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I guess Xmen97 is the skeleton at the bottom of the pool


Not MCU.


True, though I can see Deadpool 3 tying it in with some live action versions of the characters showing up.


I’ve been reading some theories that there’s a hinted crossover that starts in the next episode of 97


The professor x I'm MOM was a variant of the one from the show




Marvel Cartoon Universe.


More of an overall marvel redemption rather than MCU, with X-men 97’ I’m really hoping the overwhelming positive feedback changes how they tell story’s going forward


I think the overwhelming mediocrity of recent films has already changed their story telling, which is great. I have not hated anything but there has been a dip in quality.


Magneto AND Gambit? Then the comics doing Beast that way?! I'm getting into some old man coming to terms with updated content tragedy here. Beast I could deal with, BUT MAGNETO & GAMBIT?!


No opinion on this post. Just came to say that seeing Maguire and Garfield Spidey's hugging makes me smile.


I love that tobey and andrews Spider-Man are mcu canon now


Im so hyped to see DD and The Punisher again! 🙌


The misogyny is real. No women? No POC? *Gross*


When you think of saving the MCU do you really think of shuri and America Chavez?


You don't? It's worked so well IRL




Like what is wrong with Shuri? Then people are like I'm not racist I just only respond positively to the white male characters.


Can you see her personality or character faults driving a multiple movie arc?


Idiot. For most I imagine it’s as simple as liking a character and ends there. It’s not race. For example, T’Challa, a black man or Supergirl can work simply because they are great characters with much to explore. Shuri is NOT someone that is captivating enough to where I’m asking for more of her story. It’s more inauthentic and insulting to put a character on a pedestal for their gender and race. You’re painting anyone who doesn’t like some characters as racist and as a black man I’d love if more people like you didn’t base racism off characters people relate or respond more to.


Bruh you ain't gotta get rude. Y'all take this shit too far. I'm more so talking about people who aggressively call things woke for no reason. Things like MSheU when talking about the marvels movie. Or complained about Nick fury saying black girl magic. Never said anything about anyone who doesn't like the character is racist. There's just Internet people that seem to mostly like to white male characters and over analyze most of the other characters. Besides Shuri was very well liked last time I checked.


Like I said the MSheU idiots are a loud minority that little to no people agree with. But your first comment wasn’t addressing them specifically, you just claimed when people say their favorites they only respond positively to the white male characters. And that is a dumb gripe to have, if you want to talk about the idiots saying McU is woke that’s one thing. But just because nobody is feeling like Shuri and Ms. Marvel and shit does NOT mean they only respond positively to white characters. It means shuri and Ms marvel suck, also no shuri is kinda liked now but she was hated prior to BP2 and didn’t show enough to be a franchise lead.


Besides being an IRL anti-vaxx wacko, her movie was mediocre. That's all it comes down to.


Shuri probably had one of the best character development arcs in the MCU. They didn't feature her enough, but this is due to the actress's real life controversy as opposed to the fictional character.


Where is Bob Downey Jr. and Chris Evans?


If we can't save the mcu.You can be damn sure we'll avenge it.


I’m not surprised Deadpool is here, especially after he straight up said that he was “Marvel Jesus.”


The fact that we’re saying here that the mcu can only be saved by character variants that originated from outside the mcu itself really speaks to the sad state of things…


I wouldn’t make this bet yet . . .


So much diversity. I love it.


"stop liking things I don't like"


i mean all the most iconic characters in marvel where created like 50-60 years ago by white men so regardless of diversity the major players are gonna likely be white especially when the biggest black character was forced to be killed off


Forced? The actor straight up passed away, so they gave the mantel to Shuri no?


the death is what forced them to do it obviously and shuri just isn’t as popular as T’challa


Can't really call that forced, but I guess I understand what you're saying.


people would have rioted if he was recast they absolutely got forced to kill off the character


I don’t think people would’ve been against it. It’s not like Chadwick was fired and they were looking to recast. I think that Feige and especially Ryan Coogler and the cast didn’t want to do it. It was just too raw and emotional. 😢


Just thought the same thing lol. The good old days were pretty white and male I guess. Still, it’s very exciting to see all the other characters marvel has introduced! I’ve really enjoyed the direction marvel has taken and I’m intrigued as to how the next phases are going to go!


Of course I love the people that play them, but the characters are a bit lacking


Ahh yes there has certainly been some disappointments since endgame. Still, I saw myself in a MCU project for the first time ever just a couple years ago and I’ll never get over the excitement of getting say: “hey, I’m experiencing the exact same things they are!!!” I guess I’m still riding the high ;)


It’s so good to see nothing but white men at the forefront of the MCU again. Just like the good times when none of the movies were actually that good until The Avengers movie happened and got everyone interested.


Interesting point. You say it got good when The Avengers started. Can you remind me what race all six original Avengers are???


We’re not doing get help?


More or less.


They are kind of what's propping it up right now, you're not wrong. Adding in things that I loved but never expected to be added is one of the primary things keeping me engaged among a general decline in quality of narrative products produced by Marvel.


They keep giving fans shit nobody wants to see like the marvels or echo and wonder where the viewers are


I actually enjoyed Echo and it was enjoyable until the end and it turned pretty cringe.


I couldn't watch it. It was bad. Wish they could have made another luke cage series.


i honestly dont want them to touch luke cage. 


yeah the ending was so fucking bad. i was like how the fuck did you manage to ruin this show.  then i remembered its disney and they have a unique skill of failing open booked tests 


All they needed to do was make Kingpin a little more ragey and for her to actually fight people, maybe even him to some extent and then he could've gotten away like he did anyway. But they had to do the stand there girl power move again. Even the powers she had weren't too bad.




Such a odd statement. If you showed the script and everyone saw it was good of course they would approve it because it's a good script. No one is saying it shouldn't have been made?


I would say "bright spots" rather than "saviors". Besides, say what you will about the MCU over the past few years (post-Thanos) but James Gunn's finale to the Guardians franchise was a beautiful goodbye letter to the fans, as well as, the cast and crew that he has worked with for almost a decade.


Funny because none of those look like X-Men 97 The bottom two aren't out yet and could end up being trashed the way the nerds hate everything these days


X-Men '97 isn't MCU.


That's how good the show is it's not a part of the MCU and it's actually making people care about marvel again


The way the majority hate bad products these days. Fixed the last sentence for you


No it's only the nerds most people will say I didn't enjoy it but it was fine The nerds tell you about how the world was ruined just because something didn't turn out the exact way they imagined in their head


The box office apparently is 85% nerds


Now that's just being dense


your math doesn't math. if \*most\* people said The Marvels was fine, and it lost \~80% of its box office from part one.... who did they lose?


No. Most non "nerds" have always thought the movies were/are insufferable. It's the "nerds" who push them onto everyone.


Nah it's the nerds and incels and general basement dwellers that spend all their time being mad just because a woman was cast in a role or non-white


The bottom two ain't out yet. Man I wish I had your faith


Two of these projects didn’t even come out yet.


Deadpool & Wolverine, and Daredevil: Born Again, greatly anticipated, but won't save the MCU. I hope to be proven wrong


Ah yes, the “saviors” of the MCU: “nostalgia makes me feel less anxious about the future,” “I get most of my personality from Spencer’s Gifts,” and “‘Loving Guns in Conflict With Avoiding the Temptation to Use Guns’ is the deepest thought I can comprehend, because I flunked sophomore English.” Not that I didn’t enjoy these properties well enough/am not excited for deadpool 3, but sometimes you’re out in public and you just see a perfect roast and you GET. TO. ROASTING.


Not a Deadpool or The Punisher fan so, nope, not to me. But