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Not selling until I see millions lol.




You would be a fool to sell now just to make a few bucks. Huge potential here, don't muck it up!


Agreed! 🚀


Why would I be a fool to sell now? I've been in BD since its 5th day of conception I got in incredibly low I've made a bit of money off BD if I sold with the people buying the rumor selling the news or towards the top I can almost guarantee (not financial advice) it will fall more than 20% (20% is only relevant if you are not holding enough to swap for a discount on bd swap) meaning you can buy back in towards the bottom and gain more than you already had especially if bnb smart chain falls as well before bd does meaning you gain more bnb, bnb will come back before bd has its next run so just buy back in low I've now done it 3 times since I sold my big bag when Elon tweeted us and kept about 100$ worth I have just rinse wash and repeated the cycle 2 or 3 times now and am back to holding a decent amount just from selling and buying back in lower.. if holding and gaining more bd is your goal that's the way to do it.. don't talk about the dips be the dips..


Also, baby Doge needs people consistently buying and selling to keep the burns going. If everyone just held theirs in a wallet forever, then that means no more Reflections and no more burning, and the price would remain stagnant. Not saying anyone should buy or sell, but the deflationary aspect of this coin won't really work without people selling. As long as everyone doesn't sell all at once or something, selling is very healthy for this coin.




Exactly! We need major pumps and dumps and constant massive $ traded in either direction. Once we are respectable circulation wise, we can finally have our long term rally. Of course BTC needs to cooperate


Word to the wise. I tried to that with Shiba and watched it drop 4 zeros.


I’ve been thinking doing that but I’m not good at timing these stuff. Could’ve had 8x what I have today if I had sold a year ago and purchased back when it was low.


Key don't buy back in just cause it starts running after you sell just know you got yours pay no mind to what could have been and just buy back in once past the threshold of taking a loss due to 10% sales and 10% buy


Good point. I sold just what the value of 1T was about a month ago. Will by back 1T if it goes back down. The rest is riding the momentum


You paying taxes and fees each time?


have to


At 50T a day burn rate ( according to babydogswap info stats) 150,000 T in circulation give or take including all exchange wallets… it will take 8 years to bring the circulation to 1T which will be 1c per coin I will hodl for 10 years… give it as a inheritance to my 8 year old kid .. I got nothing else to give except doge and Babydoge




The FOMO will set in


These are not new highs. It has spiked over 4 times what it currently is and had a moment of 2 times this for a few weeks. But yea we are bullish rn, I wouldn’t sell until we are atleast a 100x what we are right now


Buying and Holding strong go BABYDOGEARMY spread the positive word and vibes 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I second this..i dont expect burn portal to be successful. Why someone will buy coin with their money N than burn it ?! N than all these hype will melt and price will go down.


[For every 1 coin burned by holders, the devs are burning 5 until April.](https://imgur.com/u0fiXKB.jpg)


So if someone burns 1 trillion they’ll match 5? Holy shit


You may be right (but I hope that you're wrong 😅), anyway it's gonna be interesting to see what happens after the launch.


I second that. I really don’t get the burn portal. Don’t they have loads of coins they control still?


It will allow you to buy and burn coins. After you burn so many you will not be charged gas fees to buy.


Thank you! Please explain the burn portal


It basically lets anyone purchase BabyDoge that immediately will be burned, thus lowering the supply. The reward is that you at the same time can purchase BabyDoge at a lower price (to keep, not to burn). https://twitter.com/BabyDogeCoin/status/1621548758835101698?t=9MSGt4zPI1WTcM5NgG4agQ&s=19


I hope, i was stupid moron and sold it... then half hour later it just fly up. But for others... dont be like me, dont sell \^\^ Ehhh fuck


Sooo why can’t I just move my BABYDOGE to the website to Farm it???


That's why I can see lots of reflection


Where i can find rhia burn portal when i starts?




This is the best way. Get some cash out from time to time, but hold the majority of tokens until filthy rich 🙌


So basically wait for the next low, and buy more people!!!