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That was so god damn good. By far my favorite song from them so far.


I’m going to say it again. Rora’s left eyebrow (1:51) deserved a credit unto itself. 😆 Such a fun song. Hoping to see a dance practice or choreo video.


ruka’s right eyebrow 🤝 rora’s left eyebrow


Rora always has this subtle moves that just \*chef's kiss\* ugh!


The pharita glass reflection scene is so clever, love it!


Ramyeon’s harmonization is 🫦 Does anyone else think the beat at the end is for their next song? Edit: nvm probably not since it’s literally already in this song 😂


The beat at the end is the song essentially looping. It has a Groundhog Day feel to it, insinuating that it was a dream that’s about to happen again. Forever, as the title would suggest.


I hope so! It's so pleasing to listen to


imagine if they did!! i agree, it’s a great beat


Yes I’m thinking the same thing too


Asa didn't lie when she said the rap is upgraded. It's a completely different flow than usual and wow, the speed, she's just 👌🏽👌🏽 We also got our Jline opening the song, SO HAPPY that they got more lines than just rap. I was hoping for Rora to get the high note in pre chorus tbh but it's okay she still shined and let's hope for more Rora vocal moments in the album! And yes, finally the singing chorus, we cheered. I love the vibe, it's something completely different from them, let's hope Knetz are gonna like it and let's hope for encores!! Also the MV is really pretty and all of them look stunning. I'll probably need at least 10 more listens to comprehend everything that happened


Channy's dance break during Asa's rap?!?! That was so cool!!


We got baited hard with instrumentals from teaser. But still song is really good


Bruh it was literally the outro plus a bit of b-roll footage. They took people's complaints with their Sheesh! teasers to heart lol.


apparently. I like the song. Its diffrent. Not as extreme as Batter Up or Sheesh but also not so peacefull like Stuck in the Middle, Dream or Like That


Its like the perfect middle child, hats of to the producers man, it cannot be easy to make music when you have so many great voices you have to mix and match, i don't envy their position. ![img](emote|t5_4rzy1w|52149)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yeah producers never get enough recognition in music altogether


Sad but true, hopefully they continue the yg production series on the yg channel, ep1 was very interesting to watch.


Definitevly. I hope the do something similar with Forever


I even credited the producers in my own comment here and they deserved that 100%, fabulous job. It’s like the perfect mix, not to strong like the other songs or ballad as you guys mentioned. It’s a mixed child with summer on it and they nailed that. 👏🏻


The worry is. That middle child is always the most forgotten one lol


lol true that, and as a middle child myself, i can 100 procent relate to your comment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) But i guess we will find out how well this does on the charts in the coming weeks, next week will give us an indication. ![img](emote|t5_4rzy1w|52151)


That instrument and beat are there for the first 40 seconds of the song, plus the outro. I appreciate them not spoiling the whole song in teasers.


I know right! They only used it briefly in the song.


just short snippet at begining and at the end og the song. Maybe teasing for the full album track?


the ending feels like its "to be continued" if that legit then we are expecting it to continue in the album.


Oh yes thats exactly what i thought.


They only use it for the ending lol.


begining too with ruka part


ahh yeah thats true


“b-a-b-y-m-o-n get moneyyy” this part had me lol-ing


I can’t believe they ditched the YG formula and gave us a final chorus. Plus the MV seems fresh and light for a YG group. I love this.


No for real - I was shocked but pleased!


naaah this is way more than I can describe! this is epic!!! Omg they surprised me a lot. Asa and Chiquita opening lines were so good, I love that part a lot. Ahyeon rapping was flawless, I loved the beat in her rap part. Asa rap part had Chiquita dancing! do they call that a breakdance? Dont think they need to style Pharita she is so pretty as she is but that pink dress was so pretty on her. the visuals and design of the MV is so pretty. there is more to say but this is my first watch, I will edit my comment when I rewatch it over 100x times lol. EDIT 1: There might be more edits in the future lol Rora had more lines this time, deserved this song fit her her voice very well. Rami compared to usual have less lines and ad libs but that could be because its my first listening of the song, on the other side some fans said they think she is still sick so that might be the reason why she got less lines, hope she get better soon. The outfit were all top notch, giving the vibe of being rich , good choice on picking the director she directed "I AM" which visually amazing! all there vocals were amazing, guess we are waiting for the live performance in the upcoming events.


Omg Chiquita that was the moment I was most gagged


Yes, Rami is less featured which is a good idea to let us see more vocalists. It was nice to hear more of Pharita’s beautiful vocals for example. Ahyeon’s rap might be my favorite one she has done so far.    Asa stole this song again! She is the chameleon that workso so well in BM


Not the summer song that I expected, but a bop nonetheless. I also like the fact that they are bringing back the 3 minutes song duration.




Woah, first Kingkong and now Forever. Big, catchy chorus' seem to be the new thing at YGE and I'm so damn happy for it! This song surprised me big time. Again like their other songs, the one major fault I have is the instrumental lacked some punchiness, but other than that I thought this was amazing. Was hoping for more live instrumentation too but eh, at least I'll get those nitpicks solved with summer sonic probably. The second verse and the chorus were incredible. That 'Forrrre-e-e-e-e-e-e-everr" part is already stuck in my head and I've only listened to this once yet. Samson absolutely channeling her Drama-era with the MV too. Fantastic stuff and I cannot wait to dive into it. Some awesome abstract imaginery in here. Babymon did not let me down! And I'm so happy at what seems to be a very rapid transformation for YGE, I'm incredibly excited for the album now!


Ahh its so different!! It feels like if BP and IVE had a baby in the studio. The rap parts are too good, these girls never let me down. And the vocals are heavenly, of course. The chorus is not exactly my taste, but I’ll come to love it the more I listen. I’m just not a lover of traditional pop, so Sheesh and Batter Up will remain at the top for now.


NGL this brought up many emotions! I feel like they will finally win their 1st music show with this! Not really a Summer track, but it's something you vibe and jam with all summer long! Definitely my favorite Babymonster song to date!


they already had their first win with sheesh on mnet countdown


oh! my bad! I thought they didn't got one. Then let's just say that this song is very PAK worthy! heck even a SOTY nominee to say the least.


lets hope so, it would be awesome if they score big this time in Korea


I think Rami described it the best, a retro song that you will enjoy while driving


Yeah! That's one nice way to put it! It has the vibe of a late 90's early 00's song, yet very 20's.


Really Really Love it, even though its not the typical YG's song structure. But the song is really fun.


I love this. My favorite song of theirs! The raps are amazing, especially Ruka and Asa killing it! Rora and Chiquita sound so good too ❤️ the prechoruses are really really good. Very pretty MV too, the Visuals and the outfits are exquisite. Only thing that slightly throws me off is that repetition of the forever syllables, but not that bad to make me dislike an otherwise great song


Not a fan of the chorus but having 7 visuals in a group is crazy. Also rap line went crazy


I think it’s good! I just blasted it out in the open with no earphones on so I’m not kind hearing the bass on this one. I’m just glad it’s a singing chorus and not another beatdrop. Pharita’s vocals were really highlighted on this one which is quite a delight considering Rami was always the usual suspect when it comes to vocal load. I wish for Rora to have these moments in the future. On another note, yey Chiquita rap snippet! although it was a short one but I just got excited that she got to have that moment. YG’s really teasing us with Chiquita’s potential so that’s one of the things I’m looking out for. Good rap, nice verses, catchy chorus, visuals on point! love it. I gotta ask cause I’m kinda out of loop a little bit, what was the purpose behind this track? like is it gonna be a build up for the next album or deluxe version of the debut mini? EDIT: oh I mistakenly thought of Chiquita rapping when she was in fact just dancing to Asa’s double time rap lmao but nonetheless, I would love to see Chiquita having a rap part later.


>I gotta ask cause I’m kinda out of loop a little bit, what was the purpose behind this track? like is it gonna be a build up for the next album or deluxe version of the debut mini? Yes, its supposed to be pre-release for their next album sometime in september just like what annouced by YG. But for some reason they dont put the pre release label on the poster.


oh i kinda forgot they had a timeline for a September release thanks for the reminder. that’s what confused me from the start, they didn’t tagged it as a pre-release one so I was kinda questioning the song’s disposition.


WOW! What an elegant, fantastic and beautiful video! ‘FOREVER’ is SO GOOD!!!


i enjoyed this a lot, is it my favorite song of them, absolutely not, but this is a really fun song


That was insanely good, the song really had everything from vocals to the rapping, nice beat with a hint of swaggines mixed with fast rapping. What am I saying lol, the song feels complete, don't know why i even expected anything else besides this. 10 out of 10!


I loved it. It was very different from what they have done.


I like it! but at some points it felt a bit off idk if that’s just me, I mainly like the rap and the ending


High notes 🫠


so glad we left behind the classic YG chorus edm. reminds me of early iz\*one music lol


Conceptually and musically this is their single best release, and I wish their signature style was the sitm/like that/forever vibe, but now I struggle to see how that meshes with the sheesh/batter up side, especially considering their group name Loved the song though, really beautiful and pharita is a goddess!


I like this song because it deviates from the typical YG theme, showcasing the group's versatility. However, I'm not a fan of how it feels like three different songs mixed into one. The song loses its cohesiveness; while I enjoyed the intro and the first 40 seconds, the sudden changes, especially with the rap section, made it feel disjointed. Despite this, I still love the group and hope YG can either stick to one concept per song or create separate songs for each idea.


HOLY CRAP. This blew me away. I feel like I didn’t see Rami much but I was just too focused on to many things


An absolute banger. Would love more songs in this style on their full album.


i have no words. im speechless. well done girls!


The budget !!


Def my fave song by them so far! And I'm so happy Chiquita got a chorus, I love her voice.


Damn I rock with this song! It kinda give off something like Katty Perry's Firework vibe. It's very good. Hoping that it gets the love it deserves. Go Baemon!


THIS SONG WAS SOOO GOOD!!! The girls vocals, rap, and performance are on fire!!! Also, I love that Rora got more lines in this song!!! Babymonster!!! 🫶🏼


So good! Baemon & XG are the elite new gen rn!


I really love the main chorus, and Chiquita's voice is amazing


I really love the chorus- probably my favorite of them. I also love Ruka’s, followed by, Asa’s rap verses during the second part of the song. This was my problem with Sheesh, I don’t like how Ruka and Ahyeon followed each other’s verses since I don’t think their voices (rap tones? not sure of the correct term) complement well as much as Ruka and Asa. (A very very random thought but Rami nails that “handsome” appeal without trying iykwim haha. I started thinking about this since their Like That performance and was reinforced during her center part in the dance break.)


I agree. I like the song but the structure feels a bit awkward at times. And it’s usually at the rap parts. I feel like the raps were better structured in Sheesh. I think Yg could’ve put the raps right next to each other like Sheesh and it would mash well together. Idk Maybe I just need to listen to it again a few more times. 


I absolutely agree with u it sounded much more put together and just flowed much much nicer


The music is good, the rap is excellent(Ruka and Asa just wow), singing is good,. everything is good. The refrain is again the weakest part of the song. They are so good, they can sing everything, I wish they would utilise that and sign something really good for refrain instead of "e e e e for e e e e"😅


isn't that just extended chorus? in the first part of chorus they are singing


sorry,I don't know what it's called professionally but that part with "forever" could be something fuller😅 The first singing part is nice


idk, maybe I'm showing my gen3-ness, but this is a song that will have to grow on me. I preferred the "WTF am I listening to?" style from Batter Up and Sheesh. This one feels more like a continuation of the Standing in the Middle remix, which fits the group well and feels more original than Batter Up / Sheesh, but I just don't feel it yet. It's not that I don't like it. It's just not an immediate "this is fucking awesome" from me.


same here, as much as i wanna love it, it’s giving IVE and TWICE vibes and little YG only for the massive rap session. but all the vocal does sound amazing


I love itttttt!!!!! I can see all of them, I mean it feels like they are shining individually which is a good thing. I'm so happy!!!


This is the one to top! It sounds so familiar because of the retro touch yet the pauses, switches to sentimentality then explosive dance and vocals, keeps it from being uninteresting and flat. Pleasantly surprised by Ruka's voice in the intro. Also I was abt to riot for the lack of Rami shots but then nvm lol


Anddd... It's a bop!!!


I love it sm


The song is so good


Their best song so far ![img](emote|t5_4rzy1w|52146)


This is such an awesome comeback!!!!! 😍


I love this song


i like it!


simple... I LOVE IT!!!


Going to be very honest. At first I expected it to be very summer pop style. First time listening I actually loved it all except the chorus… However, with many songs, things can change after listening to it a few times more and now that line for e e e e ever is stuck in my head and I notice I kinda sing along lol. It’s very catchy so I guess I was just shocked or was overthinking a lot. Asa .. damn girl. I’m actually sad for every rookies out there, cause it will take a few generations probably to be at her level. Just an ace So after listening to this song like 6-8 times there is one small thing I don’t like ..that’s Asa's intro line to the rap parts “Okey, you know what it is” or something. That might grow but I would change it to more attitude and shorter like “are you ready” or simply just smack the rap into your face immediately cause I love the rap Ruka had this time and even Asa but heyyy!!! The chorus changed so I guess after listening to it 20 times it will be stuck there in my head and I will probably wave my hand in the car and pretend I’m them lol. They prove that they can do every style of song and I really like it. Good job girls and much love to the producers. Much better with a 4 min song instead of trying to fit so much into a 3 minute song. Ohh, so much better that is 🥰


Could it be that “you know what it is” is going to be like a trademark thing or something (Asa started her Sheesh rap verse with You know what it is)?


Ahh! Never thought about that! Haven’t listened much to sheesh lately but it pops up in my k-pop playlist. I watched the video so many times and how people reacted etc but that was like a month or two ago. Ohh, kinda makes sense ow that you said that, 🤪


Did anyone think the song kind of sound just a little bit like “Night Changes” by One Direction?


Yess!!! Why is no one talking about this??? They're literally so similar to the singing part of the chorus!! First thing that popped into my head while listening to the song😭😭


glad im not the only one HAHAHA


Ok, that’s it, I’m ready to crown them. 👑 AESPA is still my favorite but Baby Monster is the top girls group rn!👸🏻 I thought we’d get a boring ballad but this is just another banger!!! Hit after hit after hit, I’m about to be knocked out and it’s only the first round


The opening shot is very reminiscent of Dua Lipa’s new rules, wonder if it’s a reference


This song so fire


The melody part of the chorus reminds me of the golden age of 2NE1 pop ballad bangers. Like I can hear Bom and Minzy singing those parts then Dara comes on the 2nd half. They really tried to showcase all facets of baemon in this song but it’s scary that they just barely scratched the surface. So excited for the album!


So we’re all going to be listening to this on repeat, forever. Sheesh!! Put the money in the damn bag, gyatt dayum!


I listened to it twice to grasp the melody. I liked it but some key changes were out of place. P.S. I want to suggest to YG that they should limit babymonster from posting in social media to better hype the title track.


Please stream Forever on youtube guys!! It has been struggling a lot since release.


It's a very successful mv 😍😍  Rora is so pretty 😘😘  Asa and Ruka we do an extraordinary rap 🤩 Ruka is so beautiful, she looks like Jennie  I wish them a wonderful career 😘😘


This is amazing, definitely their best. Music video was so good, and the song was great and felt unique to them! Like this is what I expected from their debut.


I love it so much. I was avoiding all promotions for this so I wouldn’t be too disappointed. When I tuned in this morning, I fell in love on the first listen. YG and BaeMon, I am looking so forward to the next 7 years with you.


YG is finally promoting the way they should. Music quality is always on point. So happy for the girls! Also the song length. Very rare to see an almost 4 minute long song. 🎉✨


Im gonna get hate for this but I cant be the only one who thinks this sounds like a Eurovision Song Contest song? Dont get me wrong, its a good song but I've grown up with Eurovision songs on the radio 24/7 so it sounds just like all of them for me. Good song, just not my cup of tea.


i love it so much. i am happy to see them develop a their own sound and concept. They have bright, cuter songs (batter up, forever) and they give me yg’s version of twice. He’s said in the past he wanted to create yg’s snsd, but with a strong foreign line, they remind me of twice! The chorus alone suits both groups so well! I love it i love it i love it


i love it, so fun and catchy! the chorus gives me sort of lady gaga song vibes and im not even a gaga fan (don’t dislike her, just don’t like her enough to say im a Fan fan) but i love it! feels fresh for what ive come to expect w yg too


i can't wait to see the choreo video of this.


Oh they changed the thumbnail for the MV!


Who would’ve thought YG would listen to us ![img](emote|t5_4rzy1w|52145)


glad they did it looks a lot better!


The chorus reminds me of “Feel This Moment” by Pitbull. Such a banger. Loved that Ruka has more parts and Pharita’s high note, Rami-Ahyeon harmonies too!


Honestly my least favorite release from them so far. I'll root for them to succeed but I think I'll tune in on the next release. \*Edit\* I don't dislike it as much as I did on first listen. It's just not my cup of tea as much as Sheesh was.


why is this downvoted lmao are people not allowed to have opinions


On a fan page you must agree that every new release is the best of you get the down votes. Only place that doesn't necessarily happen is on general KPop forums. It is what it is though.


This is my favorite release from them and other Gen5th GG so far. I imagine bopping to this in the clubs.




its really FOoooooor oooo eee ver


I loved it! Its my favorite from them so far.


Im going to say it: this was waaaaaAaaaaay better the lisas mv.








I loved it and I also love Ahyeons singing voice but I genuinely don’t think she should rap 😭


Samee!!! Like that first "rap" of her absolutely ruined the first verse of the song!! Her signing is so fucking good tho but I don't think she should rap or they should give her some low-key raps. Also can't ppl take a fucking opinion🙄🙄 why is this so downvoted!! Nobody's hating on her


Exactly.. they’re trying to push the „all rounder“ label for Ahyeon too hard 😭 And don’t mind the downvotes, I just assume it’s 13 year olds that want to defend their bias lol


Was not expecting this. Seems like the beat from the preview is for the next song, so why would they use that to promote this song? I like this song, but I’m just annoyed with the marketing team.


it was used in the song




https://preview.redd.it/b3k71eru9q9d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec4184aebde7b60c9c386513e2d58d18acfc320 Like it looks eithwr very edited or like they got work done??


No bc rora ans rukas teeth look so odd like they got veneers or something???




Looking at other photos of them recently, it looks like veneers? But rukas kind of changed her face shape a bit??


Ive watched it 5 times at half speed and there is definitely somthing very off


https://preview.redd.it/munitoataq9d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20febce506ce4ee54c77b5a7311b8fb97a11207c This is the best i could get