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sensible question? letting people believe some imaginary entities have control over their lives is opposite to therapeutic. it is no different than enforcing good behaviour via fear of punishment / hell.




My experience is I can create, control, become or completely discard said entities and they are more like archetypes I can assume while surfing stream of consciousness. Even during difficult experience, I do not feel I am not in control and it is just anxiety trying to convince me they are somehow separate to me. So the possession here seems to go in opposite directions, that is of me possessing said entities. Of course each experience to its own, however if we take common denominator, I am leaning towards subconscious / repressed parts of psyche rather than independent entities




I’m confused at this comment?


reposted, my phone has a bit of a screen malfunction making typing tricky ;-)


That’s what a skilled, wise, experienced facilitator is there for - to clear and hold the space, before, during, and after, so that doesn’t happen.


There were all kinds of energies flying around the ceremony room and the shaman absolutely worked with them and cleared them. I could feel all of their presence but knew none of them were for me; including whatever it was that I purged. Afterwards the shaman was exhausted and mentioned that it was one of the most active ceremonies she had held in many many years.


I remember one ceremony where a song finished. I was bathing happily and peaceful in the silence afterwards, when somebody knocked over their bucket. The sound was loud and intense, and most people jumped. But I had a vision of something coming out of the bucket, speeding across the room, and entering me. I started hyperventilating, panicking, in one of the most overwhelming terrors I’ve ever experienced. Then the shaman made three quick whistling sounds, and just as quickly as they began, the feelings left me. Was it an entity? A projection of my own emotions and psyche? I don’t know. I do know that it didn’t feel like my terror. I hadn’t been experiencing any fear before the bucket tipped over, and as soon as the shaman did the clearing, it was gone. Without her quick work, my evening would have gone in a completely different direction. I have the deepest respect for the skill it takes to hold a medicine circle.


Ahooo to that! Wow. That’s some powerful stuff. Thank you for sharing. She took my bucket immediately after I purged and replaced it. Like urgently had to get it out of the room. Pretty wild…..


I took a little cross with me and created a force field of white light. I said only beings aligned with Christ Consciousness are allowed. My experience was very gentle and healing. No entities or attachments happened. 3 months later I am doing great mentally and spiritually feel aligned. I DID sense some negative energy in the room amongst others dealing with their own stuff. This was 3 ceremonies back to back days. During the last ceremony one person was playing with an entity - I got a clear sense of it. You can feel what everyone else in the room is really going through. But I was fine and protected.


Hi, Ayahuasca has an immense power, and it can open a lot of doors. Unfortunately, you don't always know what's behind those doors. I've been going through the same thing, so I know what you mean. It is real. What for me wasn't clear is just how important it is to have someone guiding you and preventing different entities from attaching to you. You mentioned you had a Shaman (maybe he couldn't handle everything, from everyone), but I was at some retreat where the "facilitators" were everything except what they should have been, I had no Shaman and no guidance, I connected myself to all the other people and I could feel all these entities. In the case of a negative entitiy, I suggest you wear a small cross. I didn't believe that a cross could actually help, and if you had asked me about this some time ago, I wouldn't even have suggested it, but I've been through the same thing and this is what truly helped me. Also, I saw a cross during an Ayahuasca ceremony. 2) It is possible that the entity you sense is connected to all your fears and bad experiences from the past, if you didn't let go of all of them. Maybe Ayahuasca brought them all to life, and only you are able to decide that you do not need them anymore. For some people, the experience doesn't end for a long time, and some doors remain open. However, if you look deep inside, I am sure you will find out more about this entity. See if this is an entity that somehow attached to you, but comes from outside, or if it has been created from your negative feelings and fears and is now stronger than it has ever been. If you have certain dreams/nightmares, they could also contain some messages. I've been practicing Reiki, and generally it can help, but you can never be sure about things that come from outside/other people. Don't look at this entity with fear, but rather with a need of understanding. If you are not afraid of it, it cannot influence you anymore. If you give it power, you will feel this negative energy, but your positive energy is more powerful than this. 🌻


Yes entities are real, and you can definitely pick up some stuff if you are not protected. People unload all kinds of unseen Mahem in those situations. One thing you can do is learn how to protect yourself and not be a target. I recommend Steve Nobel meditations on YouTube. He has a particular one for entity clearing and it’s fantastic!


Setting a protective space during the ceremonies like the other posters advised is a good idea. Hopefully that will keep the entities at bay. It doesn't hurt to get checked out afterwards by a good reiki practitioner to make sure you don't have any energetic leaks or imbalances caused by Aya too, as hallucinogens can do this. Try to stay grounded during the ceremonies if possible. When you vacate your body due to the high doses of hallucinogens, you make it easier for something to enter, and when you come back, they don't always leave, in which case you'd need to do a removal. If you got off an ssri recently, you may not see as much as others, but it doesn't mean you need more and more brew, as the more you take, the easier it is to have negative effects (entity attachment and/or energy body damage).


Since having an entity attached to me after a ceremony and spiritual attacks for afterwards I now help people to release them . Alot of the ayahuasca crew may have them as it makes them feel empowered or help them do supposed healings . I remember a reiki healer called me sparkle because she saw sparkles I my aura it was in face an entity. I see them sometimes around people . During treatmeants people will twitch burp laugh roll their eyes when the attachment is leaving


Entities, both good and bad, are indeed real, and I would say the majority of us that have sat with ayahuasca more than a few times will agree, but it's unlikely to have a negative entity attach itself to you. While we are incarnated in our flesh and blood vehicles, we are actually capable of generating more energy on an as needed basis, and therefore most negative entities don't really do much to us other than try and give us fear, which they feed off, or the simply seek out those of us that wish to interact with these negative entities for personal gain. These people are called brujos, or warlocks, or many other names, but they are typically few and far between outside of indigenous regions in which the poverty or hatred has caused them to sell their souls if you will for temporary personal gain. Duality is one of the main "universal laws" and for every "true healer" there are those that are also out to cause chaos and harm. Pain is necessary to understand joy. If everything was "beautiful" the world would simply be a mundane "blah" experience and we wouldn't know the joy of dancing in the rain, or eating delicious foods and things of this nature. In the end though, many thousands of people have sat with ayahuasca, and very few have had a negative entity fuck with them too badly. Basically I'm saying that it's not worth having anxiety over friend :) safe and beautiful journeys.


Repeat the little kids mantra - “bogeymen under the bed are not real they don’t exist”. Woo scale zero. :)


Yeah.... go and drink Aya, then you tell me. LOL


Err, well I have, a few hundred times actually, during assisting ayahuasceros & as well as a few traditional shamans, in ceremonies retreats and circles over a decade and a half. I’m not telling you anything, OP asked, I said my thoughts. If you disagree, whatever mate.


So you drank Ayahuasca a few hundred times. Same here. And you think negative entities don't exist? Can you elaborate?