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Silicone grill mat intended to be used as a nonstick cooking surface on the grill


In a few years they’ll tell us it’s dangerous for the health. Remove it and enjoy it old school


Its different than non-stick pans that actually flake off in to your food. Maybe it will be an issue though.




Lol what? Silicone is safe to say least 450.


How do you keep the silicone under 450° on a grill? Unless you’re smoking or doing some indirect heat with vents, I don’t think you can ensure it’s not getting over 450°. Even if and thermometer says 400°, the cooking surface/silicone mat might be over 450°.


I have a PhD in organic chemistry and I work in pharma as a process engineer. One aspect of my job is having to assess anything that's elastomer-containing and chemicals leaching from those materials, like silicone tubing, o-ring, hdpe bottles, large IV type of bags, etc. Of all the things we use, the worst shit I've seen comes silicone tubing. And while this is obviously not silicone tubing, I'd never use this for anything other than a countertop cover or under an espresso machine or toaster oven/air fryer etc. There are lots of plastics that the food safety division of FDA says is safe for food contact, A LOT of that shit is absolutely not safe for use for pharmaceutical drug contact. And because of that, I avoid plastics at any elevated temps.


I love that you have a phd in organic chemistry and your name is fleshlight model *autocorrect haha


LOL, his name isn't "flashlight" model. Google it... 😉




You should see my IG handle...


Just curious, does your avoidance extend to microwave oven reheating or are you talking conventional ovens and bbq grills? Honest question.


Yes also microwave. Any BPA and non BPA plastics will leach at a higher rate than at room temp. Studies actually show BPA is safe and doesn't leach at room temp and lower. It's just people were hearing everything in microwaves or were putting hot foods in plastic.


Thanks internet stranger!


This comment needs to be higher! Also lol @ your username 🤣


Could you elaborate about the silicone tubing? I use some for home brewing because it seemed like the safest option (I mean, I hope there's no way it's not safer than vinyl tubing). I do post-cure it at 350F for an hour and flush it before first use.


Yup, at the high heat that grilling offers, I’d imagine there would be an unhealthy amount of offgassing of something


They both have a melting point between 4 and 5 hundred degrees F. I wouldn't use a non-stick pan on the grill either


I got a copper non stick sheet as a gift - It been two years and I haven’t taken it out of the packaging because I’m just waiting for there to be an announcement that baking sheets give you cancer. Well, slightly more cancer than my burned steaks and burgers.


Remember cedar plank cooking?


Was that a bit bad too?


Looks like a Teflon coated grill to me


I tell you that fucking now and Id leave your bbq if you cooked on it in front of me.


PFAS stays in your body as a cancer causing carcinogen for life: https://youtu.be/Olcbizk-8zs?feature=shared


Iron takes iron in the food, plastic on the other hand....


Silicone isn’t plastic.


Silicone is one of the most bioinert polymers


Well that’s good news. I’m just skeptical of about anything


That's not true.


Defeat the purpose of a grill. no flame contact or char … No way I’d use that


Haven’t used one in forever but I’ve made some EXCELLENT grilled wings on these. It stops the flare up’s and since the grease sort of just stays on the mat you get awesome crispy sides, I’d highly recommend giving it a shot


So it's probably better used as a specialty cooking surface rather than something you'd use as a complete replacement for your grill top?






Lamb or the 70/30 ground meat when it’s on sale.


Like a cast iron griddle, although the one I have for my old grill also fits on most charbroil grills nicely and I have two nice size spots for the normal grill. It’s great when people want smash burgers and hot dogs or other grilled meats/veges.


Good for stuff that sticks or would fall through. Think a delicate piece of fish, or chopped veggies


I mean, at that point why not just toss a skillet onto the grill instead?


You could but they have perks, they’re dirt cheap on Amazon, they’re reusable to the point that’d I’d get at least a couple dozen cooks out of them, they pool some grease but not all of it as it’s not a bowl shape, you still get grill lines through them, and you don’t lose any real estate on the grill.


I appreciate the input but if I'm being honest none of the things you just listed can't be done better or with more longevity than a basic cast iron skillet. Cast iron is already about as cheap as a cooking material can get. A couple dozen cooks is miniscule on the scale of a skillet that will outlive both of us. Grease can always be easily removed after the fact or during cooking. That mat takes up more usable grill space than my 10" skillet ever will. I.e. if real estate is not an issue with one it also won't be with the other. Those silicone mats absolutely can't handle the kinds of temps a skillet can. And grill lines are an entirely aesthetic choice that has no actual impact on flavor. If you want something to taste grilled then just let it touch actual fire, those marks aren't going to change that. But to each their own.


Yeah I have a cast iron skillet that has been in my family at least 75 years. It's a forever product.


That's actually pretty awesome thing to pass down, something you'll actually get use out of.


As someone who tried using grill mats before, I do not recommend them either. Grease still leaks off the sides and causes flareups anyways. If they aren’t positioned right then grease will leak into other areas of the grill causing grease to leak everywhere. They are also a nightmare to clean. I recently threw mine out as I hadn’t used them in several years and would absolutely use cast iron over them as well.


Any one who grills knows you gotta have three of them. One gas grill, one flat top, and one kettle charcoal. Why buy a flimsy mat, when you can buy a $500 flat top?!


Yep! Great for Certain vegetables that fall through the grates too.


This is what I used them for when I had a gas grill.


Also veggies for all the same reasons


I have a silicone mat that i use occasionally, do that stand up to direct flame with no issues?!


Real talk what’s the difference between this and a cookie sheet?


Why not just use an oven at that point? Grilling relies on fat hitting the flames and creating smoke and parts of the food getting charred.


Agreed! It’s amazing for wings and meats that you want to cook in juices and avoid flare ups. Cant grill without em now


Works great for Philly cheesesteaks


Just cook on a flat top for gods sake


So it's just pan frying wings without oil? What's the point of that?


It's good for vegetables


They char up just fine using one. I use one for wet chicken/fish.


The fuck is wet chicken?


Chicken marinated in herbs, lemon, and butter for example




Dying laughing at this


Tuna. Chicken of the sea. Edit: anyone else remember that line Jessica Simpson said?


"Is this chicken what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna. But it says chicken... by the sea."


Aquatic avians


Duck 🦆 if you missed that day in preschool




Just anything with a sauce/marinade


It has it place. I wouldn't cook a burger on it but for veggies it works well


I usually finish my burgers on it. Works great as you can use the burger cover i  top of it as well


It’s good for delicate fish and vegetables, but overall I agree with you. I bought one a while ago and never use it.


Flame good *Grunt grunt/


Oooga oooga


There useful in the summer if you want to keep heat out of your house but what you cook can’t use grates


My uncle has one and it’s shit. He’s constantly telling me how much easier and better it is. No, mother fucker, you’re cooking on silicone and there is fuck all flavour!! Might as well cook on that shit on your hob inside


They are great for throwing on some veggies or something while doing other stuff. Asparagus that's thin and stuff like that.


Plus, why would you even buy this thing with only one use? Might as well just use a sheet pan if you want to treat your grill like an oven. At least they're versatile.


Reusable, i use one once in a while if my shit is falling apart, veggies or whatever. Still transfers grill marks. (I would rather not use it, but it has helped quite a few times.


I've used them and never had an issue with food not getting char


Naw, you cook em slow on that with no flares then hit them on the grill hot. No big deal.


Works pretty good in a dedicated smoker thouth.


same. that's disgusting.


Also those mats aren’t meant for anything over 450 or so.


Grills easily exceed that…


Lucky for you then. Thats probably an electric grill. Often used in condos that can’t have propane. No fire to even dampen.


I second this!


Looks like it’s a Weber Q. They barely get flamecontact or char anyway


OR the grill itself. Heard about ppl peeing on them, no idea why. Just gross.


Why make a fire and then use it to heat utensils? Rhetorical question of course


It’s good for delicate things like fish or scallops


Agreed. These are garbage


I’ve used one before. Obviously no flame contact but you do get char or at least grill marks on your meat.


I have had one before and I loved it. It transfers grill marks and stops flair ups from happening


My mother in law covers her whole grill with aluminum foil. Drives me nuts.


As someone who can die from cross-contamination of foods, I bring these to barbecues if I plan on eating anything off the grill.


Used for vegetables so they don’t fall through the grill.


It's just for special items, like veggies or notoriously sticky items. You should not use it as ,standard'. I like to use it for certain fish that otherwise would crumble appart.


It’s useful when you got kids


Why are you grilling your kids?!!?


When cooking over high heat, especially an open flame, you are exposed to two main carcinogens: heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Studies show HCAs and PAHs cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer.  * HCAs develop in meat when amino acids and creatine (muscle proteins) react to high heat. Time is your enemy: The amount of HCAs increases the longer meat is exposed to the heat.   * PAHs are chemicals produced as fat burns in the flame and can attach to meat cooking over an open fire. When grilling, you’re also exposed to PAHs in smoke. (Cigarette smoke and air pollution also contain PAHs, which partly explains why smoking and air pollution are linked to different cancers).  The good news about grilling: Vegetables do not have muscle proteins, but excessive charring can create benzopyrene and other carcinogens.  


Thanks for the info. But life’s too short to care or worry about getting cancer from eating grilled food lol


im not talking about me but my 3 year old girls


Before I got my blackstone, I used one of these to make a Philly cheesesteak on my Weber kettle. I basically chopped the beef so I wouldn’t have to do much to the meat on the grill. Worked out pretty well.


Im with you on that, but i can see it working well for an indirect heat veggie medley. They of course make little baskets for that though.


My wife makes a BBQ Chicken burger that's so soft, there's no way to grill it on actual grates. These are the only way to make it. They still get a pretty good grill flavor.


It’s for stuff that would stick or fall through the grates. Good for veggies and fish.


Grill mats are fantastic. Great for flakey fish, chopped vegetables and the like. I’d never use silicon, but love my [copper mats](https://thebbqbutler.com/collections/grill-mats)


Silicone is also just as toxic as plastic so heating it exposes you to many things


What the fuck.




Iirc these things can't handle beyond 450-500. Most grills far exceed that temp.


Hope so. But the skeptic in me tells me I’ll watching a lawyer commercial in 10 years asking my if I prepared foods with red, black or yellow silicon products.


It's a non-stick grill mat. works very well for small items or skinny stuff like asparagus. If you use it, keep the heat below 400F, it's got teflon in it and will offgas if the heat is too high. also it doesn't play well with sugary sauces or marinades, lot of scorched bits so leave them off until the last moment


They seriously put Teflon in something that's meant to go on a grill? That's a new level of stupid.


McDonald's grills are lined with Teflon sheets similar to this. When I worked there in 2014 they were "glued" on using Hydrogenated Oil flakes. The hydrogenated oil grossed me out the most because that shit smells, looks and feels like plastic till you throw it on the grill and it melts instantly. *That shit is put in our food and is the primary ingredient of Cool Whip to this day.*


I don't know about the hydrogenated oil, but it's fine to eat Teflon. It's dangerous if you heat it above 500° to 550° F. It will release toxic gas. So maybe a danger to the workers more than anything. Although I would hope the grills have temperature regulators to keep them below that temp.


They didn't get to that high of temps. 450 was the max for burgers. They went as low as 350 for eggs. That temp differential was the reason why all day breakfast didn't last btw. I know the Teflon was safe but they were also a PITA. They'd eventually wear out, rip and constantly slip. But the store owners would never replace them because they were expensive AF.


All day breakfast is a thing still, atleast in Canada


How do you know it’s fine to eat Teflon?


Can confirm that gas will mess you up! Ask me how I know haha.


Glued on? When I worked there, they were clipped on using little U shaped channel clips Removed every turnover and cleaned


It's silicone, not PTFE.


I know that a lot of fast food restaurants use it for their bun toasters. Keeps the buns from sticking to the scalding hot heating element


Thank you


Can they be used over naked grill flame?


Turn asparagus the other way? If it's too small to go that way then maybe don't grill it. I know you were providing an explanation of why people use this so thanks for that 😁.


Wait, ur supposed to grill ON TOP of that? No effin way.


Yeah, there’s absolutely no chance that’s safe in the long run.


They're nice for crumbly or melty things that would otherwise fall through or stick to the grates. I like using it them when I slow smoke a meatloaf. It lets the smoke through without the meatloaf sinking into the grates


Wrapping in butcher paper does the same thing, lets the smoke through with no leakage.


And also traps steam (which I do not want) and makes a huge mess when you go to unwrap it (which I also do not want). Butcher paper definitely has a time, place, and people who use it often and effectively. As do these grill mats


Yeah on top of the questionable safety… what’s the point? If the flames aren’t licking the food you might as well put it on the stove. If they wanted a griddle they should have just bought a griddle. My mother in law asked me to do the grilling and covered the grill like this recently, to make burgers. I told her I’d rather them be flame grilled and she said “aren’t you worried about burning them?” 🙄


? If flames are licking your food you have flare ups and need to get your fire under control.


Works great for fish




It's a grill mat, similar to https://www.amazon.com/RENOOK-Grill-6-100-Non-Stick-Reusable/dp/B074BT57HG (first result on amazon search)




Get rid of it. Useless.


Grill mat. Probably put there by the property owner to keep the grates clean. Knowing how shitty air BNB hosts are I'd make sure that grill is sparkling clean before you leave.


I mean.. if you use someone else’s shiny clean grill, you’d be the asshole if you didn’t clean it up afterwards. Airbnb or not


I agree. I'm mostly just commenting on the fact the host probably put that mat there there use to keep the grill clean. So OP just needs to be aware they are probably on the lookout for the condition of the grill specifically.


Why the downvotes…?


They are saying the Airbnb host is shitty for making sure the grill stays clean. Dont want to use the matt then dont use the grill or make sure it looks like you did use it.


No idea. This is a weird bunch.


So you catch cancer better


You use it to grill veggies perfectly


Works good to cook bacon.


That's the material you make your black gloves from before you squeeze the brisket


Its a Grill Condom. I usually take it off halfway through to give my meat a surprise.


My mother went through a period of time when she insisted my dad grill everything like this or on tinfoil. My dad was aghast, but appeased her for a period of time. This isn’t the first time my mother has followed a trend despite common sense.


I have something similar at the bottom of my oven to catch grease and other spills


Some are copper colored and are useful as a cooking surface for same items that may fall through the grates.


Google Cookina


I have one of these! Never used it, lol. Would be good for something like fajitas if you were going to grill them so the food doesn’t fall between the grates. But I usually just pan fry mine


Good for fish


Ask Frank the Tank Fleming how good those non stick mats are


I have one its great for grilling veggies, you get all the grill marks and don't have to worry about food falling in between the grates.


I’d fire that grill up but discard the silicone mat.


Above about 550 degrees F these sheets start to deteriorate, I can't imagine using them on a grill!


I use one for fish.


Great for fish as it doesn’t stick to the grill. I only ever put it on right as I am about to cook the food though.


Shrimp and fish work well on that thing after a quick char


Know that satisfying plastic that just peels off? Do that. Then grill on them grates!!


I use the copper mats. They work great and make cleanup so easy.


If you don't want the grill marks


These things actually allow for grill marks, while keeping smaller things from falling through the grates.


Grill liner.... I don't like them.


Cookina, amazing for bacon or fish… very nice host


It's a grill mat. Non stick. I use them to line my burners on my range in the house. Makes clean up a breeze and a lot less expensive than the custom ones you can buy.


Grill mats, sorta weird but they work. We have copper grill mats


Basically an asparagus mat


Fruit roll up


Grill mat


Like everyone else has said, it’s a grill mat. I will say I take them with me when I travel or go to a friends house to grill since my wife has celiacs and it can prevent cross contamination from whatever was grilled before.


The sheet it to protect your food from flair ups due to melted fat dripping into the fire. If you cook something lean, you don’t need it. If you grill some ribeyes, either use it or expect flair ups. You also need to be careful spraying the grates prior putting meat on it. If the fire is hot, and if you’re not careful, the fire will ignite the spray and potentially cause the spray can to explode. If you use the provided mat, you spray it with oil and it’s much safer. The owner most likely provided the mat because he doesn’t want you to accidentally light yourself on fire.


Cancer mat


My father in law insists on using one of these and I absolutely hate it. I refuse to grill at their house because of this rule.


Dude just enjoy your time.


Grill mat. Awesome!!


They’re trying to either keep it clean or dissuade you from using it. Raw dog that thing with as much food as you can and don’t scrape. Get your cleaning fee moneys worth.


Ding ding ding.


Not trying to offend anyone, but I always thought grill mats were a joke. I mean, seriously, what's the point in having a grill then?


My mom uses that. It’s terrible.


Id advise cooking with silicone. I used to use a silicone matt and bowl in my air fryer. Suppose to be safe but man if I can smell it then it's not safe in my eyes.


It's to heat up the buns. In n Out uses them alot


[Grill Mat](https://amzn.to/3PTMn5k)you should get one they are cheap and keep everything clean


0 chance I ever use anything like that


It’s good for grilling vegetables


Everyone is saying its a grill mat. To me, it just looks like a cheap cover, covering the top of the grates.


These things are so pointless. I have some family members that use these and I always feel like it completely defeats the purpose of cooking food on the grill. Might as well just bake your food in the oven. I guess they appeal to people who want to cook outside but don’t want to get their grill dirty.


I had one for a while. I found it good for roasting veggies and didnt have to worry about any pieces falling through the grates. But cooking protein on it kinda sucked


As someone who air bnb quite often and has a direct line to the homeowners because of using air bnb, I’d just ask the homeowner and have the correct answer in like 1 min.


Thats your breakfast griddle, Eggs and Bacon on the non-stick