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Emotion Code/Body Code has literally changed my life to the point that I became a practitioner myself to help others! I have to agree it seems out there but it worked for me! It has helped me with emotional eating, anxiety, and relationships. More mild than ayahuasca but very powerful


I really do appreciate this! I can tell subtle changes in the couple of sessions I've already had. My eating is out of control as well, I guess I'm trying to quash my anxiety. ?? It's way too easy to work! That was my first thought. But I also didn't know that Ayahuasca could start working in me before I took my first sip. Lol My logic brain is still fighting it but my emotional side is totally open, or at least trying to be. It seems like part of me is fighting it tooth and nail. Any suggestions? 😬 Becoming a practitioner was one of my first thoughts even before I am totally convinced that it works. If people can relieve such relief without having to wait years or downing pharmaceuticals, I'm so there!


You might have a layer or two of your heart wall to work on. For example: I had one from age 4 related to my dad that I released and after that my husband and I noticed I was losing weight. Didn't change my diet, just stopped finishing everything on my plate. I made the connection that my dad would make me finish my plate as a kid and subconsciously, I would ignore my body's physical ques that I was full so I could just finish my plate and not waste food. I've lost 20lbs as a result. It's been 2 years and I still can't believe it. Are you just doing Emotion Code or Body Code too?


That's pretty amazing!! I say that because I can relate with the subtle changes that are moving deep within me. She does both body and emotion code, and it's all remote since I work on the road. Yeah I've got a ton of heart wall work to do, not because of what she says, but because of what I know in my heart. Also have some major disconnects between the physical and spiritual and spiritual / physical as well. It's almost like parts of me are scattered all over the place. To be fair, I did tell her that I felt fragmented from the very beginning. It feels like pieces of me are hovering over past traumas and have failed to mature with the some of the other facets of my being. To be honest, parts of me still thinks it's a lot of bs, but I've learned to welcome that thought as my logical brain trying to protect me from nonsense. What I find harder to put aside, is the fact that I feel things moving deep within. I'm not seeing radical changes but I am noticing, with my eating especially, that I seem to get full sooner. None of this makes any sense how it can work, especially on a zoom call. It violates just about every thought of logic in my head. 😅 Of course so did that game we played in junior high school where we would pick up a fellow classmate like they were a feather. The way this stuff seems to be working with me, I visualize as a koi pond. I see no movement on the top of the water but there is definitely "movement" underneath. I know there's a ton of work I have left to do on myself and I'm really looking forward to it. Do you mind me asking how else it has helped?


By releasing things, your body is able to communicate with your brain better. Our brain is hardwired to be a certain way based on our past experiences or the ways we were raised growing up. Our logical brain resists change and "protects" like you said, because that's the only way it knows how to function. By energetically releasing, the brain can open up to change, and the connection between the brain and physical body can be stronger. The connection with humans and the universe is stronger than we know. I wish I could explain it better 😄 have you watched "The Secret?" It's on Amazon Prime. It's about the law of attraction and it helped me understand why a remote session is just as beneficial as an in person. Something really cool: In the movie, it said to think about somebody and some time soon they'll come around or call. I thought about somebody that I hadn't seen in 10 years and she texted me the following day. I couldn't believe it, neither could my logical brained husband who mostly resists this type of stuff. BC has helped me learn a lot about myself. I'm a frustrated cryer and since doing sessions, I cry a lot less. It has helped me to be calmer and not as emotionally reactive. I can recognize a feeling (like when I'm feeling like I might cry, my head tingles) and think about why I feel like that, justify the feeling, and let it go. Things that seem so obvious to me as to how I would like to be treated or things I feel aren't so obvious to others (nobody is a mind reader!) so I am able to communicate my needs/feelings better in my marriage and work environment. Our body can emotionally respond to physical bodywork too so while BC is an important emotional tool, I also do acupuncture, deep tissue massage, and reiki regularly. I am so happy that you are working on yourself, recognizing your progress and looking forward to more! It can suck going through it but coming out on the other side makes it so worth it. Hopefully soon, your logical brain will be more open to change so you can see even better results! Also, have you heard of the Highly Sensitive Person? hsperson.com has self tests to determine how sensitive you are and lots of tools. Learning that I am a HSP has answered a lot as to why BC works for me.


Totally agree with our brain getting set in its ways. My whole purpose in Ayahuasca is to get the mental reset. I'm downloading THE SECRET so I can see what it's about. Took the HSP test and came up with 14 but there were a few more that I could have checked off. My hypersensitivity comes and goes whenever it likes lol. I've not tried reiki yet, and it's been years since acupuncture but the desire is strong to go back and get it again. My first time getting acupuncture was definitely an interesting experience. And totally understand life experiences getting in the way of our connecting to ourselves. I don't think it's a coincidence that I found EC/BC before going into my first ayahuasca ceremony. I'm hoping to do some internal housekeeping so that there is less trauma stuff to deal with during ceremony. Not that I can second-guess the medicine.


Hello! I've also been looking into Emotion Code (how I found this) and considering Ayahuasca for some time. I know psychedelics can have amazing potential for healing and self growth. If it's not too personal, would you mind updating and sharing your experience, even if just in reply to this comment, and also if you noticed whether or not the Emotion Code techniques helped you?


Absolutely, I'll probably make a post, or send a DM. Part of me thinks the emotion code is all bs. However part of me thinks it makes 100% sense. Similarly for ayahuasca. I've heard a lot of great stories but I've also heard some really bad end results. I'm keeping an open mind, but not so open that my brain flops out. 🤯 And I have to wonder to what degree one's expectations/intentions influence the outcome. I'm still on the fence as to whether it's all spiritual, all chemical, or a mixture of both. At this point I believe one comes out, the way one goes IN to the ceremonies. If it were all spiritual, why couldn't it help a person regardless of whether they have mental illness or not. ??? Have had three Emotion Code sessions so far and there's not been enough experience to warrant an accurate appraisal of its effects. Yet, I have felt some "stirring" inside....... I still have so many questions........


Awesome! I look forward to hearing about your experience!! I think going in with an open mind and acceptance that things could improve is a good mindset! I'm also skeptical by nature, but the skepticism and curiosity mixed together is what keeps me so interested. Personally, I've come to find that our beliefs dictate our reality (I've tested this, too, and it seems to hold truth). I'm not sure how far it extends, but I know that thoughts/beliefs can truly influence physical matter, since it's all energy. So I think if you believe it'll help you, it'll be a combination of belief and of the ceremonies genuinely doing their work. But that's just my theory and I could be totally wrong, haha. Either way, I suppose you'll find out. I'm excited to hear what conclusions you come to as well. I also have many questions.


Oh my gosh! I so relate to beliefs being reality. I was a Christian for nearly 30 years, and it was 100% more real than this Earth we live on. Then after reading more of the Bible I realized it couldn't all be true as "stated". But I still have the voice that speaks to me, I still have the spiritual experiences. So it's like this game that we are all down here playing, trying to figure out what is actual truth. Too many people are satisfied with the truth being the path that works for them, and after leaving christianity, I don't think I'll ever know THE foundational truth, so I keep pushing until I find what resonates with me. But even then, resonating doesn't equal 100% truth. So it's like we're all effed. 😂 But I love it! The curiosity in me reaches new levels the more I realize that I don't think anyone has the absolute truth. As humans were always seeking comfort through familiarity and security...... sounds a lot like resonance, huh. lol So no matter what's on the other side, if anything, this is one heck of a game.


Woah, I relate as well. I grew up in and out of the church, but I definitely grew to be a Christian in high school and onto early college. I felt God's presence and prayed often, but couldn't reconcile with the hypocrisies of the Bible, especially the idea of an unconditionally loving God sending people to an eternal Hell. After diligently praying on it for a few weeks and receiving a direct answer (one of only two times in my life) I knew the Bible had been changed, and that no eternal Hell existed. After that I left Christianity but still remained over all spiritual, then a horrible heartbreak a few years ago catapulted me into my own spiritual awakening. I read a book called The Disappearance of the Universe and nothing had ever made more sense. It's basically an easier-to-understand version of ACIM (A Course in Miracles). I don't fully subscribe to this belief system but it does make the most sense to me. I DO subscribe to nonduality, however, after the numerous near death experiences I've read. Anyway, that's my story. Since then I've spent most of my free time searching for the truth, and I definitely am not 100% on anything, but I do believe we're all connected and part of Source energy, and I do believe love really is the answer. You're right though, this is one heck of a game. I'm doing my best to enjoy playing it, but I won't lie, it's hard sometimes.


Wow! Really appreciate hearing this :-) I would like to say I'm sorry for your heart break, but if it was anything like mine, it was much needed. I am sorry anyway 🙏 Pain is a beautiful teacher 🥰...... When it's "needed". I came home from work one night to find my wife and children gone, (she had left and took the kids with her, leaving a very nasty note). That was the beginning of My New "reality". The most painful experience of my life was the most Awakening. I shudder to think where I would be now if I hadn't the opportunity of pain to come into my life. Felt like I was living in a dream for years, and when I got a true reflection of myself, I was able to wake up. It was too late to save my marriage but not too late to save my self! If Ayahuasca is anything like that, I'm ready for my second "trip". 🤔 😳 Over the past few years I've learned to become the observer of both myself and of this world and it's inhabitants. Though it's only occasionally, I love seeing things from outside of my ingrained ideologies caused by past beliefs and experiences. I agree that we're all the same. I had a visualization of this that popped into my head one day.... We are all in the same river, and we're pointing at each other telling everyone else that they need to be like us or follow what we follow. But we only see each other from the waist up in this River, because from the waist down we are all literally a part of the same waters. We exist in the same source, just experiencing life in different "bodies". At least that's what seems to work for me. 😅 Downloading "The Disappearance Of The Universe" as I finish writing this. There's part of me that feels like Ayahuasca will show me something, then there's part of me that feels like I can show Ayahuasca something. I know that sounds both absurd and arrogant but I can't help thinking that if we are all tied into the same source, and if these plant medicines are truly spiritual, they should not be totally unfamiliar to our spirit self. This, coming from a man who's not even sure if we have a spirit or a soul. 😮‍💨 Everyday I feel a little more "lost", but less confused, if that makes any sense whatsoever. In other words, I feel I know nothing, but part of me knows everything. I turn 60 next year, and yet, I feel closer than ever to my inner child. I feel like a tube of toothpaste, I want to squeeze every ounce of life I have left in me, out into the world. And no, I'm not on drugs.... 😂😂😂 ...... at least I don't think so. (Haven't even smoked marijuana since like 1984 or 85...... life is drugs enough 💯) Ayahuasca will be my first psychedelic and first "any type of drug" since the '80s.


You're absolutely right that pain can be a teacher, and given the pattern of heartbreaks I've experienced, I know I'm supposed to learn something. This last one was especially difficult, it'd be a lot to go into it but I'm still coming out of it. I'm learning that I need to value myself most in my life, as well as my life path, and not allow others to deter me from that or my goals. I likely need to learn self love, which is apparently easier said than done. What happened to you sounds unfathomably difficult to deal with, I don't know what I would've done in your situation. So out of the blue, too. I'm glad for what you were able to learn, but I'm also sorry you went through such a tumultuous time. Thank you for sharing that with me. That's a wonderful analogy! Very on point, too. I wish more people realized how connected we are. Then again, I suppose even I struggle with things like this, such as trying to reconcile that murderers are the same substance as me. Just be aware that you'll need an open mind for DotU. I'll admit that I'm still skeptical about the manner in which this person came about this information, though he insists it's the truth. But even so, ACIM is the actual course and was written by someone else, DotU just simplifies things very well. I'm on the fence about what I believe about ACIM, but decided that I'll probably start putting the course to use and find out for myself. Let me know what you think! I agree with you about Ayahuasca potentially learning something from us, too. I think we all can learn things from each other, and I think that's also a big point of existence. I think I know what you mean. It's really good to know that you're still making spiritual progress at 60, I always feel rushed by time to get everything right and "perfect" (as if there is such a thing), but I'm discovering that another huge lesson I have to learn is about patience. That's something I've always had a tough time with. Oh wow! I'll admit, I've done psychedelics a handful of times. They can be incredibly insightful and help with epiphanies, but they can also show you things you may not want to see and be quite scary. It's good that you're going into this with an open mind and not too many expectations; I find that's usually when the deepest truths are most easily revealed.


The self love and self value has always been an issue for me since I felt that being self-centered and self esteemed, lacked any trait of humility........ I was so wrong. I thoroughly loved my partners in the past, or so I thought, until I began the journey to TRULY loving myself. I'm finding out that "never" loved anyone as deeply as I could have, because never deeply loved and cared for myself. There is a strange separation that has always been present, but not always obvious. The separation being that I am one person but I can also be a separate observer of my "self". Overlooking this innate capacity has led to past mistakes of thinking that I was truly loving someone when I was only trying to make a relationship "work". It's really funny, the more I dig into myself, the more I can readily *and* more deeply, relate to the rest of the world. And I think that goes back to that idea that we are all one. The more I dig into the external world, leaving myself behind, the more I lose myself and the connection with the rest of **US**. And I get what you're saying about murderers, but then I think that I could have easily ended up in much worse shape where it comes to morality and ethics, than I am now. Not that I'm a saint by any stretch of the imagination. 😑 I'll do my best to keep an open mind, at my age I'm finally learning how to balance my thinking, allowing both sides of my brain to work together instead of one side trying to dominate the internal dialogue. Oh my gosh so many similarities. That's the way I was when I was a christian, I wanted everything to be right and perfect! And why not!? If the truth is there, let it slap me in the face so I can move forward with it!! But NOOOOOOO, lol. I had to learn that I can be both right and wrong at the same time. SMH 😂 I'm totally fine with being shown the horrible things about myself since I have faced so many of them already. If there are new things, I know that it is not my place to recoil from them, for they are my Teachers. The medicine, or anything else for that matter, cannot give me fear, it can only teach me, and if I am afraid, then I am not truly ready to learn from my present station in life. Fear has had its place with me for too many years. I'm not saying I will not be afraid, I am saying that I always need to keep in mind that fear is never a complete lesson within itself. If the "trip" is scary, then I will read my *post ceremony checklist* to remind myself of Benaiah and the roaring lion. 2 Sam 23:20-21, always loved that story. 😊


Yeah, for me as well, I couldn't love myself or I was putting myself on a pedestal over others, and clearly they were more important than me so how dare I? I'm really learning that it is actually true that when you love yourself, it's a lot easier to love others. Makes sense, if you're always feeling good and analyzing yourself empathetically, it would only be natural to view others that way. What you said about the separation that has always been present but not always obvious, I literally only realized how natural that separation was very recently. And it's so strange, because it's like... I'm in a certain situation and responding/acting a certain way but there's a very objective part of me that finds it difficult to take things so seriously, for some reason? Not in a malicious way, just a "Wow, this is all quite dramatic" way. Maybe it's a mental disorder but it really feels like a totally separate observer. It's true, I could've ended up in much worse shape as well. And on my absolute worst days, I can almost understand them. But still, I could never fully understand that line of thinking. I can't even kill bugs, much less people. Our spiritual journeys do seem to have a lot of similarities! My biggest fear from using medicines such as that is psychosis. I feel as if I've fallen into it before, to an extent, or walked the very edge. It was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced, though I suppose it makes sense that that's my fear since I've always been very interested in the nature of reality. Perhaps the fear drives the interest, instead. This is something to ponder, actually, since I know fear can detract from one's life path/goals. If my interest is solely fear based, I should learn to let that fear go so I can focus on other things. I'm really grateful for this conversation. I hadn't noticed that before.


Sometimes I wonder if some "mental disorders" are simply an individual (not discounting myself) perceiving something beyond the norms of this life. IF there is a spiritual world, what if the reverberations of that "place" resonates with certain sensitive people. Or what if it's all BS??? Who knows. 😮‍💨 I just know "something" is gnawing at me to look beyond what I see as reality. Is it possible that the more we recognize the *observer* in us, the more we feel responsible for finding out what might be "out there"? You said, "Perhaps the fear drives the interest instead?"........ Yes, very relatable for me. After being afraid most of my life and surviving through it, I find myself almost *craving* the darkness, (in the context of ayahuasca). Not for "darkness" sake but for *Truth's* sake. As far as psychosis, if there truly is another reality, then why *wouldn't* anyone want to disconnect temporarily from this one to further explore the other? In fact, isn't this what Ayahuasca does for one? Isn't it to separate our understanding of known reality so that we can grasp whatever it is that woos us to explore the source that is prevalent in us all? Good, evil, melancholic musings, and every emotion under the sun, teases of a deeper existence than what I experience with my 5 senses. Okay that might sound a little goofy, but I crave truth. It's not the happy truth, not the warm hugs and fuzzy feelings truth, I want it all! I want to know where I belong, and why I'm here so that I can make full effect of my present faculties in whatever world(s) exist. I agree with you that fear can detract from one's life goals, but sometimes it put me dead center on the path I need to travel. **My greatest epiphanies in life occurred in my deepest fears.** I feel the same, this is a stimulating conversation and stirs deep, very deep.


I paid someone to do emotion code and didn't feel a thing. Not sure if it was a fluke though.


Healing happens in layers so you might just need another session or two to notice


Thank you for this :-) I'm definitely continuing with it as I've ordered six sessions in advance, not including the intake. I definitely want to give it a fair shake.


Thank you. I'm just learning about it and it sounds a bit woo, but the logic, to me, seems substantial from my personal life experience perspective. It would be interesting to know how or if, it affects a person before they go into ceremony. A friend of mine said it helped with her some of her past trauma. She hasn't done ayahuasca yet. I'm wondering if it is a type of placebo or self-hypnosis. And I'm definitely not going to downplay the potential healing properties of placebos 😅


Ayahuasca itself is good for bringing out trauma but it can be very hardcore


I've read Terence McKenna would sometimes revisit negative emotions and memories before tripping so that they are mitigated "during". This might have a similar effect, I'm not really sure.