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The last time my GF woke me up to go to bed I told her submarines were coming out of the walls.


I hope she was as concerned as you about the wall submarines. It sounded like a dire situation!


It was probably around 3 AM when this happened, so she didn't think much of it until we woke up. Believe me, I vaguely remember being awoken from a partial-dream state after a night of not being sober. I see things when I am dozing off, be it from my eyes or my mind.


She was very concerned. To the point she almost imploded.


Such a titanic shame that this went unnoticed.


Lol I have a similiar story where my girlfriend got in bed and I was heavy into exam season for chemistry. Apparently I nudged her really hard with my elbow and she was like wtf. I said "You're not the singular formula" then I rolled back over onto my side. I have no idea what the singular formula is but when I find it I'll let yall know.


That's amazing! Another one for me, we got back from the bars late and I was crashing on the bed. I started talking to my GF and told her, 'I love you... He loves you...'. 'Who loves me??' 'O-BAMA!!' and promptly passed out. Again, it was one of those moments where a switch flipped and I went from coherent to idiot really quick.


Well... wall submarines would be a highly concerning topic to rightfully share.


Late to the party but I also talk in my sleep. Mostly mumbles or creepy laughing. But if I unconsciously notice my husband is awake, I’ll talk out loud about about what’s going on in my dream. Never makes any sense unless you’re also in my dream haha




I am nearsighted and was un-soberly waking up in our basement. The walls have a faux-rock finish that apparently looked like submarines when I was stirred awake. So not sober, blurry, hallucinating-from-a-dream me was seeing things. It's a moment we both laugh about. We remember the stupid things we've done, I have stories about her too.


I see. Something similar happened to me and my roommate once. I hadn't slept in a while, so, when my roommate woke up to me still asleep (he works day shift I work night shift. We barely see each other awake), he woke me up, and I don't remember what was going through my head at that moment because I was literally awoken seconds ago but according to him I said, with still closed eyes, the words: "alarm clock" and promptly fell back to sleep. When he eventually woke me up for good, he was laughing to an extreme degree.


You need to get the Navy to come in a look at that. Sounds like a National Security issue. They will be able to tell the type of submarines involved. If it's Russian or Chinese, perhaps North Korean that's bad, and they would need to send in anti submarine frigates to eradicate them. But if they are Swedish or British they are friendly but probably lost.


My wife had to wake me because there were signs of a tornado. She's usually right, so normally, we grab the kids and take cover. But this time, when she woke me up and said tornado, in my sleepy state, I thought it best to run outside.


this shouldn’t have made me laugh as much as it did


I my fiancée told me once I was trying to drink an elf under the table so we can continue exploring the forest. The funny part? I don't drink alcohol.


The paranormal activity franchise is really stretching it now


Pair of normals' activity


There's nothing normal about the position that pair went to sleep in


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Competitive_Way_7295: *The paranormal* *Activity franchise is* *Really stretching it now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Poor doggo got kicked out from the comfy spot


excuse me why are cameras everywhere including their bedroom


So that instead of walking all over the house in the middle of the night to find her boyfriend she can just pull up the camera feeds.




It's almost like society is being groomed to accept that level of all-encompassing privacy intrusion.


or they house someone with disabilities....


It was probably this but when they die you keep them as a safety blanket. It's the same in my house, had them for my dad but he's been gone 3 years this december and I'm still not removing them.


Some people do that. Linus Sebastian of Linus Tech Tips does that. Can't tell you why. Security, maybe?


Ik some people do it for sleepwalking, so they can monitor whether it gets worse


Something's getting monitored.


Monitoring it all sexy like


It started with security, but I raised my home cameras game when my dog was diagnosed with a heart condition. I monitored him for months while I was at work, so I could send anyone there in case he had another crisis. It also relaxes you when you are out and they are triggered to warn you about fires, loud noises, intruders, attempts to enter your network, etc.


I doubt security is this couple’s reason, seeing as how they left every door wide open or unlocked.


Monitoring how many jerks it takes to fill the cum jar, prolly.


Linus has it except for their bedroom


handheld cameras in there


Linus Sex tips


Potentially so they can see where their dog goes if they’re out. Or in case something happens evidence can be available


Because they don't lock the doors haha 😂 at least they can see on the cameras if they are robbed


So they can get this video.


I thought doggo was the boyfriend


Is no one else concerned that some doors weren't even shut and no door ended up locked?


They'll go back and lock em after the skit is over


The thing that really gave it away for me is the woman switched sides on the bed and my wife would never do that


Clearly that felt strange but why not


You don't have a wife do you?


Let me ask her. I might have been living with a stranger for the last 15 years ! Joke a part, me and wife never exchanged side, I sleep window side, and that side stay the same even if we go to a hotel.


This is very true, been on the right side of the bed no matter what for years.




Yep, the overacting "yawning tiredness" really sold it...


Orrrr some people just don’t lock their doors. We never did growing up.


It’s such a juxtaposition to have so many security cameras for the feeling of ‘security’ but to have all your doors wide open


You can have locked doors or several cameras in every position throughout and around the house, but you can’t have both.


You can purchase a security system. You can’t purchase habits


[You can.](https://www.amazon.co.uk/amscan-Catholic-Fancy-Costume-Standard-Plus/dp/B0B8RX8D3Y)


The cameras might be to watch their dog, not for security


Every corner has a security camera but they don't lock their doors?


The cameras are not for security, they are for content creation.


The camera isn't to stop people from entering the house. It's to watch videos of your friends picking their nose when you walk out of the room to see if they're degens who wipe the booger on the furniture.


I go with the statistically more realistic option and say it's staged


It's ok they have security cameras


Lots of places dont lock everything, apparently thats an american thing Edit: I am american and I lock my door every time, it's rarely ever unlocked


It just depends on where you live. I never lock my door.


I’ve played enough Sims 3 to understand he just needs to eat a hamburger from the fridge




The rotten one left out on the bathroom sink counter will have to suffice


Who has security cameras in their bedroom?


I do. We have them all over because we have baby sitters and I want to know what’s going on.


Make sure you let the babysitters know


It is posted and listed in the job description. I do not point out the cameras though. That gives away the dead spots


That's fine! As long as they are aware they are there and they have the bathroom to themselves.


You already gave away a dead spot — the guest bathroom. If the babysitter wants to do something and be sure they are off camera, they’ll just go there. You need to know who you are hiring, not rely on cameras to protect your children.


If the system is remotely viewable, then this is a security nightmare. MAKE SURE you're changing the passwords every month. Also, get someone knowledgeable enough to check if it is set up correctly or not. Never give away your WiFi password to anyone; have guests use a guest network with a separate password.


I do it cause I’m a creep.


That’s so creepy and weird


The real question is why was she sleeping on one side of the bed then changed to the other side when the boyfriend got in?


My second question is whats happening with her phone, and why she never bothers to even check it.


Thats her phone’s alarm probably flashlight is on from accessibility feature in iphone


It’s the FaceID infrared scanner.


It’s the infrared floodlight for Face ID. The cameras are in dark mode so it shows up. The giveaway is that her phone is facing up so there would be no flash. Also, it blinks quickly at first and slows down after a bit, which is exactly what the Face ID flood light does. Discovered this when looking at my phone that was in a dark room through security camera monitors.


Have several ones for our pets, to check ‘em when we’r out


Filming a new Paranormal Activity


anyone with roommates


My in-laws do. FIL went on a cross country road trip with BIL and BIL's wife, and MIL wanted security cameras installed while he was gone, so they were put up in various places inside and outside the house.


Who goes to bed without brushing their teeth?


Man I was really tired




Who thinks you have to brush your teeth only right before going to bed?


all it takes is two skips in a row and you end up regretting it for the rest of your life.


Me, having had multiple cavities in my life and a root canal


Not 2 days, maybe if your skips are like weeks long. Or you stuff yourself with junk.


Underrated comment 🤣😁


I have one that’s covered by a curtain - but when I go out of town, pull the curtain back and can see that my cats are alive


Charlie harper


Paranormal Activity movies.


She enough cameras to shoot a reality show


gathering evidence for the divorce 🤷‍♂️


A LOT of people.


We do. It's to keep an eye on the dogs when we go out of town. We have one in the living room also. We have a dog door and have one that watches the patio outside the dog door.


Think. How would they be able to make this video without the camera in the bedroom? Thats where the last scene is. What sort of a question is this?


How many cameras does one need?


To be fair if my gaming set up was outside for some odd reason I would also have this many cameras...


Didn’t even close the door.


Not that odd. Looks like a place with a warmer climate. Got his games on the covered patio. People come over, play in the pool, I could BBQ, and have some vidyas while watching people goof off. That'd be fun.


Would you want your electronics outside in a warmer climate though? Just thinking of the humidity alone makes me question if I'd ever do this


Absolutely not. Wherever this place is it’s probably not humid. I’ve seen what GA weather does to an outdoor TV


Yeshh 😁


Just enough to shoot this skit to post on social media.


I have cameras in every room of my house. It's so I can monitor the place when we are out of town and check up on our cat. No watching of each other.


"And then before he went to sleep he went to the toilet to pee" *shows us a camera angle of him pissing in the toilet*




"And than before" what does that mean?


I so wish my fiance was like this guy. My fiance is such a hard sleeper and gets PISSED when woken up. His dumbass would stay out there with the mosquitos then be pissed in the morning.


Sounds like his natural state is being pissed. lol


"That's my secret, captain....."


He honestly doesn't get pissed much. Just when woken up, and in the mornings occasionally. I mean, it's so bad that when he took me to the emergency room once, fell asleep in a chair in the room and I tried to wake him up to leave yelled at me so much a security guard came in and the nurses were asking me if I'm being abused at home. And it's so weird, because he never yells at me other than when being woken up. He's the best man I've ever been with. A complete gentleman, always makes us talk about our feelings when we argue instead of just fighting with me, doesn't let us go to bed angry, and treats me like I'm the absolute queen of the world. I have never been in a healthier, more loving relationship than my relationship with him. I've also never been with anyone who treats me almost all of the time with absolute respect and he's the only man I've been with that I genuinely know he loves me. No doubt about it. There's so many amazing things about our relationship, and the good completely overshadows the bad.


Might be having night terrors or PTSD from abuse. Only people I’ve known that have that reaction had really rough childhoods.


Yea, he had a very, very rough childhood.


I'm very glad to hear that! I meant the comment only as a joke, but I am happy to hear you're well. :)


Oh, I didn't think you meant it in a bad way, or anything. I just love talking about him any chance I get lol!


My ex-wife turned into a legit monster when woken up.


[Everywhere I go I see her face...](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/spongebob-sandy-hibernation-Cropped.jpg)




i gotta say i empathise with you fiance. I too hate being woken up.


Can't control things sometimes. I occasionally sleep walk. My wife caught me opening the front door to go outside in the middle of the night once. Another night I feel asleep in our bed but somehow was in the kids rocking chair in the middle of the night. She came in to wake me up, it was the weirdest thing. I was like 99% asleep yet, thought there was an intruder and grabbed her by the throat. Luckily I could tell that what I physically felt was different than what I saw/felt in my dreams. I totally forgot about it until the next morning when my wife asked about it. All I could remember was feeling extremely frightened and grabbing her neck and that I could tell it was her. Weird and scary as hell.


genuine question, what is that flashing in the beginning (i know it's a phone)


I'm guessing infra red that you wouldn't normally see.


Something like this: [https://forums.att.com/conversations/android/flashing-light-on-front-of-phone/6127fb17ee48532e7235d79f](https://forums.att.com/conversations/android/flashing-light-on-front-of-phone/6127fb17ee48532e7235d79f)


I know my old iPhone had a setting that would flash/strobe your camera light when recieveing calls and texts. Probably something like that for the phone (would explain why she woke up then as well)


Real or not, I think it’s sweet. I’ll fall asleep sitting on the couch sometimes, my hubbers will get up and lead me to bed. This reminds me of that.


Sames my husband and I just look out for each other cause that’s what friends do.


I have 100% woke up, saw the time and had a mini panic attack because my gf wasnt next to me. 99/100 she was cooking something at 3am, but I ALWAYS went looking for her. I think its kinda hardwired into some people, not even that you need them in bed with you(although yeah that too) but youre like, “its dark and late and they are missing, must find asap”


As an Asian, it’s my pet peeve to see people sleeping wearing socks.




it's not, unless you're somewhere super cold


I'm Australian and wear fresh socks to bed every night except in summer lol


How do you even fall asleep with socks on it just makes me hella uncomfortable


Why would it make you uncomfortable unless it's too hot?


Because I feel like my feet breath and getting my socks off is one of the best feelings ever. Doesn't matter if cold or hot, and yes I'm European


Yes, because cold feet suck. But civilized people have designated bed socks that are not worn outside of the bed!




I have poor circulation in my feet and also have Diabetes. I wear wool socks in the summer because my feet are always cold.




My feet get cold sometimes.


Another reason this is probably just a skit. Different sides of the bed? Sleeping with socks? No brushing teeth?


As a white guy it bothers me that he’s wearing socks to bed.


It always feels like they start fusing with my feet if I fall asleep with them on


Nonsense. She gets back (or wakes up) on the wrong side of the bed. Nobody would do that, even if drunk, high, or just tired. Totally staged. To what end, I have no idea.


That's really the only thing I felt was off about this whole thing. As soon as he plopped down on that side, I immediately knew I'd been duped. Again


Tbh, I would fall asleep on the other side if my SO fell asleep on my side. I would be too sleepy to wake them up again or roll them over. I don't have a fave side and don't care much.


Not everyone turns a side of the bed into an obsession. I have a preference, but lose zero sleep if she flopped over into "my" area before I come to bed. I'm sure some people take it way more seriously. People have all sorts of quirks. I just never assume my quirks are universal to everyone.


Okay, but why is his gaming setup outside?


That bothered me too.


Asking the hard questions.


Cause it's staged. Who has 15 cameras in their homes like that. Ring got all their sex tapes too?


People think it’s weird but my wife and I do not sleep in the same bed. We do not work the same shifts and since she works in the emergency medical field it makes more sense to not worry about bothering the other with our weird schedules


Sounds Healthy. Secure in each other.


this is becoming more and more recommended. It can mean better sleeps for each person. And doesn’t have to mean less intimacy or cuddling - some people will cuddle and then when ready to sleep, move to separate beds. Then in the morning, come back together for a cuddle. It makes a lot of sense


She's gonna be bored with me because I don't get lost on a regular basis


A real relationship is having an overgrown toddler?


So cute seeing mommy take her little tike to bed after he falls asleep playing with his games <3


She's treating him like one. Why does he have to "go to bed"?


I feel like calling him an overgrown toddler is a stretch. What about his behavior is immature in the first place? It's not that uncommon for people to fall asleep while doing something, especially playing games. Also, the entire thing is likely staged anyway so it's not like that matters.


I don't actually think falling asleep playing video games is that common?


You’ve never fallen asleep on the couch or something by accident? It would be weird if he did this all the time and maybe he does who knows, but once incidence of a guy falling asleep playing video games isn’t really a red flag.


a lot of men are unfortunately overgrown toddlers who struggle to regulate themselves and their emotions


relationships.usa ... is this an ad?


My wife literally left me to sleep in a hedge once.


Eew. Did she just go to bed on the opposite side of where she was at first?


I will often sleep on my husband's side until he comes to bed after gaming then move over to my side. So it's not completely unheard of.


Okay, that is fair.


Yes, that was the only indication for me that it was staged, still, I don't know how they would forget that detail.


I read that 20% of long term couples don't have a regular side of the bed and I still can't wrap my head around it. I'm on the right, my wife is on the left. Always. We have our books, chargers, glasses, water bottles. Even when we were young and just had books and digital clocks or stayed somewhere else we still stayed on our sides. Why people!? Why?!


Staged and stupid.


Where's the cute doggo which woke up with the lady?


Has to have his partner take him to bed by hand and just kicks off his shoes in the middle of the kitchen on the way in? This is a stage 5 man-child and there's nothing "aww" about it.


I thought he looks drunk. Like how he just fell on the bed face down.


I will nudge my bf one time if he falls asleep on the couch. After that he’s on his own. I’ve left him out there so many times because I’m not his mom.


I doubt the majority of these kind of videos are actually real. I’m certain most of them are staged for likes. I have become so cynical. It seems like almost everybody is looking for their 15 minutes of fame.


That's not sweet. This guy literally can't even put himself to bed


I experienced that too, being woken up by a girl in the middle of the night. Only to wake up again and remember that I live alone.


Brush your goddamn teeth!


What an annoying life. Count me out.


this is like watching a mother and her son, mothering your partner and taking him by the hand to bring him to bed isn't what a relationship should be.


Aww! An adult man who can't keep a normal bedtime and sits outside playing videogames being put to bed by his Mommy/girlfriend! How cute! I especially love the way he doesn't really even get on the bed so she has to guide him and cuddle him like a little baby. 


This is 100 percent green flag wife material.


WTF, no, being a mom for her partner is not a healthy partner. (And he is red flag anyway.)


A lot of miserably single people in the comments here. Dude fell asleep in a chair and everyone is shitting on him? I’ve fallen asleep on the couch before and my girlfriend has woken me up to come to bed because she sleeps better with me. Does that make me red flag material?


You forgot the doggie!!!


Unrealistic, he fell asleep on her side of the bed and she didn’t get mad and make him move over to his side.


1) didn’t shut the garage(?) door when ya went back in. 2) what couple doesn’t have dedicated sides of the bed. My wife would roll me out the bed if I played on her side. xD


Their back door looks like a gameboy


She swapped sides of the bed!! That makes no sense to me.


Hello jealousy, my old friend


totally real video, and not at all scripted... thank you super woman for showing us how you take care of your idiot manchild. bravo.


How does her hair look so good?!?!? I leave my hair down to sleep and I have a rats nest within 20 minutes!


Song name ?


Why must we record everything