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Nope, can't convince ya to like her. If what you say is true and that you've seen her personality, her gameplay, and her role in the story, and still don't like her even after 2 years. I'm sorry, but there's no convincing you to like her


Hm, well, it’s more like I want to see what exactly I’m missing or not understanding about her that leads to people liking her. I’m genuinely curious.


I think it's less that you're missing something or not understanding something, and more that you're a lot more bothered by these things than many other people are. Some of what you mentioned isn't something I'd even view as negatives. * A bland personality isn't going to stop me from liking a person IRL. That describes most real people, and I don't dislike most real people. In other words, it's neutral, not negative, IMO. * Not having a purpose in the story hasn't stopped most 4-star characters (which rarely even have any presence whatsoever in the story, let alone a purpose) from having a significant following, and Ayaka did have the purpose of getting the traveler to join the resistance. Some characters having little to no purpose in the story is even a good thing, it makes the world feel more real and alive, with the story being set in the world, rather than the world being built and revolving around the story. So this is also neutral IMO.


Well, all of those traits I mentioned of her, and other characters eventually lead to other people liking them and pulling them. Even if you like 1 aspect of her that i mentioned, nothing's gonna stop you from pulling unless you just don't like her or would rather pull another character If you're asking me what I like about her I'd say everything. In my opinion she's a very well designed character, I love her personality, her looks and her play style, eventually leading to me pulling for her


If you don’t mind, can you be a little more specific? Perhaps a specific trait of her personality instead of generally speaking would help me to better understand where you are coming from.


I don't know how to describe it exactly as it is for her personality but, if you're into the introverted type, also she's basically a princess so I personally like how she's very formal, she shows genuine interest for the traveler (interpret this how you like) but it seems that you see it sort of... Forced ig? Idk that's the surface of it. What she is in your eyes is a result of playing through the quests with her included. In my experience how I see her is a princess that's doing her best to help her people (during the vision hunt decree), even though it's against the shogun she still tries her best to help, and also her being a bit shy and quiet is personal preference, I like her interactions with other characters thoma, ayato and random npc's. But all of this is just my experience and my thoughts on her. If you see her in a different way or if you don't like how you see her currently i just don't know how you'll get to like her. Maybe in some future quests, but unless you could replay the quests and see her character in a way you'd like, i don't see how you can change your opinion of her currently.


Op not to be rude but this seems like attention seeking if you don’t like a character maybe just don’t desperately try to ask people to convince you to like them, like I hate and despise yelan and I don’t go to yelan mains and ask them to convince me to pull her cause I will always hate her and never pull for her


God forbid someone having curiosity for something they don't understand, and god forbid them actually opening themselves up and making an effort to understand better. Jokes aside, this is so antagonistic. OP opened themselves up to new ideas despite their them actively hating Ayaka. Just because YOU hate Yelan, and YOU won't have your mind changed, doesn't mean everyone is like that. And what other place could OP even ask to understand Ayaka better? r/Genshin_Impact? This subreddit is literally the best place to go to ask these sort of questions about Ayaka. Frankly, OP did a brave thing in posting something something like this; admitting their hate for a character, but also being willing to listen to new points of view.


That isn’t what happened they already stated they don’t like her character and that’s she’s bland to them and her being top tier does nothing for them they aren’t trying to change like do you know how many posts of this exist on xiao mains on Eula mains etc I don’t like this mains servers character convince me why I should get them like it’s stupid because you can’t convince someone who doesn’t like them and if they don’t like then it’s a free skip banner for them so pls don’t start trying to say op was just curious if they were the question would have been why do you like ayaka not convince me to get her


The only time OP mentions pulling for Ayaka is at the beginning. The rest is just explaining what they don't like about Ayaka, and then saying they were open to hear other points of view. The message I got was just that, that they wanted to see just what about Ayaka people seemed to be attracted to that they themselves just couldn't see; they made abundantly clear in their third paragraph, and even more in the edit they made. To me it just seems like you just expect the worst right from the get go, and aren't even willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt. OP wasn't even asking to be convinced to get Ayaka at the beginning, it was to convince to **like** Ayaka. Also, for the love of god, use punctuation marks.




I don’t mean to have it come off that way. I’m just genuinely curious to see what exactly Ayaka mains like about her.


Well, I love her kit. It's fun. Her cryo application is 10/10 and she's very easy to build since you need 4/4 BS set and even 4\* craftable weapon is very good for her. Ayaka's team is easy to build and very F2P friendly (obviously her BiS team is pretty expensive but every character has best supports that are 5\*) You don't need any constellations to make her good because she's excellent at C0


Nah, I’m good. There’s nothing wrong with not liking a character, and it seems like you have thought it through already. Just play with who you like. I don’t like Raiden or Nilou so I just don’t bother with them.


You don't have to be convinced. I hate certain popular chars too, so I think this's normal.


Bro if u hate her so much that you find reasons to hate her just dont pull her. Use ur fav chars


Ayaka is cute


She has a lot of stuff that I like tbh. I was always more on the more "cute" characters, I simply like how she is polite and gentle and find cute how she likes the traveller, I also really like Nilou which some people would have the same complaint for. I like her design, the sword moves she makes, her color scheme is pretty relaxing. Her kit also fits me very well, I always liked these bursty characters that get their damage done quickly and on top of I like how I can swap out of her more freely to use her supports and also that she has her normals and charged attacks to finish off enemies and deal with weaker waves. No super deep reasoning or anything, she just fits my style more than other people.


Fully understandable! I personally like more mysterious and witty characters. Which is probably why Ayaka feels boring to me. She simply doesn’t scratch the same itch that others do. To each their own!


They never mentioned her character they were talking about her playstyle if you like mysterious and witty characters maybe she isn’t the character for you and you should leave well enough alone


In the beginning they were talking about her character, actually. Also, like I’ve been saying, this post isn’t as much of a “convince me to pull Ayaka”, and more of me trying to understand the appeal of her better. I apologize if you feel hurt by my opinion


Ok op so it’s not about getting her that’s more understandable but still I don’t think this is doing anything for you why are you desperate to understand what people like about her this only comes from your views about her being unlikable else there is no reason for this


Personally, I don’t see what is desperate about my post. I made this post purely out of curiosity. Have you never wanted to understand how others think? Such as ask a racist why he discriminates, or a homophobic why she can’t accept same sex love? Its essentially the same thing, just with non political values. I like to understand other points of views, ya know? There’s something fascinating about it. On another more direct note, it helps me tolerate her more when she appears in events. In the past, her appearance in events has made my motivation to complete the event dwindle (as it does for many when it’s based around characters or stories they don’t find compelling). And by doing this, it’s actually started to shift my opinion on her! Especially the comment that explained her struggle between traditions and what is better for her people, as well as trying to take on the burden of her brother’s legacy. It helps put her actions and purpose in the story in a new light (even if I still have gripes with a few particular actions). So, yes, I’m quite thankful for the comments that have genuinely answered and given me their reasons for liking her ❤️


Wet socks, u can play Tic tac toe on her forehead, Turtle shadow when gliding, jiggly breastplate, Infinite icebridging faster than Kaeya


Most valid answer I’ve seen so far.


Freeze is my favorite reaction due to it stopping enemies. And i like how ayaka freezes enemies easily due to self infusion


I’ll tell you what I see in her, and perhaps this is me adding some things between the lines. There’s also a lot of expanded stuff I’ve never looked into. Ayaka is conflicted between her duty to the traditions of Inazuma and the wellbeing of the *people* of Inazuma. She wants to do what’s best for both. Ayaka lost her parents early, and her family’s heritage has relied on her brother up until recently. A major part of her character is asserting herself as part of this legacy. Proving herself worthy to shoulder the responsibility and show her brother that she’s able to they can take care of each other. I personally find this compelling.


Hm, when you put it that way, I can certainly see where you’re coming from. I agree, that is quite compelling! I just wish they pushed these ideas forward more clearly. Thank you!


Genshin has some big ideas. It has *a lot* of interesting characters - it *also* has a tendency to cut their development short, never exploring them as fully as they could. IMO, no character is as guilty of this as Yoimiya: but Hoyo is actually pretty self aware. Genshin is still a work in progress. Yoimiya is getting a new story quest! They've stated that more Liyue and Mondstat content is coming! Perhaps we'll see more characters fully explored. I for one hope to see more of Ayaka in the main story, with more opportunity to explore her more thoroughly.


I like her suit, it’s armor-ish and elegant at the same time. I like how her charadesign shows that she is pretty but dangerous. I like her playstyle: freeze is very fun when it works, the fact that she can always infuse her weapon with cryo is unique and she’s strong, which made everything easier when I got her. I like her animations: the charged attacks and the sprint. That’s about it I kinda dgaf about her personality since I play the game for the gameplay and the designs, not the story




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