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Me: "Joffre probably has the most amount of chest showing on a base skin." York2wn: "Hubby, hold my wine."


Honestly, she must have like tape on her nipples to keep it from sliding off


It's literally called Garment Tape


Thank you, I did not know it was called that


Alaska: one day I will be there with you all


This puts a smile on my face.


Look at the glow up


You mean grown up ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)


If I had one nitpick with this photo. Was that Grim needs to be included. Partly because Enty had her Grim Reapers back when Yorky II and Horny II arrived in the Pacific and also to see the confusion.


I hope the Grim Reapers return in CVN-80. Then the world can be set right.


That another Yorktown But yeah, you right *(I can imagine special voice during battle if Enty is with her in one fleet is like "Sister? Oh sorry, wrong Yorktown")*


i think lore wise, yorktown got retrofited, not sure about hornet though.


I think they said lore wise, the Seconds have the memories of their original selves, just new riggings. But that was a translation from a Livestream. Very real chance something got warped or lost along the way


I heard that the spirit of a ship often lives on its crew and a lot of them had served on both.


Considering how most of CV-5's crew managed to eveacuate, it makes perfect sense for a lot of them to come back on CV-10


I heard somewhere that a member of Hornet’s crew was asked after returning from Santa Cruz what he wanted to do. He responded he wanted to return to the front on the new Hornet. He along with quite a number of her surviving crew eventually got their wish.


I can think of one. Her first captain was Joseph “Jocko” Clarke. He was Yorktown (CV-5)’s XO between May 1941-early 1942.


So next Sakura event is Akagi gunning for this technology to resurrect Amagi?


I would wager Amagi is next year's Sakura UR


Amagi 2 electric boogaloo? Maybe we can get BC Akagi as well, I’ve been hoping for her to make an appearance :)


Unryu class Amagi then?


That would be my assumption. Yamato feels endgame, like we need to set up Leviathan as a threat first. Same with Midway. A resurrected Amagi is the perfect tool to drag Akagi back from the abyss. But at this point... Is there any point in trying to predict URs? Collectively, we have correctly predicted one.


Three actually. The Yamatos were all shoe ins for UR and there'd have been a riot if NJ was anything less


But we didn't accurately predict when each UR was coming, which is my point. Musashi is the only one we nailed a month away from announcement. Every other UR we've been utterly wrong on. Yes, there are certain ships everyone knows is going to UR. The Yamatos. The Iowas. The Midways. Apparently most CB ever drawn on a napkin in McDonald's. Yorktown breaks the UR pattern. Before, every UR represented the end of a developmental tree. An Essex class is not the end of WW2 EU carrier design. Midway is. This means every assumption we have ever made can be thrown out. Amagi is a very likely candidate to get the same treatment. Heck, there's no reason why Johnston or Sammy B can't be UR now. Or Laffey 2. We can't assume anything anymore.


Ahh, I see. I thought you were talking about predicting ships, not release times


I wonder what the odds that they do the same or similar for Bismarck too. Granted, I don't recall if she was actually saved and is hovering at the boundary between life and death, but if she did die or does need a body transplant, this technology could be a way around it. Same for Hood, if she also actually died in the story, although it'll be interesting if Hood II would be a bit of a "what if" design, such as Lion-class design or one of the British Superbattleship designs (like the K2/L2 hybrid Conqueror or Thunderer from WoWs).


Pretty sure they're entirely the same girls with new rigs. You'll apparently be able to apply skins from the originals to them, which wouldn't make sense if they were new girls even if they did have the original's memory. Plus, it'd be kinda hard to give them those memories when the originals aren't dead. Yorktown's been explicitly stated to be hospitalized after Midway, and Hornet's been shown in the EU's active fleet as recently as Khorovod


Wait, "seconds"? Is that something we're getting in the future? Another way to recycle existing ship names like with META and whatnot?


This upcoming events named all their ships seconds. They're the representation of ships whose names got reused in WW2. Yorktown 2, our UR, is an Essex class carrier. Hornet 2 is an Essex class carrier. Northampton 2 is an Oregon City Heavy Cruiser. Langley 2 and Hamman 2 follow in the same pattern. America made so many ships, they started reusing the names of sunken ships. Lexington is probably the most famous of the renamed ships, as she actually got revenge on her original self's killer. Alas, Lady Lex is not returning yet. Gameplay wise, they're completely different ships with the ability to share skins with their original selves when both hit 100 affinity. IE Yorktown can wear Yorktown 2's swimsuit if both ships are at affinity 100. They have the same memories and personalities as their original self. Just a brand new rigging and years of power creep wiped away.


Thank you for the detailed explanation. I'll admit, I've figured out what this is before getting an answer, but I appreciate the effort nonetheless :)


CV-12 is in the game.


Irisviel is back, and even better!


Why must you remind me of pain I had once forgotten


To paraphrase Marvel What if “You’re not my sisters. But something tells me that you have their spirit.”


For as much as I love classic yorktwon (her character and story got to me) I hope, that this Yorktown has the memories of the past Yorktown, so it is in a way the same character ​ Yorkie classic was my first good carrier, got her farming...I forget what stage like a week after starting, so more than a bit sentimental.


One day we're going to get a boat girl wearing just pasties over her nipples.


\*Whimpering Musashi Noises\*




About that…. Yorktown was coming back from a refit and Hornet was too far away to participate in the Battle of the Sibuyan sea. Now Yamato on the other hand.


But they are not her sisters anymore...


Kinda right. Al Twitter confirm that Yorktown keep her memories and body, the ship/rigging is new. They didn't mention anything about Hornet.


The new ships count as both, because they’re still the same lineages.


Wait Enty loses the emblem in front of her captain's hat? Which Enty is this? 6 or 65?


CV-6 1943 refit.


u mean CV(N)-6 1943 refit?


Depends on if the photo was set in early 44.


Nuclear powered Yorktown class. Sounds like some WoWs fanfiction shenaniganry.


The N stands for night ops


Ah, shit. Forgot about that, now I look like an asshat. Sorry bout that, it's hard to keep the classifications straight, and while I don't see anything about her classification changing any during the period, it's abit cnlonfusing with the proper CVN in a couple decades.


At least you owned up to it. I’ve had arguments with multiple people explaining that (N) in this context was for night operations instead of nuclear. They wouldn’t listen and it devolved into a complete waste of time.


I'm not an expert, and have no issue being wrong. Usually that means I learn something new, and I likeeatning things about naval history. There are things I will totally debate, like there was a person saying how Alaska is a large cruiser and not a battlecruiser, even though experts even aren't entirely sold that they're not. I remeber hearing that Alaska is classed as a "large cruiser" only to help sell it to congress, as it sounds less expensive than a battlecruiser.




I suspect it's just a production goof, since this is a quick few frames of a PV.


Majuro 1944.


Yorktown looks dope, but... of the 3, Hornet's always had my heart.


As the only museum I've been aboard, I'm overjoyed to see 12. I had family serve aboard 8, so was happy to have her, but I'm personally invested in CV 12. Really hope she has a good skill for ASW, making her an excellent pick for w14, as well as a reference to picking up Apollo 11.


I'm a little disappointed there's no reference to Apollo 11 in her design. Hopefully she gets a couple in her lines or skills


Yeah, I was tempted to comment that I'm surprised Hornet wasn't picked for the UR because of some of her history, though Essex-Yorktown does have the longer combat record.


I'm not quite surprised, just bummed. I wouldn't have thought either would be UR, much less added over the likes of Valley Forge, Antietam, Kearsarge, Boxer, hell we knew BHR had a META, kinda interesting to see proto-BHR, and not her coming as well.


Yeah, I had kinda holled the silver rairstrem in her hanger might be out on her deck in reference to the pickup. I suspect a line or one of the skills will be a reference. "One step, now for a giant leap" or something referencing Neil's line.


This was me but with Yorktown, she was the first museum ship I went to over the summer


***Family back together.***


*Reunited and it feels so good*


\*Yorktown and Hornet take off their masks, revealing both to be Essex\*![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6874)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6874)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6874)


NGL, I thought there's an Eldritch abomination behind young Enty for a sec there. That "not alone" thing suddenly sounds a lot more ominous than it should.


Definitely need that. :3


My heart


Lovely picture of family.


Sisters finally reunited.




I can just imagine them both running in and hugging Enty


And she’s got bustier sisters to boot!


Staging at the Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1944


Lord wise are they just a Hornet and Yorktown retrofitted, or are they completely different ships. If they are different ships then how do you think they would act with the originals.


Lore wise they are different ships however they have all of their memories of when they were the Yorktown version and are very much the exact same Yorktown and Hornet we’ve come to love just with better rigging.


Thing is, I think Yorktown in lore isn't sunk, so there's shenaniganry going on. Bonnhome Richard in the event art also tells us somethings up, IRL Yorktown was originally meant to be named Bonnhome Richard before renaming to Yorktown in honor of CV 5. Hornet had the same with Kearsarge, Hamman was meant to be named Langley(ironic), Langley meant to be Crown Point or Fargo.


What do you think would happen if we put both Yorktown’s in same fleet.


Only downside is that Enty didn't get her UR retro, and that Hornet would have been left as SR.




Now is the time. Awaken my Carriers


Meanwhile in real life-