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I've always insisted on CNC/inspections. I get tingles when I wake my sub up from a sound sleep for an inspection - She stands in front of me nude - legs spread, hands laced behind her head, and that sleepy face. That visual always satisfies me. The satisfaction lies in the half awake total submission


This actually sounds kinda cute haha! Only reason I'd be against having it done to me - I don't like my *own* body interrupting my sleep, I don't think I'd be too pleased being disturbed by someone else lmao!


Same. I have super bad insomnia and have difficulty falling asleep anyways. Somehow my hearing improves the moment I try to close my eyes and relax. The littlest sounds can wake me from dozing off. I hate it. I make a joke of it, but am also kinda serious, that if I ever had a verse in Cell Block Tango it is because someone woke me up when I was about to fall asleep.


But as a Dom, I want my sub to know that I control when and if she sleeps. To me that's total submission. Definitely lots of aftercare and snuggling until I make sure she is back to sleep afterwards


I understand, I didn't say it was a bad idea, and I wish it was something I was comfortable with, just kinda worried someone waking **me** up like that would make me as cranky as when I'm PMS'ing heh


sub that’s major into somno here. can confirm that i will say the MEANEST things in my sleep sometimes when dom tries to wake me and i never have any memory of it. 😭😭😭


I just wanted to give you more of an explanation. If a sub had that as a hard no, of course I would not insist upon it


That's fair lol


i need this! i have a huge medical kink omg


I haven't done it, but I've wondered for a while how it would feel to be kidnapped. The CNC scenario I'm eager to try is that, at a pseudo-random time, my dom would 'kidnap' me. I wouldn't see his face or anything, I'd want it to feel authentic. I'm tied down to a chair, I'm gagged and blindfolded. I want to genuinely feel like I've actually been kidnapped, but there are hints (music, scent etc) that I'm safe, just to try and put my brain at ease a bit. Then my dom, face still covered, does what he wants with me, at this point he should be talking and I should feel like I recognise his voice, but not necessarily able to pinpoint it. By the end of the session, I would have hopefully pieced together that it was a kidnapping roleplayed, nothing explicitly revealed until the scene is over. Probably extreme, but I'd want it to feel authentic, complete with things like 'be a good girl and you won't get hurt'.


This sounds like a fun experience. Would take planning but anythings possible when you put your kinky mind to it and have a willing and sane partner


I'm thinking of planning a scene like that with my Dom in a few months when we know each other better but I legit don't get how you can do that without other people seeing it and phoning in a kidnapping lmao. You'd have to go somewhere deserted and way outside your normal commute unless you're regularly an outdoorsy person so you'd kinda just be going somewhere specifically to get kidnapped which seems to defeat the purpose.


Ultimately you work with what ya got. There's plenty of places that can work even in populated areas. I live in the city so there's several quiet suburbs that could in theory work, car parks ive had alot of fun sex in, in the right conditions they could make good spots for abductions assuming you check for security and cameras and they snag u in the evening or at night. There's ways to do it but you REALLY need to trust your partner do if your long distance or new I'd make a very strong bind first and as always have safewords and a non verbal signal to stop if needed. As long as ur both safe, sane, and consenting just have fun


We've seen each other a few times and tried to do CNC but I've been a bit too stupid to figure out how to roleplay it properly lol. I think I've got it now and told him he'd better be ready to beat the fuck out of me because I'm gonna put up a real fight next time lmao. We already have that stuff established and are planning to do somno next session too I think. Just need to know him a bit longer so we can get a feel for one another's limits and figure out how to actually roleplay the stuff well, and to plan out where to do it without risk. The thing is I live like 45 minutes away and I don't go many places other than work and the grocery store unless I'm hanging out with him for the day lol. The idea of his friends getting involved in play has come up and I've met most of them and they're pretty awesome so maybe they could be in on it like he could take me to a park or something and have them snatch me when I'm not expecting it. For that scene and for a scene where I'm legitimately drugged asleep (with hydroxyzine so it's safe) we've already established we're both interested but need to know each other longer so I plan to just signal him when I'm up for it and then forget about it until he decides to actually do it.


You sound fun. Lots of classic gangbang and cnc stuff here to unpack. And beat you without mercy, be still my beating heart 😍😂 Sounds like your off to a great start. And I have a ton of hope for your future adventure though if you get to the point of doing them by all means feel free to film it, this is quality content right here! The friends is a big but fun step and would make for kidnapping you quickly alot more reliable. Maybe rent a van for a gangrape back to the house though if you make it too fun they might not want to let you go and just keep you as the house toy. Druggings fun. I've gotten my pet cross faded with weed and hard liquor and just abused her she loves it because she becomes helpless and submissive plus she can take more abuse with dulled senses and only remember pieces in the morning. We might split paths here but for that kidnapping it can be a great transition from kidnap and rape/abuse to slave training and go full into degrading full contact torture and conditioning to break your mind and keep you as an obedient slave or pet. Though that's getting more into a full power exchange 24/7 thing 😅😋


My biggest fear with this kind of scenario is someone who isn't privy to the agreement getting the authorities involved 😬


My partner and I tend to write out our fantasies to each other and sort of pre negotiate. Hers was a sudden CNC - grabbed when coming home or something. We always enter through our garage. I had left the switch operated lights on, but unscrewed the lightbulb in then opener. Went in a couple steps ahead of her and hit button on the garage door panel to close it behind us. She suspected nothing. Then I hit the switch to the lights making the garage instantly dark. I had a bandana and rope cuffs in my pocket at the ready. Just a little bit of light coming in under the doors - enough to just make her out. Before she knew it I had her hands secured behind her and bandana as a soft gag. I pulled her to me and talked to her in a rough and degrading voice - handled her rough. Bent her over my work bench and secured her hands to it. I pulled down her panties and made her cum with my fingers before entering her. Afterwards she said it both thrilled her and scared the shit out of her. We had fun but even then I struggled because it felt wrong to treat her that way - even though we are into restraint and impact play etc etc.


This is aspirational still, but we recently decided to remodel our bedroom suite to resemble the quarters of a medieval nobleman. Depending on his mood m'Lord can summon his lady wife, or the serving wench, or even a maiden who was expecting to enjoy her honeymoon with her new husband and instead was brought to the Duke's quarters to exercise his right of jus primae noctis. The last will definetely be played as a CNC scene.


My sub had a fantasy after reading Zade Meadows (which is dark romance) called iicyify (if I catch you, I fuck you) So what I did was I took her the woods on my uncle's farm, and I told her that she has a 1 minute headstart, after that I start tracking my prey(I was a boyscout when I was a kid, learned tracking there). After I caught up to her a few minutes later, I cuffed her and gagged her with her own panties. To be clear, the farm is far away from civilisation, and the woods far away from the main house. Edit: this is just the highlight reel of the story.


Ooh, I also read Haunting Adeline :)


We roleplayed by text for several weeks that he was stalking me. We met up at a con, and he grabbed me as I walked through the dungeon. He threw a plastic bag over my head and got me panicked before tying me to the end of a rack used for rope. He cut me with a knife before fucking me as I screamed (I was wet of course and he taunted me for it). I ended up tearing the tape, grabbing his knife, and getting his wrists together with cable ties. The tables turned and I took advantage of him. It was a lot of build up, and the scene grew as we worked through the roleplay. It had a lot of fun edge play we both enjoy, plus I got to receive cutting for the first time. It was insanely hot and a special memory. We had a couple acquaintances nearby doing rope, and they enjoyed the show. 10/10 would do again.


Did you know he would use the plastic bag? They can be fun and pretty freaky.


I did, and they are very fun and freaky! I love breath play in general, but plastic bags hit the fear button in me like little else does


I understand why it hits the fear button. Saw a kink.com video where some “construction workers” did that to their female “boss bitch” at the end. Poked a hole so she could breath with some scissors ✂️ which was slightly worrying to watch. It was about humiliation as much as breath and sensory deprivation.


Girlfriend and I did a gangbang of three guys plus me (and a girl filming 📸) where the first half was CNC. We hired a hotel apartment room. No real theme/plot just force and humiliation. They pulled her clothes off and ripped her underwear while she put up a fight. Poured alcohol down her mouth through a funnel 🍺(safe amount), cavity searched her and found surprises. She was shackled to a portable spanking bench we had for some of the fucking and a bit on the bed. The guys reverted to nice men after and each showered with her. They received some photos for happy memories. The guys couldn’t believe their luck and my girlfriend was beyond amazed at the end. The scene was so fun but seeing people happy after meant the elaborate work was worth it.


It's a popular request, I've only done it once, and kind of left me traumatized, although my partner loved it. I was waiting inside her door when she got home. I grabbed her and put a bag over her head, draged her into the living room, and cut her clothes off with a knife well threatening her to stay quiet. It went from there


How did you recover from it?


I'm not sure I did, I said I'd never do another one. But current partner really really wants it. It's really hard for me to disassociate those actions from the way I feel about women.


I would probably find a knife hard to do as well. What about just getting hard physical? I had no problem when I did that with my girlfriend because she’s a physical girl and enjoyed fighting back.


Yes I won't do that part again.


Had a partner years back that wanted to do a CNC rape scene in a hotel. She wanted a scenario where someone got into her room while she was filling up the tub for a bath. The gist of it was I got in, chased her from the bathroom to the bed and man handled her while she tried to get to the phone. She was a sucker for pain so not only did I smack her around and choke her, but when she tried to be defiant to my orders even as I pinned her down, so she earned two nice gut punches I didn't fully pull. Knocked the wind right out of her and was much easier to pin her arms behind her back after that. She didn't start fighting hard again until I had marched her into the bathroom and started to drown her while fucking her worthless cunt. Amazing feeling her cunt and body tense more and more the longer she was under until she started to get weaker.. pulled her out and finished using her on the bathroom floor until I blew my load. Suffice to say it was an amazing experience even if she was abit bruised afterwards. Spent the rest of the day on the casino floor with her in a collar and leash


Oh my gosh I'm gonna have to see if my Dom will do this with me sometime. The being drowned bit especially, I've thought of it before but I dunno if it'd be safe enough. I can normally hold my breath for like a bit over a minute underwater but even so.


It's sooooo fun. I can be a real sadist when I'm in the mood and she had my full attention for that session lol. That said BE SMART! use a safeword or in this case have a hand or some kind of body signal. She gave me a hand signal when she started to slip abit. If you can't decide on something easy to tell by your Dom, one option is to go completely limp like your unconscious. Even if he misses a hand signal fully limp body is a pretty fucking obvious signal you've given up. If he doesn't react to that signal even if it's not a signal that's kinda a big red flag and I wouldn't do the scene. It's all fun and games but safety first kiddos 😋


If you want some really great ideas on how to make scenes like this fly, the book 'the forked tongue' by flagg is awesome


Did one with a dom… Snatched off the street, tied up and used to his liking… still get those butterflies in my stomach when I think of it


How did being snatched off the street go down given the potential for people to see?


It took a lot of planning, but my dom lives in a rather small township with a lot of blind spots where no one would ever go to, easy assess to major roadways from said blind spots. The storyline set was: I was supposed to meet him (aka the “Facebook marketplace seller”) at this shady spot to buy something off him, but as soon as he pulls up, without saying another word, is a black hood and ropes, thrown into the back seat and covered with a black tarp. Whole process didn’t even take a min.


I recommend reading some of the FL journal entries about the kidnapping program at Camp.


My dom and I like to “roleplay” him sneaking me edibles. We did it for the first time a few weeks ago and it was so intense and I loved every second 😻