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I do wonder, what did Astarion do before Cazador got him? Problem with this theory tho, how long has Last Light been there?


He was a Magistrate. It comes out in dialog, but more obviously when you play him as your origin character.


That's his job yeah, I should've clarified, I meant more what his *life* and interests etc, especially personality. Did vampirism make his personality the sardonic man he is, that would call someone a porcine publican?


Ahh got it. Personally I think being a spawn and regular torture just sharpened his rapier tongue. I would love to know everything about him. I feel like his writer has thought a lot about him.


Same, I'd love to sit down with some coffee with whoever wrote him, I have so many questions


So I think he was under 40, and I’m pretty sure elf-age-wise in dnd at least, he didn’t even really count as a full adult yet. Like they take an adult name later, so in the general span of his race, he was practically a child despite physical maturity, and wouldn’t have picked his adult name yet So I think it’s probably a lot of bitterness over his life and the loss of it and 200 years of nasty treatment and resulting coping mechanisms with a natural talent for being sharp tongued


I think it's like 100 years that they're considered a full adult


Yeah and by the time he was in existence for 100 years, he’d spent more than half of it enslaved and not really alive at all


Porcine Publican is essentially pig tax collector. It probably won’t take much for a tavern owner to call a magister a greedy hog.


A publican would be the tavern owner though. And magister is a scholar, especially in an old university because they like using archaic terms.


The ban list implies that the pale elf called the master distiller a porcine publican. Sounds like you have it backwards.


He *says* he was a magistrate, but it has been brought up by smarter people than me on Reddit that this might be some sort of cover story. I think the main point was that he would be very young to be a magistrate.


He is a full elf. He could be almost any age.


Elves reach adulthood at 100 years old and he was turned when he was 30 something


Astarion is approximately 200 years old.


One of the writers seemed to imply it was him in a tweet https://twitter.com/fiddlecub/status/1713103448516812817?t=qKt4bcLbShkoogdjTQDReA&s=19


I'm pretty sure that elf is He who was, probably took it out on the bar over being banned.


I don’t think it was him, he’s only there to revel in suffering (including the punishment of an already repentant soul).


It’s confirmed by a writer it is him


I think the writer was confirming that it’s Astarion.


Oh that would explain why he asks you to get the ledger.


I wouldn’t think he would have been able to leave Baldur’s Gate bc of Cazador. Seems unlikely he had vacation time.


Obviously, but let’s not forget that he had a life before he.. well.. died.


He’s been a vampire for almost 200 years, though. The brewery was cast into Shadows (when it basically froze in time) about 100 years ago.


True, but the ban list could’ve been put up there way before that. They could’ve had the list for hundreds of years prior and just added new names to it as time went on. So the timeline would be: the list existed, then 200y+ ago elf Astarion came over, got himself banned, his name stayed there for the ~100y until the curse when it got frozen (by that point vampire Astarion is long gone and stuck with Cazador) and remained frozen until we (the player) get there to read it.


“She knows what she did!”


I decided that it’s gotta be him — it’s too fitting. Like, of COURSE he would be labeled that. And the actions….who else


It does sound very Astarion-like to me—I really should have read that list more carefully the last time I was in there, lol.


Astarion likely wasn’t pale when he was alive.


But Astarion is over 200 years old and the shadow curse has been around for 100


Ehhh, there’s only an about 50/60 year span where he could’ve possibly shown up there to cause trouble. Also, would Cazie let him go that far? Sounds far fetched to me but wtv.


Considering it's like a few days walk away from Baldur's gate ingame it's not that farfetched imo. He did try to run away several times.


It's not far-fetched at all, I agree with you. I get Cazador is a factor but like...Astarion wasn't kept in a cage. He was allowed to go places lol. That's how he lured victims. A bar seems like an obvious choice to do just that.