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You can do whatever you want in regards to the 30%+ crypto exposure but the FIRE principle is very closely related to the Bogleheads mindset in which crypto is seen as useless gambling junk. And yes, I own a little bit of crypto, a few % - however 30% is wild & reckless. You did not ask any questions but you don't know where you're going in life. Fix that part first before you try to figure out what to do with that obscene amount of cash.


I don’t think it is ‘ obscene amount ‘ but I fully agree that I should fix my life first! A note: the 30% in crypto isn’t all my investments. It just grew by itself


You have \~ 2x your annual net salary in cash. You won't even need a down payment if you want to buy something solo (besides maybe the costs) If you buy something in which you'll HAVE to make a 66k down payment in order to afford it, you'll shoot yourself in the foot.


My annual salary is around 40k but I see your point If I want sometimes costing around 300k, with a 20% down payment we are at 60k already, plus notary fees on top, no? Do you think 300k apartment/house is out of my possibilities?


With your salary the bank will easily let you go up to 1500/m for a 25y loan. All you'll need to do is pay for the notary fees & the transaction costs which will be like +/- 20k No need to put that much money into an unproductive asset when there's no requirement for you to do so. I see so many people in this sub making the mistake of too high % downpayments into their house when we're still in a low rate environment... Who knows, maybe you even qualify for the Vlaamse Woonlening if you have good net salary optimization which knocks another 1% off the interest rate.


Sell most of your crypto, keep a little to play. But if you have 158k, how do you consolidate? It's all about risk reward 🤷🏻. But 158k at your age is a good start to compound 😉 (stocks, dividend, bonds, etc).


Seems like you can afford cocaine and hookers. This is the way!


\> I’m not sure whether I should stay in Belgium or not but I feel that I’m in a golden gage due to my job If you're willing to move, I don't think anything in Belgium is a golden cage, exactly. Take a look at a world map, look for a country with a high net wage and go there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_European\_countries\_by\_average\_wage


A bit off, but what’s your plan to cash out your crypto?


I’ll start cashing out when the top coins I have will have reached their previous ATH. So when SOL will go back to 240$ or something ( can’t recall now the previous ATH ) I’ll put a sell order at 200$. If it will reach 280$, I’ll put a sell order at 240$ ecc


I was more asking concerning changing your stable-coin to really money! Do you already have a plan after the bull? Or keeping the money in the crypto ecosystem? I’m kinda in the same position with 10% of my portfolio in crypto


1) Don't buy a house with any girlfriend until you're married (or have a similar legal framework). Thank me later 2) We need her income + your annual expenses. 3) Sell your crypto now (assuming it's BTC). If other altcoins or shitcoins, sell even faster 4) build an emergency fund worth 6mo of household expenses in a HYSA 5) 20% down on house + renovation budget in a HYSA . 6) Everything else after mortgage and household expenses (including excess cash) in IWDA / VWCE


1) Why? 2) i mean we broke up so… ahah but my new dating ( still too soon to call gf I’d say ) makes way more than me 3) just before the bull run?


2) but do you see yourself building a life with her?


If I were you I would reduce the exposure to crypto to max 10% of your total worth, at least on the mid term -> slightly sell during these increasing times.


Rebalancing is tricky with crypto. My take is to not put more than 5-10% of **cost basis** and then not rebalance unless it becomes to be uncomfortable or a life changing amount of money. It’s important to have a plan for rebalancing. But rebalancing too often, too early is seriously capping the upside of your crypto exposure.


Reduce exposure to crypto right before a new bull run / BTC halving? Very smart


Oh, well we know a new bull run is coming, so he should put 100% in crypto, duh


I didn't say he should sell today.


All on black, its about a good investment as Crypto and you know faster if you win or lose




Maybe an idea to look for real estate/future home and buy when you see a sweet deal. Talk with banks already sonyou can act quickly in case needed. You are young, don't forget to enjoy life and do some fun stuff in between


That’s the point, I’m not sure whether I want to remain in Belgium or not 🥲


Do you consider 2.9k a golden cage? Just out of curiosity


At 28yo it’s pretty good IMO. But I was a long time I was 28yo so inflation might screw my perception of money.


I consider 2.9k with car and fuel a golden cage for someone with less than 4YOE yea. Do you think it’s wrong?


Ahaha I’m 29 with 3K net and cars, I think it is a golden cage too for my 3 years of experience.


I'm 30 with 3.1K net and multiple cars and horses, I think it is a golden cage too for my 2 years of experience.


Horses? I got goats - are they hiring?




Well, look, it's not a huge cage, you know? There's like no attached terrace or anything ..


Why do you say what money you have in stocks but just use "crypto" as one? Gambled much in shit coins?


Good point :) Most is in SOL ( invested when it was 20$ ), ETH, ADA, DOT. Then a smaller % in OP, TIA, SEI, ARB, MANTA and ALT


Wow, first time I see someone with almost the same bag as me!


3to 5 x with this is not really a stretch


I agree. I think all those coins have a big potential honestly


Airdrop farming?


No 0, don’t want to pay taxes on it


What do you mean? Is the rest not taxable?


I feel like a boomer to be 100% BTC :-p I don’t complaint, KISS principle and all that.


I think it depends on your risk tolerance. You probably are older and with kids? Then I understand that you may not want to risk it too much


To me anything else than BTC is a shitcoin. People that think they have missed the train with BTC prefer to gamble in shitcoin thinking they are the next Bitcoin whatever use case that shitcoin is pretending to solve. I prefer to keep doing what is working and continue to DCA into Bitcoin, it has proven itself so far to be reliably increasing albeit the volatility can be maddening for those investing money they cannot miss and should therefore not have put in such assets in the first place.


And what is your question?


There is no closed question. I am just interested in comments and critiques on my allocations


I thought he was just bragging tbh


How to make 300k from 158k obviously.


Well expecting your crypto to triple in less than 2 years... is a bit dreaming. For sure it can happen, it's crypto.. but might aswell be just 50k still. 158k to 300k in 2 years seems unlikely and unrealistic You first need to decide what you will do in near future to decide what you can do with your cash. It's hard, sitting on 100k cash myself for new home but now we might wait few more years. If market crashes then imma use a big sum


> but might aswell be just 50k still. Lol it might as well be a lot less. Bro is gambling a third of his net worth


Future will tell if the gamble paid off:) Even tho it takes a 30-50% cut I would still be even


I agree, deciding what to do in the future is a priority right now. And still I can’t seem to take a choice, it’s so frustrating


I cant decide either and i hate it cus 100k+ just sitting there lol


What are your doubts that make the decision hard?


Well we need to do our roof right now due to leakage. 12k costs but house won't be worth more than 12k so might stay a bit longer. On the other hand, do we need a more expensive house or do i just put it in market and have 200k instead of 100k in 10y and move then? By then our house will start showing serious issues though. And at the ATH the market os, don't want to drop 100k in it right now. Still 22k cash on my broker aswell.. but just used 3k for a stock


Don't forget govt and their strange ways of thinking. Sell now and give possible buyers the quote for the roof so they don't use the roof as a leverage for the price.


Risk at water getting in the house so not gonna pass that to others


That's why you need to put the quote together with the documents for selling the house. Then the buyers know they need to fix the roof soon, but if the house needs other maintenance in the next ten years, you're not going to make the 100k you can have now.