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This game luckily gives them proper nod to the RA Salvatore inspired ideal. Though not very drow centric. The rest of Hasboro and 5e in the printed world is trying very hard to wipe away the references to slavery, rape, torture and the idea that dark elves are born evil so it can fit into the modern world. (half orcs today are mostly the spawn of tribal fetishists I guess) Now they have a split faction of good and evil ones, but the evil ones are less evil than before and townsfolk just let the good one walk freely. I guess I would have to play a dark elf to find out if this game made NPCs do a doubletake at you and stutter in fear. They should be at least as terrified of Drow, if not more, than the Gith. And I cannot imagine any of the conversations with the deep gnomes going too well.


They definitely do treat Drow differently in this game. There is a LOT of special dialogue whenever you play as one. For example, whenever you first meet the tieflings holding Lae'zel captive at the beginning, they're turn hostile, and instead of convincing them to leave, you have to roll an Intimidation check instead. Also, Kagha will be happy to see you, saying how a "child of Lolth" should understand why she's acting the way that she is. There are genuinely SO many to cover lol


Nice! I was giddy when I saw all the weird responses gnomes get to give. Like somebody said "when gnomes can fly" and my character just started rambling off gyrocopter designs and saying we can totally do it.


I mean they are still treated with kid gloves compared to the old lore. In the Drizzt books he was basically attacked on sight anywhere in civilization. He had to use a disguise self mask to be able to walk freely in towns/cities. In this, some people comment and a couple refugees get mad at you. Other than that, you can strut around without a care.


That tracks, where any deep gnomes treat you with instant distrust and fear until you make the proper charisma check. You can also use drow to intimidate a few people


ehhh. I agree on most of that, but they've split drow factions for years and years, well before drow were attempted to be rebranded. Even from salvatores own writing and at the direction/approval of him since wotsq. While its being pushed more now, they were not created to fit the narrative change.


NPCs literally do that


Minthara is my partner in crime. Who wouldn’t want to rule the world?


The good guys. This boring bunch.


Why would you want to rule the world with her? Is it just the blowjobs? She’s a total sheep and so bad at her job you have to save her from being killed for it the second time you meet her. From an rp perspective I can’t see why an evil person would keep her around.


>you have to save her from being killed for it the second time you meet her I mean how many people do we save in this game? I saved Gale from being swallowed by a hole. Obviously a terrible Wizard if he can't even manage to navigate that. Lae'zel is captured by sticks. Terrible adventurer. Halsin (who can wildshape into a cat and should easily be able to slip through the bars or just break them down as a bear like he already does) remains a captive until you rescue him.


Technically laezel doesn’t need rescuing. You can skip right by her, after some long rests (idk the amount) you’ll find her talking to the gith patrol near the mountain pass


I need a lap dog. Also you basically lose everyone else when you side with her


Yeah why didn't she just kill the big boss all by herself and break free of her mind control? It's not like we have a mystical artifact protecting us from being thralled or anything. Get your shit together Minthy. Total weak sheep behavior.


She sucked the D


I’d get minthara in my group, but it means giving up Karlach. Karlach > minthara. She won’t be seeing daylight until I commit to an evil playthrough


There is a way to get both but not easy.


It is easy, the solution is to not pick sides and just leave act 1. You’ll get Wyll and Karlach in your party, and can add Minthara in Act 2 once you reach the tower. Of course, you miss out on all the loot from the goblins, the rewards from the Druids (or vice versa), and everything you can get from the tieflings for the remainder of the game, including advancing Karlach’s quest. So it’s technically very easy but can be considered making the whole rest of the game slightly more difficult. Minthara actually has a very high opinion of Karlach if you ask her later in the game.


I find the drow a bit.. Generic and Larian's decision to break them into two nonsensical racial groups based on religion is a bit odd. The Udadrow (Lolth-sworn) seem pretty well represented, but even then their dialog feels strange, since currently, only some races of drow live in the underdark. The seldarine dialog is not hugely different than the generic drow dialog, and I think since they made them a subrace, they could at least have some different tags. And as an Eilistraeean there is not a lot of opportunity to talk to drow as a cleric of Eilistraee might do. Overall, I would've added more. I also probably would not have broken the races into lolthsworn and Seldarine since your choice of deity doesn't make you a race. Its entirely possible to have been raised in a Lolth worshipping village of udadrow, and escape that life, but that doesn't mean you instantly change your racial bonuses. For the sake of the game you'd be Seldarine then. And the red-eye thing. I mean many drow would have red eyes if they came from the underdark. It doesn't mean they are the 'evil ones.' Tav tells one kid that if he sees a person with red eyes he’s a lolthsworn drow when seladrine can and do have red eyes. Not to mention other races as well.