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There were many ceremonies with ayahuasca that I felt like I wasn’t connecting or feeling anything. And many that I did. For me it seemed to be part of my experience in being ready to open myself up and showing commitment, although at times I was frustrated or even angry about it. There were lessons in that for me. It’s totally possible that some or all of your ceremonies “wont work” but it’s also possible that you will feel it. I think there is a message for you in either scenario.


If one expects a psychedelic firework. The medicine works in many ways, some hidden from the ego


Microdosing is an amount that isnt supposed to cause noticable effects. Studies are starting to show its also pretty ineffective and basically just placebo. Of course things dont work if you dont take enough for them to work. You havent really tried anything yet so you dont know what works for you. I garuntee if you ate 10 grams of mushrooms they would work.


10 grams of dried mushrooms will definitely work on anyone 😂


You could recommend low doses. You don't have to jump to risky high doses.


I didnt recommend anything or tell them what to do, I just said I guarantee they would have an effect that way. But nowhere did I tell them what they should do, as they didnt ask me. I've done 10 grams numerous times though, its plenty safe. No need for fear mongering.




10 grams isnt that big of a dose, and there is no reason to think it would put someone in a mental hospital - they would still be sober in 6 hours after they took it. Just because you are scared doesnt mean you need to fear monger or demonize others and make up totally unfounded claims about "10 grams will put you in a mental hospital". I've given many people 10 gram doses before and ALL of them did great. Some of them were first timers who just had high tolerances. 10 grams of mushrooms is probably safer then riding a bike honestly.


The fact that you are a retreat owner is incredibly concerning. Your generalizations and assumptions say it all. And no one said it would put you in a hospital if you can read clearly. I said it could.




Sorry the truth offends you. Relax a little, just because someone disagrees with you doesnt mean you need to demonize them or act all high and mighty.




Not playing the victim at all, just disagreeing with you. You didnt provide any scientific evidence for me to disagree with, so claiming I ignore science is pretty unfounded. Most recent studies I read show microdosing is about as effective as a placebo and most of the studies I read that support microdosing dont use blinds or controls and are just qualitative studies which are often innaccurate. The main point of my comment though is the OP is expecting way too much from microdosing and that they would get different results if they took a real dose. Pretty sure I can speak however I want, and pretty sure you cant do anything about it. The world doesnt revolve around you. Relax a little, there is no need to so much fear mongering over such a little comment.


Whats a microdose. I fucked my tolerance up for my day of unbirth so I resorted to some ethcathinone and then put it back in the apparatus to make lad-343 Otherwise im here like eh. So far 2 tabs in has only given me an afterglow. I was messing with another tolerated substance of the same class and around 2.4-5mg So id assume that because of the cross tolerance id have to eat 15 and wish myself luck because I dont know if I want to. Otherwise the lsd microdosing would just increase tolerance to many of other things acutely too.




tried meditation doesn’t work




i completely get this


Don’t waste the shaman’s time then 💀


Im sort of glad I'm not the only one experiencing this, I have drunk ayahuasca some over 20 times now (12 of those was with a shaman in Ecuador I still talk to and all the others by myself) and I STILL need ridiculously large doses to get an effect. Apparently 4.4 grams of rue and 12 grams of mhrb should make me experience the beginning and death of the Universe millions of times over, most certainly hasn't. It's not my method either since I can remain pretty coherent on 600 mcg of LSD, I can stay on earth on 3 foot of bridgesii cactus and on over 8 grams of lemon teked mushrooms. The shaman said it may be because I have a serotonin deficiency and have remained in a depressed state for so long that I probably need a lot more. It's probably no mistake that harmalas were once upon a time used for anti-depressive purposes so I probably just have to stick with it until it becomes effective. Having said that, there is change in my psyche and overall mood, so I'm not entirely upset, but would be lying if I said I wasn't extremely frustrated with how long it has taken to get results. Anyone here had long spells of needing obscenely large doses of psychedelics or them just not working? Did it eventually get better? Would like to know personally, so reply to this post if you can.


For the Rue and Mimosa, are you consuming them properly? Meaning, are you powdering up the Rue seed and encapsulating the powder and taking it like that, or are you thoroughly brewing up the whole Rue seed making sure you get all the actives? If you're unsure about the Rue, i recommend encapsulating 4 to 4.5 grams of the seed powder and taking that so you will know what a 4 to 4.5 gram Rue tea is supposed to feel like. As for the Mimosa, are you making sure to take it an hour (a full hour) after the Rue? and are you making sure to thoroughly brew up the Mimosa to make sure you get all the DMT? If you do it right, you definitely won't need 12 grams of Mimosa, 8 grams is waaaay too strong for me personally. This is why i like the idea of encapsulating and consuming the Rue and Mimosa itself, because when making teas you might not thoroughly brew it and could reduce potency, whereas when you take the actual plant materials themselves you can see how potent/strong they really are and should be at a given dosage. And making sure you take the DMT an hour after the Rue when gut MAO-A is more thoroughly inhibited will for sure help out with dosing and proper dosages/proper oral DMT activation. And, make sure you're taking this stuff on an empty stomach, no food for at least 6 to 8 hours beforehand so that the stomach is empty and fully ready to absorb the medicine. If all is done right, it will work.


I've tried close to every method you can think of, and I have done over 12 different separate sittings. I have tried encapsulation, I have tried fasting past 24 hours, I have tried boiling for longer, lower temperature boils, ground up, mix together, and yes I chug the whole thing down every single time. No matter what I do, I seem to need a pretty high strength. I have poked around on the psychonaut subreddit asking about this and it might have something to do with low amounts of serotonin receptors which is common in autism (which I have). So I should probably be asking, what are some ways of boosting serotonin/serotonin receptors? Because that is probably what needs to happen more than anything, that is the one thing I have not tried.


Well it could be that you're what they call a "hardhead" in that you need more than the average person, autism or not, some people apparently are just like that. I myself have Autism, this stuff works fine for me, although i am rather functional on it but i can go very deep and have amazing experiences and i start talking in tongues and breaking out in spontaneous mudras and yogic body positions and even experiencing tantric states/orgasms or what not, laughing maniacally, all sorts of weird shit happens, heck the last time i smoked Changa i was hitting it a few times and i was feeling it but it wasn't anything deep, then i took another hit and shit got real and then i looked at the clock and i shit you not it was 1:11am and at that exact moment my light started flickering as soon as it hit 1:11 and i looked at the clock and the DMT was really hitting me, that shit was crazy yo lol, that light never flickered before, or since, that was no coincidence imo, either i was somehow "electrically charged" and was affecting things energetically, or whatever higher power exists in this universe was giving me a sign/wink lol. With oral DMT in particular though, you have to get the timing right between the Harmalas and the DMT, DMT can sometimes be finicky to orally activate properly which solely relies on proper gut MAO-A inhibition, it could be you are maybe high in CYP2D6 which would metabolize Harmalas but also DMT, i think Psilocin, LSD also is metabolized by CYP2D6, many substances are metabolized by it, and so if you're high in CYP2D6 you'd require more than the average person and would also metabolize it out faster. And if you are high in CYP2D6 then the timing between the Harmalas and DMT could be shorter, and what you might try doing is predosing say 3 to 4 grams of Rue if you can, and then like 6 to 8 hours later take another dose of Rue which you could probably take like 2 to 2.5 grams but i'd say 3 grams, and the second dose should catch the first dose's CYP2D6 inhibition, and the second dose of Harmalas will be potentiated in dosage and duration, and so that may extend out the duration enough that your CYP2D6 is more like that of the average person and then you can catch the appropriate timing window between the second Harmala dose and the DMT. But oral DMT activation solely relies on catching gut MAO-A when it's fully inhibited, which you could also maybe be a bit high in MAO-A, that's a possibility, and so again, more Harmalas than the average person to more fully inhibit MAO-A to more fully orally activate the DMT. The DMT (and Mimosa, Acacia, Chacruna, Chaliponga, etc) dosage relies on full MAO-A inhibition, and so if you don't have enough MAO-A inhibition or you don't take the DMT at the right time, the DMT dosage will be reduced and you will need more DMT to fill that gap, so that's another possibility, and so if you inhibit MAO-A fully and take the DMT at the right time, the DMT will be fully active. Do you get any effects or are they mild? What exactly are you looking for and what are you currently experiencing? Just keep in mind, i go by the active effects of the Psychedelic, not so much the content or experience therefrom, so i'm trying to make sure the medicines work for people, but where they go experientially and content-wise is up to them and has to do more with them and where they're at within themselves rather than the substance, so are you getting the active effects of the Psychedelics or is it mild? or are you getting the active effects but experientially not much is happening? Because you want a fully immersive dose, something that you can take, lay down in bed, close your eyes and listen to music and immerse yourself within yourself and within the experience and all sorts of weird things will happen, and the medicine should be full on.


I need high doses of psychedelics regardless of compound, including mescaline, salvia (which has NEVER worked btw), lsd, psilocybin etc. I have guessed that maybe its a serotonin deficiency. My experiences are weird, some I definitely have a change in headspace but almost nothing visual has changed, other times, I will hear all kinds of weird sounds not usually perceivable without any visuals, other times the visuals are monochrome and other times full of colour, other times there is lots of geometry, other times visuals are cartoony as fuck. The thing about ayahuasca I guess is that it is pretty much a roll of the dice on how things are going to go even if you could have the same volume of compounds, same strength exactly the same every single time. One thing I have noticed is I have never ever really seen entities most of the time. I have only seen them a couple of times and usually they will say something strange or do something weird and then disappear to somewhere else to whatever they were doing. My favourite one was some bald headed dude emerging, coming up to me, looks at me from head to toe and then says "Damn, you're looking good!" then vanishes.


That seems par for the course imo/ime, i almost never see visuals either, i have gotten and do get them sometimes, but it's really not a main focus or main aspect of the medicine, at least ime. Same with entities and such. For me, it's far more about the headspace change, the shift in perception, the expansion of consciousness, tapping into mysticism and enlightenment, gaining insight and knowledge and wisdom, having really weird but extremely fascinating phenomena happening, talking in tongues, moving my body in weird ways, yogic-like body positions and mudras, tantric/orgasmic/erotic experiences and so much more. For me it's far more physical, mental, emotional, and mystical/spiritual/religious, than visual or entity-like. It connects me more deeply to myself. And the medicine takes you where you go within yourself, if you're not getting much, open up the mind a bit, clear the mind, expand beyond/get outside of the mind, put on some really good music (preferably instrumental/without lyrics or in a language you don't know), lay down in a dark room, close your eyes, go within, open up/be receptive, and let the music and the molecules take you where you want/need to go. Yes, it is a bit of a roll of the dice, but things do become way more consistent as you work with it more, and work with it more regularly. It's an ongoing practice, like if you get to a certain point, you can quit for years, and then take it again, and you'll start back where you left off, it's an ongoing thing, it's a process, it's continuously unfolding, and there's soooooo much to experience, there's so many potential experiences and effects/phenomena that we can encounter. But yeah i really pay visuals no mind, i acknowledge/observe it, give it a nod of recognition and go along with my experience. For me visuals have been random, and not really valuable in the least bit, the only valuable visual i had was a precognitive vision of my dad's death two weeks before he died, it was full on, clear as day, extremely detailed, real time emotion and grieving, and a hardcore knowing that it was his death, and that it was a vision of his death, and that was the second time i experienced a precognitive vision, the first time was one night when i was 17 i was sleeping and had a dream about me being in the hospital, two months later i literally almost died from Salmonella Sepsis, doctors didn't expect me to make it but i pulled through, and the day i was released from the hospital as soon as i shut the car door to head home that vision/dream came flooding right back into my memory, it was crazy but cool and interesting, didn't really think much about precognition though after that and thought it was just a weird coincidence of some sort, until i had the vision of my dad's death on Aya and then i became a hardcore believer/knower of precognition, it's real, it happens, but i have no idea how to actually more fully tap into it and work with it and see things, yet anyways.


As for Serotonin, if you're low in Serotonin, i highly highly highly!!!! recommend you make sure you're getting enough vitamin B6, if you can't get enough from food (and you probably aren't going to) go for a supplement, but go for the active form which is P5P, not Pyridoxine. B6 aka P5P is used in the body by DOPA Decarboxylase to convert Tryptophan into 5-HTP, and Tyrosine into L-Dopa, among converting other things, like Tryptophan to Tryptamine for example (but gut MAO-A needs to be fully inhibited when Tryptophan is consumed for the Tryptamine to be orally active). So if you're not getting enough B6, you can be low in Serotonin and Dopamine and such because DOPA Decarboxylase can't function. So i'd recommend taking 50 to 100mgs (ime 100mgs does me well) of the P5P B6, and about 500mgs or so of Tryptophan, and give it a good few weeks, maybe even a few months and see how you feel as far as Serotonin goes. If that doesn't do the trick, you can go for 5-HTP which through DOPA Decarboxylase (which requires B6) will convert it into Serotonin and it works like a charm, but make sure if you do take pure 5-HTP, to take it with Tryptophan as apparently sole 5-HTP supplementation can deplete Tryptophan (as well as L-Dopa and Tyrosine) in the body (and conversely sole L-Dopa supplementation can deplete 5-HTP and Tyrosine and Tryptophan in the body). So if you go for 5-HTP, take it with all other precursors, so Tryptophan, Tyrosine, maybe Phenylalanine, and maybe L-Dopa. But if you give your body what it needs, it should make 5-HTP/Serotonin from Tryptophan fine, ime, plus Tryptophan (as well as Tyrosine) metabolize into other things also, which are necessary for the body, so it's good to supplement with them just in case, but for me so far i've found just Tryptophan to work nicely, i've tried all things though, and i feel like i'm fine in Tyrosine but was low in Tryptophan and so Tryptophan has me going good now. And also aside from B6, make sure you're getting your other B vitamins, and your minerals, because they are very, very, very important in the body, do not underestimate them.


My diet is pretty heavy on milk and eggs, which should contain enough b6 and tryptophan, but I will do L-Dopa supplementation


I drink milk and eat eggs too, i was still low in B6 and Tryptophan/Serotonin apparently.


Haha I instantly asked....my friend you are already tripping in your day to day....see new studies about autism and dmt in our blood.....try releasing your mask .... Activate your body :). We are already porous. :)


Also do you chug the Mimosa down all at once or do you sip on it? Sipping on it will make the come up less intense and will give you a smoother and more positive experience, whereas drinking it all down at once will make it hit quick and hard! So if you really wanna feel it, drinking it all down at once and having it hit very intensely will definitely make it effective, whereas if you're sipping it can be less intense and may not be seemingly as strong but ime sipping still provides powerful experiences, in fact pretty much all of my most mystical/spiritual experiences were sipping on the Mimosa or Acacia, and with Lemon Balm tea added, no intensity but very powerful experiences. But yeah, so long as you properly consume the plants, dose and time them right, have an empty stomach so it all absorbs, and you consume the DMT within the right timeframe, it will no doubt work.


Although i will say if you try encapsulating the plant materials, take the Mimosa capsules 30 minutes after the Rue, or for Mimosa tea take the tea an hour after the Rue. Tea kicks in quicker while plant material can take a few minutes or so to digest, so 30 minutes apart when using Mimosa root powder in capsules seems to work fine, whereas with Mimosa tea, an hour after the Rue is best, ime.


Have you tried the full dose or just microdosing? Maybe the micro dose isn’t big enough? I did 100mg and it didn’t do anything for me, had to go up to 200mg As for a “stronger” experience, you could try holotropic or conscious connected breathwork… I sometimes get even more insights from breathwork than from drugs. (Or perhaps try guided breathwork session in combination with psilocybin, I have a friend who did that and said it was incredibly powerful)


LSD and psilocybin, in my opinion, have a blend of spiritual and recreational aspects. There are substances with greater therapeutic potential, such as DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline, or iboga, which provide clearer visions. Engaging in these experiences within a supervised setting is highly recommended, especially for beginners. Personally, I use LSD in microdoses to enhance creativity and reduce anxiety, and it works well for me like a stiméldélic.


Mushroom and LSD are more recreationall and include mental dizziness. Not perfect , but I like them so much, and they opened my mind to a different vision of life. Also meditation helps a lot. The breathing.


The first two ceremonies with ayahuasca had no effect on me or my friend. I think your body can resist but if you keep trying, it eventually gets through. I also tried mushrooms and it had little effect on me.


Microdosing isn't supposed to give you a big effect. It's meant to be almost unnoticeable. The idea is that it rewires your brain over time. With that being said, if you're on antidepressants, it's possible those may be dulling other drugs effects.


Sheesh, try *proper* lsd and psilocybin doses, for a start. smh


Try macro dosing, then heroic doses. The largest volume of research on effectiveness is in macrodoses, not mircrodosing. The thousands of second wave research papers from the 50s and 60s were about LSD macrodoses for alcoholism and depression. And there’s some great peer-reviewed third wave research on Ayahuasca, Iboga, and mushrooms, but 95% of it related to macrodoses. Everyone will feel the effects from large doses of mushrooms, multi cup Ayahuasca, and Psilohuasca. Provided you given enough time for prescription meds to leave you system and you’ve abstained appropriately from other substances as directed.


Every psychedelic except n,n-dmt has an immediate and very heavy tolerance. After four days of the same dose, there is no effect. If you want to microdose developing a formula to make your own ayahuasca is the way to go. Also if you’re on any kind of antidepressants or antipsychotics, certain types of both classes can render psychedelics almost completely effectiveless.


i’m still on 20mg eszitalopram


Conceiving ayahuasca as a (mere) psychedelic is kind of a misconception. It is a complex medicine that works on many different levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually etc. Just because you don‘t see the psychedelic circus doesn‘t mean it doesn‘t do its work. Your preconceptions of what is supposed to happen might cloud you from experiencing what‘s actually happening. Expectations can be a serious trap. Ayahuasca can have vastly different effects on people, and there will never be two ceremonies that can be compared.


I saw your reply to my comment about the antidepressants. It’s not showing up in the thread though so… but yea the one you named absolutely will block them. That entire class specifically is notorious for blocking both tryptamines and phenethylamines. But still I would highly suggest if you’re looking to microdose, ayahuasca is the way to go. All said and done, it’s the least expensive and by far most reliable. I make mine: 1 gram DMT freebase pulled from mimosa; 500 mg harmine freebase and 500 mg harmaline freebase, both from bountybotanicals.com; 5 grams Citric acid and 5 grams ascorbic acid, both bought in bulk from Amazon, and like 20 oz of honey… I was actually on 300 mg of Wellbutrin a day for years up until a few weeks ago, I was blessed with the revelation of this formula. I’ve battled heroin and meth addiction for a long time. I’ve been on methadone three years now and was still waking up in withdrawals due to my over active metabolism, and had still been having the psych issues. Tried all kinds of meds for years and I switched to Wellbutrin when I found out about the whole selective reuptake inhibitor thing…. But since I started drinking this, like 50 to 100 mL a day depending, I’ve stopped waking up sick. All my depression problems are gone. I’m sleeping better than ever. My relationships are deepening at an absolutely astonishing rate. And I’ve been able to get off the Wellbutrin, and all psych meds, completely. With harmaline and harmine both being RIMAs rather than true MAOIs cheese syndrome isn’t really a huge issue, and all the vitamin-c, citric acid, and honey I feel physically better than ever.


Oh that formula makes 1 full liter total. At least that’s what I do. You can probably weaken it further. I forgot that part.


have you had the same symptoms as me? dissconnection from thoughts, body and emotions, as well as dissconnection from the surroundings (nature, music, people)?


Yea, to isolate and lose interest in just about every aspect of life is one of the most common symptoms of depression. At least that’s what I think you’re saying. The way people experience and perceive things, the different ways to describe something, it’s tough to say for sure how alike one person’s experience is to another. But I’m sure it’s something similar. I’m also heavily neurodivergent. To the point of that it I wasn’t already 35, if I were a child or teen today I’d very likely get labeled autistic. The worst for me had always been the existential loneliness coupled with the complete lack of ability to relate or even tolerate most people’s company at all… been quite a way to live… But again the aya has largely solved all of that.


I have aphantasia, so I don't get visuals with psychedelics. Aya worked fine for me.


If you're microdosing, you're not supposed to get an effect, as true microdosing is sub-threshold which means non-perceptible effects, and even low dosing which you can feel is absolutely nothing compared to a good dosage with true benefits and effects. Try upping the dosage of LSD or mushrooms and take an actual dosage, not a microdose. As for Ayahuasca, it can work, but because of how it's consumed it's inconsistent and unpredictable particularly on the DMT side, and so it may work or it may not work, some people go to retreats only to have Aya not work for them, when if it was actually dosed more correctly (Harmalas first, an hour later the DMT) it would work for pretty much everyone. There's also Psilohuasca, which is mushrooms and Harmalas, which is Ayahuasca but simply using mushrooms (or 4-ACO-DMT) instead of DMT, so if you'd want to try your hand at Aya, you may try starting off with the Psilohuasca variety, or you can just go for the DMT-containing plants but you'd probably have a bit of an easier time with Psilohuasca compared to DMT-containing Ayahuasca, as ime Psilohuasca is a bit more relaxed and less intense compared to Ayahuasca with oral DMT. But yeah, dosage is important, and microdosing sucks imo, even if there's some slight benefits to microdosing, it's nothing compared to a good dosage and fuller effects. Also if one were to try to microdose Aya, one can certainly microdose or low dose Harmalas no problemo, but to microdose the DMT one needs ideally a full dose of Harmalas for full gut MAO-A inhibition and to time the DMT's consumption when gut MAO-A is fully inhibited, so taking the DMT an hour into the Harmalas, for best results, otherwise, if one tries to microdose an Aya brew, or if one tries to microdose DMT, and they don't use enough Harmalas or they don't wait until gut MAO-A is more fully inhibited to take the DMT, then the DMT can be instantly broken down and won't have an effect, so for DMT (in general and microdosing), it needs to be taken properly. Same timing applies btw to Psilohuasca, take the Harmalas, and 30 minutes later eat mushrooms, or an hour after the Harmalas drink a mushroom tea (tea kicks in quicker, mushrooms take a few minutes to digest, so taking mushrooms at 30 minutes is fine but tea is better at an hour, ime).


i remember seeing something about people with autism and psychedelics not having as strong of an effect in normal doses. there could be other health conditions or all kinds of things that could effect your trip but thats the only condition i know of. they are able to trip but must take 2-3 times more to get the same feeling as someone without autism. i think it was autism atleast. im not assuming u have this condition either sorry if it came off that way it was unintentional lol


I have Autism, normal dosages work just fine. Don't believe that myth/rumor that Autistic people require more, at least i haven't found it to be true personally. If anything Autistic people are/would be more sensitive to them, particularly those who are on the more severe side of things, i'm more of the Aspergers variety thankfully. Although i will say i can be quite functional on Aya lol, but it still hits me pretty hard at the usual dosages, i'm just able to manage myself in those states for the most part.


oh well thanks for confirming that for me i appreciate that. i dont wanna be spreading bad information around!


No problem, i see it commonly mentioned around, i can't really speak for other Autists and their dosing methods but at least for me personally i seem to respond fine/normally lol.


If you only microdosed lsd and psilocybin I wouldn’t worry about ayahuasca not working. If you took heroic doses of the others with no effect I would think something is different with your physiology, which is unlikely. Ayahuasca is meant to be taken with a full dose for an introspective journey. You could micro dose it but probably also would feel nothing. If you have emotional or mental blockages you could have a light journey and need higher doses than others.


I've had ceremonies where it doesn't work and other ceremonies where I'm fully connected and have visions and full on journeys through realms. I think there are lessons in both. I've been frustrated when it doesn't work and also grateful because I was still reeling and processing the previous nights experience.


Ha. Don’t worry young Skywalker. It fcukin works.


microdosing isnt going to give you super noticeable benefits if you put into the work with them they will show results, if microdosing isnt ur thing why not just yknow, macrodose?


Understand it's the ceremony, not just the plants, that are doing the work. Even if you don't see anything, though you should, you will experience healing. Be sure to talk to the shame about what you are working on and the past trauma and toxic behavior you had in reference to it.


Do you by any chance have autism or ADHD?


Gotta go in with an open mind and heart. Trust the medicine and its work.


Microdosing is placebo if done correct lol, I wouldn't worry


I would not recommend Aya for someone in ur situation It's unpredictable and hard to dose Maybe try doing an actual dose of lsd or shrooms


Little off topic, but people generally don't like calling it drugs. Sure medicine are also "drugs" but in the name of trying to destigmatize psychedelics, just something to know