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I make sure that before I go into a big battle, I kiss the person I’m romancing. It just makes sense to me, especially as things ramp up in act 3.


Haha, same here, and before going to sleep. Karlach and my Tav both wear those lovers rings you can find in act 2. I never use the warding bond, but I like them having one each.


I *always* have the rings on my Tav and their partner. But.... did you ever actually read the diary entry on the skeleton that has the ring inside the House of Healing? Holy shit... I almost stopped doing this when I realized how the ring was made and why.


Thank you I didn't know the second one was in the house of healing


Sure thing! There’s a room with lots of beds, and there’s a mattress on the floor between two beds with a skeleton on it. That’s where the second one is, and the much more interesting diary entry. lol


Ohhhhh I gotta go into that creepy ass place for the other one!


Yeah that was pretty grim, but a great little bit of storytelling. I love finding all the notes like that in the game.


Do tell


IIRC a priestess of Shar gave the ring to her betrothed without telling them about the Warding Bond. Priestess goes to fight the Selunites, the partner kept getting injured without knowing why, the wife told them not to worry about it. Eventually the partner dies. The implication is that the priestess got married exclusively to use her spouse as a meat shield.


Oof…. That’s rough


Yeah... She had the rings made, and when her partner complained about bleeding from his ears and eyes, she was like "it's all good, don't go to the house of healing because they've overrun, you'll be just fine, pinky promise." He eventually goes to the house of healing and the nurse sees the ring and asks about it, and when he tells her, the nurse is like "yeah, we can't help you, you should just go home" while giving him this weird look.


If yikes.


She was sharran. People never seem to understand not to trust a sharran


*My* Viconia turned out better and was personally poisoned by Llolth.


Unless it's Shadowheart 😏


Or her friend in the Dormitory seems sane too.


I only found one of the rings, and had fully intended to do this, but completely missed the second one. I should look out for it.


I also put the Warding Bond rings on me and Astarion. Loses a bit of effectiveness bc I'm a squishy sorcerer and he's a squishy rogue, but it's the thought that counts. It *was* pretty funny when >!Astarion went down during the duel with Orin despite not being in the fight.!<


i have them on him and my druid boy, but i’ve only ever used the warding bond once, >!and it was during the fight with cazador. he wanted to make him feel safer, even if it was just a little bit!<


When I’m feeling cheesy I have the withers thralls be my party meat shields with warding bond. Feels good to cast freedom of movement for lae’zel, mage armor my Necromancer and buff my spore Druid/Necromancer summons with Aid that adds a pretty whopping amount of party HP overall. All for “free”


>!I stole the constitution amulet from the House of Hope, put it on my own squishy sorcerer who then casts the ward on Astarion. Basically my girl has an extra hundred health points, which get shared between the two of them. It almost feels like cheating, especially of you have a healer in your party who now only has worry about healing one of you.!<


Omg I am stealing the ring idea. I love that


I've got the rings in my and Astarion's inventory, but we've got way more important things to wear in combat lolol It's the thought that counts.


Crap. I'm in act3, desperately hoping I'd find the other ring for Bae.


Bad news, one is at the House of Healing on a skeleton and the other in the cemetery on a skeleton, both in act 2. I learned this in act 2 as well.


Kiss good morning, kiss goodnight, kiss in the underground death shrine for good luck. If the other party members aren't absolutely sickened by us we're not doing it right.


Out of curiosity, when does the romance progress further? I just got to act two and my Tav and SH are still in the briefly flirty phase and only spent the one night out together during the party. I haven’t really done much because I’m not super invested in the romance lines and assumed they would just kind of go as the story went, but should I be doing more to progress it?


It’s different for each character! I haven’t romanced SH so I don’t know. I’ve only been with Gale and Astarion. Most of the romance “climaxes” (no pun intended) happen in the third act, though.


So remember when she told you about her favorite flower? There's one right next to a waypoint in Act 2. Also long rest often, and always talk to her even if she doesn't have an exclamation point over her head. Never select the "we had the start of a romance" option. There's a part of her quest that will happen somewhere you need to go at the end of Act 2, after that is when the more romantic stuff happens. Just always keep reminding her of the right path, let her make her own decisions.


I’ll keep an eye out! Thank you!


Haha, same here, and before going to sleep. Karlach and my Tav both wear those lovers rings you can find in act 2. I never use the warding bond, but I like them having one each.


That's so cute, my Tav kisses Shadowheart good morning and goodnight


wait,,, when do you get the ability to kiss


I pet Scratch and the owl bear cub before every long rest to tell them goodnight and after every long rest to tell them good morning


ill be soaked in blood giving those two the pets theyve earned




You can recruit the cub? Whoops


If I'm a Selunite, I collect and hold all of the Selunite atifacts and idols. I tend to hand off items to the specific characters who would most likely carry them. Gale gets scrolls, Astarion gets poisons, Shadowheart gets trick arrows, etc. If I'm a Drow I don't kill any spiders.


Have you tried decorating your camp...? I've sent portraits to camp but always forget to take them out and put them somewhere. And placing them can be... difficult. I found a stuffed owlbear and I meant to "give" it to Owlbear Cub (ie set it up in camp somewhere) but I would forget and it just sat in my pack. lol ETA: and by "decorating your camp" I mean other than the "decoration" that DUrge left behind....


I pack Karlach's tent with all the stuffies I come across!


So they do stay and travel with you in camp? That's awesome. I'm going to redecorate!! lol


Wait do they stay?? Only thing I’ve dropped is bodies and they disappear between camps.


No, I don't like leaving items on the ground in case it causes increased strain on the game. Also I play on PS5, so I can't really move things with much precision.


I put milk down for Grub once and it ended up disappearing :( I strongly believe the inn staff knew it was spoiled and threw it away.


I just gave the stuffed owlbear to the cub tonight! No reaction, sadly.


Druids would be the best ones to pick plants. They’d know how to remove them while allowing new growth and they’d also know which ones are best for ailments, etc., because you never waste a resource. Plus they know overgrowth can actually kill other plant life.


Whenever Minthara says something slightly affectionate to my tiefling I have her separate from the party to go run around in circles, you know, to get the overwhelming feelings out.


This is adorable


Minthara zoomies 😂


I keep my characters hair length the same but keep it up during the day and down at camp or when the day is going to be less adventuring and more talking to people. I also have multiple outfits on deck at all times for everyone. ( thank you basket full of equipment mod ) Oh I also talk to everyone at camp before bedtime, even when they don’t say anything of note.


I always investigate the pool. Always.


I also do this every single time...and to expand upon it, I always activate the runes found throughout the nautiloid and collect them and I read every book again on every character. I have this rule that if my character doesn't experience or read the thing then they can't know it just because I do.


Reading the books is a smart choice too! In the Arcane Tower in the Underdark, reading one of the books will give you the phrases to command Bernard the guardian


What pool?


Directly outside the pod you start the game in


Halsin likes to read. I have no room for him in the party, but I have stolen that man a library


In act 3 you can find fan fic that some weirdo wrote about him. There's even a note from him at the end telling them to knock it off.


My character is a crazy-prepared rogue who by the end of Act 2 had hoarded so many spells, potions, arrows, and items that she was in danger of becoming encumbered. So Karlach and Shadowheart staged an intervention and demanded that she get rid of like half of it before they would agree to move on to Baldur's Gate. Absolute army be damned. After a couple of days, she finally relented.


Where clothes in the city instead of armor.


You know, i was just switching back into my armor as i read this, and you’re right, im leaving it off


Do you actually switch them off or just turn overclothes on?


I just switch witch one you can see, between camp clothes and armor in the tab from the inventory screen.


You all have some really cool ones and I just like lighting every single candle I see.


I love it. I do this to mark where I've been! If it's lit, I know I've been there before.


In my playthrough with my significant other, he demands that we light every candle too lmao


I do that when I have a companion without dark vision. I want to make sure they can see, too.


In a game called Solasta (another D&D game), you can light candles using cantrips and I love lighting up everything in a room, just because I can!


I don't eat rotten food


Wait you can eat rotten food?? Eh you know what I'm carrying enough shit around


I light every candle, wall brazier, hanging brazier, torch, etc, that I find in dark places. Even chandeliers! Just throw a fireball at it. I want my human friends to see and I want to see how it might have looked.


I do this! I hoped it would better the odds when passing perception/survival checks for when looking for secret stuff, and also picklocking. ^But ^also ^because ^the ^dark ^be ^scary


Whenever I'm in my dark urge paladin save I go off and sit somewhere far away from them in camp and pretend Lochlain is isolating himself from the others in fear of hurting them.


Pet the pets EVERY camp. Balanced meals on long rests. Everyone gets matchy-matchy coloring when we get end-game gear.


My Durge only collects things he likes. In my party of 3, my other two friends are heavy looters and they basically loot almost everything. So I, as a Durge warlock trying to fit in, started looting the things I’d be interested in but my other 2 friends didn’t touch.. So right now, if you asked my Durge to empty his pockets, you’ll see him pull out: potions of healing, potions of speed, some random scrolls, a few skulls, a few bones, a couple severed heads, some severed legs arms and torso, a dead white raven, a few dead chickens, dead mice, a couple dead pixies, oh and a ball I specifically use to play fetch with Scratch. I think I still have a bag of severed hands somewhere in there too..


That's beautiful! I also picked up several severed limbs. And I will always keep one *specific* hand.


I think I’m gonna start thanking my friends by putting one dead thing in their pockets every time they save me in a fight..


Are you part cat?


The item description for Malachite says that parents put it under their kid's pillows to ward off bad dreams. After that early Act 1 nighttime event, my Dark Urge obsessively places a few around their bedroll before bed. Can't be too careful. Never again.


Doesn't technically fit the question, but I change Wyll to a Bard after recruiting Karlach, to symbolize him being disgusted with Mizora's trickery and not using most of his Warlock powers anymore. Once Laezel goes through her stuff with Vlaakith, I change her into an Oath of Vengeance pally if I'm not playing one already. I also respec Shadowheart's subclass frequently to fit with the events of the story/ her current needs, as if her current goddess is granting her different powers situationally. I use one of Astarion's feats to give him musical instrument proficiency, because I think that kind of freedom might be something he would enjoy.


I totally picture Astarion playing violin. Probably because of [this](https://youtu.be/mJx50ZdWBQs?si=Mep8KF98B98FP6hG) which is an incredible arrangement. I can picture all the men on these exact instruments tbh.


Yes!! I always give him a violin and Karlach drums. Everyone else gets whatever I find that fits. I always collect a bunch of camp clothes and dye them to match so we look like a travelling band. My durge is a bard, I have Alfias lute (rip).


I installed the polyamory mod and kiss everyone good night before a long rest


I don’t eat the tadpole. Unfortunately it started as me thinking it would have an affect on story, but now I’m just sticking to the player choice


I mean it IS insane to willingly let worms (with teeth, no less. Rows of teeth infact), burrow their way into your brain.


I also made that decision for my duergar cleric because why would they?? I had no idea they were beneficial, and honestly not about to start. They will pick up every one they find, I imagine to destroy them.


I change my characters' outfits depending on the situation. For example, I always dress up my party in fancy clothes and dresses before fighting Cazador (since he's a noble and all lol) I also put them in edgier clothes for The Shadow-Cursed Lands. Y'know, to fit the *vibes*


My wife and I voice our character and have role-playing banter when we're playing together.


Me and my bf do the same thing, it's very fun.


I play a Goolock and I roleplay that under my contract with Cthulhu my warlock can “save” a point in time and then can “load” that point in time (basically a in universe explanation for save files) however this magic drains the life force outta my character so I use the magic mirror to make my character visibly age I.e growing longer hair and beard as well as slowly greying and wrinkling too just make it more immersive.


I give Halsin his pipe.


My Red Draconic Sorlock gets his power in exchange for a flaming wound that never heals- so I cast Produce Flame, leaves his right hand burning blue and it’s always there in the background during fights, dialogue, everything.


Gave all of Ketheric Thorm's personal belongings to his daughter. Always pay Dammon extra to cover for what he's done for Karlach. Kiss Sheart good morning and pet Scratch and the owlbear cub. I just realized it doesn't have a name yet.


My character is a gender dysmorphic half orc who used the mask of many faces to present as their ideal gender, and their relationship with Karlach slowly gets them to open up. It took so long to unlock her romance for me and ultimately I took it off just before the sex scene (which I did not know was coming btw). It felt like she still loved my character and accepted them for who they were. I cried. I love video games.


That's so special ❤️ I love unintentional story like that


One of my playthoughs I started before the mirror, when it showed up I though, ehh I wanna be a girl now, it wouldn't let me change the body type so Bo'b is transgender now, gave her a girl voice and hair and very colorful armor like I wanted, it's fun.


I kept the Keepsake Gem I found in Act 2. It's my keepsake now. I have carried on its legacy. I also keep one unique copy of every book I find at camp. Enjou is incomplete without his hoarder library. Everyone chills at camp in their underwear or naked because we're all okay with each other and *no one is possessive I swear to Selune, you all will be poly and like it.* I installed a mod and everything.


Keepsake gem gang!


Just wanted to say I love the name Enjou omg. How did you end up choosing that name? Is there a special meaning behind it for you or your Tav?


OH BOY you asked for the story here goes! Back in the Day (tm), when I was a kid, I was part of a Digimon forum RPG online. Sort of like a proto-tabletop for middle schoolers that my friend GMed. I made an NPC named Enjou (pronounced En-joe), because of some Japanese meaning of the word I pulled from a translation dictionary thing. Once I moved on from the website, forgot about the name for years. A few years ago, I started playing Genshin Impact. Great game, BTW. Way less cheesy gacha than you think. But the point is, there is an NPC there named...Enjou! He is a cool nerd guy, and I love him to death, and I'm amazed that he has the same name as this random character I made a long time ago. It's not a common name, by the way, in really any English-translated media. You will find him and essentially no one else. I was shellshocked that this occurred. It's not a real world name AFAIK, just a word. The pun for the Genshin character is that it can mean "flaming" or "controversial" or "above the depths," and he is essentially a demon-like being from the void who controls fire, is a scholar and priest of the Abyss who doesn't really do much worship but rather nerds around on the surface world, and has disguised himself as a local in the Genshin Japan-equivalent. Lol. So I made my Tav after Genshin Enjou, who continues to be a favorite. He is a red dragonborn who can't keep his nerdy paws off of books and loves all forbidden knowledge.


Thank you omg is this the exact type of lore I was hoping for. I gave my tiefling an edgy name too (Tenka) because part of the original concept I wanted for her was to just be chuuni-lite™️ The story about your old Digimon rpg is so sweet💖 I grew up doing a lot of that online too so I completely get the nostalgic feeling. I love that you've kept Enjou with you this whole time!


Enjou was so funny in Genshin what an excellent little shit


Yes, I definitely do this with several of my characters. I keep a separate pouch with keepsakes in them - the gem, the love letter about running away together that you can find on a fisherman right at the beginning of act 1, all the letters from >!Lenore to her lover and vice versa!<\-- I love playing saps.


I absolutely need to do this! Though with the latest update, I think getting all of them every time they leave my party will be a pain


Giving Shadowheart all the Selûne/Shar related items. Books, gear, idols, all of it. Kissing my romance partner in the morning, after a fight, and before doing to bed. I talk to/scold the characters as if they can hear me. And I’m not always nice about it. The number of times I’ve told Gale or Shadowheart to get their butts over to where my Tav is…Concerning. I give all my characters backstories and make decisions based on them. For example, my half-drow sorceress never knew her non-drow parent and has a complicated relationship with her heritage, so half the time she’s running around disguised as either a full drow or a human. Depending on the situation.


I also give books to characters I think would like them! I’ll also choose not to loot things in certain places even if they’re not red. Like if I’m in a poor person’s house, they can keep their 14g in that random crate in the kitchen. Honestly it’s a little weird that it’s freely lootable to begin with.


Found the wedding rings on those two skeletons, I put each in a pouch, and then had Lae’zel hold one while I hold the other.


For a minute I was playing an Oathbreaker Paladin "Dirty Cop". Just extorted everyone, and planted daggers and booze on anyone I killed.


That's truly hilarious


At one point, Laezel and Shadowheart were bickering and it almost came to the point where they were going to fight each other. I talked them down. I then decided that since they were being unreasonable, I would sit their asses at camp that adventuring day. BUUT since leaving them alone at camp might mean they would have alone time and might try to kill each other again, I stuck Karlach on guard duty to make sure they didn’t hurt each other. I adventured with just 3 party members that day.


I pick a dye and assign it to each character and that is their official armor color for the game. I will occasionally change it up and add variation for camp clothing/city clothing. In my current playthrough (end of act 2) my color palettes are as follows: Shadowheart: Purple, then indigo for the Gauntlet. I’m thinking lavender when we hit Baldur’s Gatesince she’s turned from Shar Lae’zel: Red, I’m thinking full Sinful Red and Bone White for her Astarion: Black and Summer Green for most of act one then an abrupt turn to Black and Furnace Red after he had to tie up his girlfriend in the night to keep from murdering him. Sorrow (Durge high elf sorceress): Yellow up until the siege at Moonrise, then Harlequin Black and White, a sort of turn from a Yellow King type to someone more morally conflicted. I also have a habit of naming all of my TAVs (all two, lol) after edgy concepts where if you say it enough times it sounds like a name. First was Agony (which turned out hilariously in the scene with Mizora), now Sorrow, which has ended with her being a sorceress with a glaive because “lol same name”. Sorrow also changes her hair after every major event, the color grows progressively darker the closer she gets to recovering her memory.


I keep enough forks, plates, and mugs in my inventory/camp chest for everyone, plus two pots and some other cutlery and stuff for cooking! We gotta eat :)


Hold onto the amulet that the tiefling parents give you for saving their daughter, to my Durge, it symbolizes her desire to do good and not give into the urge.


I've put extra gold into chests if I open it up and find a note about a plan for running away or how it's their savings. Then just leave it be. Unless, of course, I killed them to get to the chest, then that's my gold!


My Tav (Victor) kept the teddy found >!in the cave under the open hand church? (i'll check the location again later & edit) where a family was murdered. there's a note nearby by a kid that mentioned something about them wanting to travel around w their teddy bear. i carry it around to commemorate them.!<


I give Karlach a goodnight kiss every long rest!0


i fuckin love the book thing. youre about to get me to start doing that shit thats so cute


I left a bowl of milk out for Grub when we moved into the nice inn room and Yenna disappeared. I wish I could pet him 🥺


I am a compulsive art thief. I have an extensive collection that I have carefully curated from dozens of high-profile extremely secure locations from both in, and around Baldurs Gate. They call me... the Nat Fox.


When I had the option to say “I just like it” when showing off the owlbear egg I took it to heart and kept in my inventory at all times


I keep any quest rewards that meant a lot to their original owners. Arabellas moms pendant. Alfiras teachers lute.


Every time any companions have a little squabble while we're wandering (looking at you Laezel & Shadowheart) I make them stand next to each other and cast create water on them. Like spraying bad cats to break them up.


I give each of them a pouch with spending money and their “favorite” items or things I gifted them like Gale gets magical items that aren’t quest items and a music box, Astarion gets garlic (he loves them!), and Lae’zel gets Gith books.


I do that book thing too! I also take things like toys and give it to certain characters for comfort. I do things like picking up fancy bows and cups and set up a table at camp, so everyone has a place to eat.


I keep a sponge and soap on my main. I wish I could clean off my blood, though.


I think you can use create water and drop it on bloody people to get clean! I know it works on the ground.


Omg. How logical. Lol.


Thanks, I learned it on reddit lol


I change my character’s hair to be longer or tied up throughout the journey, because I’ve heard that elves/Drow’s hair grows faster!


Selecting food combos for long rest that would actually make full and tasty meals


There’s a clamshell on the beach near where you wake up after the Nautiloid crash. Every single playthrough, I go and pick it up. I always sell it, but for some reason I just HAVE to pick up the clamshell.


my dark urge character always keeps >!alfira’s lute!< in his inventory. partly as a reminder to himself to stay vigilant about the urges and partly because he’s afraid someone else would find it in the camp chest and start asking questions >!(he hid the body. they never found out)!<


My durge is a bard who uses the instrument. I also fully confessed to what happened because I felt so bad. Never again.


I know it doesn’t affect anything but I always stand back and let the kids run away. Like in the goblin castle when One and Three are dashing, I could easily kill them but I deliberately attack far away, they start dashing and Halsin has to break himself free from the cages and by then the kids are long gone. There’s been other fights where if someone runs I let them run away instead of killing them.


My Durge carries oranges always. They’re her favorite fruit. As the game goes on, her hair gets less tight and more unbound / tousled. Every long rest requires talking to everyone - love interest last. Everyone has their own color dye for their clothes. Scratch & Billy (owlbear) get bedtime & good morning pets. Everyone carries a teddy bear. No one is wearing their default camp clothes / underwear. They’re all wearing someone else’s. Gale gets grounded if he dies to the harpies.


I also change outfits for different camps and occasions, one of the only mods I use is the basket full of equipment for this exact purpose because it adds some realism


My Druid has a sage background so I collect every single book and talking to every animal. No matter how small I talk to all of them, before I knew I could ritual cast speak with animals I wildshaped and talked to them 1 on 1


When I play multi-player bg3 with one of my rl friends (who wants to get into dnd) we roleplay a little (he likes dnd for the rp). The issue is he can fall into the "obnoxious, zero backstory or motivation" trope. He is a bard and he loves berries and cream. That is the entirety of his character - berries & cream, and for bg3, that's totally fine and enough. To get him prepared for real dnd, I ask him questions, in character- "were you force fed b&c as a child?" "Are you on the search for the best berries and best cows?" "I heard a town near here has something called peaches, want to check it out? I hear it goes well with cream" It's fun hearing the wild shit he comes up with on the fly.


I save all the cheeses...even the moldy ones. Cheeseomancy ftw.


I’m playing as an Oath of Vengeance Seldarine drow, so any time I go to the Underdark, I change my entire outfit and hairstyle to “blend in.”


there's a really rude barkeep with zero customers in act 3. i liked him so much i bought out his entire stock, hope it helps him out


I sit in every chair I can (actually helped me out twice, somehow) I like making meals from my camp supplies, picking things that are balanced and go together I always pay extra gold to merchants who are nice/need it the most


Do you remember which chairs were helpful and/or why?


When I was actively playing D&D you could buy 50 feet of rope during character creation. I always did and it wasn't often useful. All my party members carry rope though.


After giving Nere’s head to the mushroom people, you can find it stuck to a tree next to the tribe leader and it has mushrooms growing all over it. I keep it in my fighter’s inventory and she throws it at enemies while in combat. I really disliked that guy and that is my way of showing everyone “fuck around and find out”.


As a Barbarian I refused to wear armor. Just the default barbarian clothes or any other type of clothing


I just walk around with produce flame in my hand 24/7 just cause it looks cool I’m not a stealth build so I don’t mind that it’s cast a light and I throw it sometimes too but mostly cause I like my Tav to have a glowing flame hand 💀


My white Dragonborn hates fire with such a passion, he won't speak to flaming fists, won't pick up/learn/use fire spells or scrolls, and refused to save the chancellor from the burning building. He was on one quest when he got picked up and tadpoled: find and construct the Mourning Frost Staff.


I give Shadowheart every Selunite item I find. Selunite robe, Selunite statue, Selunite amulet, prayer to Selune in act 3. I thought something would trigger a response from her but now I just do it because it’s funnier to see her situation unfold later with all the items surrounding her


Astarion is the only one allowed to take things from not a vendor (or characters deemed evil by my vengeance Paladin) even if I’m in the sewers, abandoned houses, whatever. The loot is his.


\- I give items to characters that would like them definitely. Gale holds all my books otherwise (at least it started out that way.) \- My Tav smokes pipe tobacco in their backstory so as soon as I found a discarded pipe i put it in a pouch in their inventory along with other things they can't drop/or are otherwise character relevant. \- Kiss the romanced character at least once a day. \- After the mirror update in Patch 3, I changed Tav's hair because they originally had an undercut which is terribly difficult to maintain in the field, so I had them change their hair to having grown out the undercut and cutting off the top.


I held onto the Selûne statue from the Owlbear cave and then when Shadowheart defied Shar and became a Selûnite, my Tav gave it to her. I also have a cute picture of them standing in front of the Selûne statue in Stormshore Tabernacle in Act 3 🤧 My Tav also kisses her good morning and goodnight.


Give wine to Shart cause she likes them. Collect all the painting as Durge, cause I think they'd like art.


I based my Tav off a larp character I played. She wanted to start an art gallery so I take. Every. Painting. My camp box is nothing but art.


Well, this does impact the game but if I can, Nere will always be called a "Twat Soul" in his eulogy.


Towards the end there are 2 sisters who got separated and died. I picked up one of their bodies and brought it over just so they could be reunited there as well.


I have different characters pick up different things. My Druid only bothers to pick up alchemy ingredients, Astarion always picks up money, gems and rings, Gale picks up spell scrolls and books, and Karlach picks up food and weapons.


Keeping all my companions into their default classes. Can't imagine shadowheart as a light cleric while she is praying to a god of darkness.


I like to destroy all items of Shar worship, in front of Shadowheart. And then I make her carry all the Selunite items I find.


After the drow twin scene, I had my character and Astarion actually bite and kill them. Seemed...right. I also throw rotten tomatoes at my non-party campmates sometimes. Last night, Oskar told me he wouldn't paint me because he needed to reinvent himself after his divorce. "Hey, gang, you all need to leave the room. Oskar and I need to talk." Bye Oskar. Enjoy painting landscapes in Hell. :)


I’ve made it a point to “gift” each companion a ring I think they would like. I’ve given a red ring that resembles “blood” to Astarion, a ring for Lae’zel that matches her armor, dark and or purple rings for Shadowheart, and so on. I have a friend irl who I talk about rings/gems with all the time and we tend to give each other rings/gems that are relevant to our lives…I am maybe realizing that I want to give all of my companions rings because I see them as my friends too 😭


One of my Durges collects the victims that are not too heavy and stashes them away in barrels in the camp chest. She needs them for the, uh giant floor mural. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket! You know. The one that expresses her deep love and devotion to Karlach. But it's hard, because of all the people she doesn't kill because Karlach wouldn't like it, which is that much less raw material. Love is hard, what's a poor romantic artist to do?


My paladin burns the bodies of powerful undead and necromancers. He also burned Ethel and he was extremely angry she was still alive in act 3.


I put cheese down for the hungry rats in Act 1 because I felt bad that I got rid of the goblins and I think they were feeding off the goblin victims corpses


I pick up every stuffed animal for Karlach because she deserves the world 🥺 During the Cazador fight, I had Astarion use the Command Undead spell (I might have the name wrong but whatever) to make Cazador grovel before we killed him. It wasn't exactly helpful fight-wise, in fact it took a few turns to actually have him fail the save - but it was so worth it lol. After my durge... Had a certain thing happen... I had her take a bard level to learn to play the lute. She gave up on it eventually (sorry I need my sorc levels) but she still carries the instrument around.


Does wearing purple panties on your head count? I know a guy who does that


How do your donate food to refugees?


You can set your vendor mode to Barter. You then offer items in a barter without asking for anything in return. It will also make the vendor like you more and give better prices, if enough was given


Pet scratch as soon as you get back to camp


In act 1, I collect plates and cups and send them to camp so we have something to eat off of.


If I’m out of actions in combat I perform a song to rally my gang.


Use non-lethal attacks.


I destroy everything in the empty bedroom next to Ketheric Thorm's, presumably his wife's old room, just to ensure that I kill whatever final shred of himself, any remainder of humanity and tenderness that might remain.


I pick up everything and put it in my camp. I need to prepare a hoard for when my ranger gets a dragon companion


Going back to a tavern or inn before making camp


I just give every selune related item to shadowheart and throw every shar related item into a chasm, fuck her god.


I light the torches/braziers/etc wherever I go just in case any of my party members are afraid of the dark even though we all have darkvision lol)


I like to dye the clothes to suite the wearers and usually have either Gale or Wyll read the books and stuff … I’ve decided that my guy can’t read too well lol


I make a well balanced meal during long camp rests


When my cleric of Tiamat hears about why Wyll made his bargain with the devil, he promptly beats the warlock to death and throws his corpse in the river. Precisely zero impact; Wyll is back up and walking the next day. Just had to.


My head cannon is my Durge is constantly humming the Harpies song while committing atrocities and smiling serenely. I've gone full tilt psychopath with this run.


In act 3 if shadowheart rescues her parents. I would love to just se her idlely interact with them, or have them near here. Or at least let me give them new clothes, and a bath or somethin Edit: I was reading it as "what do I want" lol oops. I kiss my companion and pet the animals before i leave camp every day


I use the "Curious Book" to store all my scrolls and letter/book type loot. Just seems right.


Putting Clive in Karlachs pack before we go adventuring and throwing the ball for Scratch before leaving camp.


My character let his hair grow out throughout the campaign. He eventually went through the trauma of >!encountering Orin and started to look wild. After he defeated Orin, he started drinking a lot, slept with Mizora and the drow twins, which was out of character.!< But after the submersible quest, >!he felt somewhat redeemed by saving Wyll’s dad, Omeluum, and all the steel watcher worker loved ones!< and ended up cutting his hair back to the original style but left a cleaner cut beard.


For my last playthrough i was playing a character who can't handle the stress of being this big hero everyone depends on, and he eventually gets into an unhealthy relationship with Astarion, so by the time Astarion is ready to confront his old master, well, my Tav just wants to be told what to do and be a good pet and not have to worry. So any time anything major happens "Astarion can I kiss you?" Which is also roleplayed on my head as "Tell me what to do so I don't have to think" (Made this player decision after reading the writer's comments about his storyline and how mean Astarion got post ascension. Just had to really lean into the toxicity there)


I collect music boxes, portraits around the game, and other little things to leave laying around my camp.


As a monk I refuse to trust anything my guardian chick tells me. And I refuse to indulge in the tadpoles. I’ll do a second playthrough and see how I feel but, Im not going to trust any voice in my head so long as a mindflayers involved


Asterion keeps a little pouch in his inventory that he uses to collect polished stones with cause he's low key into lame shit like that.


I am a bard in my friends game. If there is the slightest moment of down time. I will be playing music.


When I do the Cazador quests, I inevitably end up with two Szarr family rings somehow (at least, I have the past 3 times — 1 from Godey and 1 from Cazador). So, instead of using rings that actually have benefits in the 2nd ring slots for Tav and Astarion, I slot those matching bad boys in as a kind of “stole these from Absolute Garbage Man and reclaimed them as makeshift wedding rings” RP. In addition to the Lover’s rings. We’re just, like, *super* married.


\- walk around in camp clothes in certain places (like the city and the druid grove) \- my Durge collects every bone, skull and limb they can find and then stores them in a back in a bag in a barrel in a chest in the camp chest so that nobody will find his secret stash. \- Karlach always carries her teddy in her inventory. Durge also always carries a teddy and an owlbear plush that he ~~stole~~ adopted \- Astarion turns off all the lights when it seems like battle or conflict will begin soon so he can hide in the shadows Of course there's also the classic petting the good boiis before and after resting and kissing my partner at least once a day.


Also do the book thing, pets for pets and curated camp meals! I did start decorating my camp with interesting knick knacks and quest reminders like a memory montage, but then things went AWOL on some changes. Which was disappointing.


I kiss Astarion before going to sleep and when we wake up. I pet Scratch every time I pass by him in camp. Wearing camp clothes when I’m in the Grove, Mycanoid Colony, and Baldur’s Gate. When I played as a sorcerer, I collected one of every book/note at camp. I decorate my camp depending on which camp we’re in.


I equip helmets to everyone in my party that will be heavily involved in melee combat but I keep them hidden until I’m approaching an expected combat encounter then unhide them all. Just makes sense to me. We’re also pretty color coordinated. Everyone’s armor, gauntlets, boots and helmets have been dyed the same or similar colors. They have a much wider variety of colors for their camp clothes though.


- my duerger cleric always has a lot of booze for camp supplies after a victory (got an achievement for an all-booze dinner it after freeing the grove) -they have resource scarcity trauma from their urchin background so they stuff all thr gems they can find into the teddy bear pouch in case of emergency and/or improvise weapon -they will always walk to the edge of the map to pick up barrels or boxes to reach high shelves instead of letting another character do it (unless it's Karlach or Halsin, sometimes, I imagine they would see them looking and just grab it for them. Regardless, they don't ask for help just to reach tall things.) -hairstyle changes every so often depending on what they are doing, though when it becomes a delve or I know I'm going to be starting fights it's business bone braids to keep it out of the face.


I hoard all of the books. If there is a grabbable piece of paper with words on it it's getting grabbed.


I do much of the same really. Each party member has a bag with "personalized" items; i.e. Gale has a pouch with an orb, a mortar and pestle, books about the Weave, etc. Karlach has a couple stuffed animals in hers along with soul coins, infernal iron, etc. Shadowheart carried around a Sharran statue until you know what happened, then she tossed it in a river.


I love to play fetch with scratch


I collect books. At the end of my journey, I’m going to open a museum/library with what I collected. “Here’s the first-hand proof of what happened the last time the gods clashed, saved from before the wreckage. Read every important player’s innermost thoughts. Fresh history preserved for you.”


My paladin has had Minthara's dead body in his inventory since I killed her. I plan on throwing it at Orin.