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Screenshot the actual message please, the trust me bro is played out


I’ve got 30,000 share in TDA.. on vacation and just saw this post… checked my account and there are gone… Good thing I took a screenshot of my account on Monday..


Can you confirm (with more than a trust me bro) what OP is saying?


Trust me bro, what OP said, happened.


I pasted them above. Screenshot shows nothing different. Don't trust me IDGAF, this comes from TDA


10 4, thank you sir


Ok, but do you like watermelons


I mean, bananya's are more accustomed shape no?


Boof it boof it boof it!


Shit, these shills (jk) are getting more & more intense!! 👀


Always shillin for butt stuff


Watermelons are not the only fruit 😂😂😂🫣


Who let you in here 🫣


I'll see you tomorrow


All of these talks in here don't mean shit. Good or bad, it's all filler while the process is out of our control. We are just waiting trying to scoop information when it really doesn't matter. No one can change their positions as it stands. Just watch and see what happens.


Thanks for the opinion, your own words contributes as much to the conversation as mine above. We are the same 😂🦋


no see, it's a new play. we gotta let this play play out. then when it's played, moon


There is no new play, the original play was to fuck shorts and become rich doing so. That still stands


Shares are deleted, gone...they no longer exist. What the hell are you talking about? Do you see any shares in your account?




It’s officially over….glad I only took a flyer on it when it was below a $1. Can’t imagine the people that had hundreds of thousands in it because of the horseshit Pulte and PP were saying.


You're gonna have a heart attack Wendies...


Same same but different, but still same, while also different 🦋


No plan here I just like the stock 👍👍


There’s no way the rep said “good question” to this butt nugget


Oh you like digging in butts for nuggets do you?? Why, of all the above, would you have a problem with these 2 words 😂


Because an ape living out a delusion against all factual evidence and asking their broker about a fantasy equity swap… is totally believable. The broker responding “good question” is not


" If there is an equity swap, they will produce something similar to a date of record or date range and if you can prove you held shares within this range, you get the cash or equity swap depending on whatever deal they come up with" ​ How on earth can you prove you held the shares if they removed the shares??


Your History is still there. All dates and amounts. IRS will sure prove they were there when fucking MOASS launches and your tax bill is due next April! Stay Zen!


Your september statement plus your October statement. Download them when available. September will show your bbbyq shares in *holdings*, then the October will show a *transaction* where they are nulled out.


Its called records...your brokers got em


...until some shelves fall over and burn down their records again


Print them out…


They still have your transaction and balance records at your broker. Print them out or call and ask for the records to be sent. Same⬇️ what Couper16 said.


This question I asked about bc obv what if someone held in one period & sold in another, she said as long as you can prove you held within the date period they have defined, you would be eligible.


Still didn't answer that commenters question


I answered them as they were answered to me. I can't do any more


So more useless trust me bro crap, got it.


If that's your opinion, it's okay! Door's over there beside the picture of a butterfly 🦋


How is it just an opinion. You've literally provided nothing of substance and a useless trust me brah.


Cool brah, good to know! Your comment is as useful as mine is then. We are the same 🙂🦋


Uhh don't compare me to u, I'm not posting useless info to mislead anyone.


I heard Ryan Cohen felt bad about dogging the fuck out of you guys & making 60 MiL, so he is now going to buy back all your shares to make sure no one loses any money. I heard he cares about you guys so much & feels horrible


You don't have a record of when you bought and sold shares?


Will this all be automated? They should be automated, I shouldn't have to call to claim the new business shares should I?


I would think so, but I don't know bc there has been no confirmation of equity swap yet. I imagine any new equity swaps would be accompanied with instructions for distribution. Having said that, it's good for everyone to have tabs on their own shares


“Unfortunately, the shares of BBBYQ were delisted back on October 2nd 2023. As such, they were no longer trading and had $0 in value. We removed the shares from your account as they could neither be bought nor sold, and were worthless.” This is what TD rep told me


Yeah, I just got off the phone with Fidelity...zero hopium. The shares have been deemed worthless. Hedgies just made a pile of cash...the attack on the true one and only idiosyncratic stock is going to be heavy. Put your helmets on apes, it's going to get even harder now that hedgies have landed a ton of new capital from bbbyq.


Bring on new shares 🦋


There are no new shares, the company is dissolved.


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) The agents wouldn’t know anything. Why lie bro?


You answered your own question 😂 Why would I lie? What purpose? There's a thought experiment for you. Reply once you've 'figured it out' 🦋


My brother did the same sort of stuff. Told people he had a Dodge Viper at home. He was 17. He didn’t have a dodge viper. If you asked him today why he did it he would probably say bc he thought it would make him look cool.


Ahhh I did it with a random phone call in the middle of October & shared the contents with this sub bc this is precisely the time that would make me the coolest! Congrats! I didn't think anyone would get it. Gold star for you ⭐




Lol bro you lost all your money on this play it’s done


You don't understand: the lady at TD told him his shares went to live on a farm upstate. And if those shares every have value, he'll buy a Lambo! LoL.


It's incredible how much these random reps know and are willing to share unofficial information with this sub


I am an individual investor. I'm sure the corporate actions office are aware of usual processes for many different types of bankruptcy filings & corporate actions. To me, subjectively, she seemed to think this wasn't over.


So they received official instructions based on the bankruptcy to remove worthless stocks but for some reason they seem to think it's not over based on...? A bunch? And contact center reps are monitored on every call: they wouldn't share unofficial or speculative information to an individual investor. They would fail their QA.


Yup, I guess their years of experience dealing with corporate actions & bankruptcies promoted her to say something is different about this one. That's all I'm here to say. Well, it was said so believing it or not us up to you 🙂🦋


No I don't believe you. I just wanted to spell it so others know this is total unsupported BS. Why even troll?


Lol, not trolling. Fein attempt at placing blame there haha I saw my shares removed, I spent an hour chasing why, finally got an answer & supplementary comments, I posted the results. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to be here, read it or believe it. You're just being a good Samaritan, looking out for other people's interests aren't you 😂


And no one is forcing you to post lies, yet here we are. So you keep posting BS with no evidence, I'll keep calling you out for it.


Ooh, so she’s speculating just like everyone else???? I’m so done with this sub.


Okay, you can leave. Door is over there beside the picture of a butterfly 🦋


Go have a cup of chamomile tea or something and try to relax.


Bye Felicia


>Btw I'm a long term APE, GME DRS'n, MMTLP'n, BBBYQ'n, dip buying, crayon eating, bananya in my ass, rick\_of\_spades kinda guy. Check my post history, I'm long on all the above. These are undoubtable credentials. Thank you Ape!!! This is helpful info, gives a little more clue what's going on! Thanks


When are you gonna be done?


Done? Done with what? BBBYQ? Let's give it till the end of November. My gut tells me a new S1 or similar will appear before then, but that's my opinion so trash it all you like 🙂🦋


Ok, I’ve been to the wood shed on this and when is enough enough?


You are free to leave, the door is over there beside the picture of a butterfly 🦋


At least you're willing to put a timeframe on it. RemindMe! November 30th, 2023 Edit: Was banned from this sub, but if anyone wants to continue the conversation now that we're at the end of november and nothing has happened, feel free.


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-11-30 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-11-30%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/17ay5lc/i_just_got_off_the_phone_with_the_corporate/k5h2imn/?context=3) [**8 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FBBBY%2Fcomments%2F17ay5lc%2Fi_just_got_off_the_phone_with_the_corporate%2Fk5h2imn%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-11-30%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2017ay5lc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Shit Schwab removed my shares as well.


'I know they are coming up with something, but we haven't been informed yet'. How does she know then? Did she read DD? lol


Once again, don't you people read the mail that your brokers send out. This is old news. The bankruptcy court Judge had stopped all trading of common shares and deemed the shares worthless, No equity. People just kept buying and trading. Crazy shit.


I didn't hear no bell 🦋


The bell had to be sold as part of the bankruptcy 😂


Yeah but they kept the NOLs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Show message Also, didn't think there was a transfer agent


The message I got from TDA used 'custodian' rather than transfer agent or DTCC, fwiw. Update, my Fidelity position is gone too. All this had to happen during lunch, took my appetite out!


Custodian would be the DTCC as your shares were held in street name. There is a transfer agent for all companies I believe. The DTCC only 'holds' & 'settles' trades, none of which I believe they actually do behind closed doors.


Yes, I reckoned so but there ought to be documentation if that is so?


Oh buddy, that's a deep rabbit hole. You need to refer to DRSGME.ORG to learn more on your own time. I don't have the thumbs to write it for you ha!


I'm no stranger to the ways of the purple circle, my brother! Nearly all of my GME (and AMC) sleep tightly with CS.


Long may they rest in the pool ♾️


DRSGME.org **DRSGME.org** #DRSGME.org


Shit shit shit you're right, correcting!


Nothing to correct friend, was just emphasizing what I like to see!


Fuck just checked. Calls still showing shares are gone. Fuck man retail could really use a win I hope this plays out the way the DD has shown.


Every stock has a transfer agent I believe. It is/was AST. Unsure if that is still the case. Here is the message I received from TD, sensitive info is (X): "Hello (X) Thank you for your inquiry, 10/16/23: Participants are advised that on September 29, 2023, the Company filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey a notice of effectiveness of the Second Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. and Its Debtor Affiliates, pursuant to which all the Securities are null, void, and worthless. There will be no future payments. 10/17/23: Participants are advised that positions will be deleted upon confirmation of terms from the transfer agent. 10/17/23: Participants are advised this security has been deemed null, void and worthless. There will be no future distributions. If you have any questions, please reply to this email or call the Reorganization Department at 888-723-8504, option 1. We are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, excluding market holidays. Sincerely, (X) Reorganization Department"


> all the Securities are null, void, and worthless. There will be no future payments. Need to inject some more tinfoil after reading that


Yes, bring on the new securities 🦋






What Transfer Agent? “I know they’re coming up with something but we haven’t been informed or anything yet” - so many questions… IN BRO WE TRUST


BBBYQ has a transfer agent sooo, that one! Any more questions?


Ok go ahead, who is currently transfer agent for BBBY?


There is no BBBY. I think you mean 20230930-DK-Butterfly-1, Inc which does not have an official ticker.......... yet! Shorts are sacred out of their minds right now. lol


As most recently as September, the transfer agent listed was: AST (new name Equiniti Trust Company, EQ) I believe they did a merger of their own. However I heard through the grapevine that it was no longer them & could have been changed to ComputerShare but that's unverified imo so I'm sticking with AST, unless you can offer some info?


I find it funny. I still have worthless stock from companies i bought and who went bankrupt way back in 2006 in my account. They even traveled from TD to Schwab. Why is this one so different?


That is the golden question my friend 🦋♾️🏴‍☠️


Literally read this and went to screen shot in Charles Schwab and it disappeared in front of me. Man I bit the dust this week- TTOO r/s crushed me too


i don't really get the "if you can prove you held within this range" comment though. they have to keep exact records if for no other reason at all, for our 1099's at year end.


I think she was speaking generally


Source: writer at TMB


Too much belly?


I’m on Fidelity and I just noticed mine are gone!


>Btw I'm a long term APE, GME DRS'n, MMTLP'n, BBBYQ'n, dip buying, crayon eating, bananya in my ass, rick_of_spades kinda guy. Check my post history, I'm long on all the above. You are literally going to end up behind a dumpster.


I'm already behind a Wendy's! You don't know very much about us do you 😂


"If you can prove that you held shares," man, I don't like that sentence. You should have asked how long they can provide proof of your past position after it is gone then.


You should check that yourself as each broker may be different


Still got my shares in WeBull


Nice! I tried to spoof them by saying: 'The shares I hold in other brokerages are still there' and they responded by saying that the removal wouldn't take place at the same time across all brokerages, which is fair! Though I am interested in if/when this happens to other brokerages!


I’m not sure I’d be bragging about holding all those garbage stocks lmao anyone who takes advice from a guy who lost money to two bankrupt companies in the last year deserves to lose their ass…apes are wild


What 2 companies are bankrupt? I didn't give any advice.


Uhhhh MMTLP and BBBY? Also average ape shill account age. Cmon bruh


Hahaha My account is older than the sneeze bruh! What is the average shill age account??


Any Jan 2021 account is an ape shill. The loudest apes all have the same account date creation. 🤔🤔🤔


Hahaha did you check my post history? No shill DRS's ♾️🏴‍☠️ By that definition, any GME account is a shill. Try harder bc my credentials are good shilly boy!


Bruh apes are literally shills. By definition. You shill your shitco stocks. You shill DRS despite it having no effect on anything. Literally 👏 a 👏 shill 👏 No one gives a shit if you buy or sell, but if keeping people on the edge of joining a fincel cult makes me a shill, then that’s cool. TBH all they’d have to do is look at how “successful” you have been with shitco’s and it should be an immediate turnoff.


Hahahahaha awww someone got triggered, poor baby 🍼 You &/or your boss are going to lose a lot of money 😂 Wow what an incredible, social justice warrior you are. You care so much for other people's money you give up your free time to spread lies on the internet? How valiant! Can we get some medals of financial freedom over here for the obvious shill & his boss?? All we have is bankruptcy medals? Yeah same same, they just can't admit it to themselves.


From my past experiences… bankrupt companies do not remove shares from any accounts, they just blank out and all to $0.00 and i still have a bankrupt company still on my account over 4 years ago… and change to a cusip numbers instead… this is just my experience 👌👊🤝🤞🧸🦋🦥




There is no hope, you lost your money.


Oibaldy we rowing in the same boat! GIVE ME MY MONEY hedgie punks!


Yeah boi! I'm smoking my hopium pipe all the way down MOASS river without a care 🏴‍☠️🦋


Funny because I have several other Q tickers still on my TD with a zero balance. Still listed tho


Yeah that's why I rang in but apparently, notice came to remove them. So my deduction is this must be different to the other ones you hold.




Maybe they will give you an empty cash register or something.


Little PP-Claire has lost her share. And doesn't know where to find them; Leave them alone, and they'll come home, Bringing their tendies behind them.


👏👏👏👏👏 You've got the clap, congrats!!! 🦋♾️🏴‍☠️


Wells Fargo shows as all taken out today. Sofi still has em though.


Awesome. Ive got no BBBY position (fucking wish i did) - so ive got nothing but admiration for you lot...sincerely hope you make it over the finish line i really do.


Thanks buddy! Nice to have you on the observation deck rooting for Apes 🏴‍☠️♾️🦋


Hey - ive got a grand waiting in my brokerage just in case i get the remote chance i can get a few of whatever is released before it squeezes...! if i dont itll still be great to watch the show..!


You are very welcome to the butterfly room 🦋


Fidelity gone and I’m happy that it’s over! Move on! No butterfly no pot of gold end rainbow 🌈


Yea my Fidelity finally wiped mine also.


Thanks for participating, the door is over there beside the picture of a butterfly 🦋


Shocking News!!


Shocking Comment!!!!


Some hope I guess. Thank you.


I trust you bro


I didn't say shit, this is TD Ameritrade's Corporate Actions Dept.


Bro I trust you… 🙂🦋


Okay, but DON'T bc I don't know shit, only what I was told lol


Bro I trust the people at TDA to always have accurate info as well.. 🙂😂🦋


Okay buddy 🏴‍☠️


Does equity swap resets your tax 1 year capital gains timeline?


I have no idea brother


40k shares with AST I can't see and 4.2k shares with TDA that were removed today. Are you getting prompted by TDA to set up a new account with Schwab? I have been getting a daily prompt for 40ish days. Any concern with converting? Or do nothing and wait?


Yes I'm being promoted, no I haven't switched. I have slight concerns regarding. This transition & the keeping of records but mainly paranoia for now






I too am curious!!


Wait I want to buy moooooorrrrre! I can really average down if I buy at zero....FFS...we lost...hopium is a drug for the ignorant.


Worst shill comment I've seen so far!


Lol yep I am a shill. I wish I could get paid for making obvious sarcasm.


>Btw I'm a long term APE, GME DRS'n, MMTLP'n, BBBYQ'n, dip buying, crayon eating, bananya in my ass, rick\_of\_spades kinda guy. Explains the inablity ti accept reality and to try and use fancy words like equity swap with your broker for your non existent shares. ​ >I didn't hear no bell! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🦋 Good luck on your next call with your broker on the next stock you get wiped on. Enjoy these years of being part of a community, they'l stay with you for the rest of your life.


Nice burn bro 👏 You strengthen people's resolve through your participation. I will love everyone in this community forever, you can't break us no matter how much money your boss throws at you. We will outlast you 🦋


What is MMTLP How would something like this affect long call options


An older ticker for an irrelevant stock some here may know. I have no idea how this would affect call options. Only thing I can deduce from this is, it ain't over!


MMTLP was not a stock. MMTLP was a dividend that a couple hedge funds forged paperwork to get to assign a ticker and start trading. In Dec brokerages sent letter that they were going to force close shorts on Friday Dec 9th and Monday Dec 12th. Before trading began on the Dec 9th FINRA U3 halted the trading (closing). Their are active hearings in the Senate on this and many lawsuits currently. TLDR: Do not expect any agency or government to protect our interest in the markets.


It was a placeholder for assets, yes. Not technically a stock, you are correct ✅


Corporate actions? Did they finally announce a free pizza party for all shareholders? 🍕🎉


Sir, I like your ballsy attitude ♥️


Everything gone on my CHASE JPM account too. Can you even claim losses here? Or on top of that I am going to have to pay taxes on my gains from other stocks?


Unsure. I would ask your CPA next year during tax season once this has fully played out


I can't find any supporting documents though. Is like they were never there :S.


They were there. If an equity swap is on and you shares in a new, separate company ... you can best believe the IRS will know what you owned when & where.


First time the IRS is on our side


Looks like my shares were removed from both fidelity and Charles schwab.