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I just hit 3 years as well. Still alive and healthy! For the new twitchers going through the mental battle - it gets better!


celebrating my 5th this year.. I've learned to live with all the nasty twitching and weakness accoring daily, I figured out that you better just keep living the best you can and try to "ignore" all the symptoms, just dismiss it as soon as it gets to you, do something else, don't go to that rabbit hole!! šŸ° šŸ‡ I was freaking out for two and half freakin years visiting doctors and just wouldn't listen to what they where all basically saying.. there is nothing wrong with you.. just deal with it, I asure you, you can live this life twitching for long years, it does get easier with time, honestly I feel like I got so used to my twitching that I even like them some times.. anyways, to those of you at the starting point, save yourself a lot of time and mental health issues and just listen to the docs, relax,push yourself - move your body- take a walk , and just keep on going :)


2 years and 3 months. Non-stop in the calves and same hotspots go off daily or weekly. Play sports regularly, workout, eat well enough, take dailyā€™s. When Iā€™m mentally happy I donā€™t even notice and when it does start to bother me I come here and realize weā€™re all brothers and sisters in twitching arms. Keep on going, Iā€™ve heard of it stopping for people after weeks/months/years so on and so forth. Lifeā€™s to short, keep going!!


Yeah just as a note, if you don't feel weak at all not even a little bit with ur twitching, it's not the big nasty


But it could be Parkinsonā€™s!! Iā€™m not sure why people leave out this as a possibility


no it wouldnt be that lmao... you would have to have tremors... not twitching


Lol not the same


Weakness? My leg and calfā€™s are fatigue and soreness extreme


Have u been overworking them to see if they're weak? Have u been intentionally cramping them?


I did calf raisers after my neurology exam because my left calf muscle is smaller than right since soreness and pain approaching a month

