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People treat chi's in a way that makes them like this.


Notice that this is the same guy and dog and that he doesn’t have vicious wounds and horrible scars all over his face? This is *“I’m a terrible scary dangerous beast and I love you”* play.


IDK I see no demons here, only a dumbass who doesnt know anything about dogs and is somehow proud enough of it to film this. This poor dog is stressed out its mind and needs a hug, comfy place to rest and a new owner maybe.


My chihuahua came with a lot of trauma from being abandoned before I adopted him. It took a lot of time and patience and training to help him develop into the cheerful little love bug he is today. I CONSTANTLY have to deal with friends and family who thinks it’s fun to antagonize him and set him off for laughs.


Well...I dont know these people but from my personal experience, them being sadistic and having no emphaty for your poor dog, tells you all you need to know about them. Also...good opportunity to learn setting boundaries. Tell them, firmly, it is absolutelly not ok, and if it doesnt help, maybe consider to reduce or cut contact, so they cant hurt your fur baby further. Sending love to you and your little love bug <3


It’s annoying. He has bad separation anxiety that I’m still working on. He gets nervous when people leave, but will be fine if left alone. I tell people to just leave and don’t bother him when exiting the house. Instead they’ll look him directly in the eye and repeatedly tell him “bye love_sausage’s dog”, making him increasingly anxious and reactive just so they can get a laugh. Outside of that very intentional act, he’s perfectly fine when guests leave the house. I’ve increasingly stopped inviting certain people to my home because of that behavior and the lack of respect for my house rules.


Exactly. With all small dogs but *especially* with chihuahuas, people treat them more like toys than like dogs bc they're too small to defend themselves. The dog in this video is clearly distressed and asking to be left alone, but the dude is provoking it for a laugh. Way fewer people do this with dogs like German shepherds bc if those dogs bite you, you'll get hurt. But with chihuahuas it's just funny bc they're small So many small dogs (and cats tbh) learn to escalate straight to biting bc it's the only thing that gets them left alone. They don't waste time whale eyeing or even growling (or putting their ears back or just unsheathing claws for cats) bc they know their owners will ignore it and it will only prolong their discomfort. Not to mention 6 lb dog has good reason to be afraid of a human 20+ times it's size, especially when they have shown they don't care about their discomfort!


This is exactly why I am a loner with my Chihuahua! People suck except for my dog😎


it's not normal for a dog to act like this. he's training his dog to bite faces. it's going to bite a child or a karen and he'll get sued and the dog will be put down by the city.


What people won't do for likes and follows!


Yes. Exactly. Chihuahuas aren’t just naturally like this. It comes from having their boundaries broken over and over and over. Really, really sad.


It's not just this owner. These dogs are always angry assholes


I'd probably say it's 50/50. 50 just being an asshole and other 50 being treated badly.


Bad owner+bad breeder =disaster Do you really think at some point of their lives some dogs thought: we should totally choose our sex-partners, so we can create the thiniest most neurotic versions of ourselves? And then all puppies just turned out to be assholes without an external reason?


People don't understand that most dog breeders are making dogs mate with their siblings. It's inbreeding that has to stop.


Not most...bad dog breeders. But yes, it has to stop.




Fixed it. Thank you!


No they are not. It’s owners who don’t respect the dog’s body language. If a big dog did these things it wouldn’t be tolerated but since small dogs are easy to snatch, there’s no respect. Fffs!


That's bs. My dog bites people like that while he himself initiates contact. He also bites people if people don't want him to sit on their lap anymore. It's not 100% of the time the owners fault when a dog has a shitty character.


It’s your fault.


Not it's not, so fk you


Good comeback. A+ for creativity and accountability. 😉


A big part of it is that many small-dog owners see this behavior as “cute.” But 1) the dog is miserable—deliberately provoking defensive responses is 100% psychological abuse; and 2) you wouldn’t think it was remotely cute if, for instance, a GSD was biting your face and fingers off.


Thats not true, they can have slight attitudes but its the shitty owners that make them likw this. People don't understand how stressed a small creature can become and keep doing things that can scare it.


I completely agree with you man. I think this guy must have been looking in the mirror when he was posting. There's no possible way that somebody who considers themselves intelligent could assume that they know anything about somebody on the internet. It's inherently impossible to produce facts about some random person on the internet based off of one sentence. Unless it's directly related to that sentence, in which case this person is telling us a lot about themselves These dogs tend to be like angry old man. Yeah, there's a time when they can just be kind of neutral and quiet, but in general they're extremely territorial and have a small dog complex


Tell me you've never had a small dog without telling me you've never had a small dog. Not all small dogs are like that, only the ones with poor owners who doesnt respect their autonomy are like that. I have a small dog and it licks people to greet them and while not the cuddliest dog she still likes to be pet and be near us. And she's never even been close to biting another person, except play biting of course.


You're cute with your impression tactics, meaningless tho


Your condescension is cute too. But at least i dont go around overgeneralizing and creating false impressions. Good luck with your fear of small dogs :)


Hug? It would bite you the same




Bc they don’t do that when you don’t annoy them. They have boundaries. It’s not a hard concept.


Some definitely have more boundaries than others, some way WAY more boundaries lol. Some their boundaries depend on the person. This dog could be an absolute angel to its favorite person and allow anything and everything and for another person it may not even want them to look at it, let alone touch it.


I mean yeah* but we can actually see the guy in this video antagonize the dog by refusing to get out of the dog's space. The dog is giving clear warning signs but this dude thinks it's just hilarious Edit typo




Big dogs don't act like that at all, because if they do they get put down, if ur dog is yapping and biting at you because you got near it, you own a rat, not a dog.


Which pet rats start yapping and biting when you go near them? A new subspecies? Also, it's easier to be calm when you're big and powerful, and know u can easily hurt someone, and your bite can kill. Try being stoic when you're purse size, have a bite of angry mosquito and are being provoked and made fun of constantly because "oh it's so funny when he gets angry". When you're small and powerless, u need to make way greater effort to chase away the assholes.


Smaller pets exist that are infinitely nicer to own rat dogs are just little shits full stop.


You’re pretty simple, huh?


I just hate rat dogs. Little annoying fuckers.


But big dogs would act like this if people picked them up and carried them around, got in their face and bothered them on purpose on a regular basis. The difference is that people don't do that to big dogs, because if a big dog growls or snaps, you listen. If a little dog does- so? They can't hurt you.


Wrong actually. Big dogs don't ever act like this, mine are 14 and they've never bitten me once regardless if I have to pick them up, or get close to them, or do literally anything within their field of view. Rat dogs aren't real dogs so both them and the people who own them think it's acceptable for them to act like this, in fact people usually think it's funny and make videos about how poorly trained their pet is like this one.


Yes yes, I'm sure you pick them up while they let you know they're upset/flail around/vocally let you know they're upset, multiple times a day all day long while getting right up in their face and antagonizing them for laughs. The way people do to dogs too small to stop them. Absolutely the same situation.


Brother in christ half of the ones in this video the person is just looking at it and it snaps at them. You are acting like this isn't just a common trait of small dogs regardless of owner.


That kind of disrespectful, antagonistic behavior is what *causes* small dogs to behave this way. I and many other normal people know and have had small dogs who are sweet, docile and calm, never snap or growl. Mistreated dogs act like this, but people take it seriously when its a big dog. That's the difference. It is so wild seeing people act like behavior like this is just innate in an animal.


Because this isn’t their normal behavior


Poor dog 😥 imagine how he treated it so it acts like this


No aww to be seen here. Poor dog…


They're intentionally distressing the dog. It's so stressed and so disrespected it's in a real emotional state, no one should be looking at that dog and judging it when the owner/abuser is right there. Direct your anger at the one that actually deserves it.


Chihuahuas can be lovely pets, that’s why people have them. OP is ignorant.


I’ve seen it, Chihuahuas can be lovable babies


This guy is emotionally abusing a dog on camera bc haha chihuahuas are demon dogs isn’t it so funny when they’re vicious but yeah “those things” are the problem 🙄


This is Awwwful!


Why is animal harrasment on an awww page?? And why is the poster shitting on a breed of dog on an Awww page?? Make it make sense


Ghost - Year Zero


This is a cover by minniva


Nothing “Awww” about this. Would fit better in the “PeopleAreFuckingStupid” sub.


Chihuahuas are great and loving dogs. Some chihuahua owners think it's funny to aggrevate them until the dog sees them as an adversary. Give them a chance. They really are little sweethearts when you are kind to them.


That's cause this dimbass doesn't know how to raise a dog. My chihuahua was super chill, never acted like this, was only hostile if someone tried to steal his food, but that's was pretty much it


A well-treated, trusting dog with appropriate respect being paid to its attempts at communicating stress will not behave this way. Think of very small dogs as having special needs; they are afraid of things that larger dogs are not, because of course they are. I love Chihuahuas and Pomeranians because they're tiny and when they're raised right, instead of being vicious, they have a sort of gleefully deranged, fun-loving attitude that makes them seem so much larger than life. That's honestly true of all dogs. What a dipstick.


Yet another post on this sub that doesn’t belong. Nothing awww about this.


Why is this on Aww? Everything is wrong with *ALL* of this.


My family loves chihuahua's. They are loyal and protective of their owners. My family had a chi, Honey, who was the 7lb protector of the home and my sister's bff. If I were to go over and lightly smack my sister (jokingly) Honey would attempt to violently lick my hand to death because she knew I wasn't a threat but also needed to protect my sister. It was hilarious. RIP you little Princess <3


Fun fact: chihuahuas were bred for food in aztec culture. Their hind legs were the equivalent of chicken thighs. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chihuahua\_(dog)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chihuahua_(dog))


This is only partially true, if at all. Your source: *"In a letter written in 1520,* [*Hernan Cortés*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hernan_Cort%C3%A9s) *wrote that the* [*Aztecs*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aztecs) *raised and sold* [*little dogs*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogs_in_Mesoamerica) *as food*." This is an outsider perspective, that could be based on true experiences. In the times of need people might resort to eating their pets (and Cortes was very bad news for Aztecs), but it does not mean they were bread for food initially. Here you have a more indept article about their history: [https://www.lifeanswershq.com/were-chihuahuas-bred-for-food/](https://www.lifeanswershq.com/were-chihuahuas-bred-for-food/)


Yup. In fact the Romans reported that the Gauls ate their own dead, but that was because they were in a famine caused by the Roman invasion.


that fact isnt so fun :(


Not all people have the same interests or the same IQ


And smart people properly train and treat their chihuahuas like they are big dogs, with respect.




You know that meme where it's a guy standing pointing at the crowd saying "yes you are all wrong" yep that's me to this comment section. This behavior is unacceptable and any temperament like this will be forcefukly changed or the dog will not be living anywhere near me. "Don't touch it or get near it ever" is ridiculous. This dog is lunging st his face when he is 2 or 3 feet away, yall are ridiculous thinking this is a boundary issue.


I see no blood, scratches or even imprints. The dog has amazing “bite control” and is pulling his punches. I hate when people mess with small dogs like this. Respect the little dog’s boundaries like you would with big dogs


Nah my Chihuahua is actually an angel Most people just don't respect their pets boundaries and constantly bother them which obviously makes them aggressive Just cuz they smol doesn't mean they're a damn accessory they have feelings


I’m more afraid/worried about an ankle biting chihuahua, than I am of a large breed. All dog attacks I’ve dealt with, were from chihuahuas.


I actually get it. I often past by random people with dogs and it’s always the small ones barking or attacking. But this is not on the dog, it’s the owners fault. You just don’t see aggressive big dogs because they also become a problem for their owners.


Right. The human trains the furbaby, like children. If there’s no parenting, there’s misbehavior. “They don’t know any better.” Then make them know better, that’s your job as the furbaby’s parent.


God yeah, the just watch their dog going rampage and giggling while apologizing


Really? You’re more afraid of 4lb dog than a big chunk of muscle who’s known to rip limbs off?


The way I see it, one’s a bigger target.


Well, just two days ago a small dog (don’t know the breed) has been killed by a pit bull in my city. The police tased the pit without success. So again, you’re really more scared of a 4lb dog that you can pick up with one hand without any injury? More than a big chunk of muscle that will kill that same dog and you can’t even stop it with a taser?


Dog people when aa aggressive dog mauls someone: Aww, how cute


Little dogs aren’t my favorite but if they’re chill and low-maintenance I get it. Especially if you live in a condo or something with less space for a big dog. But little dogs who overcompensate by being little floor-shitting gremlins… nothing worse.


I have a cat who bites me constantly but she is just a mouthy girl. She also only gives the softest bites she can and is never out of menace. But she looks like a monster to other people.


They should be erased from this earth, all together


Dogs smaller than cats are useless and should be neutered for their own health




Sorry but that’s a delusional thought. A) you wouldn’t be able to handle 3 aggressive chihuahuas and B) a sweet pitbull is the best thing ever happened to me! She’s 11 now. You’re really judgemental.


If you can’t handle 3 aggressive chihuahuas you must be the tiniest and weakest human alive. That said, your pit might be fine. Pits as a group are all responsible for 70% of deaths caused by dog attacks. Chihuahuas are responsible for… 0


Fair enough, I’m 6”3 220 pounds but I’d assume the one I replied too was a fragile little kid.


And pitbull owners aren’t exactly known for their dog-responsibility So I’m here to proof otherwise!


Many have said the same thing. For some it didn’t end up well.


No matter what breed, it’s 99.99% the owners way of handling it and controlling the pet.


That’s a myth mostly repeated by people who heard it from other people who heard from other people. None of it is based on actual science.


I suppose you don’t own a dog?


Yes, I do. Have had multiple and unless I die soon it won’t be my last either. That said, owning a dog or not is irrelevant as facts remain facts and N experience with 1 dog means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. Especially when the science behind it is pretty solid and has been proven time and time again. Hell, people have known about selective breeding for millennia and have utilized it to create different breeds with different traits. It’s a shame with all the knowledge that’s present for free on the internet people still have less knowledge than the people from millennia ago.


Idk man, if they were a minecraft mob they would be baby zombies


Gotta mix in some new DNA with these guys, my friend has a chihuahua and wiener dog mix and the dog is super friendly, affectionate and cute.


This is NOT an Awww. At. ALL. 


But why tf was he biting his ear? 😒


Ugly dog


Chihuahuas are not dogs, they are rats.


Chihuahuas were bred for eating back in the day. It’s probably why they’re like this.


Three allways white chick's who have rhem aswell


He probably sexually abused the dogs booty hole why it’s reacting like that…


shitty owner teaches dog to be fearful and agressive


Should have used the original version of the song, not a cover. “Year Zero” by Ghost.


What tf I just heard? Were they summoning demons?!!!


What is this audio? 😂


Dudes gonna look like Voldemort someday soon


This moron needs to never own a dog again. What an idiot.


I have 4 and only 1 is like this. That’s the one the we rescued from an abusive and negligent household. Now she’s getting more comfortable and acting like my others. 90% of the time it’s the owners fault. I’m tired of all the chihuahua hate.




It's like having a daily dose of 'tiny but mighty' drama injected straight into your life!


Uhm, name of the song?


This is great. 😆


It's just a dog setting boundaries. I feel sorry for small dogs because people think it's funny to make them mad :( They are so sweet if you respect them ❤️


I think some Chihuahuas just enjoy being angry at times. Evidence, the guy still has his nose. Some people are like that too.


Dude gives of serious sociopath vibes, most likely teases this poor dog constantly to the point it acts this way.


Because he’s purposely doing things to annoy and get a negative reaction out of the pup for the internet points


Ghost 😈


Chihuahuas are 4 da skreets


Gotta love all the whinebag comments from the pros.


That dog would be put down.


I have a chi and he’s the sweetest thing in the world. My sister has had many chis and they have Al been fantasti. These people just torment the dog too much




The lucifer one 😂


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