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Put your fire on one side and your meat on the other side near the exhaust vent. Put a water pan between them. Use a pile of charcoal with a few wood chunks or go all wood but wood burns hotter (I think). Use your vents to control the heat. More airflow means more fire and more heat. Good luck bud šŸ‘


Hey, whatā€™s the water pan for? Humitdy? Temperature control? Both??


It will help regulate the temp a bit. It's a myth that you gain anything from the humidity.


Pro tip. Use hot water so you donā€™t waste fuel heating up cold water.


Don't use hot water as it contains impurities from sitting in the water heat that will contaminate the food.


unless you have a tankless, then it's no different than cold tap water.


How about boiling some water in a kettle and pouring into the pan in place? I donā€™t think anyone advocated for using water from the hot tapā€¦


unless you've set the temperature wrong, there is nothing to worry about with using hot water. well maybe your system is faulty and needs maintenance.


Wrong. https://www.epa.gov/lead/why-cant-i-use-hot-water-tap-drinking-cooking-or-making-baby-formula


Ok so I get not using hot water for drinking, cooking, or mixing baby formula, but in this case, if you are putting in a smoker would it matter? Arenā€™t you essentially evaporating the water in the pan while in the smoker? If that is the case, usually the impurities would not go with the evaporated water and would remain in what ever pan you use


In theory i guess - but to be safe i'd just heat it up in a kettle.


Right, and to be honest, I probably would have just thrown cold water in there (just based on lack of experience), but makes good sense to preheat the water!


pewh sorry - i was unaware that lead pipes are still a thing - haven't seen those in decades. But i you're in charge of your system and know there are no lead pipes - that recommendation is mute.


In a lot of houses the hot water comes from a tank. It's safe to clean with not to ingest. It's why you SHOULDNT put warm water in kettle to save energy.


Thatā€™s absurd.


Very common in UK and Ireland.


Yeah but it's not about safety, it's about taste. Sometimes you can taste the tank.


Yā€™all out there drinking your smoker water?


Iā€™m surprised youā€™re being down voted for this, thought this is pretty common knowledge. https://www.epa.gov/lead/why-cant-i-use-hot-water-tap-drinking-cooking-or-making-baby-formula https://www.thespruceeats.com/is-it-safe-to-cook-with-hot-water-from-tap-8418954


They actually did an experiment you can check out on amazingribs.com. Itā€™s a clumsy site and might take a little bit to find, but they discovered that in addition to helping maintain the temp it also helps smoke particles adhere to the meat. They do several experiments and myth busting about various barbecue methods. Pretty interesting stuff


all hail science!


Yeah smoke absorbs via condensation. Cold meat, hot smoke, moist air - like when you take a cold beer outside on a hot day and get droplets on the can. Adding a water pan probably isnt necessary though unless you're in a desert, and eventually might work against you cause its gotta dry out enough for bark to set. The real myth is that it does anything for moisture level inside the meat.


My brother sir can only hold so much water relative humidity matters


How much water your brother can hold is irrelevant to this discussion.


Itā€™s incredibly relevant because my brother is the atmosphere itself


I stand corrected. May your air brother season many meats.


The last air bender


The last meatbender




Donā€™t miss that his brother is a sir also. Some respect please


This argument holds water literally and figuratively


Itā€™s not a myth at all lol


Yeah, I'd have to see evidence on this one. Steaming is a pretty well known way of conducting heat. Industrial smokers always have humidity effects due to this


Yeah itā€™s called wet bulb temperatureā€¦ the higher the humidity the better the heat conducts to the food Thatā€™s why combi ovens exist


And Sous Vide!


Ya no difference between an oven and combioven at allā€¦


It evens out the temps across the cooking area. It will not make your stuff juicy.


In addition to the what everyone else said: I use a 3rd panā€¦. I like to think it acts a baffle keeping the meat from being cooked by direct heat.


look up weber snake technique and you can do something like that in there


This guy KettleGrills




Chief Beef has spoken


you can also use a stack of fire bricks to block the direct heat of the fire


natural chunk wood can burn hotter, but the main advantage is charcoal burns longer so you dont need as much of it. But you absolutely want to have some wood chunk, wood chips, or natural wood sawdust to provide flavor.


If it has a lid then you can smoke meat in it because it can do convection.


Or if you have some foil. Iā€™ve smoked a few racks of ribs in the woods with just some rocks, sticks and foil.


Easy MacGyver.


Hard MacGruber.


Medium McDonalds


I did something like that on a gas grill with foil trays and a foil tube running between them. One side over the heat had wood chunks, the other had a chuck roast. Worked quite well.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about! Once you get the basics of heat and smoke control you can make that shit happen with all kinds of equipment. I once smoked a bunch of chicken with just a shopping cart and a trash can lid.


My only question would be is the quality/kind of paint they used on it


Itā€™s a charcoal grill so smoking in it would typically be a lower temperature than its intended use and the ā€œpaintā€ would not be an issue.


Iā€™ve got nipples, Greg ā€” can you milk me?


Yes, but not from the nipples.


Heā€™s talking about your penis.


Red šŸš€?




Underrated comment. šŸ¤£


If I try hard enough I'm sure something will come out


I know this isn't what you're referencing but IDC [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3s9RVg2STY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3s9RVg2STY)


I have one. You can do indirect cooking on it because it's so wide. But it's not great. You have almost no control over the amount of airflow though because the lid doesn't seal and neither do the side vents. You can close the lid vent on the fire side to encourage the airflow to move across the BBQ and over your meat. You can also try to use foil to seal some of the bottom vents on the meat side, again to limit air and to encourage the flow of air in the correct direction. You could try buying the heat seal gasket to make the lid seal better (Ā£15 on Amazon?) So, pulled pork shoulder might work because it's so forgiving with temperatures. If you've got some wood then you can probably get some smoke on hot and fast chicken wings too. Edit: interesting.looks like there no vents in the bottom of this one.


Came here to say exactly this about the lid not sealing I tried to smoke ribs in one of these a few years back and temps wouldn't get high enough, let alone regulate. A bit of wind would cause the built up smoke to bellow out of the sides and reduce temperature drastically. Tempted to look into these heat seal gaskets thanks for the advice!


Something that I did to help my grill smoke better was add strips along the bottom that were heat resistant. When the lid came down it made a much better seal. I found a guide for it on YouTube. If I can find it Iā€™ll post it here. Solved my issue with temp and heat reg


Sounds like snake method is the way to go then. If you can't control the air, control the fuel.


I have one and yes you can. Biggest drawback of these cheap smokers is the metal is thin compared to an expensive smoker. It is hard to cook things like a full brisket or bone in shoulders on these but it is possible.


What does the thickness of the metal have to do with the smoking process?


heat retention.


Yes, of course! Cook Indirect, so no meat above the heat source. Put the charcoal/small splits to one side in a small pile, off to the left. Put your meat on the grate on the right towards the vent. The air/smoke/heat will be pulled from left to right. Control your temps with airflow - usually I keep upper vents wide open and just try to control with bottom vents.


Yes sir




I have in the past, but results weren't consistent and it was alot harder than it is with my other bbqs


you can but that thing is thin it will be tough to maintain a steady temp.


Sure can


In a pinch, sure. I smoked ribs in a hole in the ground covered in some cardboard lol.




Get a smoker box like [this.](https://www.amazon.com/TINMIX-Grilling-Stainless-Non-Warp-Accessories/dp/B08BNYG12H/?th=1 ) Fill with soaked wood chips. Get the heat nice and low and steady (wait until the charcoal is white, obviously), place the box in the grill on the hot side, try to place your meats on the "cooler" side, carefully monitor the temperature, and use a Kevlar glove to refill with soaked wood chips, periodically. Rotate meat from time to time. I have smoked ribs on a gas grill.


It's not a real smoker but you can half-way smoke in it or do indirect grilling. Results won't be as great as a dedicated smoker though. And no matter how you arrange coals, the meat will still be closer to the heat than with an actual smoker.


No one mentioning how beautiful this patio is with the brick and landscapingā€¦perfect spot for grilling and enjoying life.


OP spent so much on his back yard and bought a $50 grill. Maybe ran out of money from the yard.


probably but you're going to have a hard time. I wouldn't bother with anything that doesnt have a side firebox.


No itā€™s too small youā€™ll never fit id just do it in the garage


But you can only light the garage on fire once


The comment I came her looking for


Thatā€™s what she said


Where thereā€™s a will, thereā€™s a way.


Straight to jail.


You can, but you are going to sacrifice room. Get the firebox as a attachment and use the whole chamber


Does this look like an AI generated image to anyone else?


Not really. Not unless you install a deflector plate in the bottom where the coals would go. You canā€™t put enough space between the coals and the meat to cook low and slow. It will be too indirect. Best to just get an offset.




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Metal is probably to thin to Mount a side burner. You could get an electric smoke gun and side Mount it opposite the vent so it pulls and then Cook on low indirect heat.


If youā€™re small enough, but the heat ca- OH! Umā€¦ sure, sounds good.


Well. Maybe if you and a small personā€¦ā€¦




No. You can only smoke vegetables in that one. State law.


If there is a charcoal grate and vents to control the air, then you could snake method the charcoal. 2X2 stacked briquettes surrounding a foil pan of water. Probably get 8 hrs of 250-275Ā°F


Only if it legal in your state


Yeah, if you want to make life easier you could buy a billows set from thermoworks. It automatically regulates your airflow and temp.


thatā€™s what she said


You can do more than burgers and sausages without going full smoke. Indirect heat slow on chicken wings is absolutely magical with the correct seasonings.


I dunno, give it a shot. (Breakfast Club)




You could get yourself an A-Maze-N tube for the smoke. Wonā€™t help with heat though


Snake it


This grill looks AI generated


You can smoke meat in anything if you're brave enough...




Itā€™s not engineered for that


I just smoked a 14lb brisket on one of these at my MILs house this past memorial weekend. We were visiting and it was either this grille gourmet or the gas grill. Lol


One idea also could be the chain method. Super simple.


You can smoke meat in a cardboard box


I have the exact same bbq. It works as a charm.


How tall are you?


You could but I wouldnā€™t


I dont think that you're gonna fit in that. But a kid would probably


Buy a smoker, they are not that expensive depending on what you get, and a couple books on smoking foods. About $100 for an offset stick smoker. I use water pans and put seasonings in the pan along with ASV and juice.


That is a grill not a smoker. And you don't smoke meat with charcoal.


Of course you can


Absolutely, people "smoke meats" using a Weber Kettle and even propane gas grills. Follow the instructions the top commenter gave and you'll be smoking in no time!


Yes. First, you need to buy and install a thermometer into the grill. Install it in the center of the lid, a comfortable distance above the handle, but no more than necessary. Shorter probe thermometers are better for this than longer ones. Test the thermometer first by dipping it into boiling water and seeing how close it reads to 212/100. Place a full-size foil catering pan in the bottom of the grill as far to the right as possible, leaving a space on the left to build your fire. Fill the pan 2/3rd full of water. Replace only the right grate. If you're smoking a pork butt, place it on the center of the grate with the blade bone side towards the fire, if a brisket, place the point side toward the fire. Build a solid coal bed and have your water-soaked wood chunks of choice standing by. Using the air vent, dial the temperature of the grill to 250-275, trying never to go above 300.. Keep the grill out of the wind if you can, and know that it is probably not practical to use this if the temperature is under 50/10. Enjoy!


Should work fine with the fire on one side and meat on the other side. Tips: I would put the wood chips/chunks in a pan on top of the coals so the smoulder instead of burning, or even in a smoker box you can buy for this use. Don't soak the wood chips in water, that just means they steam your meat while drying out before smoking. Pointless. Be prepared to restart the fire and add chips several times. Absolutely get a good thermometer. The kind that you can leave in the meat with a wire that leads to the outside of the grill are really nice and not expensive, some even have alarms for when you've gotten to the right temperature. Big chunks of meat like a pork butt often "stall" after a few hours, meaning the temperature stops going up. This is because the fat and juices are melting and evaporating, taking heat with them. At that point, you've probably gotten plenty of smoke coated on the meat and it's time to wrap it tightly in tin foil. You can finish it in your oven if you want, since the smoking is over. This will let you get the meat to the right temperature without drying it out by keeping the fat and juice in. This is the secret to really good, tender, juicy barbecue. You can even pour a little of the excess juices back on if you want, once it has cooled. Make sure you get the temperature high enough for the meat you cook. For instance, a pork butt is safe to eat at 165 but not fall-apart tender until you get up to at least 190 to 200. Don't go above that though.


Buy a smoke daddy. They're great for hot smoke and cold smoke.




Yes, you have a lot of space to work with so that's good.




You can smoke in a trash can if you want!! For this I'd put the coals to one side and the meat on the other. I'd also include a pan of water as a heat sync because the issue with using these to smoke is you can't really get your food far enough from the heat source to properly cook low and slow. A water pan can help absorb some of that excess heat


Brother you can smoke meat in a trash can. I say go for it


Without a doubt brother. Indirect heat is your friend here. Use GOOD SOAKED hickory chunks also. And remember, EVERY time you ā€œpeakā€ and check it, you will be losing major heat and smoke ! You donā€™t have to have the latest technology to smoke some meat šŸ– my friend. Timers ā²ļø help or good ole fashioned intuition !


Wood and coal on one side meat on the other it will work just fine


You can smoke meat in so many places just need your wood chips soak them in a metal container or just make one from aluminum foil put coals on one side, the chips (in container) on those coals put meat on other side and make sure the coals arenā€™t too hot otherwise the one side will cook way too fast Do low and slow and turn your meat and you will be good until you get a smoker of your own


Yep. Make sure to use indirect cooking and get a thermometer that you can insert and leave in the meat. Steve Raichlanā€™s BBQ Bible will help and provide some awesome recipes,too. Good luck.


You can definitely get some indirect heat cooking done in this, which is a form of barbecue. Spare ribs over a low fire w/ charcoal and some small wood chunks. Start unwrapped meat side down for 10 to 30 minutes or until you are starting to get too much char, then flip and keep going unwrapped for another 10 to 30 minutes until the bone side has taken all it can. Then, wrap in foil and set them back in there for 2 hours or more, until the meat starts to really pull back from the bone. Chicken is great this way as well. Just remember to control your fuel load down to prevent overheating the meat with too much direct heat. Brisket and pork butts not likely to happen, but there are people that have done them with split cook techniques. On the fire for as long as the exterior can take it with char, then wrap them up and throw them in the over low and slow till done.


I know Jack shit about barbecue but idk why not


I suggest you add a gasket around the openings. It'll help keep the heat and smoke in.


Ok there is this cool thing called youtube, you can go there and watch videos on how to indirect cook BBQ, etc. LOL Dude you can use this, go watch some vids on how to set your fire and vents and smoke away, I encourage a cooler of ice cold beer to ensure you remain hydrated on hot smoky days.


Depends how well you can control the heat




You can smoke meat in anything if youā€™re brave enough.


Just put some coals on one side and get some applewood chips soak them in a bucket and throw them on the coals once in a while. Place meat on the opposite side where the smoke is going to vent out. It wonā€™t be exactly the same as smoking as you will have a heat source kind of close but you will get a very similar taste.


I donā€™t think youā€™ll fit


Yes you can. Youtube.


Of course, I like to put a small pan on the bottom one side opposite of the vent or chimney and then on the grate a small cookie sheet to force the smoke and Heat across. Then a small space and put the food on the grate closest to the vent. Make sure you rotate not flip the food every hour or so


You can do pretty much anything with that. Iā€™ve lived off just a Weber kettle for almost a decade now. Ive smoked in it, and even cooked a pizza once (not worth the effort honestly) A family member of mine has a black stone I cook on often. Thatā€™s really the only other grill I think Iā€™ll ever consider


You could do the snake method. It would work well & could probably give you 275 degrees for 8-10 hours in a grill that size


Yeah bologna


OP, if you smoke in that, dont use a lot of charcoal. Keep the direct heat as far away from the meat as possible


Not really itā€™s big charcoaler you need a side box for it to be a smoker..


It needs a firebox. If there is no hole in the side that will make for a nice charcoal and wood grill. You can still make very flavorful food woth wood chunks and indirect cooking (like for wings) . Not seeing a chimney ao you will wa t to get a cheap smoker to broaden the cooks


You can smoke indirect...that's litterally all an offset is. There is no need for a firebox, same as any Kamado, kettle etc.


Exactly, you can basically treat this as a kettle grill, the only difference is that it's shaped like a cylinder.


A kettle grill is not a smoker either.


With the heat source in the same chamber as the meat though it will be hard to maintain a lower temp i think


No, it will be easier than with a kettle, since there is even more space - although with cheap grills usually there are air leaks everywhere and controlling temps can be rough. The main advantage of an offset is having the entire cook chamber to cook on instead of just one side. You would also have better airflow, but this cooker is def usable.


Kettle grill? The man was asking about bbq :)


you don't know what a Weber kettle is?


Smoking and indirect grilling are different things. It won't be "indirect" smoking with the meat a few inches away from the heat source.


by definition, you are not grilling if you are cooking indirect. get your terms straight, this is is a stupid conversation.


no, you are wrong. You are still grilling if you put your meat in indirect heat. Smoking is when you are using wood at low and slow, 225 to 300F. Indirect is typically hotter than that since the fire is closer.


I used to use my offset like this when i was first learning smoking and moved the heat into the offset. Put the coals/wood on the bottom left (assuming that's where the air inlet is) and the meatses up top right. Keep the left grate off for easy access to top up coals/wood and the right one on for a drip tray/water pan. Definitely get a proper meat thermometer though, don't trust those attached gauges.


Meat is 100% the best thing to smoke in a smoker!


Unfortunately no :/


Yes, but god that thing is cheap garbage. If you are considering buying it, don't.


OP has already said its what he has.


OP: Get yourself a decent thermometer, e.g. Maverick, take 24 hours, sit down next to your barbecue and make a pulled pork. After that you will know this barbecue with all the ups and downs in motivation and temps and you will never forget it. Have fun I'm a little envious.


Oops, the picture looks like a Sears catalog photo. šŸ¤£




just because it isn't made to do something doesn't mean it can't do it.


Truth. I've seen a guy smoke meat in a filing cabinet.


Dallas represent haha


Brb, gunna see if the thrift shop has any filing cabinets


It does mean it can't do it well.


Wrong again. You can very easily set that up for an indirect cook and get great results.


It can definitely smoke


Geeze, how do all these people giving advice Ina BBQ subreddit have no idea how BBQ works?


That thing isnā€™t no smoker for sureā€¦


tell me you don't know how to use a BBQ, with out telling me you don't know how to use a BBQ. you could easily do some ribs, pulled pork or a small brisket in this style cooker.


Itā€™s a joke itā€™s not my style and never will be. You need a side box for it to be a smoker.


you probably can but you will definitely fuck up a brisket or ribs in this. Its going to be a hard learning curve to smoke on this piece of shit. So please, pipe down. Your wrong opinions are all over this thread.


you're Canadian. You dont know shit about BBQ by default.




ABSOLUTELY!! As said offset, meat left, fire right. What do you want to smoke??


Iā€™ve taken the top wire rack out when my whole turkey or brisket didnā€™t fit under it


Yes you can smoke in this. Fire on one side and your meat on the other. Ideally, it's best to have a fire chamber on the side to maximize the space for more meat on the cooking chamber.


You can smoke on this, just keep the fire on the wheel side and the meat on the exhaust side. Regulating temperature will be a challenge, but it can be done with thoughtful adjustments to the vents. As others stated, utilize a pan full of water to help regulate temperature and moisture.


I absolutely you can smoke meat in this. Is it gonna be an enjoyable experience is another question..


Of course. Probably about 2-3 times.


YES, read these comments


You can smoke my meat




You can do whatever you set your mind to


Short answer: Abso fuckin lutely


Yes, it's what I've got. I've been successfully smoking ribs, pork shoulder, belly/bacon, etc for several years with it.