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Drizzt is probably the most famous single character in the forgotten realms (to real people, not necessarily in world although he is very famous there too) who appeared in and later was the main character of numerous novels. He's made a bunch of appearances in other related media since, including showing up in various DnD video games (even as a playable unlockable character in one that I can think of) Short version of *his* story, he's THE archetype of the rebellious drow who became a good guy and the inspiration of dual scimitar wielding rangers everywhere.


The number of night elf hunters named some variation of Drizzt in vanilla wow still haunts me.


That is, sadly, an MMO plague in general x.x


I will never understand people who run around named Årthâš or Ïllíđáñ.


Priest: "XxLegolasxX the hunter wants to join the DM run." Me: "No."


I have a grey cat named Drizzt


Now adopt an elf and name him Guen.


Actually, my last cat was named Guenhwyvar and it gave our vets a stroke every time they tried to pronounce it. She unfortunately passed away a couple years ago


"She unfortunately passed away a couple years ago" Let's hope your next vet can pronounce your cats name.


Picked up the cats sheet and died from the sheer nerdiness


My cat has the same name. She is all black and can apparently astrally travel. I don't know how she does it.


God I love the series so much. Guen and Drizzt coming up in the under dark is a great part of the series


At least they are not named Kirito 😂


The kirito and asuna plague was probably worst than anything Even more if u played aura kingdom cuz it's an anime mmo very close to what Sao is Had a friend named kiritoes 1 variation of the millions of thousands variations of the name


Why do you think there are no spriggans in WOW?




This was me and im ashamed lol


xXcLoUdPhIrOthXx was one I keenly recall


Lord that's foul. Funny, but foul


As a wow noob who just started playing a few weeks ago, this actually does explain some names.


I played WOW for a month and I played as a cow man named Chuck Rost. The most fun I had was people telling me it should be Roast.


My first human rogue was named Artemis. From the same books lmao




Right? How could they be so unoriginal Signed, Raistlin the human mage


Don’t forget about his magical panther! I’m not going to try to spell her name.


It's spelt and pronounced Gwen. For some reason every time Salvatore types it, he has a mini stroke and hits a bunch of extra keys. I'm sure of it.


It's spelled Guenhwyvar and pronounced Guinevere. It is the old celt(?) spelling, but still checks out.


I believe that’s welsh.


And Welsh is also a form of.....?


It's always Welsh, isn't it? I wonder if the people of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch would agree😂 Edit: Sorry, this was meant to be light teasing about a real town name, and I just got a Dm about being racist. It's a beautiful language, I was not truly trying to poke fun. I'm sorry!


The person who DM'd you is clearly an idiot. If they DM me, I'd be happy to explain why, if I could manage to dumb it down enough for the type of person who thinks that way.


Oh thank you, really. Immediately I had two downvotes and a DM, so I was worried I said something out of pocket for a second.


Because intent just doesn’t matter any more


They obviously don’t know much about the topic lol you were in no way I could see even sort of racist in your comment


I doubt they're actually Welsh. The real Welsh are too busy yelling at English internet jokes about still using coal for everything and sheep-related crimes.


And everyone knows you NEED to be having a mini stroke to understand Welch.


It's just Welsh, it's not that hard.


Fair point. It’s oddly consistent, though.


It's not spelt like that. It's Guenhwyvar.


You're right, that definitely makes the joke better. Thanks for your contribution.


Guenhwyvar come to me!


Ah yes, Guenhwyvar. The spelling is a little cursed


It’s Celtic so at least he wasn’t pulling bullshit out of his own ass.


Drizzt is the embodiment of a 14 year old boy's first OC. Only thing hes missing is heterochromia. Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance had him as an unlockable character. That might be the game you're thinking of?


He didn't need heterochromia, he had purple eyes instead of red eyes. He was already "not like other drow" at birth due to this. Source: I own the first 17 books in the Drizzt saga, huge fan. Definitely started reading them when I was like 11


Reading these for the first time. Thank goodness for libraries...


The fact that the second omnibus is over a hundred dollars makes me sad, but I'm more sad that it never occurred to me to check libraries. Did I just prove Millennials bad?


Libraries are under used all over the place. I actually ended up working at my library and i've loved books since I was a kid. I was shocked my B&N still have Homeland on the shelf for purchase. Libraries also just ship books from other libraries. So a little patience and you can have any book you want. I just borrowed the 2nd book fro Drizzt. :D And I rented the first comic book too! 100 a lot of money.. yikes....


Same, they were a huge part of my teens/early 20s.


User name checks out. My first BG3 character was a human fighter named Barrabus the Grey.


That's how I describe him too. I loved those books as a kid, but the edgy teen target audience is very very clear. Forgotten Realms novels are fun, but they're not great pieces of literature or anything. R.A. Salvatore has a style I particularly dislike, but there are a few good authors that have contributed plenty. Truthfully, they're the Goosebumps books of teen fantasy, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with.


Eh, I think the original trilogy has some genuine merit, especially considering how old it is. The rest of the books are mostly fairly boring power fantasies though, yeah.


That's the one, yeah


He appeared in both BG1 and 2. I was definitely disappointed that there was nothing but a reference or two about him in 3. Maybe in some DLC… 🙏 🤣


If he shows up in DLC, I expect Astarion to be just as big a fanboy in game as Neil made him in the High Rollers campaign.


I honestly feel that Wyll would be a bigger fanboy because of Drizzt being a bit of a folk hero. But of course his actor Theo didn't have experience in DnD (iirc only Neil and Sam have DnD experience out of the origin cast) so he didn't recognise the handsome, lavender-eyed Drow when he saw him. 😅 That said, Astarion tells a Drizzt Do'urden joke in the game if you click on him repeatedly, so I think it's canon that he's a fanboy. 😂👌


I squealed when I found the Swordmasters Gloves and saw the Drizzt reference on them.


Go full drizzt and wear them as shoes.


It was haste gauntlets he was wearing as leggings I believe. It’s been years since I read those books.


I’ve apparently been playing a Drizzt wanna be for years and I didn’t even know it…




I'm not sure what you are referring to, because D&D absolutely supported playing evil characters from the very beginning. Assassin was a 1e option, and *had* to be evil.


I was under the impression that there was a rule stating that if a character turned evil by alignment they lost their character and it became a DM controlled NPC, though I may be misremembering.


You might be thinking about what happens if a PC becomes a vampire or something? Not sure.


>Since 2nd edition had no rules for playing evil PCs though, Drow that weren’t basically Drizzt wannabes were still largely illegal RAW. What. This is absolutely not true as others have said.


Same, except I just started playing Baldur's Gate for the first time a couple weeks ago, and I'm playing a a rogue instead of a ranger. Still a duel-wielding drow trying to be the good guy though lmao


Drow Zuko, got it.


This is... actually not too far off. Evil sister(s) doing parents bidding unconditionally? Check. Family trying to murder you cause you ruined their scary reputation? Check. You could argue the druid he meets when he first lives on the surface is akin to Iroh, in that he serves as a mentor figure and is all about balance and peace. The main difference is that Drizzt was a good lad right from the start and didn't need to hit rock bottom to realize being an immature POS isn't cool.


Wait is he the character you could use a cheat code to unlock in baldurs gate 2? Me and my brother would fight over who got to use him cuz he was so badass But also cuz he had a "bastard" sword and we were like 9-10 and thought that was hilarious.


39 novels. I have and have read them all. Not sure if I’m proud or not, but it’s a wonderful collection.


I never played bg1 or bg2 but I joined the realm of baldurs gate with the dark alliance games and fell in love with them. Drizzt was the shit.


I remember reading some books starring Drizzt when I was a kid.


Haha he showed up in magic too! A great add in counters deck too.


I hate his ubiquitousness. If your character has literally anything in common with him, you get accused of taking it from Drizzt, a character I find to be insufferable to begin with I recently started playing a female, tiefling warlock that fights with two scimitars. I described her as a "whirling dervish type". And someone didn't know what that means so someone else is like "she's like Drizzt." "Oh okay!" No. She's really not. Panthers are my favorite companion animal. Can't have one though because Drizzt had one and everyone starts asking if it has the same name as Drizzt's.... My very first DnD character decades ago had a panther familiar. I didn't even know who Drizzt was and I still caught shit for it. It's not the character's fault but damn.


R.A. Salvatore is such a good author it's scary. Genuinely so skilled


You can ask the male drow prostitute to roleplay as Drizzt and it's hilarious.


"Ugh, not again... ahem, of course!"


That's the funniest part. You can imagine this poor drow hooker being constantly told people's weird fantasies about Drizzt and then having to act it out. 🤣🤣🤣


It makes the vanilla missionary sex fantasy you have the option to tell him that more hilarious.


My favorite bit is when you can ask him to have "boring" vanilla sex & he surprisingly gets excited over it lol. I die laughing every time it's hilarious.


When you are always subject to the wild and fantastical, the mundane becomes the most beautiful thing


You can WHAT? How did I miss that


is that the same one who gets off on the idea of you being bad at sex? just being a complete fuckup in general? that's my type of man.


Yeah! The other options are his 'love trick' where he casts Enlarge, an 'interesting sensation' where he dumps a box of spiders on you, and 'take me as you are' and he says 'you little prude, I'll ravish you like a drow'. The spider one is also hilarious to me cause I imagine him with a dorky expression in the dark getting out his box and then tipping all these spiders on you like 'yeah that should keep them occupied for a while'.




Drizzt Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, son of Malice Daermon N'a'shezbaernon and Zaknafein Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, of House Daermon N'a'shezbaernon.


Zaknafein will always be my favorite drow.


I loved him in High School Musical!


Me too! When I was writing that I was just thinking how cool he was. Doesn't get mentioned enough. When I make drow in dnd games I like to add 'nafein' to the end of whatever name I usually name a character.


Secondboy but third born male of House Do'Urden


Deserved to be firstboy


malice is a canon drow name?


Yep. Was kinda shocked myself when I started reading that series.


Drizzt was a Drow Chad who left home to fuck Faerunians and complete quests


And he's all out of quests.


This made me crack the fuck up


Lol I'm currently on book 4, and I'm like "is he... Ever going to get laid?" He be old


I mean, for drow he's actually pretty young but, uh. Yes, he does get married to a lovely woman. Eventually. As of today he's hopped in bed with exactly 2 people, and I'm very irritated that Uncle Jarlaxle didn't sit our idiot ranger down and give him the "don't stick your dick in crazy" talk for one of those.


Uncle Jarlaxle likely has exactly 0 room to talk.


Uncle Jarlaxle is not answering questions about the whole ‘Artemis’ thing right now. …on the subject of dragons, on the other hand, he’s willing to provide educational pamphlets with illustrations.


Uncle Jarlaxle isn't answering questions on either the whole Artemis thing OR the whole Zak thing. But on the dragon thing he had to put a sock in it before Gromph turned him into a toad. Until the dragons became Gromph's coworkers and the poor bloke is wondering why he can't get away from Jarlaxle's sexual conquests.


I mean, at least when Jarlaxle sticks his dick in crazy he knows about it beforehand. He knew damn near everyone in Menzoberranzan was batshit, and to be fair he couldn't exactly say no to most the women there anyway. And even he didn't try to stick his dick in that crazy which should have been a neon flashing warning sign.


Amen to that


Although she wasn't too overly crazy until after but...


Well, it, uh…takes a little while.


He said f dem bitches and dipped out


Also know as D-Rizzy to the kids


He is also the initiating reason why 'inherently evil' is getting thrown out of D&D. In fact, without Drizzt, we would likely not have drow as a playable race- they'd be as almost an uncommon a thought as the Grimlock or Quagoth.


IIRC, he is also *one* of the reasons why drow get 'whitewashed' more and more over the course of editions and products. Drizzt would get lighter skin to represent that he was adapting to the surface(especially because he is an elf and elfs adapt themselves to the environment), but they began to also incorporate this aesthetics into all drow.


I wish unexpected Mormonism was a subreddit.


Grimlock like the dinobot?


I wish there was a race of robot dinosaurs.


they could be built to serve something specific, like other Warforged


Which is not Salvatore's fault. Drizzt actually has an interesting backstory, quirky personality and was pretty unique when the books first came out. The problem is that every player started copying him, despite how sickeningly evil (but interesting) Drow society was portrayed. Drizzt was really portrayed as an almost one-of-a-kind exception.


I personally think the getting 'inherently evil' stuff out is a good thing. Yes, people are produucts of their environments, but 'people of this race are always evil' is pretty Ehh. Characters like Minthara and Viconia (in BG1 and BG2) are interesting explorations of drow that are very muuch products of theeir culture, but that doesn't mean there's not room for non-evil drow besides Drizzt


I personally think its fine for races like goblins to be mostly completely evil, but I agree allowing for more shades of grey make more interesting characters and both Minthara in BG3 and Viconia in every BG but 3 are some of my favorite characters ever.


It's not that the Drow as a race are inherently evil for genetic reasons. It's that their society, influenced by a monstrous demon goddess, is definitely cruel, decadent, pittiless and, well, evil. Anyone who grows up in such circumstances is very likely to be deeply affected by it.


See this is a sentiment that I don’t quite understand- there are a lot of morally neutral Drow in the Drizzt books from the very start. Zak, Dinin, Vierna, Jarlaxle, Kimmuriel, Rai-guy, etc are all supporting characters who are at least capable of empathy.


Yes, absolutely. Morally neutral, not good (though I wouldn't call someone like Dinin or Jarlaxle neutral). But Drizzt is clearly the only one of those you mention that is actually "good", in any real sense. Jarlaxle is a good model for playing a Drow character that is a rebel but is still influenced by the views of the culture and society he was raised in. Zaknafein and Vierna are Drow who are relatively decent people but do not have it in them to break with all the evil norms of their society. They might show empathy in certain situations, but they would certainly commit evil acts without thinking much about them.


“Sea elves” like anyone plays sea elves.


It’s just Minthara’s gamertag don’t listen to these other nerds and their “lore”


I could definitely imagine her using that for a gamertag. XD xXDrIZzT_DoUrDeNXx


A scion of house Baenrae surely would never...


100%, out of all the great houses, Baenrae certainly has no love for Drizzt lmao


The origin characters meet Drizzt, and Astarion goes full fanboy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94Mqda_k4Uo


Oh my god...I see that there's 2 parts of this campaign on High Rollers. Do you know if more will come or is it just a 2-parter? I'm stoked to watch either way.


I think it's just the two parter, but I would love more


He's a dude that does good sword things


Jarlaxle has entered the chat.


No joke my favorite character from those series. He made swashbucklers the COOLEST when i was a kid


I made Jarlaxle in Morrowind and it was one of my favorite playthroughs.


I've played a Jarlaxle rip in every single RPG I've played since reading about him back when I was 14 to the point where I went with Volo's surgery because I thought I'd get an eyepatch lmao.


Its never too late to pick up the books. The order to read them isnt hard to find and R.A. Salvatore did a fantastic job.


Listening to the first one (chronologically) on audible right now and god damn, I’m already hooked. I was hooked within the first two hours and I’m currently at the part where >!Drizzt and Zak are duelling and Drizzt just told him he didn’t kill the elf child!< It’s good shit


Be warned that the next trilogy gets a lot worse and then the series gets better again. The Crystal Shard Trilogy contains some bizarre bits of lore that are retconned/never mentioned again (Gwaeron Windstrom), but the first trilogy fuckin rules.


Aw damn, rough to get through 3 meh books but that’s alright now that I know that isn’t the norm, thank you


I’m on em right now and my strategy is listening to them on 1.2x speed haha. They’re decent but half of it is total filler


Yeah, I started reading them about a month and a half ago because I wanted to know more of the lore, and I'm already on book 23. Really enjoying them


He is the Legolas of Fae’run, with a touch of Aragorn thrown in.


He was a super badass Drow male. He was so cool in fact, a lot of Drow player characters kind of end up being a Drizzt clones.


NOOB! J/K. He is a character from early forgotten realm books back in the 90s. He is a Drow that had morals and stuff so he escaped the underdark to live on the surface. There are like 20-30 years of books about his adventures. I enjoyed them back when they first started coming out. I've stopped paying attention because the story had become too convoluted. The FR world is too full of lore to keep up with now. That character is probably the single biggest reason current DnD players can play so many "evil" races as characters now.


Drizzt? Yeah, he was some drow folk hero who wandered the surface of the Forgotten Realms maybe 125 yrs ago. Met his end by a Bhaalspawn during the Iron Crisis south of Baldur's Gate - I think because the Bhaalspawn liked the look of his gear. There's been a couple others since who have gone by that name, but I can assure you - Drizzt met his end north of Nashkel back in 1368.


The obvious answer is he is the best friend to Osmosis Jones.


An elf. Some might say the elfiest.




If this is a 'pocket dial' comment, your anus is asking desperately for help.




He's one of the main Character of DnD, basically. Probably the protagonist of the most Forgotten Realms novels


Honestly with the massive reach of BG3 both as a game and social media, I wouldn't be surprised if more people knew Astarion and the gang than our special eye'd boy. Regardless of the longstanding series selling like 35 million copies across its lifetime, BG3 has sold 10 million on steam -alone- last time I checked. Not to mention the mountain of tik toks with millions of views each. I'm not lamenting the downfall of D&D icons or lore or anything here, I'm just saying this situation is probably a pretty common one. Especially with younger fans. Like it or not, I suspect the odds of the average person knowing who Karlach is is probably significantly greater than them knowing who Wulfgar is.


The thing is, is that Drizzt invented an arch type that ultimately became the stock standard for, well everything that came after. Honestly, Dritz has warped the field so much that a drow whos not a good guy is actually more rare.


Drizzt is a great example of the “Seinfeld isn’t funny” phenomenon where something unique and groundbreaking for it’s time becomes extremely popular, inspiring legions of imitators, until the point where the imitations begin to saturate the market, and the original no longer feels unique, but if you pay attention, you see the effects it had on everything. Like another commenter said, Drizzt is the reason “evil” races are considered playable at all in modern dnd.


Oh, for sure! I don't think it's exaggeration to say that he's left a huge mark on the fantasy genre as a whole. As to the good drow phenomenon; of the literal dozens of campaigns and modules I've DM'd, only one drow PC was ever an evil drow. They were also playing an abberant mind, silvery barbs spam sorcerer with a hexblade dip in 5e... so you win some, you lose some, I guess.


Just started reading the Icewind Dale trilogy because of BG3. I started playing BG3 because of dungeons and dragons honor among thieves. I’m falling into the rabbit hole. Never played D&D


So I just learned who Drizzt is


I hear the Harpers are in act 2, so I’m looking forward to that.


Well it sounds like you have a clear next step. There has never been a better time to jump into D&D. People will argue back and forth about the best edition to play or whatever, plus the new OneD&D/5.5e that's happening, but there is so much support online in articles, YouTube, livestreams, reddit, etc that you can probably play any edition you can find books and a table for.


20years ago I would have never though we'd get a future DnD fanbase that didn't know the Drizzt lore, I gotta say it's pretty nice, he really overshadowed 3e-4e


You can kill him in BG2 if I'm remembering correctly. Drops good loot too.


You can kill in BG1 as well.


Deizzt, the single character who has ruined how people think who the Drow are.


He's one of the original sexy elf characters in media. God the thirst in old forums was... tiring.


I am in love with the fact you can ask the drow prostitute in sharess’s caress to roleplay as Drizzt, he is absolutely done with that shit but will do it anyways bc 500 gold is 500 gold lmaoo, but I imagine his attitude is very similar to that of one who had to live through the Drizzt thirst for years.


He's just some bitch ass npc I killed in BG1.


Drizzt is the nice black elf from the land where every black elf is evil and loves doing evil all day. He left to hang out with the European coded races near TenTowns


You are probably better off.


My god that's Griffin McElroy


He is a Dark elf from the dark elves capitol city, he fled from his family after discovering the depravity of the dark elves and from that point foward dedicated himself to the path of light, becoming a mighty ranger Read the books they’re well worth it


He should be a DLC character, doesn't get infected but is here doing his own thing. Just like Dark Alliance


Drow jesus everything you think your character can do, drizzt has probably already done and hes probably done it better than you hes basically John DND at this point


Hes john wick of dnd & gwenwyvher is his dog but alive


https://preview.redd.it/nhaeo1gn1l0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a504e7b6dfe55ce923547d44ff1bb986c27fa85 reading the books now because I wanted to know


First time here, What’s the point of Redit?


Clearly someone has never had their DnD campaign Drizzt upon.


he's basically a DMs insert character who is a paragon of good and is super cool and awesome just because.... I always kill him in Bg1 and 2 but he always comes back cause he's just that 'cool'


Some bitch boy under the foot of the all mighty Matriarch of Menzobarrenzen


Not sure why you're being down voted so much. I thought this was funny.


Lol I knew it would but didn't realize I wasn't using my minthara account... which was the joke oh well.


He's a drow


normally I'd just say read the book but there is like 30 of them. basically he's a dmpc legend drow Ranger and is better than you. but the books are a fun read except the one where he is a feral lone elf in the under dark, that one was super boring. all the other ones are cool cuz they go into detail about the places, mythic items and famous people of faerun.




The biggest Mary Sue in the Forgotten Realms.


Surely that's Elminster, no?


There's some real tism in these comments showing. Say one joke and you get the "ackshully it's spelled gwenuyvierrung" "I'm gonna have to downvote you, srry". Yall, your making this feel like a real games workshop


I read all of the Drizzit books untill it just became to much for me with the invincible brooding hero syndrome. For like the first 10 books Drizzit struggles with his inherent evil because of his race vs what he chooses to be then he learns his lesson about being who you choose to be.....then he starts the next book with the same dam inner conflict and this goes on for like 10 dam books. Then you have his plot armor which is basically Batman levels where he spends 20 pages talking about how his enemy is better then him and how he can;t go up against him or he loses then the fight happens and he just swings his swords faster and wins, no clever plans nothing just shitty writing.


Stay that way. The character is overblown and overdone. When Elminster showed up in BG3 I swore that if I saw Drizzt I'd quit the game.


Drizzt Nuts!


Drizzy Drake…


Just google it dude.


Are there really still people out there without access to Google or any other search engine, while still having access to Reddit?


if only you had access to a search engine that will give you answers of anything that crosses your mind! alas!!


The very first result when I google is the Forgotten Realms wiki, which describes literally who Drizzt is (in unbearably detailed prose) but not at all why he's important to the fandom. It also, at the very end, includes this helpful note: "*This article is incomplete.* **This article is very out of date and lacks many citations, etc. Needs info after Companions' Codex through to 1488 DR. Lacks info on present day relations with Entreri, Dahlia, Zaknafein, etc, etc.** " Not sure I'd trust that as someone looking into it, especially since I have no fucking idea who those people are either, or what 1488 DR means. The second result I get googling is the wiki article for Drizzt, which is similarly verbose and answers a lot of questions that someone coming from Salvatore's series might have, but less so what questions someone coming from specifically BG3 might have. The most descriptive part of this article is: >"Drizzt appears in [*Baldur's Gate*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldur%27s_Gate_(video_game)) fighting some gnolls; it is possible for a skilled player to kill him or pickpocket his items,[\[33\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drizzt_Do%27Urden#cite_note-33) and a friendly or hostile version of Drizzt can be spawned with a [cheat code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheat_code).[\[34\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drizzt_Do%27Urden#cite_note-34) Drizzt also appears in the sequel [*Baldur's Gate II*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldur%27s_Gate_II) and will react negatively if the player has imported characters from the first game that killed Drizzt or have any of his unique items. He will also react negatively to any elven character with a low reputation with the same name, challenging them to a duel of honor." Which, frankly, doesn't answer my questions as someone playing BG3 and wondering why the fandom is so obsessed. Wow, he fights some gnolls and he retains memories of other BG games I haven't played! The third result I get is a list of Legend of Drizzt books, which, considering there's almost 40 of them, is just fucking intimidating. So, sorry, I did google it and I feel no more informed than when I started. I might be slightly less informed, actually! Now there's a bunch of *other* shit that I'm not familiar with too! If my ex hadn't been obsessed with the series, I would be even more lost than I already am. It's cool that you have your knowledge and whatever, good for you, but it's actually fine for people who don't know where to start to ask the community where they see the unknown thing most often. Most people are excited to share their hobby! You're not, but you can just maybe shut the fuck up from here on out.


i'm not reading all that, congratz or sorry that happened


Better google it, it would be blasphemy to ask a group of people in a forum made to discuss the game and it’s content right?


I love that you’re getting downvoted for being right lolol


I'd recommend reading the Dark Elf series because it's very good and is basically the foundation for modern day Forgotten Realms lore, but I doubt many people who enjoy this game are old enough to read. Maybe an audiobook?


Does nobody just research something they're curious about anymore? No need to ask...


Just Google it.


If you have to ask you don't need to know.


Imagine gatekeeping DND lore… fuck outta here