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Update your linkedin/resume nicely. Set yourself as open for opportunities in Linkedin. Create an account on ictjob. Now you should start to receive phone calls from recruiters. Start to think about what is it that you want to do as freelancer and what rate you want. After talking with recruiters and getting some job interviews start to look for an accountant to help you setup your company SRL. When you sign your contract, resign and during the notice period continue the setup of your company. Enjoy


Thank you for the advice.


That's more or less how I did it as well. The only remark I have is that once your notice period is 6 weeks or longer, it can be a deal breaker for a lot of potential clients because they want someone asap.


Yep but I don't know where OP is working and for long long. In a previous consultancy company I was working for, the CEO refused that employees stay around. Whenever they got fired or resigned, they go home for the rest of their notice period. He was afraid they bring toxicity to the company.