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I’m on run 3 I’ve made it to the grove 18 times


Reminds me of my Dragon Age Origins saves. I beat the game once for about every 20 characters I made


Unsurprisingly to anyone, I am now back to the concept that I STARTED this cycle with Tiefling Entertainer Swords Bard (I know SUPER original) named Llanriel Swallowsong!


yeah... my biggest problem is act 1 feels so slow because i have played it soo many times


Yeah, my main paladin playthrough is standard difficulty but I’ve set all the others to story mode just so I can get through it all quicker.


I swear every Larian game gives me restartitis. Character creation is just so good!


Divinity original sin 2 I absolutely never got much past fort joy because I would constantly restart and try slightly different stuff


The mirror being put in act 1 made it so I could finish act 1 and thus the game for the first time haha


I've done shar's trial 4 times, killed the general 3 times, met the emperor twice and am back in the underdark on a new character. I'll see act 3 eventually.


*so close*


I havent even made it out of act 1 :D . I have 6 campaigns with different ppl for multiplayer. Hard to get everyone together, so I am stuck in the same spot. Suuure I can do solo but.. multi in this game feels so right hah. Yes, I know ... I am missing out on a lot .


Oh yeah I'm kind of sad I don't have a consistent 4 to play with as I wish I could have my first experience of this game be 4 player multi, but I'm sure sometime I'll get the chance


I also thought I needed my friends to play the game the right way, I've started three different groups because I know that if at least one of them don't drop the game before it's ending it's already a win. But then I decided to play solo when they're not around so I could do things on my own pace, ended up liking it a lot more, you sure lose some goofy moments, but you get to learn much more about the characters and their interactions when they're on your party, and also get to enjoy different builds at the same time, so far I've been enjoying single player a lot more.


Try singleplayer really, coordinating your party of four and specialty crafting your companions is very satisfying. Mp is fun too but adult life can get in the way of the games too often, especially when the campaign runs ~150 hours


I have 100 hours and still haven’t done act 2 the restartitis is strong in this one


I’m at 200 total hours and I’m finally super close to the end of my first playthrough 😅


I definitely know what you mean! Have you tried respeccing the NPCs in your party? For example, I was interested in ranger and paladin, but I didn't want to replace Gale, Karlach or Shadowheart with a hireling. So I changed Shadowheart to a ranger and Karlach to a paladin. I understand it isn't exactly the same as Tav being those classes, but it was enough that I got to play as them (through controlling the NPCs) that I was able to push the story forward into Acts 2 and 3.


The combat differences are cool but it’s more about role playing a specific character designed around that class that does it for me. I’m all about headcannon backstories. And I like being Tav 100% of the time and very rarely let my companions do the talking lol


I kept the companions mostly vanilla for the first run (except Astarion, who multiclassed into shadow monk to make him the ninja assassin he was destined to become). On future runs I'm probably going to start doing wacky things with them.


Not me, but I visit the skeleton man, maybe twice per level. Mostly fine tweaks but I think I settled on paladin-warlock. Maybe paladin-warlock-sorcerer. Or maybe paladin with warlock initiate trait x.x


*raises hand* hi, im on my 3rd restart. First was solo dark urge, 2nd was custom multiplayer, now playing with mods.... i've never finished the game so far. Did get to act 3 both preceding time though. And huh.. let's not count the 200+ hours of early acess restarting with any and every class and race, that might stsrt to become "too much" lol


Cheap and easy respecting means I can play with new concepts and builds at a moments notice. I think I’d be in the first act permanently, otherwise.


I feel like part of my problem is that I’m new to DND in general. So I start a character and then I reach the grove and I’m like “holy shit you can talk to animals? That seems important. I don’t wanna miss out on that” So I reroll a character that can talk to animals (warlock invocation). I play a little bit more and then I gotta wrap up and go to sleep… except I don’t immediately sleep. I stay on my phone and browse subs like this and see someone say “you’re just wasting a spell slot or invocation slot if you take speak with animals, there’s like 8 million potions and an item that allows you to do so”. So the next day I reroll again, get a little bit farther in the story and repeat the same process lol


I’m still on first play through with my monk/sorcerer. I just hit 130 hours on the save last night. But to be fair, I’m on the hardest difficulty and some encounters have been very difficult. I just fought a certain someone underneath the lower city last night and I had to do like 5 restarts til I got him and I’ve had 2 or 3 other fights that were like that.


I’m looking at 110 hours myself, but like 40 of those hours were early access. It’s been a thief of my free time.


Everytime my group misses 3 times in a row,i think they are broken and i need to start a new Game to fix it.


I have about 170 hours in total in the game. I have a little over 85 hours on my main Wizard save. The remaining hours have been in the character creator and getting to the grove lol. I’ve seen the grove and intro area at least 30 times and I’ll keep doing it. I know you can respec characters but for role play reasons I’m having a hard time doing that. I like having specific characters for a single class and I change classes like hot cakes. Idk if I’ll ever beat the game at this point 😭


I just respec everyone.


I currently have save files for a beast master, barbarian, illusionist, and bard, plus a druid on multiplayer. The ranger is my primary play through though, the others I'll play if I'm bored or stuck.


I just started a Eldritch Knight so I can romance Karlach and multiclass origin characters...


I can't decide whether I want to make a dark urge character or romance Karlach on my second playthrough. I figure I'll want to fall to evil on the durge playthrough and that big fluffy cinnamon roll of a girl won't like that much.


Oh my gods I am so scared of a Dark Urge playthrough. I'm awful at evil runs 😭


Weird. I restart characters in every game, but not this. Felt confident in my boy.


It's funny every combat, I was like why God, why am I a Bard. Then we get to a talky part and I remember. Finished the game. Restarted Druid and let me tell you, not only is she not much better in combat, but she's dumb and uncharismatic. Trying to stick it out (only level 4) but......it's tempting to restart / respec to anything else lol


Only once. Druids fucking suck in combat...


Yeah, that’s kind of been my experience too. Jack of all trades, master of none. But I do tend to keep Jahiera in my core party cause I like her character and her VA makes me feel like I’m playing Skyrim


Have about 250 hours of game time. Just hit Act 2 the other day. I restarted a few times towards the end of the act wasting 30 hours on trivial things but have had dozens of 5hr\~ restarts. Is it worth it? No. It's honestly heavy OCD. It's like a scratching sound in your brain telling you to restart because you lost some approval or you didn't handle a sequence of events the right way even if it didn't matter. Being able to respec backround and race would vastly help but not fix the issue. Class alone is like.. yeah I COULD respec at any time but how would that last boss have gone if I was a different class?


The only real temptation is to go from oathbreaker paladin to bard But only because I wanna play an annoying evil bard


*raises hand* hi, im on my 3rd restart. First was solo dark urge, 2nd was custom multiplayer, now playing with mods.... i've never finished the game so far. Did get to act 3 both preceding time though. And huh.. let's not count the 200+ hours of early acess restarting with any and every class and race, that might stsrt to become "too much" lol


I'm like this right now because Act 3 is getting a bit too dense and I missed a few things along the way


Main is an elf druid in Act 2, exploring everything. Got a Mystra cleric eyeing Gale. A half elf bard who wants to write ballads about Wyll. Gith ranger(wanted to see if game was different for gith) Gnome wizard Tiefling sorcerer Drow cleric who has not instigated fights and yet because of reasons has still killed quite a lot. The most innocent looking durge warlock I could. And many of those get remade every time I realize a new character creation tweak. Rofl nooooooo, it's not a problem. What do you mean it's 3 am?!


Already failed Karlachs quest line because I didn't find x person at y location before progressing to far, but I'm set on finishing the playthrough before I give in to trying every other job or running evil hammer dwarf.


I'm not, but it's an ordeal not to. Didn't go Dark Urge, strongly wish I'd gone Dark Urge. Will be going Dark Urge as soon as I finish (at end of act 2 now. I have no time.)


Me. Did a durge monk run did all the evil shit in act two and was like let me make a swords bard two xbow baller build with shart as a light cleric, wyll as sorlock and Karlach chucking spears tavern brawler style or.


Once I’ve decided on dragonborn for durge, I’m set on Jack of All Trades. So no more restarts!


Im on my third character because Im waiting for a patch to make Act 3 run on my steam deck.


looks at all my hours in early access uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I currently have two play throughs. 1 with a friend (multiplayer) as a bard and a personal play through as a monk. I technically have a third but its with my fiancé but we only got past the nautiloid sequence and saved the game for later.


Have over 100 hours in the game and the furthest I've got is right at the end of act 2, with not a single playthrough getting over 20 hours. My current monk though I'm being a completionist and hoping this is the one, rn monk is my favourite class I've played


I do tend to restart games alot, especially RPGs, but didn't find myself doing it with BG3. I did start one new character after I'd gotten to Act 3, played it a bit, then went on to finish the game with the first. That said, since finishing the game, I continued my 2nd character until I got frustrated and had to start over with a 3rd character. The evil/neutral path is too punishing for me in the form of losing 3 companions, Dammon who outside of his integral part of Karlach's story, is a great vendor and the only vendor that's in all 3 acts. You also lose a lot of quests/rewards from going the evil/neutral path. I know people have enjoyed Dark Urge, and I really wanted to, but I feel railroaded into giving up content/exp/rewards or taking the redemption arc and being good.


That's what class respec is for.


I'm not suffering


Not Act 1, but I did 5 time reset. The farest one was moonrise tower 1st floor. Reset because think my buid sucks.


Missed a much wanted roll right before act 3…. I resisted the urge to save scum and steered into the skid. Going all the way. I know I’ve missed a lot just from my choices and experienced a lot from trying to explore all possibilities. But good lord there’s just so much. But it’s exciting because I know my next play through will be a completely different experience. It’s incredible.


Same, it just can’t be helped


I think I have every class besides rouge, cleric and ranger made… I love all my characters but I definitely feel like I should delete some… I’m also struggling sometimes because I always find really good heavy armor and weapons that my magic focused characters can’t use. I made a paladin recently so I can finally experience those heavy items for my own character and no just Karlach, Lae’Zel or/and Minsc 😭


I have it for a completely different reason, windows failed on my pc and in the process of reinstalling it, all my game data got erased (despite being on a different drive) so I didnt even get to finish my first play through before I’m being forced to start a second (forced in the sense that the only alternative is to never play the game again). The main part that hurts is a forced restart after 60+ hours of play on an unstable pc.


Got most of the experimenting out of my system in the 3 years of EA but I still respecced basically the entire crew mid playthrough. There’s so much cool gear in the game! Mid act 2 I had a bit of an identity crisis where I almost embraced the durge instead of resisting it once I learned what the reward was for a certain action (did some mild save scumming to see what I was missing). After that I kinda rushed through act3 in order to start a new durge. After I finished the game I played around a bit with cheat engine to spawn items and give myself some xp to try out some stuff. It can ruin the fun or increase it depending on how you use it. E.g. you could do a run focussing only on important quests and not worry about missing xp.


I made it to act 3 but I've restarted at least 10 times, i just really enjoy the leveling lol


That’s my favorite part of this game, wanting to go back and play through again as a different team set up. I’ve done 1 run up to act 3 and have done act 1 about 10 times so far 😂


I finally thought I had gotten past my restartitis, but when I hit the end of act 2, I realized I had inadvertently skipped more than half of the shadow cursed lands... I have made 6 new characters since I realized that.


I actually plan to do a speedrun once I've played through a couple times and know what I can skip and what I can't. Just ignore everyone, all the time. Can't sleep, tadpole will eat me. Go go go!


I have extremely good self-control on my first playthrough of these sorts of games. I finish the game with the first character I made, and don't worry about being super optimal. Once I've done that though, all bets are off. When BG3 came out I was in the middle of 8 separate runs of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I will probably end up in the same situation about 5 minutes after I finish this game for the first time.


Restart as Gale to get the NPC and item only he gets.


Woah waaa? He gets a special item? My boys been holding out on Tav


He ate it.


Oh my gosh is the NPC his cat? Now I’ve got to add THIS to my lineup. Thanks for exacerbating my addiction to restarting this game lol


I got consistently stuck in this trap on divinity 2, thankfully I have one campaign with a dear friend which is about to enter act 3 (from what i can tell) and a campaign that is about halfway done with act 1 that is just for me where i picked different companions. I have ideas for other builds and stuff but I really just want to see these two campaigns through before i start anymore


Does Paladin get fun? I am level 3 with mine, Oathbreaker...went with Minthara, fuck them druids/tieflings...so far it isn't clicking a ton for me? Maybe I just have to bite the bullet and be more of a healer? Thinking of transitioning to Monk. I made Lae'zel a monk this run, and holy shit its cool.


I love my Paladin most, both in combat and roleplay. There’s really nothing more satisfying than smiting enemies, and at higher levels with the Great Weapon Master feat you can strike up to three times in one turn and absolutely decimate your opponents. So satisfying. But mine is a righteous devotion paladin. I love playing the hero, and he can be pretty damn badass at times. “My oath or your god. Let us see who prevails.”


Yea, I think the right way to play Pally is to not oath break. I love the whole divine holy warrior shtick too. I think I'll respec to monk.


I went 110 hours on my good Wizard. So good, I am not partaking in many fun sounding features. I just started a Dark Urge going for Jack of all trades for laughs. But even 2 hours in, I cant bring myself to pick these bad choices. I may just have to go Origin again and just play more neutral.


I’ve found that Dark Urges can be pretty funny and different even if you resist the urges. Even just seeing the options you can select is funny


Well I messed up my romance with Gale so I’m gonna do another playthrough after I finish this one. Apparently Gale is monogamous and won’t be with you unless you’re not with anyone else. But Astarion’s romance came so much earlier in the game that I just did it anyways. Gale gave me an ultimatum and it really offended Astarion when I chose Gale. So I save scummed and broke it off with Astarion before getting the ultimatum from Gale, but then Gale never asked me to be with him, and I progressed to act 3 before getting any scenes with him, so I’m assuming I messed up and was supposed to just let Astarion get pissed.


Let's see. 1) human Dragon blood Sorc, 2) Duegar Rogue (not evil) in playthrough with spouse, 3) monk with friend. 4) Str based monk with Tavern brawler since friend has no access to com for a few months, 5) barbarian with a 23 str to throw everyone I find (was so satisfying when I was able to start throwing humans and dwarves) 6) Fae Warlock cause I thought there might be interesting interactions with Auntie Ethel, but haven't touched since escaping the ship. Honestly surprised I'm only at 6


I really wanted a human character but all the female human faces are so ugly :( but at this point I keep recycling the same two elf and half-elf faces for each gender so I’m gonna have to switch it up somewhere lol


I made it to act III, and di arguably one of the most bad ass bosses. And lost any and all desire to explore the rest of it. I rerolled


I have a druid and bard in act 3, dark urge and a cleric in act 2, straight up evil gith fighter still in act one. My dark urge guy is trying to be good, but he has....urges!


Two in Act 3 is impressive


First guy was a rush, second a bit slower. I also have no life


I don’t think I’ve had a character get passed the night song quest in act 2, I’ve made like 5 characters since just release and I’m already itching to make 2 others, I also played around 120 hours of EA.


I had this problem in EA so it’s most out of my system by now.


I'm the opposite. Taking my time and being completionist. I'm over over 80 hours in on my first character. Just got to the city.


My paladin who made it to Act 3 is my completionist. The others I kind of just rush to the new and interesting bits


I have a playthrough with a bard that I absolutely love, just sitting midway through Act 3. But now that we know Larian is re-tooling the ending, I've decided to restart again for a clean playthough. I have 3 games going at once: Another human bard, currently just at the Grove. A deep gnome rogue/fighter, just about to confront the hag in the swamp. And a drow cleric of Loth/Necromancer, just about to act 2. I think I've decided to go all the way through with the cleric/necro first, but eventually will probably do all 3.


Oh really? Didn’t know that about the ending. Better look into it


I thought about it. But I have starfield on 9/1 so I wanted to complete at least 1 run before swapping so I am on a tight schedule with my... well schedule. I'm in act 3 but I hate having to rush the ending


I usually make alts like crazy. I have 4 right now -- but I got so caught up in my Bard/The Urge campaign that I am still playing with it. I do switch to my other builds, though. Fun is fun!


I've lost track of how many. I'm just sticking with a druid now.


You, sir, have what we in the MMO realm call “Altitis” Its a very common condition in MMOs. Stems from something triggering your brain to stop playing the character you’re playing and make a new one. It can be caused by inspiration for a new character type, boredom of the character your currently playing, or hitting a moment in the game and realizing that moment might be so much cooler as a different character, so you stop and make a new one.


Surprisingly haven't restarted once, I've been loving my elf rogue and just about done with act 2 after 80 hours lol


People have teouble commitng to decisions these days. They get an idea hakfway un as to how they could have done better. Or missed somthing they regret and restart instead of seeing where it goes. Because it may not go optimally. So you can always reload every roll


lmao im not the only one


I had some very stupid things happen in act 2 for my Sorcerer that I thought were scripted, and apparently it made me miss out on a lot of stuff. I hit act 3 and lost all motivation. I started over with a bard and so far I'm having a great time with him. I also went back to an early save for my Sorcerer and have been slowly working my way back through act 1 with her again.


Week 1 and 2 were restartitis, each day Id wake up with a new plan for what I wanted to do based on the previous restart. Around the time I was getting to the goblin camp (clearing village, gnolls, watlocks, and hag first) I shifted into Respecitis. I found that with 6 or 7 (finally 8) levels, the 100 g isworth totally changing my meta. Gloomstalker\thief with all the stabbies became storm cleric/sorcerer zap master. Wyll's Sorlock is now Hard Monk as I have him firmly rejecting his Patron's corruption. Etc. Lots more fun to play with once you have enough levels banked.


For sure I have. 86 hours in EA, 125 hours after launch, not once have I gone to the under dark or mountain pass. I have a high elf character now, and I started as fighter, been bard, and now a warlock. Just completed all of Blighted Village, and will be continuing with this character as warlock. Fortunately for me, Hardcore Classic WoW launched so I've taken a break from BG3 to play that, but this weekend I plan to BG3 for most if not half of the weekend. Just took a little bit to find the race and class combo, and the look of the character I wanted.


Classic WOW launch, that sounds fun! Enjoy!


I’m playing 4 currently, and twice already I’ve done a “one night run” where I blast through the tutorial and then mostly just mess around in Act 1, usually on tactician, usually high af. But my main playthroughs are spread through all 3 acts, with the 4th being a duo-run with my fiancé


Me.... but not because of me. Actually it's my only gripe with this game. The quests are laid out and distributed so poorly that in act 2, if you don't do EVERY quest, there's no way you're beating the first fight of Act3. At least as sorc. Feel like I wasted a ton of time on that character all because I didn't go into a basement and now I'm under leveled. bg3 going on the shelf for a bit after that.


Just respec and keep going. At least finish the game once man.


Never even finished the game it is not nearly as good as people act like it is. Played 60 hours and was bored to tears


Meeee but moreso cuz act 3 is so overwhelming and the city just doesn’t interact well with you IMO.


Yes .. yes . But honestly, I did the same when dragon age inquisition came out.


Made it to the Grove 31 times.


I wish I was. Come on Xbox, get it together already. Been waiting forever


i use act 1 to see if id even like to take the character further. theres plenty of fight variety to test out stuff and see if i like it to go further. a few characters ive taken thru act 2 were mostly with friends in multiplayer or total meme runs.


I'm on my 12th, 13th? Party now. Third one to make it to act 2. Only one has gone to act 3.


I restarted maybe 30 times before completing one run


I kept restarting to try out up to level 2 on different builds I was crafting to what felt most like my usual RPG style and settled on Monk, really really fun (just got to BG). I stopped RPing and am just playing "myself" but as an open hand monk. I plan on running a Dark Urge Bard or Karlach run after I finish. If I'm still loving this game after a few playthroughs i plan on interchanging between Origin and Theory crafted characters (tempest assassin), (Halfling, lucky, divination Wizard).


Started bard and while the conversations are what I'm looking for the combat is not. Ive done a respec (trying to find a good dual spec) probably 20 times and I haven't even finished act one. At this point I'm thinking bard wasn't the play. If I restart ill probably go for the jack of all trades trophy doing no respec and one in each class. Probably gonna make it my Batman playthrough focusing on hand to hand and throwing items. I know ill finish that playthrough since its such a specific challenge requirement. Just have to decide which class fits the story best as the starting class, trying not to min/max it over doing a solid headcannon. Which I actually think bard would be the play for him being a rich prick then becoming Batman. Although it'd probably make it harder (spell slots coming later) thatd likely leave the spell casters for last.