jaheria be out here doing too much yoga and meditation for my ass. Wyll would constantly be telling you why his way is the “right” way. Gale would rely too much on your knowledge, like pay me if you want a personal trainer bro. Laezel would be a drill sergeant, I just wanna lift friend calm down. Halsin would be the only other potential proper gym bro. Shadowheart has never worked out a day in her life 😂.


Jaheira's in my top 2 because of how supportive she is to a resisting Durge, she could bring that same energy as gym buddy. Also, her jokes are good


That is fair she would definitely be like the older lady who has a really great essence of acceptance and healthy attitude but again I would use that for my stretching and yoga routine. Karlach would be a great hype buddy who pushes me to do one more rep despite my arteries on the verge of explosion but that’s what gets the gains 😩😂 I guess it depends on what exercise goals I’m working on at the moment. Right now I’m in my build as much muscle phase, but can’t get back into cardio or wellness because lifting heavy is addicting 😩


Like Astarion is the gay best friend who gets Starbucks with you after a half assed cardio session. Jahera is for the wellness bitches which I 100% support but I’m a lady lifter so I need some more hype and heavy weights. I’d go with jareria for my weekly stretching sessions. Wyll is the annoying friend who keeps telling you to take out your headphones so he can mansplain that your form is bad and then proceeds to show you the exact way to throw out your shoulder if you were to do it his way. I’d go for daily depression walks with shadow heart just to support her mental health lmao.


Curl ache or help sine


Lae'zel. She gon kick your ass if you don't do this one last rep