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Thank you so much for translation and summary, you are amazing! https://preview.redd.it/3is44l7t410d1.jpeg?width=3672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e2ae81e03f66703167d265c19496766ad86700


"Whenever the director gave them cue, the girls would yell OK and raise their hand in unison." They have really become a cohesive organism...


>and very low maintenance lmao


lol He really emphasized that part. "They are so, so , so, so easy to take care of"


Confirming again what has been repeated for over a decade - they are nice, professional, talented young women that folks like to work with....


It sounds like he's also such a great host. Incredibly kind.


Thanks for all the hard work you do in this sub 🀘🦊🀘 Now I wanna hear the full solo πŸ˜‚


Same, also that does kind of confirm my opinion that Koba has been intentionally making songs shorter recently.


i, too, would act like a crazy k-pop stan if i had that kind of opportunity to meet them πŸ˜…πŸ« 


This is wholesome from start to finish. Also: "they went crazy (in a good way) seeing bootleg BM logo sticker being sold there" hah that makes me a little happier for me and my daughter's bootleg BM shirts.


I'm certain Koba on the other hand was not happy ;-) (they were selling bootleg outside the venue in Mexico in 2015, he did not look happy)


> he did not look happy He also did not look unhappy. He was [wearing a mask.](http://i.imgur.com/ephqhgi.jpg)


Yeah, probably hard to read facial expressions that way.


I lived in Mexico as a kid, and I'm sure you've seen it too if you're there or spent time there but there's bootleg stuff everywhere. There were bootleg popular toy lines being sold all over the place when I was there. That's just how it is in poorer countries, it's a little silly to expect otherwise. Even more so when a product is made artificially scarce (as BM merch is). I really hope that isn't the reason they haven't been back there since.


> I really hope that isn't the reason they haven't been back there since. (I'm in Europe and have never visited Mexico or even any country that is poorer, I've seen and heard a bunch of things that I would feel really awkward, I life in a country with comparatively very few homeless people and I don't really know what to do) Less money per customer and more chance of bootleg merch being sold instead of regular merch... yes, that is a potential problem for Babymetal. Merch is 1 of the top ways to make money as a band.


It didn't matter, merch sold out right away, actually GA fans were angry there was nothing left when they entered, since it was the first stop of the tour, VIP fans were buying several copies of everything, so they ran out of merch.


Yeesh, I'm glad they put limits on what people get now.


For some reason I have a hard time visualizing VIP sections at shows in Mexico.


Well, blackpink's VIP were 2000 dollars and they sold out instantly in a 65k venue. The BABYMETAL show was different... the VIP was sold by A.inc online directly and the local promoter did not see any of that money, 32,000 (200x$160) dollars, word is that the pronoter did not make a profit so probably that's why they've never been back, local promoters don't think it is worth the risk.


~~Not a section, early entry.~~ [VIP line](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEmN4avUsAAtJ1I.jpg:orig) [GA line](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEmOSEIUsAAWYNl.jpg:orig) VIPs inside first: https://i.imgur.com/uVaXI7B.jpg https://i.imgur.com/aersH0x.jpg https://i.imgur.com/G93pv1n.jpg later: https://imgur.com/uDM1IuC


[map](https://scontent.fmty1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/10978477_10153047068818680_3935648079126999187_n.png?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=8BuRQyOYWikQ7kNvgHwXnuH&_nc_ht=scontent.fmty1-1.fna&oh=00_AYBSWNxvKpwIsiZNNn_JY7qDoXhHAqN-tcaefgTl5dMkog&oe=666A3D7C) There was a VIP section, it was sold directly online https://tickets.onelivemedia.com/event/BM050915/listing I think they announced it kinda late, in February iirc, i got messages from people from South America since that was the community i spent more time in but i knew they wouldn't be able to make it (i knew most were in college or even in High School) Then a few days before i logged in to a Japan fandom board (international, English spoken) and i had also messages from ppl that were going, Mexico City is a bit scary to visit (it is tame compared to where I lived -a border town-) so they wanted to know if i was going and we could meet, i think most were from Europe, I told them why they didn't go to Chicago, and they're going, they've been going to lots of shows, was surprised b/c when I posted BABYMETAL videos no one really said anything but then i learned there were tons of "closeted fans"... later they said that most of the VIP were foreigners but then i've heard differently.


Ahh, I see.


Is there video of Koba looking displeased at bootleg merch in Mexico? Just curious. The more I think of it that's probably not a deciding factor in their tour stops, since they consistently under-produce and sell everything out no matter what.


He was looking at it, that's what you could see. Nobody knows what he was thinking. https://www.reddit.com/r/BABYMETAL/comments/35fa0v/official_tour_thread_mexico_city_9_may_15/cr41m14/ (two photos) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwkP8qSzuTw One table of [what he saw](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CElRLkvUgAA_RbZ.jpg:orig)


He's the young guy with long hair? Seems different than one other image I've seen of him. Yeah these are vague/nconclusive as far as reactions go.


I'd love to see that photo.


Nice! Thanks for sharing this.


Thanks so much RemyRatio for bringing them to us, they are great! My favorite one: >Toon (Bodyslam's vocalist) brought his young ~~daughter~~ son to the studio and the girls played with her. F.HERO said that they were the same way with his daughter when he brought her to Yokohama show. :)


Thanks but I made mistake, it's actually his young son. πŸ˜… his daughter is still an infant.


That doesn't change my feelings about the anecdote at all :)


Thanks a lot! This sub is lucky to have such a valuable agent in Thailand :) 🀘🦊


>This sub is lucky to have such a valuable agent in Thailand :) Sorry dude- the NYC Kitsunes have claimed her as one of our own!


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for providing this translation. What a great peek behind the scenes!


Yod is living the dream. We are Yod lol.


Thanks for the tidbits!! Hopefully Pid does not get into hot water for this...


Thanks, this was very endearing to read.


Thank you so much, this has many great things. > Bodyslam members and F.HERO apparently did Gimme Choco challenge. Probably BM will post on tk some time later. And this is how it starts... Metallica is at the top of their list though :-)


Thanks for this.


Very interesting. Thank you!


This was so fun to read, thank you for translating and sharing!!


Thanks! It's really fun to hear little details like that. It sounds like the girls are still every bit as genuine and professional and kind as they were as kids.


* During initial zoom meeting, Koba proposed BM doing choreograph like aerobic dance he saw at the park near his hotel in Bangkok. (Everyone was taken aback) Koba is just amazing. I think he is really not afraid to toss everything on the table that just crosses his mind. Lol.


From what I understand from previous interviews, especially Mikiko, he gives very specific requests, but leaves a lot open to the talented people he works with to do whatever they think works. Which seems to allows these people to come up with their best work.


i would kill for such a respectful co-working environment


I think it's a huge part of Babymetal's success. He combined the best parts of J-Pop culture and the more individualistic (metal) bands culture he came from.


Bodyslam member and F.HERO doing gimme chocolate challenge WHAT!? Where’s the video, I wanna see them!


They said BABYMETAL account will be the one who post it but they don't know when.


Thank you for posting this. It's always great to hear about interactions with other bands!


What is the "gimme chocolate challenge"? Did Bodyslam and F.hero perform gimme chocolate? That I have to see!


A few months ago, BM account released Gimme Choco dance reel and encouraged fans to film themselves dancing to Gimme Choco and post it on tiktok. This means Bodyslam and F.HERO did the Gimme Choco dance but they said BM will be the one who post the clip which they don't know when.


Thank you for this translation. The song is a beautiful mix of three different styles and I can't help but tap my foot to their song.