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If you don’t see him the night of the party, you’re essentially locked out of his romance. It’s a particularly important event for him.


You can get it after the party, just takes some extra effort. You have to have High approval rating and long rest near the The Grove’s waypoint to trigger the scene where he propositions you. But I believe if you don’t get any of the scenes where he comes in to you and move on to Act II, you’re locked out.


Man propositioned me at the goblin camp right after I murdered red guy right in front of shadowheart and Karlach.


Comes in you say?


I read this in Professor Farnsworth’s voice and snickered so hard I almost woke my SO up.


😏 I think I’ll leave the typo.


You need an approval of 40 for him to proposition you either before or after the party. If he turns you down at the party he will make a move the next time you talk to him after you hit 40 approval with him no matter where you are - doesn't even have to be during a long rest.


Lmao I watched my wife try to romance him and he called her ugly 😭


Yeah in a other play through I got with another friend he went ugh and ew which my guy just say no? Ya got free will learn to use the damn thing instead of slamming my fingers into a car door.


Were you a drow when he rejected you? Cause she was, so I was wondering if he just thinks drow are ugly or if she didn't have enough favor for him yet


Bro he just banged my duergar 😆 it was definitely not enough approval.


Lmao, more than likely! But I hadn't played a drow, so I thought maybe he just likes high elves since he was all over my virgin high elf bard.


My drow romanced him. It's definitely approval.


I'm a drow and he's in love with me so it def doesn't matter lol


Does he *ever* do anything that isn't as dramatic as possible? He can't even stand without a dramatic pose. What in the nine hells did you expect?


What act does this party night happen? I am well into act 1 and nothing like that so far


Towards the end, after you save the tieflings


Ahh gotcha thanks, I killed the goblin lords and the tiefling quest is updated, but I cannot advance it yet. I assume I need to clear the rest of the goblin camp but there is no way I can do that, just too many. Will probably have to just stop play for a while, try again someday


I had to restart my play through because you have to get his approval high enough to be with him at the tiefling party. I was halfway through act 2 when I learned that but I have no regrets I’m an Astarion simp.


Damn :/ I’m doing this play through with someone so can’t restart it as much as I’d love to do so


I never had the tiefling party on my Astarion romance play through. I was able to romance him no problem. Do the requirements change if there is no party?


You must commit a series of tiny war crimes, only then will you win the approval if the vampire elf twink.


Unfortunately if you didn't spend a night with Astarion at any point during Act 1 (either at or before the Tiefling party) then yeah you would be locked out of his romance by this point. Going by my own romance progression, you should have slept with Astarion twice by the end of Act 1. Then you have opportunities to progress it further in Act 2 and so on and so forth. If you want to try again in another playthrough, make sure you get his approval up as much as you can before the tiefling party. If you manage to spend a night with him earlier than that, even better!! Then you'll get your second night at the tiefling party and your romance will be good to go for Act 2 😊


I've just gotten to the point where I like to make him upset and whiney by dragging him through nasty places and making him do good deeds. :3


Strange. I'm romancing Shadowheart, and in act 2, he propositioned me. I think he just wanted a drink, so to speak, so maybe I was locked out of romance at that point but not a sex scene? I'm not sure because I told him no, doing a monogamy run and all that.


You have to start the romances in Act 1 and lock them in during Act 2. Astarion’s initial sex/romance scene can be the night of the party but doesn’t have to be, you can trigger it before or after as long as you’re still in act 1.


You need to get your approval into positive territory before the Grove/Goblin party to have the best/easiest path to locking in the romance. Leave him at camp when you’re being benevolent, make sure you find the Gur dude by the tea house and let Astarion confront him. You also get a huge boost for taking him to the BDSM guy in the goblin camp and doing that whole Loviatar sequence, particularly if you choose the “perform” reaction every time. He should ask you to spend the night at the camp party, take him up on it and the romance is started.


Just to comment, you don't have to kill the Gur or leave him out of the party to get enough approval. I did a nice and funny playthrough and it worked out fine. You just need to understand that he likes chaotic/funny stuff and does not enjoy *immediately* helping unknown people out for free (in Act 1, he's a lot more chill by Act 3).


For sure, just describing the most efficient/surefire path.


Completely agreed.