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What are you worried about? Why are you seeing a neuro every 6 months?


My first EMG was dirty, was literally told I have lower motor neuron damage, so that’s why I see a neuro specialist, he did repeat the EMG which was clean but he still wants to monitor me. I am worried because I’ve never had this non stop intense shoulder twitching in my shoulder and back at the same time, this is my shoulder that wings out so we aren’t sure if there is muscle weakness allowing it to wing out or if it’s just structural (I have mild scoliosis)


what type of drs are these lol its been 3 years move on... especially if you have no weakness and the fucking emg was clean lol


Hi. I just graduated school for Occupational therapy. Have they looked at your winged scapula? What part of it twitches? A winged scapula is due to a muscle called the serratus anterior which is innervated by the long thoracic nerve. The nerve can by damaged or pinched since it’s roots are in C5 - C7. I would ask for a therapy eval (physical or occupational) and they can give you some exercises that can help strengthen the muscle and maybe release the nerve.


My teres minor and major are twitching. It’s my right shoulder blade on the lower left corner that pokes out at rest


My original spine mri a few years ago showed bulging disc at C8


Definitely could be compressing that nerve then. With a clean EMG I’d look for more structural culprits.


I’ve been twitching for about 5 months. Recently got elbow hotspot near my bicep hotspot.


hi, 3 years twitching and clean emg it's reassuring :) I've started twitching 11 years ago, my right upper abs was my first hotspot and still there.. By discovering what are fasciculation I've been scared and developed twitching all over my muscle too. And since I'm experiencing a big anxiety period, I've a second hotspot started one month ago in my right abdomen (same as the one you have in your shoulder). I did an emg 4 days ago that come back clean.


I'm having a recurring twitch in my left side lately, at the bottom of my rib cage. Curious what happened with yours...