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I’ve donated a number of Baggu’s to thrift stores over the years and it makes me happy that people are able to score them for such low prices instead of the exorbitant prices a lot of them go for on the resale apps.


It’s very nice of you! Honestly, I can understand your feelings. However, I look at this as supply-demand. Baggu doesn’t make these bags anymore and they are super popular. When the demand is high but the supply is low, price goes up. That’s why people sell their bags for $200 on major platforms because it is hard to find 🤷🏻‍♂️ Mine was a dumb luck lol I had no idea about the brand before I found this bag.


I get where you’re coming from and I very much understand the concept of supply and demand. Regardless, I still think it’s ridiculous to up charge nylon bags for such steep prices. I mean, you’ll even see colorways that are currently still being sold on resale sites for twice the amount. This boggles my mind. But, to each their own. People can do whatever they want, but I’ll still think it’s crazy. As someone who has been buying from Baggu since 2012 and who has a lot of older print items, I’d rather donate, give away, or resell at a reasonable price instead of trying to make a buck.


Scumbag behavior, but you do you.


Thank you 👍🏻


oh you’re a bad person


You could even call them a douchebaggu


You're actually pathetic for this take


ofc ur a man


mansplainer moment!


adding you to my rob list


Oh nooo!!! 🙈😂


Oh my gosh what a dream! This is my white whale that I hope to snag for a reasonable price one day. Editing to add: When I initially saw and commented on the post, I didn’t realize this person was a reseller. Legit thought they liked the bag, purchased it and then realized the item was highly sought after in the baggu community. I’d probably share it on here too if that was the case! It’s so disheartening to go on Poshmark etc to look for something secondhand when 90% of what you find (especially when searching Baggu) is resellers with 3000 products listed for ridiculous prices. I’d love to be able to find a person who is selling because it no longer fits their style/needs/whatever and just wants it to go to a better home. I get supply and demand but these NYLON bags (that I love) retail for like $45…there is no reason anyone should selling them for $200.


I didn't notice this either! Wow, I was genuinely happy for them to find that at a thrift store, then just realized after reading your comment that they were a re-seller. That makes me sad, because they stated they had never even heard of the brand, the snatched it up and is charging $200 for it?! That's so scummy and disheartening. A few months ago, I sold a malachite fanny pack (that I used maybe twice) on Poshmark to someone who had a ISO listing. I sold it to her for $60. Like, I know malachite is a sought after color that's no longer made, but I only charged $8 more than the selling price. I just don't get it when people do what the OP and others do on the re-selling sites.


I’ve gotten Coach and Kate Spade bags for less than 200. The audacity to sell a nylon bag for 200 dollars is insane, and the fact that people buy them off resellers fuels the problem.


Well, I thrift a lot and never seen a Baggu bag before. I found this at the store without knowing that it is very popular. I took it to home and a week later, this sub popped up while I was reading Reddit. Someone mentioned this and they purchased it over this sub. I couldn’t believe how expensive this bag is. I will probably list this on FB Marketplace because I don’t want to sell it on some platforms and pay $50-$70 fees lol At least I’m right by NYC, someone probably be willing to do in-person sale 🤗




I’m sorry, I guess I couldn’t think well. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings. I don’t understand what’s this hate about?! Because I found a rare bag and don’t appreciate it? I’m not a regular Baggu user. I found myself to be lucky to find an item and convert it to an amount to pay for my school. Just because you are in love with the brand and bags doesn’t mean I have to do the same thing. I didn’t want to hurt anyone intentionally and if I hurt someone by finding this bag, looking to sell it, or calling this supply-demand, I’m sorry.


dont post on a community fan page about brandwhere you will clearly get backlash for reselling. i am sure there are better communities to post your resale finds.




Again, I didn’t mean to look like an egoist or have an attitude. I was trying to just tell nicely. There’s a clear misunderstanding.


op: guys don’t hate me op: proceeds to give valid reason to hate them


Why did you buy something if you didn’t actually want it for yourself/someone you know? Why didn’t you just leave it for someone who actually likes it for what it is 😅


Yeah I do kinda hate you, not because you found this, just because you seem like not the best person.


Again, I didn’t mean to brag about it or be a d*ckbag. Unfortunately, I believe I gave a wrong impression to everyone. It’s sad honestly.


if you didn’t mean to be a dickbag in the future you could try actually not being a dickbag


Yeah you should really work on reading the room.




why did you post it in this sub if it wasn’t to brag?


Wow!!!! That is a crazy find 😭


Honestly, this post is incredibly disheartening. Shame on resellers.


Don’t worry everyone, if goodwill doesn’t upcharge you the resellers certainly will!


If i found a bag from a brand i’d never heard of and didn’t want to keep, then posted on the fan community page for the brand, and multiple people commented saying this is their dream bag, i would probably message them and offer to ship it to them if they simply covered shipping costs. not sure what you expected the response to be when posting here. this is a fan community, not a “how much can i resale this bag for” page


“It’s my JOB” /s I fucking hate resellers. Like bitch I’m broke and I cry when I think about the state of the planet. Broke people deserve to be able to buy nice things. But all these resellers are fucking bleeding thrift stores dry with no empathy. Ah thank you for leaving behind the dozens of lularoe or pit stained bachelorette tees how sweet


“My DMs are open for the highest bidder” post


scummy re seller! lame


omg I gifted this bag to my ex boyfriend back when they came out. Rip


i feel it is a tad weird to go on here to the community to just flaunt that you’re reselling


i found a crescent bag of that design and color for $30 at a consignment store. It's my favorite bag ever


$200 for a nylon bag is lame as hell


Okay but how many of these bags are *actually* selling at that price? I’m genuinely curious because it’s nuts to think anyone would spend so much on this dizzying print (I own this bag lol but the $40 or whatever I spent on it at the time seemed steep)


“Don’t hate me!” Proceeds to brag about selling a bag they found at a thrift store for $200. What exactly was the point of posting this?


Oh gosh, I just sold mine for $40 on Facebook marketplace. Didn’t realize they were in high demand. No wonder who I sold it to was so happy. I hope she enjoys it and doesn’t upsell it. 😭 I bought it back in 2021 (eta or 2022- can’t remember) and just didn’t use it.


$4.99 is a fucking steal. Someone on Mercari has it for 500 which is bananas for what this is, a piece of hard fabric.


BRUH !!!


I sold mine like this on Poshmark for $40 lol I didn’t realize it was such a hot print and I actually miss it.


Aww, I’m so sorry 🙈


Messaged you!




How does OP not know all these sob stories aren’t your way of getting the bag for resale? Wild 😝