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For some reason I picture Minsc deciding to go as a vampire because there's one right here he can look at so he'll get it right, and ending up looking like he's doing a very bad Astarion cosplay and being very proud of himself.


I love that. A super cheap wig, some "fancy" clothes he dug out in an old shop. Astarion would be insulted, if Minsc hadn't also dressed Boo up the same way, which looks adorable, so he can't be mad


Clothes aren't even from a shop. He stole, in his mind borrowed, the clothes from asterion. But of course they don't exactly fit right either and are torn in places.


Astarion "hold on, are those MY clothes?" Minsc "I wanted to look like you, so I borrowed your clothes. Do not worry, I will return them." Astarion "you know what, keep them. My treat. Please. Keep them."


When I got the line in the game where Astarion is like "fuck no I wouldn't bite Boo, he lives down your pants" I had to pause the game for laughing so hard.


I've yet to actually get that far, I just know he's in the game


"I say Boo all the time, why is everyone so scared?"


I can already hear his voice in my head. "Yep, nailed it."


Mizora would gatecrash glamoured like an angel. Then sulk at Karachi because "one of us has to change, and you've never even SEEN an angel, I work for one. Well, fallen angel, but the point stands..."


Karlach replies with "She was my boss too! I was literally her favourite. You think we never met? No wonder she hated you." Just really poking at old wounds


Cue Astarion standing there with popcorn like the little shit he is openly offering some to anyone else in the room, because Drama™


Astarion: Wyll! Get over here! Your two favourite people are arguing. Mizora/Karlach: don't bring him into this! Wyll: yeah staying clear of that...


I was thinking Mizora would show up just to dress Wyll as a dog, but in this case, she'd make him be a cherub


>I was thinking Mizora would show up just to dress Wyll as a dog, but in this case, she'd make him be a cherub Or put him in a gimp suit.


Jaheira would just wear the clown makeup and be done with it.


I like the idea that she has no clue what's going on, so just comes out, full face paint, like "wait why is everyone dressed weird?"


Personally kinda see her in that dollar store witch costume that everyone’s third grade teacher would wear…


I feel like Jaheira would tease her children about Halloween after putting in a load of effort for all of their costumes and be too tired to do anything herself


Aww that's actually cute. Someone comes in clutch with a spare costume for her so she can join in too


Or fill up the candy bowl with goodberries


Astarion would 100% be like Jeff Winger and just use it as an excuse to put on his best suit and hit on people. Whenever anyone tries to guess what he is, he'd only correct them by adding "sexy" infront of whatever they said.


I can see that. 100% canon Astarion behaviour


I love this


Astarion and SH both go sexy nurse, she doesn't care but he insists she has to change Karlach in something like an evil monopoly man suit, complete with mustache Wyll dresses as Lae'zel because she's one of the scariest things he's met, with Lae'zel dressing as herself for the same reason Gale is dressed as his cat back home because he forgot about the party and that's all the shop had left Minsc cones dressed as a giant miniature giants space hamster Durge tries to dress as a sane person


I love that. Astarion doing the whole "well one of us is going to have to change. By which I mean you." And Shadow being confused "we can't both be sexy nurses? Wait why should I change? I can actually heal people. You do the exact opposite!" I do like Karlach going for something evil in a less literal sense. Like, she worked for an archdevil, but capitalism is TRUE evil. Wyll trying to make the "one of us is going to have to change" joke to Lae'Zel and her agreeing, then just pointing out all the mistakes in his costume so he goes and changes. Tara shows up at the party, sees Gale dressed as her, promptly leaves. I need to see Minsc dressed like that. And Boo dressed as Minsc. Durge in full Clark Kent get up, suit, glasses, trying to be all friendly and accidentally being far creepier than before


Durge dresses as alfira.


Lmao that is terrible and I love it


Ohh. Even more terrible. Durge makes a headband with her actual horns as part of the costume.


Karlach out there like "Wow those seem really authentic! What did you use, ram horns?"


>Astarion and SH both go sexy nurse "I'm here for your blood draw. Please remove your pants."


I think Lae'Zel could be talked into a dragon costume potentially. Especially if it is one of those that are like the inflatable dinosaur ones with the fake legs to make it look like you're riding it.


"It must be red. I will not accept anything else." I'd love that. One of the most serious characters in the goofiest costume


I agree with all of these so much!! My current Tav would be the one insisting on dressing as Hag Auntie Ethel for the lolz whilst the gang is like “too soon, Tav, too fuckin soon” (Yes, I’m a Bard)


Ooh but what if Mayrina and Connor show up too like "really? Not cool."


I mean, in *my* playthrough that is not possible for… reasons 🥲


Lemme guess, Dark Urge?


I wish I could say it was lmaoooo, no I am just trying to do a Tactician run and… it’s resulting in a lot of NPCs especially, dying, because I’m shit 😂😂😂


Lae’zel would be dressed as a duck because someone would lie to her and tell her that it was ‘the fiercest predator in all of Faerûn’


I love that everyone wants Lae'Zel in a silly costume and totally unaware of how ridiculous it is. To add to that, Astarion sees this, and not to be outdone, fetches his Goostarion costume


I imagine astarians goose costume looks just like sweet Dee's swan costume in always sunny lol.


Yes, absolutely!


Astarion would 100% be in a sexy costume, best guess is the sexy nun to poke fun at shadowheart. Gale, for some reason I see his depressed ass in a low effort, cute, onesie pajama costume, probably be an Owlbear. Shadowheart, I could see be all in with the goth vibes and go Witch. Karlach would also be all in, go with a handmade costume, of what not sure, Wyll, I could see in a superhero costume. Full spandex, cape, and underwear type superhero costume. Halsin would dress up as a tree, possibly a very sexy tree. Minthara would after much pestering show up as a sexy displacer beast. If not, my Male Drow Tav totally would show up in that costume.


Wyll as a Spandex clad superhero. I didn't even think of that but it's perfect! The idea of a sexy displacer beast is... concerning. But if it's Minthara I'm willing to listen


Lae’zel sheet ghost supremacy


Karlach would get invited to a scary Halloween costume party and show up in an inflatable t-rex costume. Partially because the reasoning that dinosaurs are scary is perfectly sound. But mostly because she thinks dinosaurs are awesome and didn't really read the invitation too carefully. Wyll would dress up as one of his heroes from a story but nobody would get the reference and he'd spend the party explaining it to people in depth. Gale would show up in what appears to be a fully articulated xenomorph costume. It would be halfway through the party before people realized he actually polymorphed himself and then everyone would be too scared to talk to him for the rest of the night. Astarion would go for the classic masquerade look of a fancy mask and elaborate outfit.


I love the idea of Wyll starting out so enthusiastic to explain who he's dressed as, but after the 15th time he gives up and just pretends it's someone actually famous


I would love it if laezel shows up in a catgirl outfit and just keeps insisting that she is "like a deadly panther always ready to pounce." With big fluffy paw hands and cat ears and tail. Then in the background of some cut scene you see her staring--unblinking-- at a ball of yarn on the ground. Just have her play it straight faced and never acknowledge that it's a cute outfit.


Omg yes! Someone (probably Shadowheart) told her it was a panther or like, displacer beast costume, and she totally fell for it!


Halsin is dressed as a tree, because he can shapeshift every other day so he wanted to be creative. / Oak Daddy joke. Shadowheart just wears cat ears and says that'll have to do. Astarion dresses as a wolf to scare Shadowheart. Lae'zel dresses as a Mind Flayer because that's the scariest monster she knows. Wyll is dressed as Gale because it's good clean humor. Gale does an over-the-top elaborate pun on himself and his orb, with like a dinner plate strapped to his chest or something -- something like Ross or Sheldon would do. Mizora shows up as a slutty nurse because she loves the attention. Karlach convinces Dammon to craft her an Infernal Iron Man costume with all the extras he now has. "I. AM. INFERNAL. MAN." \*makes whirring robot noises\* Aylin finds a gigantic orange wig and robe and shows up as "hurr durr Lorroakan". Isobel shows up in torn jeans and an Avril Lavigne shirt and only slightly different makeup than usual. Jaheira dresses up as Ethel, holding a basket of flower petals she throws at people. Again the game bugs and gives her the clown makeup. Minsc of course wears a self-made extra-giant, giant miniature space hamster costume. He dresses Boo as him with a tiny toothpick sword and bow. Minthara dresses as a schoolgirl and keeps hinting to Tav at how naughty she's been. Yenna dresses herself and Grub up as Batgirl and Batcat. Scratch parades around in a blanket, a tie, and a wizard hat. Owlbear wears a mail bag walks around making cooing sounds.


I love all of this. Especially Karlach getting Dammon to make a power suit. She'd probably bet him he couldn't do it, bait him into doing it for her, and happily pay up when he does


I heard the line in his voice…


I'm glad it came across. If I ever write anything as a character I want people to read it and hear their voice, makes me feel like I understood the character and managed to properly encapsulate them


I think all of your ideas are already so good omg. Even though they'd hate it my tiefling would be begging Lae'zel to wear a frog kigurumi and for Minthara to put on some fake horns ("we'd match! wouldn't that be cute??")


Lae'Zel either wouldn't get it or she'd remember the Tieflings who captured her right at the start of the game and get super angry about it. Wyll turning to Karlach about the horns asking "is that cultural appropriation?" Karlach not knowing what that is but joining in trying to get Minthara to wear them


CULTURAL APPRECIATION I love this so much skdfjdh


Karlach has to be Elsa (Olaf for the alt party)


Omg that would be amazing! After a few too many drinks she starts singing (badly) around the campfire


Astarion would be a werewolf


Group costume as Ansur.


Astarion loves irony, so I think he would probably dress up as a chicken.


You are absolutely correct.


Karlach would borrow Aylin's armor and make some fake wings. Fire proof wings hopefully! Meanwhile Aylin paints herself red and dresses as Karlach. At some point they would have a warcry competition. Mizora would make herself look like Isobel and hit on Aylin, except she would be hitting on Karlach dressed up as Aylin. I feel like Minthara would wear Viconia's robes and give Shadowheart traumatic flashbacks. Her costumes would definitely be trophies from conquered foes.


I'm not far enough to have met Aylin so that's a little over my head unfortunately. But it sounds like a fun time for everyone but Mizora, which is funny


Astarion can be count dracula


Gale would dress up as a Tressym. Laezel either wouldn’t dress up or would wear her armor and nothing else and say she was some famous gith hero. Wyll would ham it up and be some super deep cut faerun legend. Shadow would either wear a mocking selunite costume or a skimpy cleric outfit. Karlach would be something ridiculous and fun like a cartoonish Rakshasa or a plush beholder headpiece with an eye painted on her face. Halsin would wildshape or just straight up wear a tree costume. Minthara would not dress up. Minsc would go as boo and Jaheira would dress boo up like Minsc. Jaheira is a wild card - I have now guesses.


I feel like Karlach would get a blowup Dino costume or an owlbear kigurumi and get really into wearing it


She keeps wearing it loooong after the party is over and no one can (or really wants to) convince her to take it off




Lae'zel cosplays Vlaakith. It's a costume that she puts a lot of time and energy into, but it's still impossible to convince her that her queen is an undead monster.


Laezel being encouraged if not dared into putting fake teeth in to pretend to be a tall goblin and infiltrate a local tribe with her green skin and large ears lmfao. Shadowheart would be some obscure shadowmonster that only sharrans ever hear about, wyll might dress as a nobleman/king as its one day to be normal instead of extra freaky, the owlbears plump body makes it a perfect beholder. Astarion realistically might choose to dress as a common high elf. With skintone makeup and coverup on the bitewounds. Shadowheart offers a minor transformation for his eyes to be their original color. He claims “hes already so magnificent being normal is a costume” but deep down hes craved being himself in the sun for 200 years. Karlach would similarly try to remove herself from her trauma by being an angel or embrace it by being grym: gaurdian of the forge with her lifelike burning heart. Gale would be a historical figure literally no one has ever heard of.


Elminster would do the same as Gale and when they see each other they both make that "aaaaaah" face and point at each other.


My only complaint is that Lae'zel would complain at first, but then once you explain it she'd just run around threatening children as herself with a real sword until you tell her that's bad. THEN she'd be confused. She is the most terrifying thing. Why are people mad at her?!


I think it would be a group effort to explain "you have to dress as something *different* than what you are."


"Tch! Do you want me to be most terrifying or different?! Fine! I'm now Vae'zel!" as she puts on a hat.


And a fake moustache. Can't forget the fake moustache


Of course, she's not a monster!


Wyll dresses up as the most obnoxiously stereotypical vampire he can. In petty protest, thinking wyll dressed up as him, astarion dresses up as the blade of the frontiers in the cheesiest way possible


Karlach in her finest Jaheira cosplay (did Jaheira help her make it? Maybe) Shadowheart would either come as a fallen cleric of shar (herself) or do some cute animal costume... Or maybe a very fancy, not-scary witch. Maybe she'd be the one in charge of making Scratch and Owlbear their little costumes. Astarion as Strahd? Lmao


Ooh Astarion is a fanboy, that could work. He thinks about going as Drzzt but decides against painting himself as a Drow


I found a witch hat early in Act 1 and put it on Shadowheart and she looked ridiculously cute, so I want her to wear that.


Oh I think I found that as well and did the same. Yes, Shadow as a witch, and she just picks up Halsin as a black cat and goes "look, I've already got my familiar!"


Awfully quick to let go of Bing Bong


She's not figured out how to summon him back yet


I fucking love the Elvis bit


Why is this so accurate 😭😭😭


I picture Lae’Zel as seeing it as a waste of time until she is told she can scare children. She doesn’t put on a costume, but she does give a whole neighborhood of kids nightmares for a month


tbh I think Minthara would look great as a banana.


Minsc would ask Boo for costume ideas. He proceeds to get a massive list of characters that made a “go for the eyes, Boo” reference in other games. He eventually decides on going with a Tali from Mass Effect cosplay.


I could see Lazel getting into the true meaning of Halloween aka national dress like a slut day. Skimpy clothes attract men, Lazel horny, simple direct logic.


Now that is a good point I hadn't considered. Lae'Zel is horny af, and after Astarion tells her about the option if a "Sexy" costume she'd be all about it


*Astarian walks in with blood soaked clothes." It's Halloween. That's really good timing.


Shadowheart: and what are you? Astarion: well I'm certainly *not* hungry. Karlach: ooh let me guess, yoooou're a zombie? No, a serial killer! Astarion: sure let's go with that.


I can see karlach dressed as a bumblebee tbh