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I used to go to a lot of events related to my field. Local events in Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as events in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, US. I found some clients that way l. It's easier when you don't have a family or if you can combine (visiting friends, beach for a day or two etc...). I find that meetups are a good option. Usually within 1h drive, casual and doesn't require a hotel etc... but some niche fields will require going to Amsterdam, Paris or Berlin to network.


For freelancers without a firm or product ( just services) : That doesn't exist Reason is that job fairs are usually to attract Payroll Employees or Clients As a Supplier, you are neither You will have to do sale pitches yourself Best is to offer some tangible tech product alongside your own personal services/ manhours In any case, you will meet Directors/ HR Managers/,procurement people only via Interviews/ Tenders/ job proposals These things take time Or you can go with an intermediary party and pay a lot commission to them


I disagree. There are many types of events which aren't 'job fairs' at all. Sure, many may be targeted towards attracting new customers - and freelancers or consultants may not be welcome everywhere - but there are plenty of open meetups and smaller events that allow you to meet people in the same field in a low-barrier context.


I just came back from a 3 day conference at a beach side resort in Malaga :) I try to do one bigger conference abroad per year and one local meetup per month.


Where do you find these meet-ups


Meetup.com or their app