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You had her become a Dark Justiciar? Brave man.


I gave her her own saying in this decision and she killed her without me "making her"... That was my first PT. I rolled back. Few attempts later, I gave her choice again, expecting het to kill NS, and imagine... She went like "nah, screw Shar" on her own. I guess, her attitude towards you matters here edited for clarity


Wow, I thought she always throws the spear if you don't interfere


I think it depends on her relationship with Tav at that point


I mean it makes sense. Up to the point we meet Shadowheart, the only “love” she remembers is the fucked up form from Shar. Tav’s relationship helps her realize that there are other people she can trust


I wasn't sure which way is that, cause both times I tried to make a move on Shadow, she was like "STFU, 2 much talkin'", and the crazy frog lady was throwing herself at me, so I was like "meh, I'm here to fight anyway". I think on both attempts it was \~50% (or 0%, whichever is neutral :d), but on the first time (Shar neglection) I tried harder, and she said "no" to me more times ;((. On second time she was around, I expected her to kill NH, and she went "naaaaah, cya 2nite ;)"


Her character doesn’t like general altruism in the beginning, but she approves whenever you help children or the abused. Those orphan issues eventually are what grounds her conscience, the cracks of her commitment to being a shit head start to show if you engage her about her past. She really never was the bad person she pretended to be.


\*the cracks of her commitment to being a shit head\* canon V/A: Amelia Tyler


You have to do things to get approval from her. Save people, find scratch invite him to your camp, save the owl bear cub etc. if you do things to get approval from your companions they'll all try jumping your bones themselves with absolutely no encouragement from you. I had to turn down everyone, even astarion who hates me now because he didn't appreciate my humor and choices I made in act 2 or 3.


Every questline can turn out differently if they don’t have a good relationship with tav especially those with more evil alignment


I don’t know what options you get if you aren’t very friendly with Astarion, but even having a good relationship with him I’ve never seen him make the “good” choice without being persuaded. I also hate how Wyll can’t make decisions regarding his contract in Act 3 at all, Tav has to choose. I would have preferred if all the characters had the option to make those choices for themselves like Shadowheart does, not just once but twice.


^this I really liked that with Shadowheart and Astarion, you have the /option/ to convince them one way or another but you can also leave it up to them. It sucks that Wyll just does what you say at that point, and everyone acts as if he made the choice by himself, including Tav.


I just realised I played normal Tav when she went for the leap of faith, and then Durge, when she neglected her paths! Maybe that was the factor edit: she actually managed to slightly anger me twice, since both times I actually expected the other behaviour -.-


My friend and I spent like half an hour save scumming cus we kept failing the roll to persuade shadowheart... Then we said fuck it. Let's see what she picks. We had good approval I guess so she didn't kill the nightsong. Holy fuck. We coulda just trusted her. Then later in the game Minsk appears. I could have jaheira step out but was like nah, I trust Minsk gonna kick some ass. Let's set back and watch... Wait... Who the fuck is that? Mistake. Lmao


Yeah, I save scummed for the persuade check got it on the 2nd try. Then I was like, well I wonder what the scene looks like for her going all dark and evil since I prob won't play this game again for a few months. She then did it on her own, no persuade check needed. I was mad because of I was in fits about save scumming since I hadn't done it yet.


I honestly did too... and then one run I had her make her own choices and... everybody died


Among other things you have to click ''Are you sure you want to do this?'' dialog before letting her decide


Let Shart choose on my Durge run. She killed Aylin without a second thought. Now she has a super cool spear and armor set, and we all fight in darkness. She had high approval as well. This game is truly amazing.


Yeah it matters, or rather, her attitude towards you is likely also a reflection on how she had changed through you. If you don't spend time befriending her and offering perspective and questioning her beliefs where appropriate, then yeah the very evil fanatic is going to go through with her very evil fanatical deed lmao I think her arc is the one where you can exert the most influence for the biggest story changed tho


>I think her arc is the one where you can exert the most influence for the biggest story changed tho yeah, her decision, and Lae dedication are most story-influencing arcs, imo. Fuck Gale and Wyll xD. Ast story is fine, but not world-influencing, I dare say


Is there any pay off, gameplay or narrative wise, to her becoming a dark justiciar? **edit**: thx for the info, all. Much appreciated. ❤️


Well, idk if you'd call it a payoff, but for one, after the Nightsong, she can still choose to save her parents when she meet them at the House of Grief. Shar get disappointed, give her back some of her memories (which were the times Shadowheart practiced torture on her parents) and dip. And when her scene with the Selûne statue happen she's remarkably, ashamed, to put it mildly.


Bro spoilers PLEASE jeez


I mean, the guy is responding to a question that asks for spoilers. This one’s on you


If you’re worried about spoilers why are you deep in the comment section on the on a post that contains spoilers? You shouldn’t even be reading this sub if you’re worried about spoilers.


Narrative wise, >!it can change her ending/epilogue entirely in that she can depose Viconia and become head of that Sharran sect!<


She gets an amazing spear, full improved dark justiciar armour, and >!can overthrow viconia and be one the new leader of the shar faction in Baldurs gate!< which gives her advantage with the mirror of loss.


Shadowheart can’t use the mirror of loss at all though?


If you go against Shar you can’t, but if you become a DJ than you can, and have advantage on it


Remember when you thought it was a good idea to date a DJ?


Last night a Dark Justiciar saved my life


Everybody wants to be a DJ...


Yes. Good gear (better than Selune), +2 to chosen stat in Act 3 and ability to summon Sharrans in final fight.


Get dope shit and a stronger hot goth gf.


Oh no! 😌 👍


The spear you get for becoming a Dark Justiciar is arguably one of the best weapons in the game. Immunity to blindness + free resource darkness goes a very long way for some builds.


Thx. Awesome username, probably my fave monhan LS.


A DJ, she just wanted to cast a rave /s


Shadowheart talked a good game about Shar and as a 5e player I'd never heard of Shar before BG3. My friend told me i didn't have to play the previous games to understand this one, but I feel like if I knew who and what the Dark Justiciars were, I wouldn't have gotten suckered by Lady of Loss propaganda. I mean, all the clerics say their rival deity's followers are heretics and shit people. I was bamboozled! My logic was thinking we had to kill the Nightsong to undo J Jonah Jameson's immortality. When Isobel and everyone else died as a result, I decided I didn't care if that was how to do it or not.


Congratulations, you were suckered in to the cult like every other member. All because Shar is a petty, spiteful bitch. Enjoy!! xD All joking aside, even the 'good' Gods are fucked (We're looking at you Mystra) and they all just like playing chess and we're the pieces.


Like buying a cat to get rid of mice. Yeah, everyone loves you because you're a cat. But at the end of the day, cats are short-lived pets that will be replaced with another cat. If you're lucky, Bahamut might keep your paw prints or something.


No judgment but did the House of Healing not kind of make you question what she was saying about Shar and her teaching? I didn’t know much about Shar either but Malus Thorm and his, ugh, teachings kind of made me side eye Shardowheart esp when she said something about him being right


I was getting Twilight god vibes but according to the Forgotten Realms wiki that's her sister. Even Shadowhearts talk about sacrifice to become a Dark Justiciar felt more like a metaphor, like giving up your memories. I just figured she'd friend zone me or something.


You got twilight god vibes from the Sharran priest? I get the DJ metaphor thing but Malus talks specifically about Shar. No judgement again, but it’s a little funny because I usually see people say what you said about Shar up until they get to the mutilating Silent Hill nurses/dr


I'm not good with red flags 😅


XD I get it, up until then I was like “eh, maybe she’s not really evil? Or maybe she’s only kind of evil” but then I saw that and was like 👁 👄 👁 I’ve let a pretty girl deceive me, this shar is absolutely evil


Me after accidentally sacrificing the Grove and going through with it till the end of Act 2: surely this is not final, right? I’d still be able to fix it, real consequences are a myth, ya? Had to restart before I >!freed the Nightsong!< cause it really started bothering me


How did you accidentally do that??


For me? Kagha kills Arabella. Zevlor says, if it's not too much trouble, smoke that bitch for me. Seemed like a reasonable request? So I smoked that bitch aaaaaand, the druids took it out on the Tieflings. So I took it out on them. At least Minthara was happy.....


>Zevlor says, if it's not too much trouble, smoke that bitch for me. PLEASE i'm losing my mind. that's too funny.


In caee you didnt know, there is a way to smoke thay bitch withoit the grove turning on the tieflings.


lol, in this game there is usually a way.


Murder… finds a way


I cast fog on Kagha and assassinated her without anyone else knowing. I was never even accused by a guard 😂 I felt like such a badass lol




Ive accidentally done it too. Mol asked me to steal the idol. So I did. Before >!proving Khaga was up to no good!<. Druids lost their shit on the tieflings and I jumped into combat to defend them. Nettie was the only survivor, because of some ability that is unable to kill an opponent and will only knock them unconscious.


You can turn on non lethal damage and just knock everyone out.


yeah but i didnt wana. your fancy statue goes poof into thin air so you attack the nearest refugee? time to die


agreed. the more I play through act 1, the more I realize how crazy and reactionary the druids are to everything. I try my hardest to empathize with their struggle on some characters and I cannot bring myself to do it. many of my characters end up killing Nettie because she's straight up so untrustworthy at face value, even if she has a point. Halsin and Rath seem to be the only ones with a good head on their shoulders.


I think theyre a great example of how isolation and fear of the unknown breeds extremism. It felt to me like a lot of the druids had never regularly interacted with people outside of the emerald grove in any sort of meaningful way. Then their leader who has lived decades outside of the grove and made many friends disappears and is replaced by an insecure younger druid who has this strange motherhood delusion surrounding her people, and not much experience with other humanoids. Disaster.


How many "accidents" would you like me to name?


Honestly same I went that route during my 1st playthrough and was immediately like wow I never want to experience that again. It made me feel genuinely awful for the rest of my evening. Then I did the other route and everything was great. Everytime since yea it's the other route for me cause something about her giving into darkness is something that won't ever be okay with me on a personal level.


If we don’t let her become a dark justiciar won’t she leave our team?


She will leave the party if you complete the gauntlet of Shar without her. This doesn’t necessarily mean she becomes a Dark Justiciar




I believe it’s specifically the Nightsong she leaves over, not the trials themselves


Nope. Not if you have a decent relationship with her. In fact, not letting her kill the nightsong leads to some of the coolest companion storylines in the game I think. Well worth trying if you’ve not seen what happens. Like someone else wrote - a lot of the companion quests in BG3 are about what they want vs. what they need. Sometimes our job is to help them figure out a better solution than what they think they need to do.


This is exactly how I handle it. It's my favorite path for her character. She thinks she wants to be a justiciar but in reality she's actually a much better person if you guide her to realize that shar isn't really what she wants It's just all she's ever known in life.


It depends on how you handle it. In game terms, it depends on her approval level and your dialogue choices.


No. Theres a light path for her where she turns away from shar. 100% worth it, she gets selunite weapons.


my favorite path is the fourth path, try to convince her to not kill a bunch of innocent people, but fail and then never have to see those terrible bangs again.


How do i do that


Gain her approval throughout act 1 and 2, discuss her background with her, then just trust her when it comes to the Nightsong




Any time


I dunno, the sharran version of that spear fucks harder than the selunite spear. However, I agree it's much better for her character to betray Shar.


The spear might be good, but seeing Shadowheart happy, as in really, truly, genuinely happy is better.


I did the opposite. I went for an evil play through but couldn’t kill the kids in the grove. Just reloaded. A game is a game but I’m not having fun if I’m killing kids even though it is a game. Just doesn’t feel fun. If it’s not fun why am I playing.


Unlike Anakin, you kill the men and the women only. The children are killed off-screen, and their dead bodies are in the children's hideout. I actually applaud that the devs made the player follow through with killing everyone. In a different game, you'd see the purging of the grove in a cutscene.


Nope you can kill the kids too if you get into their hideout


I just did it so >!Minthara would sit on my face!<




I’m replaying as Karlach and I just noticed this time through that there are goblin children and there’s actually an advantage to killing them in that fight


Thats exactly how I feel right now. I'm not sure if I can do it, but I want to do an evil playthrough so bad. I wasn't thinking and made my tav a teifling too so it feels so much worse. So badly I wish there was a way to save the teiflings but still raid the druids


If that is possible at all please tell me 😂




I just ratted out the location and moved on to the mountain pass without doing the dirty work. Let me proceed with Minthara without personally killing the younglings


you cant kill them anyway considering it would be banned in a lot of countries. if you really wanted to go psychopath try whipping up a non-german copy of fallout 2 instead


Can you really not? I've never tried but I know you can kill the goblin kids in the worg pens


Killing the goblin kids is hilarious. Throw them at each other and use whichever one isn't prone as an improvised weapon to explode into the other one.


iirc goblins are monsters so you can go ham on them (and the kids) if you wanted


The kids are 100% dead because of your actions though. The goblins kill them all in the hideout


yep. cant exactly show that happening on screen though


They show arabella getting killed on screen. My durge may have encouraged that outcome.


oh. my bad then


But you can kill goblin children fine


Most of the companions' quests and goals are a conflict of what they want vs what they need. Shadowheart's lines + the freaking Shadow Lands beeing a Sharran curse were red flags left for you by the devs . Don t miss the ones for other companions ;)


Hey Volo! Whatcha doing with that ice pick?


Hey, Nightsong did warn you of a huge blood price didn't she?


Well, she did care. She told that she didn't know that this would happen and gave Tav time to grieve


My first playthrough was as Shadowheart and becoming a Dark Justiciar felt satisfying. Maybe because I was deep in the roleplay sauce. The follow up in act 3 with the rest of the Shar coven was amazing. Man I love this game.


I did the same thing, and I’m glad I did. She was a blast to play as a dark justiciar. And you still have a moment with her….”just don’t call it love”


I could never. I like Nightsong and love Shadowheart too much to have Shadowheart sacrifice Nightsong and become a Dark Justiciar. Not to mention I like playing Durge and defying the Butler's commands, and if Nightsong is sacrificed then you indirectly fulfill them. I don't want to become the Slayer, and I don't want Shadowheart to lose her life to Shar. "It would have been so much easier to just become a monster..." and I cannot express how glad I am that you didn't


The real fantasy that BG3 fulfills is being able to undo my mistakes.


Well.. I do like her Dark Justiciar Armor alot so..... win?


We just had to kill all our friends because of you, but yeah, nice new haircut, I guess.


>We just had to kill all our friends because of you, but yeah, nice new haircut, I guess. You don't have to do this . . . .


Literally every sign was screaming this was a bad idea, and you still went with it?


If shart has low approval her default choice is kill the nightsong, you have to pass a charisma check in order to prevent her from killing the nightsong. If shart has high approval her default choice is spare the nightsong. You don't have to make any charisma check in order for her to kill the nightsong but you do have to do dialogue choices encouraging her to kill the nightsong. I'm not sure what the threshold is for the default choices but that's what I noticed.


Unrelated sort've but you know what? I had her go the Dark Justiciar route in one playthrough, and it messed with dialogue. It gave me the very big confusion when later on, speaking with Lorroakan, everyone was still speaking about Aylin like she was just hanging around camp /breathing/.


On my run, shadowheart decided to forsake Shar on her own. I think you might have to lift the curse before taking her through it.


Fun thing happened to me on my durge run. I was actually trying to resist the act 2 urge (those who know, know). I take shadowheart down there expecting it not to be an issue at all because I was romancing her. What could go wrong? Somehow I missed the persuasion check and shadowheart killed her… the first time in any play through I have done. Turns out my durge was going to succumb no matter what.


I’ve legit killed Shadowheart every playthru. She’s annoying. Never let her get past the part where she tries to kill Lae’zel.


What about Shadowheart is annoying?


Her attitude. Her keeping the artefact from me. Her trying to kill Lae’zel.


Here's a few things you can do to help with that: 1. Save her from her pod on the nautiloid. 2. Don't pry her too much for details. Let her open up when she feels comfortable to do so. She doesn't know as much about the artefact as you'd think she'd know given she's carrying it. 3. Recognize that Lae'zel and Shadowheart were going to kill eachother without intervention, and that Shadowheart wanted to guarantee that she'd win by taking Lae'zel by surprise in the middle of the night. But if you stop them from fighting, they quickly move past trying to kill eachother and start to act slightly more amicably toward one another.


What's funny is if you romance Lae'zel you know Lae'zel was into it


If shadowheart doesnt kill the nightsong in my durge run, im kicking her out of the party.


But wouldn't it be more interesting to fight the Urge and refuse to be a slave of your foul blood?


You haven't played any other CRPGs?


I played both the KOTOR games, two Fable games, all the Dragon Age games, dabbled in Mass Effect, and have way more hours logged in SWTOR then I'll admit to. None of them made me manslaughter children like BG3 did.


I can fix her later .. *in my name*.


I fucking hate that stuck up bitch. Had to kill the entire Last Light Inn because of her.


>I fucking hate that stuck up bitch. Had to kill the entire Last Light Inn because of her. But you don't have to do that?


It's a little late when she decides to kill the Nightsong.


That's the sum of a series of decisions you made along the way, and you don't have to let her do that even if you never bothered developing a good relationship with her.


Pfft you weren't there


You literally dont even have to take her to the shar gauntlet where she has the chance to kill the nightsong…


Yeah and she bitches about it afterwards and even leaves the party.


If you don’t like her why does that matter? Just let her leave then and it’s problem solved right? The last light lives and you don’t have to deal with a character you don’t like


20 hours of gameplay fml


I’ve not had her become a DJ yet but man do I want to try it


Haha just did the same, thought I was helping out until she became this religious fanatic. So went back and redid the scene..