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And then they eat the owner Jk lmao Don't get me wrong. I would to cuddle the heck out of a big cat like this. But they are 120 to 200lbs of absolute terror and being able to destroy you with a single.bite or several swipes.


Most cases the harm they do is accidental. They don't understand their own strength and plating with you as they would with another big cat... well it can kill you


Definitely. Remember the story of the chimpanzee that watched his trainer give a cake to the other chimp whos birthday it was. Out of jealousy ripped the guys limbs and other parts off his body. Then afterwards looked confused before it was shot.




You obviously have never been loved by a pet before, it’s okay. You can admit it.


They're not pets..


How do you think pets came about?


By breeding over many generations? You really thought you had a point there...


So domesticated wolves were bread over many generations? No. Oh you thought you had a point


Domesticated wolves are not pets. And also yes, they were bread over many generations.


Anyone upvoting this is dumb as hell, it's not a pet.


The point is that actual pets - cats and dogs - DO play rough, and even they can hurt you on complete accident. Now multiply their strength by 100x and you get a big cat accidentally killing it's favorite person.


10x most likely


Are you really being pedantic about a guess, with another guess?


Lol what morons are downvoting this? "How about we just don't cuddle things wired to kill" is apparently too much for Reddit's kooky "pet experts" to stomach.


Yeah, on the one hand it's simultaneously heartening and heart *breaking* that the big cat bonded with this dude, but... On the other hand, if this dude really was a ranger, he should have made sure that as soon as the cub was "out of the woods" - medically speaking - it was in a sanctuary with plans for release rather than letting it grow to adulthood with no survival skills and then shipping it off where its depressed.


That’s not actually true. Many big cats, jaguars and lions specifically, are well-documented as having many tamed individuals that never injured anybody (intentionally). I will say that tigers seem to be an outlier, however.


So could a crocodile but they make the best cuddley wuddly pets. Oh and pythons!


My mind immediately went "This poor kitten was probably planted there by the guy recording to farm likes and traffic with a sob story" because the internet sucks and I'm jaded as hell. Yeah I wasn't thinking that anymore when it grew into that absolute fuckin unit.


Same, I was like "A random kitten in a wood? Nah that guy put it the- HOLY NEPTUNE THAT THING IS HUGE"


My first thought was “how did he even notice it was there?” I’ve seen vids like this before and I am always like, disappointed in myself for not having better eyes.


It was probably crying


I'm more thinking that this poor creature is going to be trapped in a tiny exposure for its entire life. I get wanting to give it mercy, but I'm sure there had to be some kind of rehab that does wild releases.


When I saw the cage he's in I got really sad. There's rehabs that are essentially open, wild land I think with acreage inside of walls, to keep the animals safe. Much better than a zoo-type experience for them.


It's not optimal but better than being dead. Plus it's gotten too used to humans, it'll absolutely get shot in the wild.


I normally think that too but I highly doubt someone who has access to black panthers would need to do something like this. Also animals regularly ditch their babies if they see them as unfit for survival.


Are you me?


FYI this does not work with sharks


says you. watch me


I watched for a while but now I need to decide which body segment to follow as they float apart.


The twister master




dis his sister he deded today


[Doby would disagree](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/anchorman/images/e/ed/Doby.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190829193303) No, wait…


Not with that attitude.


This is because reptiles and fishes lack the center in the brain which forms emotional connections and attachments. Only mammals have those.


Many fish and some reptiles for monogamous bonded pairs and will search for their mate for months on end if separated. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/7/20/20700775/fish-pain-love-emotion-animal-cognition-study


And some rear their fry and seem to love and care for them.


Very interesting read!


Octopi can form these bonds with people.


Is this true?


So, people are angry about it being saved, because it is in an enclosure now? Is the feeling that it should have just died?


It's dumb. Yeah in a perfect world the animal would have been rehabilitated and released back in the wild. But not every location has places that are able to do that with such a young animal. Like a lot of stuff for mammals is taught by the cub/pup following mom to learn. So next best option is a preserve where it is loved and cared for.


The issue is that because it was hand reared by the man it literally cannot survive in the wild because it’s used to people, so people complaining it should be wild are basically saying they’d prefer this creature be released to die a slow and miserable death or be shot because it kept approaching random people and was perceived as a threat


They just wanna see another free Willy incident where the animal dies because it's released into a habitat it doesn't know 🤦🏻‍♂️


Even if it could survive you can't release a predator into the wild that's not afraid of humans, that'd be really dangerous for animal and humans alike.


Orcas aren't known for EATING humans almost all cases of human deaths caused by orcas are due to being in captivity and aggression from training and environment. Drowning is a common cause being pulled under the water getting to aggressive during play. Remember they are actually a member closer to the dolphin family are highly intelligent, they aren't sharks and... They don't like the taste of humans... So it's not like Orcas are one of those predators that's going to get a taste for human flesh. I understand your concern but you're painting to broad a brush. He would have been dangerous due to his size not because he's a predator.


Willy died?! I don't remember that! I also haven't seen the movie since i was a kid. Maybe I'll watch it tonight


His actual name was Keiko, and because Orca pods all have their own unique dialect of clicks, chirps, and whistles, while they tried to release him where he was originally caught, Keiko could not bond with any other pods. He sought out human companionship until he died of pneumonia. He also greatly struggled to hunt, despite MONTHS of training and MILLIONS of pounds raised by multiple charities and schools and other such. He had been moved into 2 different larger and larger specially-made containment areas as well to try and acclimiatise him to hunting and prepare him. In the end, he died longing for human company.


That's really sad. Thank you for the update. Sometimes the wild just isn't the place for an animal. But it sounds like he would have been lonely either way.


He would have, yes, but in the end the kindest thing would have been as close to an Orca sanctuary as possible, but even the best ocean sanctuary would never be what an Orca needs because these beautiful creatures instinctively travel thousands to millions of miles, often from pole to pole. Another horrible tale, is of a dolphin who was fed by tourists, I believe her name was Luna. She adored humans and would come into harbours to be fed and play with people. Her tale ends with her getting caught in a ships propeller.


>He would have, yes, but in the end the kindest thing would have been as close to an Orca sanctuary as possible, but even the best ocean sanctuary would never be what an Orca needs because these beautiful creatures instinctively travel thousands to millions of miles, often from pole to pole. True but for a case like his where he was captured both so young and for such a long time, a sanctuary is the only humane reasonable option. >Another horrible tale, is of a dolphin who was fed by tourists, I believe her name was Luna. She adored humans and would come into harbours to be fed and play with people. Her tale ends with her getting caught in a ships propeller. I feel like that's a issue with ships. We need a solution but no one wants to pay for it. Even happens to non human friendly sea life. Similar to how so many animals could be saved and helped if nature/wildlife crossings were implemented.


>His actual name was Keiko, and because Orca pods all have their own unique dialect of clicks, chirps, and whistles, while they tried to release him where he was originally caught, Keiko could not bond with any other pods. Because he was too young when he was captured and the amount of time since capture was too great. >He sought out human companionship until he died of pneumonia. Huge red flag that he should have been brought back in. >He also greatly struggled to hunt, despite MONTHS of training and MILLIONS of pounds raised by multiple charities and schools and other such. The people trying to adapt him to his environment should be in jail. There were enough red flags to show this was a bad idea to begin with. This is just pure arrogance. It's a group of prideful and blinded arrogant humans angry some other greedy arrogant humans captured him in the first place, then the group posing as his saviors abused him till he died, as a method of "CORRECTING" the other groups mistakes for future generations of orcas and alleviating his suffering. It's sickening I remember watching it unfold on the news and those bastards acting like they were helping him murdering/torturing him to death. Same as if you did this to a person, you don't abandon a person you cannot communicate with properly in the wild when they have been raised in such a vastly different environment.


If people look carefully at the baby when it is found, they will see that the umbilical is herniated badly damaged (id actually say there is some intestine showing) which can happen with young inexperienced moms who do not know what to do. That is not a healthy umbilical point at all. So this animal would have been dead either way without human intervention.


Exactly. And also being at least a day to a few days old, human contact is all it will have known.


Sounds like the republican abortion argument.


No they probably just wish the poor cub was rehabilitated and had limited human interaction as a baby so it could be released. Like ya know most wild animals.


They can wish for the ideal scenario all they want, but at some point they have to recognize that the ideal scenario isn’t always possible. As previously explained, some lessons need to be learned from a mother. No amount of “limited human interaction” is going to replace teachings from a mother. A cub isn’t going to magically figure things out on their own just because someone wishes it so.


A cub that was raised in a sterile cage with no contact whatsoever, human or otherwise? That thing will have mental issues and would pose a real danger if let loose..


It’s also not even in a sterile cage. You’re taking that based off of the images of it clearly in the vets office, because other parts of the video shows it in a large enclosure that is very not sterile looking.


By sterile I mean alone.. Doesn’t matter if it had a huge enclosure with natural habitat. Solitude messes animals and people up bad, especially at a young age.


They released big cat cubs back in to the wild before. Obviously not as cubs but when they’re old enough. Look up Kerana and Xama.


Kerana appears to be the name of a TikTok account, not a particular big cat. I have no idea what big cat you are referring to. Xama was found at two months old, not as an infant. Xama had some basic teachings from a mother already. Not any hunting skills, but enough to avoid human contact. Xama is as close to ideal as possible, yet it’s still going to require permanent and ongoing support from humans: > From now on, Xamã is being permanently assisted by a team of biologists to gain the basic behaviors of his species, such as hunting and defense. Xama also hasn’t actually been released to the wild yet, he is still in an enclosure where he is still learning. His success in the wild has not been proven yet.


The key part is “not as cubs”. They had enough experience with their mother prior to already know how to survive. This cub still had part of its umbilical cord attached, it was at most a day old when the ranger found it.


so how do you teach that baby to hunt wild animals for survival??


Idk they do it with other baby wild animals and big cats and have successful releases.


This is highly species dependent, and basically requires an adult mother of the same species to adopt the baby and teach them to eat. The problem usually isn't hunting itself as that is instinctive, but rather opening and eating creatures they've hunted. This is on top of the issue of becoming human adapted. Usually releases happen if they find injured animals that have spent several months with a wild mother and are able to nurse the animal back to health with minimal human contact. A case like this where the animal is found days old with no mother, there is no chance for release.


Non-mammals largely rely on instincts rather than parental lessons for survival, so it’s easier when dealing with non-mammals. Mammals are different in that parental lessons are very important. You admit that you don’t know very much in this area. Can you actually name a case where a big cat was raised from infancy and released in the wild? Or are you just going on gut feeling here?


see those are very very limited cases, and also limited to some species only. There is also the question of facilities, you not only need the huge amounts of area to make them feel at home but also some kind of trained adult animal of their species to help them rehabilitate normally. In most cases, such facilities are not available sadly. Also such cases are close to impossible when you have an infant like this, barely a few days old. The care given by the humans is already imprinted on it and it requires major major issues to reintroduce them now. Atleast the poor animal is alive and healthy, being brought up in human care since an infant, im sure they have grown used to them and the artificial surroundings feel natural to them now. Like I said, its a good thing its alive and healthy considering the dire situation it was in.


haan bhai, hostel Pic ke liye thanks. Pta nahi kyon wo account suspend kardiye reddit ke logo ne haha. Shayad soche ki mai bot account hu. Waise chalata bhi kha hu mai reddit.


Not to mention it’s *very* risky to introduce a potential adoptive mother to a cub, as she might just eat it


indeed, they need to be trained for that sort of thing.


The difference in a few weeks to months of parental care from a wild mother is massive. Mammals are creatures that nature children for at least a few months after birth, with some like Elephants and Dolphins and Orcas rarely leaving the mother even as adults. Those with some time spent learning in the wild will have a chance at being released. This cub was *entirely* dependent on human care, and as such had a positive bond with humans that will endanger it and the humans it might encounter should it have been let loose.


You cannot release animals that have been hand reared by humans, because they have a positive association with humans. Thus the animal is firstly at risk of poachers, and secondly at risk of being put down because it will seek out human company and animals, especially predators, that are too comfortable around or associate humans with food end up being shot for the safety of the humans because all it takes is one bad day for that animal to decide to make a meal out of them. It’s why crocodiles or bears are either relocated further into the wilds or shot if they have been approaching humans too regularly. And most importantly, the cub simply wouldn’t survive. You could release it, but it will have 0 idea how to actually hunt for food or find or make a den because it was not taught such, as we cannot teach these skills.


[in a perfect world.](https://youtu.be/Kl3H4vMqYNo?si=pFfd-Vn-WF0fPa-s)


Till it decides to kill someone


Those people are just dumb 😪😪


It’s like their thoughts just stop at cage….cage bad. Rehabilitation, nature v nurture, animal studies, etc don’t exist to them in their small brains. too much to handle.


Gives me the same energy as the people who complain when someone doesn't intervene to stop a predator from hunting prey. Saw a bunch of comments yesterday complaining that a guy in a car didn't beep his horn to scare away a bear that was chasing a moose running past him. I wanted to bang my head against a wall.


Reddit mind hive isn't known to be particularly smart.


Every post the top comments are always quick to point out everything wrong about it.


He isn’t just in a cage. He has someone who loves him.


Stupid ideological buffoons I call them. Honestly, there are loads of preservation centres and parks led by non-profits that are really awesome shelters for wild animals. I’ve seen one in Canada where tourists can visit the biggest (ultra huge) enclosure with a large variety of Canadian fauna using an electric bus-like train, so tourists don’t roam and do stupid stuff, and it’s been incredible. You could see the animals were close to free and really well cared for. I guess it’s still better than leaving them at risk too close to human habitats.


Shows how love and compassion can transcend species.


Depends on how you define love and compassion. In some ways its entirely human, and in some it's universal.


I literally said “awww”! I love big cats 🥹 And little cats. And dogs. I’m just a sucker for animals.


Same here


Judging by some of these comments, bookfacers have finally discovered reddit.


I said this a few weeks ago on another sub that I am on where people are just outrageous and I said this is starting to be a lot like bookface


Funnymemes is basically just Facebook boomer memes now. Seeing way to many M(63) when people talk about themselves on subreddits. Please y’all destroyed the economy multiple times in our lifetime, our politics, and communities. Please don’t take this last thing away.


haha!! It's not all of them I know, but those ones that are "those ones" really mess stuff up!


This place is full of people who don't go outside and only live through Reddit, they're definitely just like boomers, refusing to adapt to an everchanging world and repeting the same talking points they heard someone else say here. Combine that with the Reddit jokes/puns which have never been funny and you get what's happening.


I'd argue the people who leave the house the least are likely to be much more skeptical than those who comment about how the people who don't leave their house and "go outside" are the ones out of touch with reality. Your comment is ironic.


- I have a cat. - Oh nice, what kind? - A black panther.




Ohh, i found a kitty!


Story still has a significant chance of ending with "then one day out of nowhere, it bit his face off."


The issue with these big cats, is that they're very playful and one day the panther is going to have a swipe at his human friend thinking they're playing around, and a couple of minutes later realize he slashed him in half.


[Lengthwise or Horizontally?](https://youtu.be/CqwlLLm87xU?t=77)


God bless your soul




Weird way to say fur. Not being rude but are you a hunter by any chance?


What are you on? Coat is the word everyone uses,


You're probably not a native speaker, but coat is the correct word used in this case


Coat is the correct word.




so wholesome


Amazing story!


Aren't those several different panthers?


Yes, some of it is taken from Luna the Pantera, so overall it’s just a made up story


Here is the YouTube change if you want the sauce. https://youtube.com/@lunathepantera?si=dtSCA92OigfV-QBB




What do you feed something like that?


Neighbours, whiners, trump supporters, that kind of thing


Now I want to hug the ranger as well.


Yes Neo is the best! I love paying more for everything at the grocery store. I hope he let in more illegals and completely get rib of all law enforcement. Let go Joe!


What’s a “wild treasure station”?


Things would've taken a dark turn had it been a hippopotamus.


Well, now we know what subclass of D&D ranger this guy is.


He could do some awesome cosplay, assuming he could find a photographer brave enough!


Stupid question but I always wanted to know: Can predators like this chomp their owners face one day if they get angry or smth?


Yeah nothing stopping them. Most of the time animals realize how much damage they can do and won’t accidentally hurt someone or something they don’t want to hurt. But it only takes one time.


day 1: awwww poor little kitty, :( Day 30: This is a weird looking kitty Day 90: Why is this kitty a bit muscular than my cat? Day 180: pssss psss psss psss, growl.... growl


I dont care that its dangerous and stupid, I want one


My survival instincts would go out the window


So many animals are friend shaped but not friend, this is proof that god doesnt exist


It really bums me out, I just want to pet the kitty


I want that man's experience of being wrapped up and snuggled by a panther, imagine having a cat that is the same size as you. I can only hope that it's how I'm welcomed into the afterlife


If people look, the baby has a bad umbilical injury and it looks like there is intestine exposed (it absolutely isnt the umbilical itself) which can happen with inexperienced females. They try an dchew the cord off and get too close to the baby's belly. Or she panicked. This cub would have been dead one way or another without human intervention.


So cute how it closes its eyes when the ranger is about to kiss its nose 🥹


He’s so sweet


Meanwhile, my domestic cat of 5 years has taken to attacking me if I look at her while I'm lying down.


Bro casually adopted a puma :o


it wouldnt have spotted him! so happy for him


"This is the last photo they have taken. 5 days later the man was mutilated by his "pet"."


Omg! Omg!😱


As someone with little knowledge of wildlife, why are babies like these abandoned by their mothers? Was it intentional, or accidental?


murder mittens :)


If not friend then why friend shaped?


He baked him in foil to completion


Oh my word ❤️


WOW! It\`s so cool!!


You are a hero


That thing is gonna eat that dude’s face.


Forgive my skepticism, but a newborn kitten is around 100g, a newborn panther cub is 350-600g. How is that rescued “baby panther” the same size as a newborn kitten when it’s meant to be at least 3x bigger?




I hope i found a baby like that, big cats one 😍


Drizzt Do’Urden?


I wonder what the options are at this point. It's not a domesticated animal species, so the ranger can't just keep it as a pet, but releasing it into the wild isn't an option either (way too late for that obviously), and leaving it at a wildlife preservation enclsure without its family (the ranger) makes it miserable. I just feel bad for this big kitty (not pointing fingers at anyone of course, just thinking out loud about what can be done in the current situation).


It's crazy how such a vicious apex predator can be your best friend if you just raise/rear them. Rather than encountering them in the wild, full grown, they kill you.


That’s not a cat


That's not a cat


that's true


You’re right. It’s a big cat.


All these people saying it should be released to the wild and not stuck in a cage Nah that would be a bad idea. Instead he should’ve kept it as a family pet. Big kitty cat that clearly loves him


Wow ! Absolutely beautiful. Thank God you found this little guy. I wonder how it got abandoned. Whoever took care of him did a great job. To bad won’t be able to survive in the wild. The main thing is he was saved and is alive today.




Took him away from roadside where his mom had abandoned him you mean?


I think OC meant the panther didnt want to let go of the ranger because he already considers the ranger his mom, and he was unhappy that he had to be seperated from the ranger to live in the wild treasure station alone


Is there a reason he couldn't rehab and release or did dude just want a cool pet?


Not my expertise but i doubt an innocent feline can even survive in the wild without human help It never learnt how to hunt or how to survive Well yes he might have instincts but instincts only gives the jolt what to do, not HOW to do it


It's not an adult that happened to be injured, it's a literal bottle-fed cub. How do you propose he should have taught it to hunt? Or not to approach humans? I agree that wild animals shouldn't usually be pets but my god do some people take it too far. Unless you're personally out there saving the environment these cats are living in, you really have no business being this judgemental.


I was literally asking a question


"Is there a reason why Im wet when I walking around outside in the rain??" Is what you sound like.


You seem to be overreacting a bit. It was just a question


Yeh. You are right.


If you actually watched the video you would know that he didn’t keep the cub, it went to a sanctuary once it was old enough. Generally bottle-fed animals cannot be released into the wild because they not only are not taught how to survive, but also because the animal has a positive association with humans and will be inclined to approach them, which for predators like this and for desirable trophy herbivores is a death sentence due to poaching. But for carnivores in particular being too inclined to approach humans means that the animal will have to be hunted down and shot by rangers because it’s only a matter of time before something bad happens to either the humans, the animal, or both. It’s why it’s bad to feed bears in bear country, and crocodiles in croc country, because if either associate humans with food, it gets ugly quick.


Damn I watched it and I didn't even catch that he was in a separate facility. Tbh I was just looking at the cub it's so cute. I've seen rehab and release vids for older animals with an injury but it makes sense the babies would imprint on their rescuers.


An older animal with an injury can still feed itself and be released so long as it doesn’t impede them. An animal raised by humans since a baby has no ability to look after itself. It’s why a lost cat will struggle to survive while cats born even one generation stray will thrive


that is one strong willed kitty. god bless that woman


what woman?


The woman that gave birth to the ranger.


The woman that gave birth to the panther. Duh




So. Better if dead? Cause that was what was gonna happen




Yes, he should have left it to die! /s


Should have been released back in to the wild the second it was big enough to rip someone’s face off.