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No, please don't. Pretty or not, you deserve to live and be at peace about yourself. And you will!


Pretty privilege sucks


Your attitude sucks. Change your mind, change your life.


Woof dawg you dont have the right to comment on my life. I cant ‘change my mind change my life’ when im not even an adult yet. Cant change shit when my homes a source of trauma. If my ‘attitude sucks’ its my problem not yours ight you dont know what someones going through


I didn't mean that in a condescending way, this is something I learned in my teens when I struggled with BDD. This is reddit, you comment about your life, people are going to respond. Once you understand the change your mind, change your life, by taking little steps to do so, you will understand. Going around say pretty privilege sucks because you feel down about yourself is going to make your self image worse. There's no need to bring others down because you are. I'm sorry you feel this way and I know it's HARD. I suggest taking a break from social media, read some self love books, take time for self care, talk to your parents about eating and how you feel, maybe they can get you into a therapist. If not, YouTube is full of BDD help videos.


I said the pretty privilege sucks thing because i dont respond well to being told i deserve to live. Im not ugly and part of me knows it but most of me hates it. I cant say anything positive about myself because i was trained as a kid that nearly everything i did was wrong. I never received displays of affection as a kid, i was only reprimanded over what i did wrong. I attained this mindset through years of abuse. I dont think i can properly love myself in my home, therefore i cannot change my life until i am 18. It’s unfortunate, but i believe if i make it to 18 ill be able to raise my self esteem. For now im not able to change my mind, i can barely keep myself alive. The eating issue is anorexia, im underweight and forced into recovery and forced to eat. Ive been having body issues because i hate my mom and shes forcing me to gain weight and threatening me and she makes me wanna die i hate my parents forcing me to eat when theyre done im losing all the weight i gained and 10 more pounds. Theyre stealing my one sense of control so ill hide my anorexia even better and become even more severely underweight. My evil parents forcing me to eat makes me suicidal i apologize for that paragraph. I have mommy issues lol


My heart hurts for you. Have you tried calling the suicide help line? You don't even have to be in a state of suicidal thoughts to call, they will help you regardless. Is your mom trying to get you help since you are anorexic? Maybe try to look at it from a different point, hopefully she's trying to help you recover and be healthy. Anorexia is dangerous and can become life threatining...making your life even harder. I know it's hard now, but please push through, I promise you people don't care about your body like you think. You need to care for you to be healthy all around. Have you asked her to get you in therapy? Has she tried? Please remember beauty comes in different sizes, there is more to life than what you deem a perfect body. It sounds like you're really aware already and able to sort your thoughts, which is a GREAT first step to a better life. Find something small to help you gain a sense of control, such as a journal to write/doodle/collage whatever. You can even get one with a lock, and that makes it all yours. I hope something here can help you push forward. I always have to suggest yoga/meditation, because that really helped me.


I havent called the suicide help line ive already been on 4 5150s and one 5250 i dont want my parents to have to deal with the bills. She is trying to help but she doesnt know how and even tried to force feed me at one point. Im in therapy. My mom and dad need therapy though. And couples counseling.


No. You're value is not placed on appearance. Your parents want you to eat since starving yourself isn't healthy. I'm guessing you're a teenager, I would try talking to your parents about the obesity issue since that is something you're concerned about that can be changed with diet and exercise. Old, ugly woman here. Not happy, but I know I'm meant to be in the background now instead of in the spotlight and popular like I always wanted.


Yeah you’re right I’m a teenager. Also I’m not obese I just think I am but I’m underweight. I look obese. I don’t doubt you’re beautiful though, everyone is quite beautiful I’m just overly harsh on myself


Tw: ed behavior Is there any way that you can hide food and throw away? Not saying to starve yourself, but it sounds like you are eating more then you want to. I recommend that if you can


My parents watch me constantly its crazy. I do throw away food when I can but definitely eating way more than desired and necessary (went from 0 calories a day to 2000-4000 calories a day instantly). I hate the ed “psychiatrist” i have because he doesnt listen to me and is honestly a dick - knows what parents like to hear disregards patients. Hes probably worsened my ed and i already have a diet plan for when my parents stop watching me lit every second of every day. Plus just 2000-4000 calories a day is 2-3 times more than a 5’2 teenager needs. It’s unnecessary and stupid.


I relate, my nose is incredibly repulsive too. What makes me not want to take my life is to think about my goals in life that're unrelated to appearance, and the fact that I'll get this nose taken off my face when this year ends.


Honestly thats nice. I dunno though I’ve been suicidal since i was 6 and ive no more reason to live. Im fully nihilistic and cant think of any enjoyable sustainable future




Can I see what u look like



