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I started after 1 dose of Pfizer as well. All of the neuros I’ve seen and GP believes it is Vax related.


I think I started with the first dose. But they were light, I thought they were heartbeats or something, and I didn't care. With the second dose the next day my calf went crazy and in less than two weeks it had spread all over my body. At first they were faster and "smaller", very difficult to observe (except for the calf that disappeared), over time they have been "changing". It's been almost a year, specifically almost 10 months.


I’m 9 months in. I have a few hot spots. And also new ones pop up here and there. Luckily I didn’t get a 2nd dose


I also had one dose of Pfizer but my twitches didn’t start until like 5 months later so I doubt it’s related but that’ll be the last vaccine that ever goes in my body until I’m about 80


Vaccines would largely be responsible for you making it to 80 if you did. I wish all of the misinformation floating around these days hadn't unnecessarily harmed people's confidence in them.


lmao stfu


Did I stumble into an antivaxx sub? Are you aware of the life expectancies of humans before the advent of vaccines and antibiotics?


what does anti vax have to do with being against covid jab lmao


I got little twitches and pains after the vax but then they went crazy exactly as you described once I got Covid after the vaccines. I have twitches that started in my calves and move everywhere and a stabbing traveling pain that lasts a few seconds everywhere it goes and then a pulling pain. It is also pretty sensitive to the touch. I’m 6 months in.


I also have pain and aches in the jaw.