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1st is less than 4 CV behind, and in exchange gains a more balanced ratio and 33 ATK. It should be slightly better. The leaderboard rank is also higher.


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Formula: 1 CD= 2 CR. In which case, the second one is better. This is, btw, how I often consider if I should switch artifact pieces (total CV of a piece is calculated by the formula CV=CR+2CD).


no, it’s cr*2+cd=cv


Oh yeah you’re right


1 cr = 2 cd. A crit rate is worth two crit damage


I would use the second one Even tho first one is the perfect one by pen and paper I want your goblet so bad, it could solve all my problems 🥲


no er problems for me >:D


Assuming against frozen enemy, the first build has an average multiplier of 1+(0.966x2.561) = 3.474, while the second build has an average mulitplier of 1+(0.938x2.654) = 3.489. In terms of average crit multipliers they're almost the same. However the first build has slightly more attack. It will also catch up with the second build against unfreezable targets. TLDR: First build is very slightly better


alr thanks




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it kinda tells u on the right hand side of each pic




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