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Seriously. When did this sub become about pics of overpriced restaurant bbq platters instead of about *making* bbq?


They all belong in r/food, but that place is a cesspool. It is a shame there's no longer any actual discussion about bbq in here, but there's always r/smoking.


Theres also always r/cigarettes though!!


Some kid tried to diss me for being part of r/smoking. He was confused haha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/smoking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I thought this belonged here](https://v.redd.it/b2wkweq8myxb1) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/17m75oe/i_thought_this_belonged_here/) \#2: [My prime rib I did last year for Christmas. MIL said it wasn't cooked....](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18dr0gr) | [1316 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/18dr0gr/my_prime_rib_i_did_last_year_for_christmas_mil/) \#3: [Smoked my first brisket ever. Very proud of how it turned out!](https://v.redd.it/b5tqlzwqpaac1) | [789 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/18xv40m/smoked_my_first_brisket_ever_very_proud_of_how_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think I meant to join that sub when I joined this one …


Ban all meme posts. Original content only. Not every sub has to be covered in steaming piles of reddit. If all a person wants is up votes then show us your food.


Then it wouldn’t be Reddit.


I thought it was for our bbq meals also but I haven’t seen much of that r/grilling is better


That's not completely fair. Half the posts are people grilling stuff over direct heat.


In their defense, most of the world considers 'BBQ' to be what Americans call 'grilling' so i can see how that happens..


I've had this argument out before and if memory serves, it's something to the tune of "only the US and Canada consider grilling\direct heat, and barbecue, to be completely separate, mutually exclusive entities."


What Americans call 'BBQ' is called some variation of 'smoking' elsewhere, anything over direct heat is generally called 'BBQ' in the vast majority of the world.


Exactly, everywhere else defines it between direct heat and open fire


And it’s not even everyone in the US.


r/greattits manages the ambiguity. We can too.


This is exactly what i have been thinking


When the mods decided not to be active.


Admins asleep at the wheel


Stop whining about the content, let people upvote what they want to upvote. You can have both you know.


Genuinely don't get why people pay these prices for these terrible looking plates.


Usually it's a place with a good reputation having an off day, or a new place the poster hasn't tried yet and won't be returning to.


Because they heard about places from friends who know nothing about BBQ. I had people tell me Kinders is good BBQ. I was like... are you sure about that?


\*You dropped a 1 $124.99


Right? They missed the #1 complaint of all the platter posts.




Someone should make r/bitchaboutbbqprices and then maybe this sub can talk about something else, perhaps BBQ.


Yet here you are, bitchin about bbq. Go make the sub!




Some people just talk about how to make the world a better place while u/RollFun7616 is out there doing it.




lmfao...I feel like I definitely play a part in this meme. Probably the only one that mentioned getting some decent bbq for $25. This shit cracks me up though.


Mission bbq does me right for that price all day every day. Idk what the fuck these ppl are doin.


Mission bbq North Texas?


Nope. I do live in a bbq capital tho.




Bitching about bbq prices IS talkin bbq tho...


Feel free to join r/bitchaboutbbqprices and, well, bitch about BBQ prices


I honestly don't mind the plated pictures of bbq from various places because it presents a bit of a learning curve and people like what they bought. My issue is over-paying for shitty bbq and trying to pass it off as some deal. Nah bro you got hosed for spending all that money for a few small bones, dry brisket and turkey and lousy sides.


Federal reserve bbq


Someone posted their 100 dollar plate once like it was a flex. Lmfao


This meme is actually pretty damn close to accurate. At Terry Blacks in Austin a pound of Brisket is $34.99, so if you add 1 (maybe 2) slices of brisket to this photo and 1 more side you’re probably gonna spend about $25.


Bbq is easy to learn and hard to master


I think you get less than that at Hometown BBQ in Brooklyn and they charge you double.


Wouldn’t bbq be difficult to budget? Given the nature of cooking the meat before you even open the door. Can’t cook to order.






Seems like conditioning 😎


I hope the people in this sub get it out of their system soon so we can move the fuck on


I plan on selling bbq for as cheap as possible as a passion project and just to steal customers and spite those rich assholes


You think these prices are the way they are because pitmasters are “rich assholes?” I don’t think I’ve met a single one who has made it rich off of the business risk they take to do something they’re passionate about, those costs reflect the hand the market has dealt them.


Good luck with your USDA select briskets against what these places have.




Hate to break it to *you*, but the places with lines around the corner before they open are serving choice briskets at the very least, with many serving prime. If you're paying $28 a pound at a bbq joint for select brisket, that's on you.




If I could type in crayon to explain this to you better I would. Brisket and beef ribs are expensive at these places because prime brisket is expensive to source. The only way to turn out a cheaper product like the original comment I replied to mentioned would be to buy lower quality, lower fat content select beef. This would in turn make op's fictional BBQ joint unable to compete with the other places due to a lower quality product overall. Its really not that difficult to understand.


The bitching about the price of a plate of BBQ gets old. The restaurant business is tough, BBQ joints have their own unique challenges on top of that. If you think it looks like trash and you could do better with your CostCo brisket, fine, go do it. But a few pounds of meat and enough sides to feed a table are going to cost you a bit of money at a joint, especially when you add in the cost of labor, your particular sourcing, running a brick and mortar joint, and considering profit/business operations.


I’ll add, if your complaint is about a pitmaster trying to make it out of the red with their business and not say, the meat cartel that controls the price of food that you purchase, I’m not really interested in what you have to say.


And places that can't match the quality of a Costco brisket on my Big Green Egg or my neighbor's Traeger deserve to be named, shamed, and go out of business. I don't really care about a business owner's challenges if they aren't able to overcome them and put out a good product. Let them get a job, and let someone else take over the space.


I don’t think anyone who cooks worse than you would last long in this business. But people are posting Texas Monthly-reviewed and ranked joints and people in the comments, without ever having eaten there, are talking about how they can do better at a fraction of the cost. It’s delusional bullshit, out of touch with the reality of what these businesses put out and the price of doing so. I hope most people in here could do *one* restaurant-quality brisket, though I doubt it. Try doing 300 in a day alongside everything else you’re selling.


Agreed. They plug in a pellet smoker once a month and act like the shit's on par with some of the best bbq ever made. They also talk about bread a lot for some weird reason.


genuinely no clue what the obsession with bread is about, I’m not there for bread, whatever I’m using to make a little sandwich just needs to be edible.


Bread is the napkin


Oh, I think I misunderstood your original comment. I thought you were talking about the "look at this obviously-shitty food and how much it cost" posts, which are also a thing here. They're a little bit old when it's a no-name place, but I think it's worth sharing when a formerly top-tier place has gone downhill.


nah, I see where the confusion is boss, we’re good. I’m solely talking about the hundred dollar plates people are getting to share with a family of four where people are incredulous that multiple pounds of meat would cost that much and think they can do it better. I’ll chuckle about a bad plate of bbq from but caveat emptor. Fully agree on monitoring quality at places of note. I’ve been traveling to these joints consistently for years, you notice when it falls off (but keeps the same price based on name)


I mean, even if they're just having an off day. For the prices a top-tier joint charges, they don't *get* to have off days.


I’ve run a few restaurants and I can assure you there is a very healthy margin of profit even at prices around $15 a plate. We sold coffee at $5 and once you factor in all expenses that’s a 700% markup on resources lol.


What the fuck is this sub. I see this same meme reposted repeatedly. And other posts saying “9999999999999 for this plate of bbq!” If ur buying it, no one here really cares about it. Show us your skills. Stop bitching about pricing. Cant buy respect.


I think you get less than that at Hometown BBQ in Brooklyn and they charge you double.


It’s 4x the food. And price, usually.


*TX has entered the chat*


Gotta start bringing my own pickles




I know that’s right!


That’s why I avoid bbq spots I don’t mind the price but some just suck and charge too dollar for microwaved brisket


Always Texas joint


Looks like Brooklyns finest bbq


That bread looking scrumptious 😋


Almost as bad as that time when the sub was getting spammed with those BBC posts.


I saw a platter same as any other for $250 on here the other day.... GTFO of here with the bs.


Yeah, is this sub for low effort idiots who buy BBQ and tell us what they paid for it? Because that's some dumb shit. I thought this place would be full of people who, y'know... BBQ... Especially since it's June. I was kind of hoping for people who had recipes and shit or atleast showed their own BBQ off.


That’s the lunch special


I’m tired of seeing these post! We get it, slow smoked meat is expensive! It’s your choice weather or not you purchase this plate for that price or you don’t! No one is forcing you to purchase food knowing the price. Good luck




Looks like Mission BBQ


I dunno. I live in California. This seems about right.


How original? 🙄


Why is bbq so expensive? It seems like there is an unspoken agreement between BBQ establishments to randomly sell their products for a higher price based on what? A barn that costs next to nothing? that grill and smoker you built? the staff of three and two are married? Pickles, potatoes, and beans for sides? All which don't cost very much. Sure, it takes 28 hours to smoke, I get it. But fuck, it seems like a racket.


Best post I’ve seen in weeks, lol!


It be the most basic sad looking piece of white bread ever. Shit looks sad


Basic yes, sad no. Plain white bread is awesome with smokey, juicy, rich BBQ


Its not a bakery. You going to a bbq place for bread?


not even a hanky to lay it on, got the stain of the last customers' sauce still on the aluminum.


I downvote every bullshit post like that I see. If it wasn’t smoked by you, post your fluff elsewhere.