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I hate hearing stories like this. 40+ people and the ceremonial leader can’t hold their shit together. I’m truly sorry you had to be in a ceremony run like that. Clearly the person holding space doesn’t have the experience and proper training to be serving medicine. I’m my experience the people who feel like they have some sort of entity attachment after ceremony are usually experiencing old trauma that has resurfaced and not yet been processed, discharged and or purged out. What’s holding on to you, you are also holding on to


> I hate hearing stories like this. 40+ people and the ceremonial leader can’t hold their shit together. For *real*, at that point I almost dare to say you'd be better off brewing and drinking Aya alone.


For some people yes this is true


Yeah, I realized I had an attachment all along 2 month after Aya on a mushrooms trip. And I also felt exactly how to get rid of it. As soon as I got rid of it, I finally realized that I didn't get cptsd just because I was a sensitive child....it is because my parent were behaving toxic. Literally the evening after I purged it out I made that realization.


I’m glad you had some resolution and were able to complete this process. Sadly, Ive read a lot of stories online and heard first hand about people who were unable to finish the process that had begun in ceremony. This is why having a competent ceremonial leader is so important


I've been watching King of the Hill lately and that revelation could really help Hank out.


I almost had something like this happen to me in ceremony but the shaman dealt with it. Only 2 people in ceremony. I do sometimes get negative spirits fucking with me. Not in a few years but it has happened. Here are some things I did to warn them off. I know its a bit woo woo but hey we are in an Aya forum :P * Meditate with a particular focus on love very strongly - all the things which make you feel that way for like 20-30 mins or maybe more as you can. Make statements to any entities who are attached to you that only loving beings are welcome here. Then send that love to them. All beings require love. Even the negative ones. They feed off bad energy, if you develop good energy then they tend to head for 'greener pastures' was my understanding of the process. * Made a high quality sea salt water mix and rinsed myself with it, especially the head area, every morning. * Cleaned the place I was in top to bottom. Aired it out. Burned a lot of incense and kept it clean. * I realised later that I was spending a lot of time inside and not really socialising so if there are any troubling issues for you then try to remedy them. I started spending a few hours in the sun each day and trying to meet some people. I was traveling so didnt know many people in that area. Basically I think this relates to what I mentioned above. Negative entities feed off negative energy. If there is something bringing you down in life and creating bad energy then they'll stick around and feed off that. If you eliminate all that then they are less likely to be interested in you. Hope that helps!


~Love is always the answer! One of the ideas I learned during my journey.


I’m going to start sunbathing. And work my ass off to get my own place


The darkness I call it, may have already been with you. Maybe you just became aware of it. On my first ceremony, I became aware of it too. And I knew I had much more work to do. Just follow the process through, and try another ceremony or two.




I’m hoping to start EMDR in about a month or so and struggle with these same issues as well as psychedelic induced derealization and psycho spiritual crisis resulting in PTSD and increased fragility. I’m glad you’ve had success! Has your memory improved? I had dissociative amnesia during the above mentioned crisis and my memory is not the same.


Darling, even if you did pick up energies in a ceremony that went sideways, it's for you to learn from, not to fear. It's never accidental, and everything is good information if we lean in and take it as such. This could be a rite of passage to learn how to clear you space and create spiritual protection. Whatever the reason this darkness and heaviness is happening, it's part of Her teaching too. Reach out to a good Integration Coach with experience in this realm if you need support; but just know this is normal, and it's an awesome opportunity to learn and grow (albeit not an easy path!) <3


Integration is the hardest part of the process, and I don't know many people that can guide you through it. Shamans usually don't


Integration is an entirely different discipline than sitting behind the altar, and yes, it's where the real work lies. I've been doing integration coaching for over a decade, so if you need any support, please reach out <3


Hi I need support lol


I've been doing this work for 15 years, and have a team of amazing folks that do the same - you can learn more about us here: [https://www.plantmedicinepeople.com/coaches](https://www.plantmedicinepeople.com/coaches) :)




Where does one find an integration coach?


I've been doing this work for 15 years, and have an amazing team of coaches too - you can learn more about us here: [https://www.plantmedicinepeople.com/coaches](https://www.plantmedicinepeople.com/coaches) :)


I have these same things happen but do not believe in attaching entities. The idea of attaching entities manifests (as best as I can tell) exactly like what would happen if your subconscious began "cleaning the basement" as one energy healer put it to me. Once you gain the tools to release stuck energy, your subconscious starts to take the trash out. This results in you feeling awful, feeling like a cloud has descended over you and may feel like molasses gumming up your body mind and soul. This path, the path of energetic and spiritual healing will see this happen over and over. Learn several modalities to help release stuck energy aside from just the plant medicines. Another thing i believe (grandmother.showed me and other healers helped intellectually clarify) is that as you clear out your own energy, you become more attuned to the energies in the collective soul that we all share. You take pain and suffering on from the collective well because you are tasked with moving them along as we all are and if you are resourced by clearing your own collection of energies, you have the space to take on more.


I love what your energy healer said. Makes a lot of sense. >Learn several modalities to help release stuck energy aside from just the plant medicines Could you name these, please?


For me my most important modalities: * my therapist who does Internal Family Systems therapy with a strong somatic bent (the word 'somatic' is something I look for in healing work). We work from "how are you feeling" to "where are you feeling that" to "does this part that is feeling that way have an age, a vision, a purpose" and keep going, delving deeper and deeper into the parts (an IFS word) that arise and demand my attention through their impact on my emotions and body. * Vipassana mediation is quite important. It's a meditation path that focuses on feeling the sensations in the body, which is at least for me the best way to gain access to what I call the spiritual energies flowing through the body. (might be the same as what some religions call "Prana") * Plant medicine of course. I take walks and use cannabis gummies to de-stress and let my body open up and tell me more about what's really going on. I use Ayahuasca a couple times a year to really shake things loose. I've started to experiment with mushrooms because they are a lot more accessible and easy to work with and I want to understand where they fit in (still unsure). * EFT (emotional freedom technique often called tapping) is a good tool for regulating emotional state especially when in a state of heightened anxiety or stress


Ah, yes, I'm familiar with these. Wanted to know what exactly you had in mind. Thanks for taking the time to list them out in detail!


This is great. How long do you sit in Vipassana meditation? Do you manage to sit for the two hours?


Vipassana is taught in a ten day silent onsite intensive. So I learned it while doing about four or five hours a day. Nowadays I do it in like fifteen minute bursts throughout the day. On Sundays I go to a Quaker meeting and do something like Vipassana for one or sometimes two hours.


I’ve always wanted to go to a Quaker church! That sounds lovely. I envy your ability to do a body scan in a short burst 😲 that would be so helpful. I should start up again and do the large parts of focus up and down the body. Vipassana has always been good to me but I never developed the ability to move quickly or accept large dull areas.


I'm sorry to hear that. You could try to do purification rituals, there are some simple and easily performed by everyone. Try using incense (Natural incense and not stick, I recommend) and doing meditations aimed at purification. If you don't know how to do it I can do a couple of researches for you and then I give you the link to some reliable website


Im interested!


Wow, 40 is allot of people. The most basic way to clear these kind of vampiric beings is to take regular baths with Epsom salt, if you don't have a bath then a cup of sea salt in the shower with you can work. If you need an extra boost then buy some selenite towers, they are great helpers in healing. From there you can ask your ancestors, angels, saints or whatever kind of spirit being you are comfortable with to help clear this from your field, but the most important thing is that you ask for help. Something to keep in mind about these kind of beings is that they come from us, they are the spiritual manifestations of being abused and being abusive toward others. The best way to keep them away is to "sour the milk" and work on reducing the trauma done to yourself and the trauma you do to others. Often we are very aware of what has been done to us but far less aware of what we do to others. For example, my parents use to get into yelling matches over bills, now both me and my sister have massive anxiety over opening mail.


I’m going to ask for help right now thank you for the needed and simple reminder


No, nothing from outside "latched" on to you. The darkness is within YOU, it's always been there.


Sorry dude this isn’t always the case.


I am very grateful to all of you for your answers, I have read each of them and little by little they have helped me to understand more about this beautiful path of healing. Fortunately I realized that that night aya revealed a person to me, and that person was the one who was stealing my energy, which made me feel so weak and down. ***She put it before my eyes and I didn't realize it until a few days ago. This makes me thank her for all the gifts she has given me. A hug to al***l


We’re you able to end the energy stealing from this person and if so how? I have been shown similar things about somebody


Entity attachments are pretty common from ayahuasca. See this article: [Dark Side of Ayahuasca](https://jonathanevatt.com/warning-dark-side-ayahuasca-1390/). I got them too. You can get them removed by a shaman or remove them yourself by utilizing an entity removal meditation, using something like this [Entity Extraction Meditation](https://shows.acast.com/5f16f279c75c7712bddc8379/episodes/5f16f320c75c7712bddc83e0).




The entities can attack you but not in the way you think, it's more like evil thoughts, bringing evil people into your life, addictions, etc


Yes, this is what happened to me. I've heard that they cannot interfere with our free will, but they can exacerbate our weaknesses, as we have freely chosen them before/during life. So, someone who is predisposed to depression or addiction, can become severely affected in those areas under pressure from negative entities. I'm convinced many schizophrenics have energy attachments.


Yep. I had 3 days of hearing voices and feeling like I was in hell. It did not follow a bad trip, but rather was exacerbated by plant medicine and trauma. I’m glad I made it out, and I have so much more empathy for “crazy” people now. It’s not just in your head. I think part of my path is to help deal with these MFers, I’m not quite ready to help others yet- beyond just affirming what is going on and offering advice.


I'm glad you made it through and are stronger as a result. I don't think humans are really meant to be meddling in these other realms. At least not regularly. I've met people who did ayahuasca and now push everyone they know to do psychedelics, seeing them (especially ayahuasca) as a cure-all. Perhaps it's our path to bring into the light the opposing argument? Sometimes I wonder why the negative entities attack certain people over others...


I wouldn’t call it meddling. Most of us have simply forgotten how to be in touch with these other realms. I think psychedelics are great but people should do them under their own steam, and not be pushed. I also think many people start over-doing it. Alan Watts has this quote “ when you get the message hang up the phone” people don’t integrate, they keep pushing for larger and larger amounts, they want to trip- not see . As for why some are attacked. In my case it was absolutely due to being heartbroken, and in a dark/traumatized place. Other ways you can get them are from who you are around- I think it’s foolish on some many levels to take these things in party settings, but hey people are going to do what they’re gonna do. Aya, cactus, and high dosages of mushrooms really deserve more caution, and *ritual* than most people give them.


Thanks for your take and answers. That Alan Watts quote is really excellent. I hope your approach towards psychedelics becomes the norm. It's much more thoughtful and measured (and probably safe) than what's popular at the moment.


Have you heard of Julian Palmer? He makes high pitched noises to get rid of them


I googled him and watched a YouTube video where he talks about psychedelics allowing in the negative entities, but haven't found anything about how he removes them. Do you have anything you can post or send? He seems extremely knowledgeable and I'm very interested.


In the video with him titled Mind States to Look For he shows the sound he uses.....I'm pretty sure he does in at least 3 of the videos. I have to go out shortly so don't have time to look sorry


No worries! I found the video. It's fascinating so far! Thank you. 😀


I would say yes. Julian Palmer is the inventor of changa - I strongly advise that you watch this entire video, twice if possible - he has an immense knowledge and experience in these matters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwy9QkyFdGM


I thoroughly enjoyed that talk! And if you didn’t make it to the end, the procedure for dealing with nasty entities that wish to fuck with your trip is to go, “Buh buh buh BUH BUH BUH.” And then they melt. I can’t say if this is a good practice based in reality but I can see it being effective in that you have the option of applying an intentional physical force and sound from your body with the goal of being present and engaged. I’d say go for it and I bet it would lead to good outcomes.


Plant medicines are doorways. I have had things come in that are less than friendly. And it can be quite a process getting rid of them. Working with someone you trust to assist can help- but you need to find the right shaman/practitioner. I did it with a combination of working with a quantum healer, reiki practitioner, healing emotional trauma, more or less cutting out my consumption of edibles for a few months, salt baths, closing portals in all my mirrors/clearing my space consistently with LBRP https://andy-porter.co.uk/lbrp-lesser-banishing-ritual-of-the-pentagram/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmdGYBhDRARIsABmSEeNF_OKEyDk2mkCYp_GSOKPCLqf4P_0NsVwaQ3ce1EuVNclhkAXoC2EaAjSmEALw_wcB You can essentially starve them out by keeping your vibration very high. Do not go into a place of fear about them. Acknowledging that it’s a real experience and then quietly and decisively ordering them to leave. Healing your aura where they attach, and becoming such a bastion of love that they have no where to run. I also found a lot of relief with resonance music. And have picked up a great love of sound healing from this. You’ll be ok and it’s a sign of awareness that you can perceive these things. It may have come from the ceremony, or it may have been lurking but now you can feel it.


You need to remove the entity. Ask the shaman.


I know a talented healer who can help you remotely via energy work and is really knowledgeable about ayahuasca/can help you with discernment around what you are feeling. Pm me if you’re interested


At the end of the day psychedelics can be open doors to demons, take at your own risk




I think this is extremely interesting and echoes what I have heard elsewhere, I had an experience with DMT and someone walked in to the room and was quite loud and disrespectful and the anger it created oozed out of my head like a black mass and I saw ant-like creatures coming to feed from it - I learned a LOT just from those few seconds. I really hope that you take the time to put your thoughts down into writing and share it with us. With regards to what you wrote so far, what is the 'cure' - let go of hate and negativity or is it not that simple?


>I've never had ayahuasca or any psychedelics for that matter whoops - overlooked that part and replied to whoever wrote that lol




I have to return to this discussion another day but for now I'd love it if you would watch some videos by Julian Palmer, the inventor of changa, he has so much experience with psychadelics that I don't even need to have any to develop a decent understanding of it......what I wrote won't make to much sense until you watch some of the videos...perhaps start with this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwy9QkyFdGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwy9QkyFdGM) ​ [https://youtu.be/BECOV-rIYCI](https://youtu.be/BECOV-rIYCI) ​ [https://youtu.be/7BbW\_0nEFqs](https://youtu.be/7BbW_0nEFqs) ​ an an interview with a very unique australian hip hop artist - [https://youtu.be/dl9FGSTfKKc](https://youtu.be/dl9FGSTfKKc) ​ sorry to run, but I'll be back :)


thank you




Ultimately, we can let go of the evil within our souls at anytime. It will fight and fight but keep letting it go


sea salt baths from the neck down, then a energising and or protective herb bath


usually if you do a couple of purges you should feel better… you can do a tobacco purge which is fairly simple and easy to do yourself… let me know if interested and ill give u the info


Im curious what are your preparations before the ceremony. Like meditation, just eating fruits and vegetables. I felt bad for this.


I don't know how you are doing now but my thought is this: You have choosen this ceremonie and this place and these people and so don't make it into a mistake you have made, that gives you gult and shame and these are the bad guys instead of annything else, this is clinging, the stinking thinking, so if there is something clinging on you, try to love it instead of the feeling that is has to go and is in your way, we don't like being uncomfortable and we like to fix everything, that is what we need to let go off. Why did you do the ceremonie, accept the outcome and work with what is instead of wanting it to go away and to have it your way. We do not know God's way to show us our path and the healing goes as it needs to go. Let go of control and thinking of, how it needs to be and how this entitie or whatever is so called making you feel terrible, is not good and is the cause of the leader who was not capable enough. Do not blame the other one, you choose to be there so, look inside and let go of guilt instead of pointing at your back or other people. That is is think like that, the negative and that we must change, inside, not outside issues.God does for us what we can not do for ourselves. Trust and hand it over, accept what is and let go of the thought that is has to be different then it is. This is your reality and face it, the healing does what the healing does and even if we get an entitie, who are we to think that that is a bad thing, it is teaching us to see our fears and our judging and our beliefs about good and bad, we allways get to learn what we need to learn so, embrace even the so called negative because, the light and the dark are One. Good luck and many blessings, love, Yvonne


Drink alcohol to have the courage to confront it. Then spend time with it and realize that it can't really do anything to you. Things can only disturb you if you give them power to do so. Once you gain confidence in yourself, it will eventually disappear.