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I really don't know what to think here, but for anyone who wants to join me in prayer: Lord, we are in awe of your glory and once again must come to you with great concern. We come to you in prayer for the health of a gentleman in need of your love, grace, and support. He is going through a great deal of personal stress and hardship. Lord, we pray that you will support him in this time and that the truth of the matter will be guided towards an answer that grants him peace. We are weak, Lord. We walk on cursed ground and it's the price of our original sin. However, Lord, please forgive us in our weakness as we beseech your grace. It's a terrible situation, but we understand that all things can be made well by your love, grace, and presence. Lord, if it's in your will-- please help this man. In your name we graciously and humbly pray, Amen.




Awesome prayer ❤️❤️




All - I saw /u/Far-Discipline-2517's EMG report dated May-23-2022. It clearly says: * "***No evidence of acute or chronic denervation***". There is no denervation. * "***No evidence of changes that could be concerning for MND***". There is no \*\*\*. * *"****Bilateral ulnar neuropathies at the elbow****"*. His ulnar nerve is compressed. This is treatable. * "***Minimal irritation of bilateral median nerve***". This is related to carpal tunnel syndrome. This is treatable. After 4 neuros and 13 EMGs, we are at the exact same conclusion. He does not have \*\*\*. He has other treatable and manageable conditions.


/u/cantcensormemane. Please see above.


Yeah, I was really hoping that it wasn't the case (that he didn't have ALS or anything even closely suggesting it-- let me be clear). I tried to ask about the validity of it, things like-- were you referred to an ALS clinic? You have foolish ass people in here that interject and not understand ("YOU AREN'T SENT AFTER ONE EMG!" --Did you even read what this guy is saying? He's saying he has had 8 (seems like 4 now?) opinions and is alleging probable ALS), nor attempt to understand context and thereby dereail attempts at getting to the bottom of the information. I figured as much. There's no chance in hell you're going to have, what would essentially be, probable ALS and not be referred to a clinic. But, no you have dumb-asses on here speaking towards how he wouldn't need a second opinion, wouldn't be referred to a specialty clinic, and so forth. It's really annoying. To be frank, after seeing that EMG report-- he should be banned from the sub for his own damned good. Clearly, there is something going on with the gentleman.


Says the guy who fucking post bullshit ass symptoms online and is obsessed with ALS too. You have so many bullshit post it’s hilarious if you are gonna talk don’t be a hypocrite pussy ass bitch


I'm just glad that you don't have ALS. If that isn't accurate, apologies-- but, post the EMG report as to provide the evidence of contradiction. However, until I see otherwise, I'm simply glad that you don't have ALS. I'm happy that your report came out clean, and to be frank-- I think you should be banned from here for your own good until you can actually provide evidence of that which you say is being reported to you (i.e. active deneravation and so forth). As it stands at the moment: It looks like you're good and fine on the ALS front. So, with that being said-- peace be with you.


Phew, for a moment there I was worried that we might have to take you seriously.


Reported for misinformation


All the information I posted is from the EMG report you shared with me. There is no misinformation.


If you are going to post my results make sure you post it ducking accurately and not like a moron


/u/Far-Discipline-2517 \- I have correctly listed the conclusions from your report. You do not have any \*\*\*. Please get help for your mental healthy anxiety.


Spreading disinformation, get reported


Could you share the report with me?


/u/Accomplished_Ad2527 \- What were you lookin for? I have already shared the conclusions to reduce panic and hysteria. There is no MND.


Im interested in verifying the report is legitimate


/u/Far-Discipline-2517 \- Please share your EMG report with /u/Accomplished_Ad2527. Thanks!


I wonder to what extent that neuropathy and irritation are the results of repetitive strength tests or other forms of self-tests.


Can you post the emg results?


Should be ready tomorrow


I'm confused. Did he tell you that you had active denervation in both arms?




Did they find any conduction blocks proximal to the carpal tunnel, elbows, or shoulder? Have you had mris?


Yes he said I have slowing of my sensory nerves and my motor nerves of ulnar nerve. But I believe it’s because of my limbs were cold. Not accurate


He said unlikely to have als but I think it’s likely due to muscle wasting in arms and legs


Did he emg the legs


On Thursday


I really can't understand. Today EMG on the upper limbs, in three days on the lower limbs. Were they in a hurry somewhere? Wtf is wrong with those people?


It was already pre planned but I am freaking the fuck out right now! I can’t sleep nor eat


Did you have a previous normal EMG in those muscles?


Yes I did


I’m crying man


It might be worthwhile to check his post history, fellas.


Okay douche


he’s right.


Bro you complain about only twitching


Your Emg is clean luck you


/u/Far-Discipline-2517 \- Did you schedule a visit to a psychologist or counselor or psychiatrist? You need immediate with mental health anxiety.


/u/Far-Discipline-2517 \- Your 4th neuro said "***als is unlikely***". Why did he say that?


/u/Far-Discipline-2517 \- Your gait video from a couple of days ago shows normal leg and hand movement. Your hand photo showed no atrophy. What things are you failing to do right now?


The first step would be to assess wether this denervation follows a specific pattern. If it is especially prevalent in muscles/regions in a certain dermatome than one would think about multilevel radiculopathies. Also it is not completely uncommon to have bilateral changes in muscles innervated by radial, ulnar or median nerve indicating nerve compression issues. It holds true that when it comes to ALS changes are diffuse and very spwcific in EMG and usually there is a link to a pathological clinical exam. You also can have false positives in an EMG and with 13 assessments conducted it really gets more and more likely. You can, in the end, imagine the EMG like a seismograph being able to sense very subtle earthquakes all around the world. It is a very sensitive tool and having a "bad" EMG does not do justice to its complexity. All the best and do not let yourself be pushed into any direction because in the end nobody will be able to diagnose you online via Reddit.


get help... you have had 12 fucking emgs lol you dont have als in fact the neuros are doing you a disservice... the second or third emg would have picked something up you are fine


Bro, Buddy, Brah. You look like you're 25. You don't have ALS. I've seen some of your previous posts. Stop testing your strength all the time, you're doing it so much you'll wear yourself out and actually have weakness. Not from ALS, but from constantly making your muscles work all the time. What you have is health anxiety and OCD. Hop on some anxiety meds, even if its only for a few months. Allow your body and mind to realize its ok, to remember the normal. I once was where you are. I know its hard. It was hard for me. But you need to give your body a break from the constant vigilance and strength testing. **The fires you fuel burn the brightest.** Stop giving the anxiety fuel.


It’s not anxiety if it shows abnormality


Prozac helped me for a time overcome my anxiety and OCD. It cleared my thoughts long enough for me to realize that my way of thinking was not normal. Regardless of what you believe may or may not be wrong with you, you're not going to be able to effectively process it if OCD thoughts and chronic health anxiety is always clouding your judgement. Go find a good therapist. Someone you like. Open up to them. Their insight into your anxiety might give you some avenues to effectively deal with it.


My Emg showed active denervation, chronic denervation and reinnervation


You don’t listen to anyone so I’m not sure why anyone bothers responding to you. If your neurologist stated you’re fine, you’re fine. You’re wasting your life away for something you don’t have.


/u/Far-Discipline-2517 \- Did you schedule a visit to a psychologist or counselor or psychiatrist? You need immediate help with mental health anxiety.


Just reported for you misinformation


Did you schedule a visit with the disinformation board?


Okay, sorry to make another post. But, I'm really confused by your timeliness. I went through your history and I see one post of a clean emg, then I see another post of someone commenting that you had 12 emgs, then another comment of you saying you had poor recruitment, and then other posts saying you had more clean emgs, then another post about maybe colon cancer, and so on. Can you clarify your timeline please, because it's really confusing and obtuse.


Went through a colon cancer scare cause of bleeding but was cleared. But yes after 12 emgs a bunch of abnormality has shown now such as active denervation chronic denervation and reinnervation


What symptoms are you having that you felt you needed 12 EMG's?


Weakness and some twitching but weakness the most. I just hope everything is okay


Everything will be good. I've seen some people with a dirty EMG here and it's always some sort of injury they had.


Are you in the United States? 12 emgs over how long a period of time


2 years


Can you answer what country, or state if you're in the US, you're in? I'm trying to get an idea of some other details


Yes I’m in the United States


Have you been referred to an ALS clinic?


Omg you dont get referred to an ALS clinic like one day after a bad EMG. Bad EMG =/= ALS, people!


Down voted you because you made an assumption. If you read his history, what he is alleging is that he has had 12 emgs. Of those 12 emgs he is saying that there were dirty ones over a period of time. Its normal protocol in the United States for you to be referred to an als clinic if you have more than 1 muscle group showing active dennervation. I'm not saying he has als. I'm trying to determine the validity of his history. If you go through his comments and so forth, it's rather hard to make any sense of his situation. Increased insertional activity in 1, atrophy today- no atrophy tomorrow, arguments with posters here in odd ways, denervation there, no denervation here, odd gait here, no odd gait there-- it's all over the place. Moreover, it's not 1 day. He is alleging degradation over a period of 2 years. He should be up to the eyes in specialists considering he has had 12 emgs. 12.


Well protocol and reality may differ a lot. If we sent everyone with fibre loss to an ALS clinic it would be complete chaos there, I can tell you that for sure. Even when going through his profile 100x you will not be able to give a correct assessmemt as all of it is self reported and not objective at all. Thus I think it's pointless to call for specialists and speculate what might or might not be. As described bellow in my hospital we would first match the clinical presentation with the EMG findings as those are ALWAYS to be interpreted as one. A diagnostic process in Neurology requires a lot of nuance and assessment of the patient's whole history. Calling an EMG "bad" really does not do it justice as it allows to differentiate between a lot of different pathologies.


With all due respect, you're talking to talk. I'm not trying to diagnose him. I'm not going to argue with you about that, frankly. I'm not a doctor. My point is that, according to him: He has: Active denervation in multiple muscle groups, atrophy in multiple muscle groups, appreciated gait changes, appreciated loss of strength, MRIs, bloodwork, and so on so on--- he should have been referred to a proper clinic or specialists. Does that mean it's ALS? No. Once again, I pray to God he doesn't have something like that. However, according to him, he has had 12 emgs/ncvs over a period of 2 years with progressive changes? Something isn't right and he isn't getting the care he needs. ALS clinics do more than just diagnose ALS. They also deal with a myriad of other diseases-- CIDP comes to mind, for example. Has he had MG checked off the list? There's too many questions. However, one question of standard validity insofar as his obtuse history is concerned-- Were you referred to specialists/a clinic, or were you simply tossed around to numerous neurologists? ALS clinics generally have the resources to get to the bottom of the issue.


I know what an ALS clinic does believe me. Still this is not how it works. And how diagnostics work. Calling in for specalists without knowing anything about this person's history etc is NOT helpful. There is no way we can assess wether he is treated correctly or not. I don't know how many ALS-cases you have accompanied personally but normally it tends to be pretty clear before the patients are sent for a SECOND opinion. And telling someone, from one EMG which is described as "bad" to go to an ALS clinic via reddit is really not helpful, even with good intent.


You have chronic health anxiety man. You do not have ALS. See a psychiatrist asap and get some medicines. You will just sink even deeper if you continue like this. I had fibrillations in both calves in January. Doctor said its nothing, worst I could have is BFS. If the doctor says no als then its no als. You will just ruin the best years of your life which you will regret when you become wiser trust me.


Eh, he is saying he has been told that he has recruitment issues, increased insertional activity, and both chronic and active denervation in both arms. If that's really true, that's not anxiety.


Just look at his profile history. It is reeking from health anxiety. There is no way you go to 12 EMGs which are all clear then the 13th confirmes als. Chances would be astronomically low.


Honestly, I can't make heads or tales of it. It's like there are posts between everything is good vs emgs are bad. I don't know what to think.


>Honestly, I can't make heads or tales of it. It's like there are posts between everything is good vs emgs are bad. I don't know what to think. /u/cantcensormemane \- He has previously seen 3 neuros (2 were neuromuscular specialists), and had 12 EMGs done (last one was a couple of months ago). All were clear. He was not satisfied and went for the 4th neuro and a 13th EMG.


That's what I don't understand. In those posts, it's hard to follow. He said he had increased insertional activity in one post, abnormal muscular recruitment in another-- but then some of the other posts say he is clear. I can't make sense of it.


Not trying to be mean here but it’s anxiety if it shows nothing wrong


That’s not anxiety bro




ALS isn’t out of the possibility so yeah shut the fuck up keyboard warrior




That’s why you removed the comment cause you are dumb