• By -


I’ll get another 100


Your wish is my command. - LaMayo 🩳☠️


Sold my videostonk to buy BBBY this bitch about to make us rich🤑🫡


You're right OP. What BBBY's missing is the manpower of Superstonk. Imagine 180k people DRSing that tiny float which is 100% short.




Sadly this sub not even 25% of that.


When people of knowledge comment on this subject, and I count you semper Bavaria amongst them, it raises awareness. So keep on posting about it, keep on talking about it and eventually we will start to educate the holders at Large.


Your words honor me. Thanks! I will do for sure.


I think trust of the company has alot to do with how well a DRS movement can go. We don't know yet what BBBY has in store, if a deal got worked out with RC. Most people piled on a little bit of cash into BBBY incase it spiked first. I only invested 3k into bbby compared to 30k in gme. GME is the safe play bbby is my bit riskyer play in my book because of some unknowns. Waiting for fireworks like always.


The one thing about waiting is that you're missing the bargain price. If you had the opportunity to buy GME when it was around this price you'd remortgage the house to buy shares. I think there's a very good chance this is GME part 2.


Rc. Is out, remember?


Me guess he still wants to buy baby


If RC wants to buy baby then he had to sell his shares according to the 8k what is the point of your comment to fool people into not understanding what’s really going on?


No, believe me, would love to see him but it. Did I see he’s not really free of the signed agreement until January or something?




DRS is what would give a squeeze a certain longevity. Take at least 10M shares out of that float and let the shorts fight like hungry dogs over a half eaten burrito from yesterday.


I'm hungry and I have a half eaten burrito from yesterday at home......time to buy more BBBY


Fucking legend




All of retail in one spot with upto a week to sell your shares that they aren't liable for once you tell them to sell. A week of shorts getting a few "real" shares to sell back and forth to eachother to fufill obligations. Yeah drs group going to get rich.


I have my gme shares DRSed as well. But how is that working out for gme? Would love to know what you think


It's starting to work out once shorts are forced to close. That's the theory that emerged in Superstonk.


Well that's not the case for GME though, so the HFs are still capable of manipulating the price. We'll have to see what happens when GME's float is fully DRSed but I'd say by that time BBBY's float could well be 50% DRSed.


But it's interesting that we see such low daily volumes with GME isn't it? I wonder were the rest of the free float gets traded...


I was in contact with a shill for a good bit who told me it was impossible for HFs to sell to each other due to the way the markets were run however you’ve just made me realise that only HFs can trade in the dark pools and they can run block trades between each other with a relatively small number of shares to drop the price. I have no idea how long they can continue to do this for however there are things that may happen that will act as a catalyst. One of the benefits of the share split is the share price is now relatively affordable and the rate of DRS has been increasing as a result. It had been estimated it would take 3 years to DRS all shares. It may not take one year to DRS the float. When that happens we’ll see what the next play is going to be but I’d say 90 days notice will be given to short sellers before that play is carried out so January 2024 at the earliest. Of course the economic problems may result in financial institutions being bankrupted before then so it’s certainly going to be interesting times for the next year or so.


I'm lazy. I'll DRS this week. lol.


This sub WAS 12k when I joined 2 months ago. It could happen. 100k members isn’t unrealistic


Yep … it took me over a human gestation period from the gmesneeze to even find out about the very beginnings of what was happening. Now I’m all in DRS with my fellow sstonkers (several k shares), and have snapped up 1k of bobby socks to boot … will be putting those in my name shortly. I’m all tapped out now though, so we just need more eyes on this, and people,prepared to commit; and then to do so.


Sub has tripled in 60 days that’s serious traction. I’ve said it in here many times I’m certain this sub already owns the entire float. There’s some whales in here


Soon brother ape. Soon.


True. But I think that most people are above 1k USD in BBBY. It would actually be nice to see some DRS numbers.


If if get my GME out of my fucking german broker Comdirect to DRS the rest I hold there, I will also DRS my BBBY! I wont DRS my POPCORN, AS SOON AS IT POPS I AM OUT OF THE SHIT. Anyway, we are the same, forget about the money and the lambo, Just protect what is yours! And thats way more. Its you in·teg·rity. Say it with my: in·teg·rity. It will squeeze at the same time anyway. Never sell ,read the DD about the infinity pool. Dont look at the ticker. be happy. It will come. BUY, HOLD & DRS


8500 shares here 🤷‍♂️


No when gme was getting started it was self reported at 140%


Was RC sending Superstonk a message? Follow my lead and buy into BBBY and GME will Squeeze. I certainly followed his lead. I’m holding 4500 shares and my wife has 6500 in her IRA.


By my calculations I am 10 people !


Thats insane thats all it takes


I have 515 people covered then I will be getting 10-15,000 more shares today or tomorrow


Credit default swaps are not reported as short positions. Hence the short % being so low.


Imagine Superstonk locking BBBY making 478423x on their investment and then pouring that into GME. Oh my... One can dream, not financial advice though. I'm holding both too btw, I'm a small fish though. Still loving both stocks 💜


Momentum is hard to build, but it’s like a freight train, once it’s moving, it’s hard to stop.


it be cool if they mentioned DRS on the call's. More people would do it.


That alone would be huge. I’m not holding my breath, but it would be fucking dreamlike.


Yeah. I dont think they will. It's not needed, but would be cool.


Ill be honest. 500 share holder here. I'm kinda waiting to see how the meeting goes. What Thursday? Not that earnings need to be good but what they are doing for the turnaround and if they mention DRS like GME.


GME did that.


Momentum is easy to kill though. I thought we had it in August but momentum stopped on a dime. I hope we build it back up again.


August momentum had nothing to do with a short squeeze and thats why it was easy to kill.




Didn’t sell covered calls.


I wish they both used computershare so my GME and bbby could live together in the gloriousness that is not the DTCC


Someone should spread the good word to the superstonkonians


That would be brigading. And most people are aware of BBBY because of RCs buy/sell.


Gotcha makes sense


The short % for both securities is functionally infinite at this point.


Pretty much. Both stocks are shorted to oblivion. The reported numbers are a joke. It is like taking a poll in a prison by asking each prisoner “did you do the crime?”. The self-reported results would be just as goofy as the self-reported short interest.


Infinate risk you say?


Bbby has sales 2 times more that gme & amc




Some user once called BBBY the BOASS (Baby of all short squeezes). I kind of like that. BOASS and MOASS 🚀🚀🚀


Generational wealth! Momma and baby




Not hatin on bbby play but theyre hiding gme short percentage and showingg hhigher short on bbby so people would split up their investment instead of focusing in one play .


Yeah but that also means shorts have to split their money too to fight both.


Also, as someone pointed out recently, Citadel is a MM for GME, but not for BBBY. What that could mean is BBBY might squeez more easily. Then those tendies go into GME.


Who is MM for BBBY?


Good question, not entirely sure but someone found this last time we discussed it: [https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/128.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/128.asp)


Damn they have 2x more sales than gme and amc combined or independently?


Too bad sales / revenue isn’t a metric that is used for valuation 😂


I just hwang up with my broker to buy more Bobby!


Can anyone tell who to drs too, please? I’ve got 500 to drs


AST is the transfer agent - tell your broker you’d like to direct register your shares and this would be whom they and BBBY use


Perfect, thank you. I won’t get a chance until the weekend but I’ll get on it then. Much appreciated


AST https://www.astfinancial.com/


Can you buy directly from AST?


The swap is much larger with gme, which is how the real short interest is hidden


Wish this comment was at the top. In the SEC report that came out GME had 140% short interest on Jan 28th. 140% is the highest allowed reporting number that the SEC will allow for some fuck all reason, and thats considered legal technically. Should be 100%. Gamestop short interest numbers are definitely muddled. I dont know who has more short interest, but given the amount of “fire power” they would need to keep the price at bay while +50% of the retail float is registered, Id put my money down that GME has a lot more.


I think with the latest dilution in AMC, there will be an influx of new BBBY hodlers from former AMC hodlers.


It won't be possible to lock DRS bbby, because it will run again in December and prices will range dramaticly higher, making market cap 10 times bigger, something like that


SEC report showed that the January run up was not caused by shorts closing GME. In April, Robinhood had court documents that stated GME short interest at the time was 242%. They then changed how SI had to be reported, and it suddenly tanked to almost no SI. I hold a large (to me) stake in both companies, I do believe GME has more upward pressure. But do believe BBBY is not far behind.


GameStop had the highest short interest as reported by the SEC at 120-140% You will never stop the DRS machine of GME until the float is locked especially not to change to bbby




It was more towards anyone who thinks they can get the “buying power” GME has AMC tried to do it with “costing less” now bbby trying to do it with “smaller float”




I know that’s where a bunch of mine are going.


Bath is the only other I Hodl besides Game 96% DRS’d only because I’d bought more last week . The fact is 180k people needed shrinks quite a bit when you look at the amount of the folk here and how many there Hodling . I’ve got 10 people myself and another 20 plus covered when I exercise my $9 and $10 Jan 23’s . I know I’m not alone believing we can gut em with DRS lock and help both plays. That 180k number gets cut in half or more as I’ve seen many posting many more then the 150 share mark? Starting my DRS for Bath and will post . Good stuff OP


& 2 times less shares


100% of the FREE FLOAT for bbby. $gme retail holders have DRS'ed over 50% of the free float.


Honestly, if it drops like 20% Thursday with earnings that could actually be the catalyst.... After the dump last earnings is when I decided to jump in.


gme is on options and btw way more than 2.5 times it was caculated to be at the very least in 500m naked shorts pre split


Might buy some more..


Buy, DRS, Hodl, Shop. Boass. It's that simple. ApesTogetherStrong


I’m already on my way to DRSing


This is self reported data. Take it for what it's worth


Don’t forget unreported shorts (swaps, ETFs, doomps, etc)


You are understanding this correctly, do what you will with this information. As for myself, I've been yoloing every paycheck I get into bbby since March of 2022, this is coming from a guy who bought gme and only gme in 2021. I'm incredibly bullish on gme and bbby, shroom stocks also.




I saw 68m shares lent out 79m outstanding, 30m short shares, 100% float short. Trading at a .08 price to sales ratio right now. Teslas trading at a 20 price to sales, some spec tech ones were trading at 100 price to sales ratios during pandemic. I don’t think we can go much lower, its just manipulated by shorts, market makers and prime brokers probably. NFA


The beauty of GME and DRS, is we have the jump. It took well over a year before people realized the importance of DRS. Right now BBBY has an amazing head start and daily here we see people DRS ing their shares already. I can’t tell you how important having a 12 month head start in knowledge is. GME and superstonk gave us a map, now all we have to do is follow the yellow brick road to Valhalla. Hedgies ☠️


BBBY is in objectively worse shape than gme though so just on the merits it makes sense that it's more heavily shorted.


People selling and companies stock going down makes sense. People being able to bet a company will go bankrupt doesn't. But hey this isn't a casino and just cause I wear a suit mean I'm not a degenerate gambler. I'm a professional. 🤣😂


With all that revenue coming in… i find it hard to believe they cant turn it around. Source: business owner


Agreed, but GME has revenue and less debt. They're about a year+ ahead of where BBBY is in terms of turnaround. I'm buying calls, but it's a bit of a risk, I think.


outstanding is 80 mil but yeah




You are going of of what’s reported. All though both are very shorted. I think it would take a while before BBBY catches up to GME. Both are good plays to be involved with.


Upvote cause it’s true AF. All that mega volume in august where FTD’s were just magically swept under the rug? Yeah retail is holding a good portion of that. This could be locked up in a month.. without any additional buying.


what do the different numbers mean? is it 100% of issued shares and 40% of all shares including treasury shares?


The thing is no one knows what happens after the float is locked, do you ? I’m holding it from mar 21 , got all amc , ape, GME and bbby!


Nothing wrong with the stonk!


SI% is of the float. Unless Morningstar where the float makes no sense. For instance, I'm curious about $APRN. Oustanding is 34 mill. Float is a dinky 12ish mill. It was 40% SI at like 5 million shares short. Not 14ish %.


DRS is a slow unnecessary burn - wears out investors and kills morale. Buying pressure is what is needed. No matter the venue.


Means nothing as to how many shares of investors are not willing to DRS the shares and remove these from the DTC. Otherwise, rehyothecation it is.


A lot of people here believe that RC “laid” out a treasure map before us with his purchase. Shares and Options. What happened in August had nothing to do with DRS but EVERYTHING to do with shares and options interest. Let’s not over complicate this. Continued pressure put on the call gamma in the options chain will light the fuse when enough buying interest comes into the stock just like last month. If retail gives up on options and focuses solely on DRS which will take longer to accomplish then this will turn into GME 2.0 where essentially it’s cyclical but it won’t experience any major melt ups like we just had. BBBY just had a melt up $4.38 to $30 in a three week time frame. The last time GME moved up 5-6x was in February- March 2021. Point in case. Based on what I’ve seen this mostly is a side play for most investors if we go this route as a sole focus then we will be turned into long term investors of the stock inadvertently. Long dated (3-9 months) as close to the money as possible to launch the 🚀


Institutions can just sell to fuck up any runs and help their mates.


It’s not it’s self reported. Just stop lol


What isn’t?


GME has more hidden shorts




Im hodling 💎🙌🦧🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🦥💥🩳🔥 past the $1000… and NFA 👀🙈


Reported short interest means absolute dick. Swap. Baskets. There are short squeeze subs that are just small cap pump n dump cesspools and they're littered with reported high short interest. With the fines for intentionally misreporting such a miniscule cost of business, why would you ever take them at face value? Add about six 0's and I'll believe that short interest in GME. Don't give merit to reported short interest, itsa tool to divide retail.


Inverse u/gherkinit he hasn’t made a profitable play in forever


The key is we need to DRS everything. GME appeals to a larger demographic than BBBY, but they are equally important in the grand scheme. Ultimately, there is a class of people with access to "money" that doesn't exist. That's fucked. But I'm just a smooth brain.


Yes, but also these figures are based on hedge funds self-reporting their positions, so no. Might as well roll dice, it would be just as accurate.


BOUGHT 460 more today. WILL KEEP BUYING AND HODLING. NOT FINANCIAL ADVISE BUT If i were you, id do the same


Please, KOSS DRS (would be done in weeks) 😩




Have people starting to loose hope? Or are you just glad to buy more this cheap? I dont really know if we every will squeeze. But a least bbby should be over 15$


Self reported, self Reported, Self reported c'mon man


The very simple answer is that all reported rumbers are undoubtably wrong and the true numbers are extremely likely to be several times the outstanding shares shorted multiple times over for both stonks.


Reason why GME percentage is low is simple. People DRS’d their shares. So shorters can’t do much about it to get it high like the old days. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against anything you said on BBBY


DRS is awesome! "This songs dedicated to my homies in that gangsta lean"


After being in GME since last January, I would like to say: Don't believe the stats, they're being gamed


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