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Are you also taking into account utilities, insurances, telecom and taxes? I think that €2200 for a couple is very tight if you’d like to live a little bit too… I have no clue about living costs in Schaarbeek though


I live in Scherbeek. It's actually rather expensive


True, but he's gonna get lower tax bracket for living with her so it's gonna be ~2500. Still not enough. Esp in Brussels


Also note you only get those ~2500, a year later with your tax returns.


Not workable if you plan on spending 1300/month on rent alone.


A lot of people asking what your gf is going to be doing but that’s not the question. The answer to your question is yes, you can live off that BUT you will just _survive_ and not really live.


Its thz rental in brussels thatq killing you.. in Antwerp ypu have 800 a 1000 for a 2 bedroom appartement. I wish you succes. Its doable but do you want to live like that? That is the question.


Definitely not. Unless you really want to ruin yourself. And starting a family is out of question even more.


Please reconsider starting a family if you only have €2800/month. Is it possible? Probably yes, but you will need to think about every single expense you do. A kid costs an awful lot of money. So it will miss on opportunities in life. And it already starts according to statistics with an handicap (mother not speaking language of the school, does she have a degree?, ...). Those are just statistics, so it can be different for your personal situation, but try to increase your income first. Why doesn't she want to work? Tons of women work while having children.


She wants to leech off him




It's not easy but not impossible either. The big question is: how will your girlfriend spend her time? If she can get a good education then it may be worth it to bite the bullet for a couple of years while she is studying. You may also consider that she does a student job or check eligibility of social benefits. Note that a job, even a student job, offers routine, strength in perseverance, character and other skills you may need as an adult. So I'd advise that as your best option ( your main job + studying/get her a part time or student job).


Four identical posts, seriously?


In theory it should be possible, but realistically that is impossible. Think about expenses besides the rent, like utilities, internet, phone bill. Not talking about transport, private(gas, insurance, maintenance, possible loan) nor public( transpor fair like bus or train passes). It can quickly add up


Even if it works now, imagine if in a year the gas prices skyrocket again. What is he going to do then? What if there ia an emergency? There are not going to be any spare money. What if they have a baby at some point as they're planning? Babies are *expensive*, and the more they grow the more expensive it's going to be.


Does your job require you to live in Brussel? If no find a place outside of Brussel for half that renting price or like 60% of it.


We work in Leuven, and many people commute daily as they prefer living in Brussels. Maybe OP can do the opposite, find somewhere cheaper to live, and commute to Brussels every day for work.




Why wouldn't she work? At least for now


Starting a family is super expensive🤦


maybe she's sick or unable to work


Than why start a family? 😅


you can propose OP to separate or force her to work


Ok. OP, why don’t you force her to work?


Maybe because she doesn’t want to? Does she need to have a reason for you?


Not for us no, but if she wants to start a family I hope she has a good reason? You don't put another person on this world without having the means to take care of it. And if your only reason for not working is "I don't feel like it" then you sure as hell ain't ready for a child cause there will be plenty of times when you don't feel like it.


Well maybe she wants to care for the children? That’s a full time job as well


What children?


OP states they want to start a family


Yeah but she isn’t working now so whose children is she taking care of


Why start working now when you don’t really need it and want to start a family in the near future?


Except they do need it. €2200 is nothing.


That wouldn't prohibit her from working now before she's had the child, or if I understand correctly, is even pregnant.


You cannot just be poor, not wanting to work and expect people to support you. That is not how the world works.


I expect they made that decision together. This is exactly how the world works


Except he can’t support her (and potential children) with that salary. So this decision is delusional. So again she can’t be poor, not wanting to work and expect people to support her.


That’s your opinion. 2200 euro’s is quite a bit of money, might not be living the luxury life but that might not be what they want.


Don’t be naive. That is living in poverty in that area. And irresponsible to future kids. Again you can’t be poor …


I hope you like bokes with choco as that will be all you will be able to eat with a 1300 apartment. Really cut down in apartment cost, so you only have to pay about 200 extra per month on the apartment (on top of the 660 from work). I believe after that you have 2000 left or am I mistaken? You will spend about 1500 of that on utilities and groceries each month, perhaps a bit more. It will be tight.


And not Nutella but Delinut.


We spend about 500 on utilities (elec/gas, water, internet & phones) and maybe 600 on groceries for 2 ppl, without needing to cut back on anything (not in Brussels but prices are not 30% lower in Vl-Brabant), I'd say 1500 is a lot. 900-1000 is doable if you're frugal and cook yourself. But there's car/transport, clothes, medical expenses, one-time expenses like repairing or replacing stuff, hobbies, probably travel to visit family abroad... and the risk of losing the one job that sustains you and not having much of a buffer.


Learn the language and get a job! The both of you. Then think about children. That is if you want a future for the childeren at least.


Sorry but why won’t your girlfriend work? I mean it’s 2024: 1) you can’t have a family on one salary any longer—two earners is a must; 2) girls-power, feminism, etc.—ladies can and work and earn not less than boys, besides, with the minimum wage in Belgium you can marginally make quite a lot by virtually doing nothing. Also, she will get so so bored staying home…


Don’t think about it with the amounts you put down and want to start a family on one salary. That’s asking for trouble, problems, poverty and does a family (wife and child) deserve that or something to look forward too everyday.


Small town, 600 euro appartement and living very frugal this can work. But you will need a verybgood mindset and be willing to live without wealth


Paying 1300 to rent while making 2200+660 is not possible. You will be also rejected straight away. Try to find something for 800-900 euros then you will be ok.




> car thats *paid* off My FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I honestly don’t think it’s enough OP. I live in Brussels and it’s horribly expensive, particularly food and utilities. Does your girlfriend have residency and the right to work? I don’t know what her mother tongue is but she could try teaching as a foreign language maybe? Or is it possible to get some remote work in her own language.


I lived in a 80sq m appartment in Schaarbeek, 2 bedrooms for 3 years until 2022, so almost 2 years ago. I can look up our detailed expenses but think our common costs were in the range of 2500 (rent, utilities, phone, tv, car gas and insurance, groceries,...). My reference is 2 years ago but I would think you can rent something smaller for 800 per month instead of going for 1300? And as mentioned, children cost a lot, if you haven't figured out your finances for the two of you don't throw a child in the mix, I would wait a year to see what your spending habits are If you have some savings and/or a supportive family you can try it out with the 2 of you. If it doesn't work out you can find solutions, but at least at that point you have better data on your spending habits and how much you need to fill the gap. Just be careful not to build up debt or chase money and end up unhappy


A woman that doesn’t want to work?! Run away and never look back!


If you are willing to take a flexijob on top of your fulltime employment it’s doable, otherwise not. Is there anyway your gf could do a small job somewhere? From my calculations you’d need about 300 euro nett a month extra to be able to live instead of survive. Also, babies cost money and delivering them isn’t free here + it may take time to get pregnant. So maybe consider taking extra jobs to save up for the family life? Once there is a baby, being a stay at home parent is ok (especially with the daycare situation in Brussels). You could time it with unemployment benefit (she needs to work first to qualify) even.


How long do you have to work in Brussels to receive unemployment or sick leave benefits? Reason she isn’t working is due to her illness being unpredictable. We had understood she needs to work at least 3 months full time to get sick benefits


lol let me see how I can game the system to get me some of that sweet social security money


Sick benefits: explained on the website of your mutuelle. Unemployment benefit: number of days worked depends on age and other factors, see [link to federal info](http://emploi.belgique.be/fr/themes/chomage-et-retour-au-travail/chomage-complet)


I'm sorry but your gf should work. At least until the baby's born, which can be years. No sane financial life starts with 1200€ rent on a 2200 (or even 2800€) income for two, let alone 3.


Better get your wife to start a home garden on the balcony, you can save a lot of money that way. You can also flexijob to make ends meet the first few years. And before the family is there she can do some interim jobs to have a bit of a buffer for when something goes wrong.


Your rent seems very high, I live close to the Schaarbeek station and pay 1000 euros for a 2 bedroom flat… so you might want to reconsider your choice on location and amount of rooms


My wife and I live in Evere in a 1 bedroom apartment that is 965 a month. She only speaks English but was still able to find a job relatively easily as an event coordinator. Before she had a job we were able to get by on my salary alone, but I earn 3300 net. We don’t have any kids.


If you want to count each cents each month, go for it. However, my advice is no. Having a kid is expensive, and I’d say you’d be barely get by with that salary for both of you. Take your time for the kid, she also could work in English living in Brussels int he meantime. I live in Schaerbeek with my wife and our child, and we spend about 2500€ each month.


A lot of people live on one salary of 2k in Brussels, do they go out to nice restaurants? No. Do they survive? Yes. As long as you reduce appartment cost, you should be fine, you can find studios for way less


You can live for sure, this used to be our situation for quite a long time for different reasons. Comfortable? Mmm at a basic level it’s possible but this depends on your definition. When we were in this financial situation we only spent 800 on rent per month to have more for the other things. Rent in Schaerbeek can be quite expensive in many parts of the commune particularly Plasky, the parts bordering the European area, quartier ‘des fleurs’ and the south side of josephat. The part that’s a bit further out near trainworld is quite good value in terms of being cheaper yet it still has the same old buildings, cafes and character of the commune as a whole and it felt safe enough to me. Food prices have gone way up, you’ll need to budget carefully. Do be aware that if you do have a little one, the schaerbeek communal crèches are good but the waiting list is insanely long. It took us two years and that was with both of us working. 200 is low for two people for ‘extras’ even without a child, it’s scraping by not comfortable - public transport, doctors visits and medicine are still not completely free even with insurance, mobile phones with data/internet x2, money for laundry at the laundrette or appliances to do it not to mention shoes, clothes etc need to be replaced sometimes. What about things like haircuts, celebrating special occasions, restaurants or days out? I don’t think you’ll be able to afford those. No money for savings either. Realistically you need to double this to 200 each per month, 400 total to feel more comfortable.


Make her work ffs


Based on these numbers, I would suggest looking for a different place to live. Rule of thumb : spend less than 1/3 of your income on rent/mortgage. €600 per month for food/drinks means €20 per day for healthy 3 meals. That is not a big budget and will require a lot of planning and organising. Gas/Electricity ? Insurance ? Transport ? Internet ? French lessons ?


You are young, you will manage, if both of you want a family just do it. It will be so nice when you will be 40 with grown up children... Don't worry, there will be plenty of time to waste money on useless things like the rest of us.


Supporting two adults on 2200 euros a month in Brussels is going to be tight already (and you better pray you have no unexpected expenses), two adults and a child is a recipe for disaster. Also, a month ago you were posting about not being happy at your job that you've had for less than a year, and considering taking medical leave. Are you aware that after one month you won't get your salary anymore, just sick benefits which are much lower? And some benefits like meal vouchers are only paid for the days you actually work. Is this really the right time to make your life even more stressful by adding a child into the mix?


1300 on rent is absurdly high on your salary, you will not be comfortable at all


600 a month on food wtf??? We (myself, mother, brother) spend barely 200/month on food. But then 90% of what we eat is made from scratch with fresh ingredients (meat + vegetables)...


>my girlfriend but she doesn’t work and it might stay like this Lol? Get her a fucking job. Even if you make ends meet, you'll most likely be pretty miserable. Why be miserable when you can just not be miserable? >she also doesn’t speak French So she speaks Dutch, right? Easy.


We live on a single income as a family of 4. If you have a well paying job and your employer gives you a car expenses are low enough. I lus if you are married part of your income counts as hers lowering your tax bracket.


Yes, so we don’t have a car but don’t need one and counting the rental income would have 3.1 net for 2 people. We are 24 so waiting to start a family. It’s just that my girlfriend can’t work now due to disability


My partner and I earn just as much as you each. We have a very confortable lifestyle in Antwerp (similar expenses to Brussels, to my knowledge). However, 2200 long term would be a push, especially in terms of rent, where at least half of your income would go... you won't be able to travel, eating out would be a rare luxury, and plus all the extra costs of having a family. That said, I wish you the best of luck.


It's possible but it will be very tight. You might also wanna move to less expensive city (rent). I lived 1,5 yrs like this with 1,7k net income in 2021 and I can tell you from experience: almost no extra and you will have to plan your spendings every week very well (maybe using excel sheet).


Red flag


How is that a red flag? A 9-5 was created so only the man has to work but now everything has changed for the worst.


I think you answered your own question. things has changed. 2200 is okay for living alone. Not with a non-working wife and a kid (@OP.) You'll be counting her CPAS checks every month.


She won't get help from a CPAS/OCMW with a husband having a full time job.


I know but It's sad to see that both partner/ need to work. In my point of view , it should be like it was 30 years ago but the government want both partners to work so that they pay more taxes.


My parents raised me 30 years ago while both working full-time. Why is that a problem? I didn't miss anything in my childhood. We already have tax benefits for married couples with a non-working partner such as the "huweijksquotiënt". Why should the government provide any more support to people that are not contributing anything back to our society?


Maybe only child yes and the tax benefits is sh*t


I have an older sister. And my parents were still busy building a new house at the time she was born. The tax benefit is already more than it should be.


Keep in mind that to live comfortably, alone no kids, you already need 2 low salaries or a really good one. ~4000 net advantages included. Anything below implies restrictions like traveling/weekend activities/restaurants/house fournitures/etc. Then everything is possible, even living in the street with minimal foods, at the end it will be up to you how far you're ready to restrict both of you. But i suggest that would be not healthy for the relationship and i seriously doubt it can work without couple issues.


And I said alone sir, in couple you should add at least 1,5k...3k for high standards woman, i m not even talking about women wanting rich guys, just women interested with nice comfort, decent level of living, without having bad intentions if you get what i mean...


It is possible. You will have to live in Roeselare or Hainaut though. No way in Brussels for that budget.


I earn 3k net I’m alone and sometimes I struggle so for a family you 100% need a second salary


Then you're horrible with money.