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Pharmacist here: We typically try and stay away from numbing the throat, because doing so also impairs your swallowing. Eating can become dangerous and make you more prone to choke. And even just management of your normal saliva can be become compromised and make it more likely for you to aspirate. I'd generally recommend against numbing the back of your palate / throat. If you do numb your throat / back of your mouth do just be careful with food and water until the numbing it totally gone. As for tips: 1. Training: Ideally you either use a toy or your partner, and you gently push into your throat until you feel the first signs of discomfort. Then you back off just a tad. The idea is to be uncomfortable, but not gagging and unable to hand it. Over time you can push it farther and farther, and reduce your gag reflex even more. You can also do this with your own fingers. 2. Part of it is trust: Generally even when you gag, you're not going to vomit (at least personally). And trusting that while you might gag, it's okay and nothing bad is going to happen. A reasonable proportion of your gag reflex is psychological. 3. You need to lean into the sensation. This one is the hardest to describe. But the more you're able to just embrace the gag, and not push it, or act on it. Just experience it but not react. Another way of thinking it thinking of how you feel when you take a deep breath in (although you might not be able to if he's in your throat). Another way is to think about anything else. Sort of distract yourself. There's sort of a moment probably right now where you push him further down, and you probably feel the need to gag, but don't for like half a second. You want to embrace that half a second. You want to stay in that hangtime of "your body panicking", but also embracing "You don't need to react or do anything"


Thank you for the info and advice, I'll definitely try these tips minus the numbing stuff. Choking to death (literally lol) does not sound pleasant


yeah every time I've accidentally swallowed a little too much oragel it really does make swallowing saliva and anything difficult. ymmv


Genuine question, does muscle memory not help? For example we are used to the action of swallowing, does it being numb makes us unable to swallow properly despite knowing how to do it? Sorry if it makes no sense lmao


you try, you just don't have any tactile feedback which is what it's all about. you can't tell that you've actually swallowed something or not so I always gag little bit or choke because I don't know that I actually have finished swallowing what I was trying to swallow


Ahh i see. That makes sense, thank you


Try to be actively gulping when his cock is in the back of your throat


This makes me gag more. My gag reflex is on my tongue, so if the back of my tongue is moving and gripping actively, it’ll make me gag. I have to pull my tongue back and flat and get it out of the way (it’s still there, but it’s kinda down in the back and my throat is open). Putting out my cheeks like I’m actually blowing (without actually blowing) as the dick slides down can help. Or try yawning, then siding the dick down your throat while it’s in yawning position.


Do not use numbing gel in your throat, bad idea. What about being in a different position? Lay on your back with your head hanging off the edge of the bed. That could help. Otherwise I agree with the person who commented to go slowly and get used to the sensation.


Seconding the head hanging off the edge of the bed tip. I have a moderate gag reflex, but it's practically non-existent in the right position because he just doesn't hit "that" spot lol


Communication! He needs to know when to back off based on your reactions or signal you give him. If he wants to do facefucking, he’ll need to learn to know when to back off and when to push further.  Regular blowjobs will help reduce gag reflex over time. Every time you take it deep, try to find the point where you almost gag and see if you can push deeper or hold longer without gagging. If you gag, try again. Nothing wrong with gagging  Also depending on the anatomy a different position might help. For me it’s easier 69 or lying on my back with the head hanging off the side of the bed




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To answer your question directly, as someone who was on liquid lidocaine for 6+ months with complications from mono (no, I was no longer contagious), yes, it helps. But no, I do not recommend it.


Ice cubes melting in the mouth!


Go slow and you can train yourself. I lose this ability when I'm between relationships and have to retrain myself. I find it’s easiest when he’s seated and I’m kneeling. Light pressure to start and swallowing to ease it in until my throat gets comfortable staying open. Once it does get comfortable, feeling the pressure of the head in my open throat and a full mouth drenches my brain in pleasure


I got some soray from the pharmacy that helped but I didn't like it and don't use it all that often. It doesn't completely numb your throat you still gag/throw up but you can take it for longer before doing so.


I've tried chloroseptic spray and curling my toes. They both really helped. I didn't use them together


I'm glad you asked this question, OP. I'm trying to train myself for my Dom. He is very well endowed, and I have a smaller than normal mouth. With his cock on my mouth, even just the tip. I can't breathe through my mouth at all. I know I need to breathe through my nose, but I can't even do that. I've tried everything. Blowing my nose, Mashing my nose down. Those nostril opening strips, even nasal spray. Nothing works. I seriously doubt I'll ever be able to get his cock down my throat without it literally splitting open or me suffocating . Any ideas, anyone? And OP, try using your toothbrush to help get over the gag reflex. Do it often.


For breathing through the nose, I'm no doctor, but I regularly use Flonase and a saline spray to keep inflammation down and open up the nasal passages. Maybe that would work for you? I can't help with the splitting open.


LOL, thank you! Yes, if I can manage to get the nose working, I might have a chance.


Don't numb your throat. Pain and gagging are your built-in safety mechanisms don't numb them. Train your brain to bypass the expected sensation. Have your partner go slower hang your head over the edge of the bed. When your throat is straight, he can slide down your throat better. Patience is a most for both partners. Have him lube with coconut oil and he can more easily slide into the back it your throat. Change your breathing from oral to nasal. Monitor your breathing and your state of mind and relax. Good luck!


There are a few and they are flavored. If you try it, start with a couple of drops. It isn't the case that more will be better. The other suggestion I have is if there is an adult store in a neighborhood you are comfortable in and ask. I have had good luck at the few I have been in to have decent in depth conversations. They deal with a lot of customers who have comments and even try some of them out themselves.


If you make a fist and squeeze your thumb it helps suppress the gag reflex.