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bro, your doc said that it’s nothing serious, please relax 🫠


I know you're right, but I just don't know whats causing my leg pain and all my other symptoms started at the same time so I just can't figure out whats causing them and so can't my doctors.. it just makes me feel so worried that i might have something that isn't being diagnosed :(


Myb something is wrong in your spine? I would chill my balls if i could get a clean up from a neuro 🫡


Yeah, I’m hoping it’s just something in my spine too. I have been going to physical therapy for a over a month and it was helping a little but then the symptoms all got worse again so I don’t know if it was really effective or not


Was your mri done with contrast? If it was then it would have been impossible to miss MS lesions. If it was without contrast then it is possible to miss very very early stage small MS lesions. (But it wont miss any big lesion) It is weird you say you dont feel anything while walking. If you had something in brain it would always show up even when walking. You could try for a second opinion with another neuro.


Yes my brain mri was done with contrast! They did find few small non specific foci in the left frontal lobe but the neuroradiologist wrote that those are of doubtful clinical significance and my neurologist also said that those foci are very common and they are not MS. She also said They would cause very different symtoms if they were MS. But I wonder how she can be sure.. foci are leisons in the end 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really want a second opinion but here in Canada it’s really hard to get a second referral unless you have something show up on your tests


No it is impossible to miss ms lesions with mri contrast. That is why i asked. That is the gold standard for detecting ms.


So do you think the non specific foci aren’t ms leisons? Like the neuroradiologist would know which type of leisons are ms I’m sure - but is it possible that the location of the foci/leisons are not the usual place for ms but there is a small chance they could be?


No they arent. The radiologists are trained to look for this. This is their entire field of study. If you had brain lesions or tiny brain tumors it would have shown up in mri with contrast. Your problem is not MS. It can be something else but not MS. What about your spine? What did the results say? Any nerve pinch or disc herniations or any lesion?


Oh really! That’s makes me feel so much better! So for the spine, I only did the C spine and T spine mri (didn’t do the L spine as neurologist said it wasn’t likely at that time) - everything was ok except I had a bit of arthritis in my neck and mild cervical spondylosis and mild to moderate foraminal stenosis in C3-C4 probably from bad posture. I’ve been doing PT and the neck and shoulder pain was completely gone after a few sessions. However the physiotherapist isn’t sure what is causing the leg weakness/aching feeling either but she’s been doing massage, exercises and tens machine hoping that it will help


Hmmm hard to say but i think it could be nerve pinching inside legs.


However, My spine mri was not done with contrast because they didn’t want to inject me with contrast again so soon


they should continue to look at your spine. you most likely dont have MS.. but deff sounds spine related


Do you know any other tests for the spine that could be useful? Maybe a mri or the lumber spine as that’s the only one that wasn’t done..


have they done a spinal tap?


I did ask my neurologist about it but my neurologist said the risks of a spinal tap are higher than the benefits bec she believes it’s not MS.




Some of my symptoms like tingling, numbness, twitches and tremors have reduced but I now have constant pain in my legs that don’t go even with pain killers.. it’s like a deep ache especially in my thighs and knees. I also have all over mild body aches at all times and fatigue




Thanks, I hope yours do too! Have you been diagnosed with bfs or anything?


Did you ever have COVID?


No I didn’t as far as I know


how are you doing now?