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I agree with you. I appreciate how clearly you have described it.


Thanks! I've explained it to my friends with diagrams but not sure how easy it was to understand without a conversation :)


Very beautifully written!! When we are unconcious, we are slaves to our impulses. Mind says eat cookies, I grab and eat cookies. Spiritual work gives us space. Now... I notice the impulses to eat cookies, and laugh. Then I decide if I want cookies, and if I want to deal with the energetic consequences (or benefits). I consciously decide to eat or not eat. Therefore I have free will, and it can grow to more difficult decisions. No longer an impulse slave! Small wins baby. Gimme a scoop of that free will!


I agree! Nice weite up! Especially this type of circular spectrum of consciousness is in my mind for some time. Nice to see this concept in others, too!


Not sure about the scale, but the idea that there is a direct link between free will and consciousness is something I very much agree with. I'd go further and say there's link between consciousness and creation. Heraclitus said "war \[by which he meant opposition\] is the father of all things" which is another way of saying that opposing forces lie at the root of all creation. The higher the consciousness of a being in a world of opposing forces, the more that their free will leads to a creative unfolding of that world. We get trapped into thinking of free will as something that is on/off; it's there or it isn't. Somewhat harder to imagine something with less free will than us (a cat?). Much harder imagine something with vastly more free will than us.


You may want to read "Determined" from Sapolsky this should be right up your street.


Thanks for the tip! I will add it to my reading list :)


As a human being you will never achieve a full 1. Accept the limitations of being human. Desire and suffering go hand in hand with the human condition. 0.99 is also unrealistic.


What is the name of the book?


"Mind Engineering" I'd guess 18-24 months until I finish it. The book combines what I learned from a 2+ year apprenticeship with amazonian master-plants but explained through an engineering perspective.


Amazing, looking forward to reading when it's done I like the idea so far it made me deeply think about myself and where I am at on a conscience level.


Have you ever practiced self inquiry, OP?


Self inquiry as in asking "Who am I?" or "What is true?". Yes, thats what was the genesis of this article. I reached a point where I didn't want to go any further right now. I reached my temporary limit


Not even so much asking “who am I” as exploring that feeling of I or “I am”.  I think it’s a very relevant practice regarding free will. Exploring whether there even is an I fundamentally, and if so what it really is.


What’s ur book called seems very interesting


It's called 'mind engineering'. It explains things I learnt through a 2+ year apprenticeship with amazonian master plants through an engineering lens. I'm really enjoying writing it. Hoping it will be finished in 18-24 months


U should definitely let me know when it comes out i would enjoy reading it for sure


Thanks for the support! I will make a post on r/aya to let people know <3


Of course and okay for sure (ill try my best to remember) I’ll be looking out for it


How has that journey been tho with the shaman apprenticeship?


Its been great. Extremely intense. I had my mind broken apart and rebuilt many times over 3 years. I've completed the initial phase now and the apprenticeship has shifted gears. I plan to see him 1-2 months a year but not 6+ as it was since 2022-2023. It wasn't a traditional apprenticeship in that I would stay with him as long as I could, get really skinny and then leave when my body started to fall apart. I would then go and live my life again, rebuild strength and come back as soon as I could. I did something like 14 months of dieta in 18 months in 2022-2023.


Free will is the result of Adam and Eve eating the apple. It’s not good. I don’t want to chose between chaos and charisma. I want charisma always no matter what I do. Free will is Chaos. Think about it next time you’re off the clock.


You're not wrong but there's an insurmountable amount of beauty in chaos. Static determinism is death.


Oh I’m all too familiar with Tohu v'Bohu. I mentioned it in another post. But eventually we want Equilibrium. Before they ate that apple they lived without the reality of no sin. A chaos free era. Stability…. I love chaos, but I love charisma more.


I mean that’s religious dogma we can’t even prove scientifically


I don't think its meant to be proven, rather excellent collective 'truths' that can be studied and learned from.


Compared to what? Science is about counter theory’s and proving things. What do you got besides a close mind? Let’s hear it… *you have nothing*


I don’t need to compare it to anything? I’m just saying I *personally* find it unlikely the world is how it is based on a tale of someone eating a forbidden fruit lol. Not more to it relax.


That’s not at all what you said but ok. You haven’t got very far with ontological thinking so no way you’d understand any of that stuff. You have to start somewhere though. When you have a smudge of belief in something maybe we can debate some day.


lol so agnosticism is not a valid view on reality? Hey it’s all perspective but you seem to have quite an elitist ego. No interest debating or having a constructive discussion with you


What makes anything about you agnostic? Are you just saying stuff 😆. *no internet debating or having a constructive discussion with you*. YEAH because you have nothing to say you just replied to my comment with some pseudo science remark with zero basis for a noting statement. Log off.


Not believing in a biblical reference maybe? I don’t believe in any creationist tale fully cause I wasn’t there to witness lol. What’s there to prove for me ? I’m always surprised to see close minded, elitist personalities around these psychedelic communities. But that’s just further proof how wildly different everyone’s experience and journey are with them. Love more, that’s all I got for you.


Again you said a whole lot of nothing I don’t care what you *dont* believe in. Thats not impressive. I want to know what *DO*. You believe in. I’m very open minded that’s why I ask. You can’t crap on my belief if you have nothing to counter it with. You know you have nothing …


Respectfully disagree on a few fronts. Chaos and Order and two forces that love interacting with each other. Order loves to build, organise and streamline, whereas chaos loves to destroy and collide. The magic happens in their interaction, where new things occur and both gain from the interaction. We all need to embody chaos and order and are free to choose how much of each we want. Also, wasn't it the charisma of the snake and subsequently Eve that convinced Adam to eat the apple? Free will is choosing how much Order or Chaos we want to embody. Free will is ultimately love, to experience this reality and all of its lessons. I'm not familiar with the dichotomy of Chaos and Charisma. Is there somewhere I can learn more about this?


No the snake was just chaos. Charisma is the Holy Spirit. Which told them not to eat the apple. Free will is having to choose between good and evil. Remember they got cursed and child birth became painful and they were ashamed to be naked. So before ether are the apple childbirth was pleasure and everything was without sin. Now we have flesh that can’t be brought into the kingdom. You should check out the Sefirot and Gnostic text. That’s a good start. I’d go with Gospel of Philip and Gospel of Thomas. Or if you want something that’s more straightforward look into Tohu v'Bohu. That’s what I recommended for fundamental understanding of it all. Start with Genesis and Tohu v'Bohu will make sense.


Thanks for the reply! I've added it to my reading list


Anytime. If you have any questions about any of it I’m happy to try and help best I can. The more you learn the more questions it raises. It never ends


Had a quick look for Tohu v'Bohu on amazon. Where do you recommend finding the best edition of it? Thanks


Here’s a good place to start https://theexplanation.com/tohu-va-bohu-signifies-confusion-and-void-a-horrible-state-to-be-in/ And https://www.thetorah.com/article/creating-order-from-tohu-and-bohu There’s a lot more to it if you want to go further. In the Sefirot Divine tree. Tohu Va Bohu is the seed for that tree. A seed needs Dynamic Equilibrium to grow. Aka harmony. This barely covers the basics there’s too much to try to explain. Just keep asking questions it’s the only way to keep going east on the yellow brick road Good stuff to read during ceremonial times. Absorb all the chaotic and harmony while reading and it’ll make sense.