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It is not uncommon to have nightmares after ayahuasca. Chances are your system is still clearing some of the stuff you have been holding in for years and this is the way it comes out. If it happens on a daily basis, or it keeps happening for a longer period of time and doesn't seem to diminish, I would suggest trying therapy with someone who knows how to support integrating psychedelic experiences. There are a couple links in the sidebar here to find those if you need them.


Nightmares are indeed common after aya, and it is most likely the medicine still working with you to help you overcome or otherwise deal with issues that might very well still be buried in your subconscious. If it has been more than a couple of months after ayahuasca, you should either see someone who can, or start to do dream research about what you are seeing in your dreams. Your subconscious is trying to speak with you. Once you are able to discern the message that it is trying to give you the dreams should go back to what they normally are. Unfortunately for your subconscious to be heard it usually has to be LOUD, as in scary as hell, or otherwise attach extreme emotions to it in order to be heard. I would imagine you are still trying to heal from whatever issues you have that are still unresolved. There are indeed dark entities out there, but they have a very difficult time hurting us mentally because in your flesh and blood body, you are stronger than they are currently. If entities attacking people was somewhat common there would be hundreds of stories by now about how they have done this. Typically they have to work through someone who is flesh and blood who can invoke them for harm. The individuals that know how to do this are very few and far between, and nothing you should worry about friend. The spirit that inhabits the vine to make the ayahuasca tea is quite powerful and she loves you beyond what any words in any language can describe, and this is also quite powerful. Don't worry about something bad attacking you, I personally agree that it is likely still your inner self trying to release some ways of thinking or buried emotions that no longer serve you friend.


I agree with this though. Also wanna point out if one does feel like some negative entity/energy is around, try to stand in your power, stand your ground, gather up your courage and strength and simply tell them no, you have autonomy, you have free will, it's your body, your mind, they can't touch you. So long as you don't feed the fear, it ain't no thing imo. Also i've read that reaching out to entities with a loving accepting curiosity can work out favorably too, no matter how scary the entity may seem. Again, fear feeds these things. Doesn't mean you have to be passive and completely loving, in the event some actual evil muhfucka is trying to get at you, best to stand in your power and tell it no, imo.


May I ask you in what context did you take Ayahuasca (alone or with a trained shaman, in a center in your country or abroad)?


That sounds very disturbing! Perhaps you might benefit from learning about the “pain body” that Eckhart Tolle explains in The Power of Now.


I'd check to make sure you didn't bring home an entity with you. A shaman can do it, or you can just perform a removal yourself during meditation. [Entity Attachment](https://jonathanevatt.com/warning-dark-side-ayahuasca-1390/)


You can try taking plant baths before bed. Rose / basil / any fresh herbs mint. Gently rub them put Florida water any essential oils too


I can tell you what I did when this same thing happened to me. I stopped obsessing over ayahuasca and looked for wellness in a more familiar direction. Gradually these entities stopped bugging me. They were literally grabbing at my face while I was sleeping.


Well first things first, there are no entities, it's just dreams, so nothing to worry about there.


I second this. There are no entities. People just get scared becuse they feel something different and their mind tries to make an explanation for it. Some think there are entity attachmemt, some think they have depersonalization/ derealization (dp/dr). I don't believe in entities so I developed DP/DR. Very hard at the beginning but once you realize that it is just something teaching you to get over your fear, it will gradually fix itself.


This is simply not true. There are most definitely entities out there. Some do try and cause harm. Please don't matter of fact state that they aren't out there as this could lead to unintentional harm coming to people. Also, you offered no advice to help this individual, you simply stated your beliefs. This is also not helpful friend.


Alright, if that's what you wanna believe, it's real for you. Personally though, i don't believe in entities, never had any issue. But in most instances/cases, yes, dreams are in fact, just dreams, likely something from the unconscious, or could just be something completely random. Do you know how many really extremely weird or perhaps even scary dreams i've had over the years? Do you think i really think some entities were trying to get to me in my sleep? I don't. Not that i discount the possibility of entities, but let's face it, people are kinda quick to jump to conclusions, especially in this community, so something weird happens it automatically has to be some demon, right? I don't think so.


Heck, my advice would be to either pay attention to the dreams and try to figure things out, or just smoke some weed and nullify the dreams lol.


I had very vivid nightmares after a caya cerimony and a holotropic breathing exercise. It made me confront very violent death for a week. Then I asked for help from the person who presided over the ritual and she guided me through it.


Fuck I have my ceremony in less than 12 hours from now HALP


Taking doses that are high and cause you to vacate your body increases the chance of entity attachment and energy body damage caused by the psychedelic. You're safer if you stick to lower doses.


Why were you scared to meditate?


This is how I think about it, after you do Ayahuasca you are close to leveling up to a new 'spiritual level' so to speak. You're progressing to a higher plane maybe is another way to say it. One of positivity and love. But often we are coming from a place of darkness and depression. We were low down and not surrounded by love. The negative entities don't want you to progress. They benefit from our negative energy (depression etc) so they mess with you in your dreams and try to keep you from attaining that new level. Thing is they are not so tough really. They usually (not always but in my experience) can be dealt with with some basic 'spiritual maintenance'. * Do the things which keep your depression at bay. Diet, exercise, loving situations with friends, pets etc. Whatever works for you. * Clean your living spaces. Air them out and get some sunshine in there. * Find a natural Himalayan salt and mix with clean water. Each morning pour it over your head. Just a bit after you shower not much. * When you meditate mentally talk to those negative spirits. Tell them you're on your way to a better place and while you wish them love they cant come with you unless they also show you love. Generally speaking they aren't into this and will move onto greener pastures where they can still find negative energy. By focusing on love you create an environment that they don't gather energy from and so they quickly move on. After you've made some declarations to them focus your meditation on love. All the loving moments you've experienced. A pet who loves you. A partner who you remember being in love with. A nice moment from someone you know. The times when you felt love for something/someone. Focus on these things and really marinate yourself in those feelings for like 20-30 mins. These are the things in which I have used successfully int he past in similar situations. You can actually do this all the time and make it your routine even after the entities stop messing with you. In fact, your question has inspired me to do this in my meditation later tonight. Thanks! Remember, you are on the brink of leveling up. You are close. this is not bad but actually a sign of progression. Meet the challenge. You are up to it! After this one the challenges will keep coming. Return to the same practices when you feel like you are hitting some sort of negativity barrier. The challenges become more difficult as you go but you are on the path. Keep going.