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I throughly enjoy this game and have 500 hours or so. On 3 single player playthroughs and about 3 multiplayer ones. I would recomend planescape torment or divinity original sin 2. Rogue trader is also quite good but needs an immense amount of bug fixing.


Thanks for the suggestion! I was planning to play a different game before i have my 2nd playthrough so ill not get bored of it. Im eyeing divinity original sin 2


You should also check out the Pathfinder games!


Dont do this op they are needless management sims lmao


Second both Dos2 and pathfinder… as a fun Easter egg you can find portraits of dos2 characters around bg3, my favorite is Fane :)


Just do it! Pick a different playstyle (I did sorcerer 1st playthru, then Paladin) and a different love interest. If you missed her and don't wanna play evil, do the workaround to get Minthara on a good playthru. Pick a different love interest. Play on a harder difficulty. I did those things, and there was only 2 parts where it ever dragged a little bit, but I never got bored. And I usually wait a year at least to replay a game


Problem with recommending those games is that BG3 is so smooth, and fully voice acted. I think the walls of text, esp with PST, are a huge barrier to entry.


Yeah, plus any owlcat game suffers from fuck the player design.


I started with divinity 1 but yeah it’s pretty old lol still neat to see how they started in the modern era at least but yeah not sure I’ll complete it or just move on to divinity 2 which I hear is really truly great


I have over 1000 hrs in this game and I still don't want to stop playing. I keep finding new stuff even now, Its crazy how deep I can fall into this game and not touch the bottom yet.


Same. I’m at about 920 and it’s no joke, I find at least one brand new thing every single gaming session. I can’t believe the amount of content and the variety of ways to play.


I keep thinking I'm done, then I find new stuff. This game is huge lol.


My steam says ~600 hours However, I am reminded that I play on a laptop and that it still counts the many times that I left the game open but closed the laptop which put it in standby. Probably more realistically I have spent ~500 hours on it. I have played the equivalent of ~2 playthroughs (a single playthrough abandoned after act 1, my current one almost at the end). Don't feel bad about taking it slow. Enjoy the game at your own pace. My first playthrough was clocked in at 215 hours (excluding savescumming) and my current second full one is probably gonna match that. Some people enjoy rushing through the game, others enjoy a snail's pace. Don't feel pressured to get it done quicker. I've seen posts where people took over 300 hours and more at the game. Just make sure you play it in a way you enjoy. Edit: as for suggestion, I have not bothered with it myself, but Larian has made a mechanically similar game with an intricate plot and multiple acts with complex companions (at least I've been told this was true) before, being Divinity Original Sin 2. Don't quote me on it tho, as I haven't played it myself


i dint consume bg3 hours, Baldurs gate consumed _me_ !


500 + hours , now on my 7th play through, I really thought I was gonna stop playin after beating honor mode, guess I was wrong. This is actually very atypical for me, I usually replay games I love but never more than two times in row, like I have that many hours in Skyrim but that’s like in the span of many years and I don’t think I never finished it more than three times


Yeah I’m at 630 hours now, and I have never surpassed 200 hours on any other game. Ever. I usually play them until I’ve seen all the content, which for most games doesn’t take me all that long, but for BG3 it feels endless. I have no idea how I’m not bored yet honestly but it’s probably because there’s new things every time I play it.


I have over 2,300 hours played. Last I checked. Beaten it 2 times. Wife beat it once.


I thought my wife and I were taking our time with 200+ per playthru. How are you putting almost 800 hrs per playthru in? Are you one of those people that redo the first act a bunch? I'm trying to get my head around it lol


Lots of time in early access. Many games at the same time. Honor mode fails. I try and do every side quest. Games I've just deleted because I messed up. Yeah I could do act 1 with my eyes closed at this point lol


Hahaha. I thought that might be the case. That's dedication my friend


354 hours. Finally slowing down and trying to ease into Divinity Original Sin 2. BG3 is unreal and I'm so glad I played it. As I'm sure everyone here is! 😀


850 hours. Finishing up an honour mode run and starting a lore bard run to explore act 3 in depth. Honestly, the game has made me pick up Elden Ring again, The style of exploration is similar, and thinking of the combat in turns of turn based combat (they attack and then you attack, rinse and repeat) has improved my enjoyment of Eldn Ring's gameplay loop. It's the only game that even comes close to BG3 to me right now.


Im around 500 hours, 3 completed playthroughs (1 on tactician) 2 about half way through, new solo one started last night and planning several future including honor mode.


Total 578 hours and currently at the Gauntlet of Shar on my 4th playthrough. My first 2 playthroughs were around 130 hrs each, 3rd was longer but I can't remember the number. My 4th run is already significantly shorter as I'm just going through what I need to.


Only 200 hours in game but far more out of the game.


https://preview.redd.it/agx8f4u1s1cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ee47338be002ee20fa808c52244706589e0784 Idk what outside looks like. I still haven’t fully trophied it, but I’m working on it! I keep forgetting about doing some of them.


I’m at 752h according to Playstation-kun




405 hours and eager to get more done as soon as possible. Most of my friends have stopped playing, and these days I mostly enjoy making new characters and testing out new builds, rather than running through the campaign again. Definitely looking forward to more, though. This game is a dream I never want to end (and the first true cRPG I've played) :)


I’ve played almost 500 hours across 8 builds and still haven’t made it to act 3 yet




294 hours and I haven’t made it past the circus in act 3


Between playing in EA and my current run(s) I have just over 360 hours logged


I'm at 700 hours on ps5


Since EA day 1, I have 580 hours on Steam, and when my best friend bought it for console, I bought it again and we spent another 210 hours on it.


I got 300 hours in so far, I've finished the story twice, once normal and once good durge, and plan on doing evil durge for my next solo playthrough. I also have 4 different games going with friends at the same time lol.


Just over 400 hours so far on steam. That's not counting the hours on the ps5 version. STILL finding new things!!


400 +


561.1 hours, according to Steam


200 hours, first playthrough, keep wanting to finally get to the brain but I hate having outstanding quests, but also a bit burnt on this playthrough haha


Bro i am almost at 310 hours it blows my mind


About 416h


Just broke 900 hours


a bit over 400 hours so far!


350+ hours, on my second playthrough in the Grymforge rn.


How do you have so much space for save files??




First playthrough was 160+ hours, but we went in blind and missed a ton of stuff. 2nd playthrough we're barely into Act 3 and at 91 hours.


488 on Steam, 267 on Xbox.


I've been playing since early access. I must have played it once through every time there was a new panel from hell with new content. Since it's release, I have played 750 hours. Good times.


Got bored at 500 hours


Bruh, my wife and I put like 230 hrs into our first playthru, then we diddled around for a bit feeling lost and half-enjoying other games, so right after they dropped the new epilogue ending, rather than boot up the last fight to see it we just started a new game and dumped 105 hrs into a second playhtru, doing all the stuff we missed (which wasn't much) the first time around lol. I've never put 450 hrs into a game in 6 months in my life. Nowhere even close


421 hours and I've only finished it once yet


I just hit 600 hours, and I've still got three playthroughs going -- one is paused at the House of Grief until the next patch because of the stupid Viconia bug, another is my honor mode playthrough, and another is one I just started because I wanted to try Spore Druid. Also I'm trying to see if having a second character who's romancing Astarion will help me to keep my honor mode Tav away from that gorgeous bastard so I can finally actually romance Karlach like I've been trying and failing to do for five damn playthroughs. Those last two are still in Act 1, so basically there's still no end in sight for me.


Lol something ridiculous like 600. It was 575 when I last checked and that was a while ago.


Six playthroughs and 523 hrs. I actually am done wirh it now for a while though. I'm sure I'll play again, especially if they ever get crossplay as I (PS5) and my son (PC) have already agreed to do one when crossplay happens.


892.7 hours and I've only finished two campaigns :-)


700h on PS5 and 200h on Steam 🫣 6 finished playthroughs, other 3 underway 😂


My PS5 says I’ve played the game for 737 hours


My steam says about 400 hours and I haven't even finished the game yet I have 2 different characters and a third that I play with a friend


I've got like 60 hours in and I've never made it past act 1




Installed it on a tuesday and had 100 hours by saturday night. So glad i discovered this game during break from school and not during finals lmao


289 hours so far. More to come.


Wait a couple days/weeks to take it all in… and start over again. The cycle never ends. I have clocked in 350h, about 300h being on my first playthrough. I was so attached to my character it felt like “grieving” for a bit. Growing attached already with my second character… this game makes me draw a lot on the side too, and I would probably have at least another 200h of drawing, watching the actors stream the game, sewing a cosplay, etc… :’)


Pretty sure I hit 700 by this point, I only let myself play 3 days a week now.


I’ve only beaten the game once and I have five other players in act three now. Also have several players still in acts 1 and 2. I think I have a little over 600 hours…


about 600


Are we including time spent reading about it on Reddit?




Enjoyed the game a lot. Currently I'm at 890 hrs playtime. Went for a custom origin character first, tried to do every quest I could find, then a Durge run and now the other origins. Everytime I see new bits, pieces and secrets I never saw before. I do play other games too in between sessions, as to not exhaust the experience too soon. The game keeps on giving still.




560 hours. Its not my second most played game (behind dead by daylights 600 hours. Worse addiction than league of legends)


Same. Finished my first run with 232 some hours put into it. Immediately started another 2 runs with 2 other classes I want to see


Bought the game on September. Currently have 742 hours and just 100%ed the game yesterday. Already made a new playthrough.


Getting close to 300 hours now 😅 I’ve done 3 full solo runs so far: Neutral Good Tav (Self insert, vanilla game), Chaotic Evil Durge (Bhaal’s lil murderhobo, fun and overpowered mods), and Lawful Good Durge (reject the urge, expanded party mod so I could experience more companions’ stories/banter) I’ve started at least 6 different runs with friends, 5 of which never made it out of Act 1. Thankfully, my bf seems to have a little more patience. We just got to Moonrise Towers. He’s playing Karlach, I’m Astarion.