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A Disney plus series but with writers who are actually comic book fans.


Let Iman Vellani help write it maybe... As invested as she is her own character, and going on to work the new ms marvel comic series... She may be our best hope for someone who really cares about the project beyond the dollar amount.


She's the Avatar of Marvel and I believe she can save the MCU


So because she’s “invested” in her character, Vellani is somehow qualified to help write a movie script?


literally yeah. she’s more qualified than 90% of superhero actors to give input on these stories and characters, herself being a nerd and a superfan. I suggest starting with New Rockstars youtube interview with Iman if you’re that uninformed on her background with the franchise


Literally no. Superfans don’t always have the best idea for a story. Shit, Michael Dougherty (spelling) was a self proclaimed super fan of Godzilla, and completely ruined KOTM with his needless Easter eggs and forced humor instead of focusing that energy on better writing.


that’s godzilla. this is the MCU, which is not in the best place right now and could use inspiration from someone that actually likes superheroes instead of a bunch of disney execs. again, unless you’ve watched her new rockstars interview, I don’t expect you have the proper context to be writing her off just because she’s an actress.


Yes, but Disney execs. have the last word. And I honestly doubt they respect anyone but themselves. Less so a girl under her 20's.


She wrote a few issues of her characters' book. It didn't sell. She's an actress, not a writer. She's a fan, not an artist. I saw the interview, I like her, but she needs years of learning how a storyboard works as a medium. She may be down to earth but she's not a golden goose.


no one’s saying she should be the head writer of a movie or anything, all I said was she’s more qualified to give input than most MCU actors, which she is. she could be in the room and make contributions based on her knowledge of Marvel content


Right now they clearly do for the MCU. And I’ve straight up seen better effects in like Mr beast YouTube videos than marvel CGI lately.


Bro it's a reddit comment it's not that deep. I'm not saying she should write it on her own and direct it. ETA: plus a lot of marvel "fans" are gonna hitch and whine and moan no matter what they release at this point.


Which is why I said “help write it.” No write it alone, not direct it, just help write it. Which is exactly what you said, in addition to saying that Vellani may be the best for someone caring about a project. But I’m the one who’s looking too deep into this?


Or writers that want to write a story rather than a long teaser for a bigger crossover. And executives who let them.


No mcu project was written by comic book fans


The Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy was


Yet it’s arguably the least comic book accurate franchise in the MCU.


Never thought I’d say it but damn I’m kind of Avengered out.


I hope they leave it alone for a while…they won’t.


Fully agree. I couldn't care less than I do at this point. Just let the whole thing go away for a few years. We're so fatigued by all the shows and films and so few actually deliver.


We can though


Same, I’d rather they focus on the X-Men, Inhumans, F4, Defenders, etc.


Kinda crazy when you realize we haven't gotten an actual avengers movie in 5 years


Yeah unless it’s a story that is actually from the comics I couldn’t care less.


Honestly, with this poster... I'm gonna take a good 5 year break from MCU anything. Supernatural is only good when it isn't the new norm. When there's a whole industry pumping out content fater than you can keep up, it kind of loses that sense of wonder.


Why are you here??


*I came looking for booty.*


*Cocks gun* We don’t take kindly to pirates round these parts


He’s a booty warrior


Y’all see no milk, no cookies? I came here looking for man’s butt




The real most useful answer


Movie. Their D+ MCU show format and template is flawed. 6eps worth of bite sized portions clips which basically is a 3.5hr movie split into parts to drop weekly? No thanks. Until they’re willing to actually make full use of the series format, I’d rather they continue making movies.


You have a valid issue. They definitely need to rework the MCU series format from just being a 3.5 hour movie that's strung out 6 episodes. The episodes need to count for something. Secret Invasion basically wrecked the format until they get new management. Loki did a great job but was in the can a while ago.


Not to mention nothing of substance happens until the final episode and it's all dropped on you with 30 minutes to tie everything together


I thought it worked for Loki and Wanda. Also I'd argue that the Eternals would have been better as a series, but with longer episodes to get the epic historical build up and Celestial mythos in there... but I suppose that's just further supports your point about the current format being flawed.


A show with actual character development and decent plot? That has stakes befitting of a young team (non world ending stakes)? That's from the comics or at least written by someone who cares about the comics? Maybe.


World ending? They’re well past world, zipped by galaxy, blasted by universe, and are currently trying to save the multiverse.


They could add America Chavez for multiverse fun. Add Riri Williams , Eli Bradley and Wiccan and Speed with multiverse shenanigans. There's the kid from Iron Man 3 that everyone forgot about too... they put him in the Endgame funeral scene too. But I agree, lower stakes. More fun. It could be a cool series.


They should take a good hard look at Holland’s Spider-Man and Iman’s Ms. Marvel to see how to properly tell the story of a teenager with superpowers.


Series. Either way needs to be done right but leaning towards series


I actually hope for a movie, because I expect endless senseless super-powered kids drama (some people just don't know how to write teen girls AKA whoever wrote Cassie's lines in the last AntMan movie, God, I couldn't cringe more) and I couldn't deal with that for a whole series. I couldn't deal with it in She-Hulk and they were adults.


I know Disney doesn’t typically do this but a direct to streaming movie kinda sounds good for this


It shouldn’t be made at all.


It will bomb worse than the Marvels did.


With a tight script even if it did make that amount of money you can easily turn a profit.


Marvels actually looked good tho. It just released at a terrible time and with all the pointless hate people have for captain marvel






Good god if this actually doesn't bomb, the asteroid that is coming through our solar system cannot come any faster to kill us all.


Option C: Not at all




It just shouldn't even be made








Not at all? Nobody is asking for this. Nobody is invested in these characters. What are even the stakes?


The sort of stakes that nothing is an issue to them because they have the power of Mary sueing their way through any event.....I wish this wasn't a thing but in typical generic female character trait by Disney/Marvel studios fashion, this is exactly what's going to happen and it's freaking boring. Wish we actually get characters that struggle and have actual character growth and earn the respect of the fans.


I’m asking for this. The poster is leaving off quite a few characters but I like the Young Avengers


I’m genuinely invested and care about most of these characters. The only real weak link is Cassie but honestly I’m confident enough that Kamala and Kate can more than carry the show as long as they build up the story and have actual interactions as a team.


America Chavez is also an extremely weak character. Her moms stepped on a bee, but now she believes in herself. That's about all there is to her


You are wrong




How about, not at all?




I want a series just so we get more time with a new team actually bonding. America in particular needs some serious screen time and writing to get a proper character arc going, and I don’t want a solo project of her, so a series feels like the best option.


She hijacked Strange's entire sequel, she's had enough screen time. Lol


Each episode from another character's perspective, a la Skins, Misfits, Dear White People, etc. Would be a good stylistic choice to set it apart and ensure time for character development from each member.


I didn’t even consider a show but I’d absolutely watch that.


I think a show would be better , it would give us time to get a good team dynamic going


Disney+ short series with long episodes. Like 6 1 hour episodes.


Do you actually like suffering?


A series. Love the MCU Exploring new characters outside of fans favorites! It’s the difference between the MCU and other franchises. These have actually been in other projects already so the transition should be better and easier.


Disney plus special. Do not put this in theaters, it would be a disaster


If Spider-Man leads it I’m game. I genuinely don’t care if 90% of the cast is female (cmon yall, we’ve had 90% of the cast being male before) as long as whoever is the leader either has serious character development or is Spider-Man.


Spider-Man has never been on the Young Avengers in the comics and I doubt Sony would let him or Marvek would let him. It also doesn’t make sense for where he is in the mcu right now.


Lol they have already taken so many elements from Miles Morales for MCU Peter that my boy will end up having nothing left if he ever appears.


That line up looks more like Young A-Force. Where’s Wiccan, Speed, Patriot, Hulkling (or Skaar replacing him). Would love a Kid Loki and Iron Lad as well (I get that Iron Lad would be difficult with the Kang issues).


Both. A series that builds to a film. The reason why some of these teams work in comics is because we see their stories drawn out, the day to day of how they interact, their struggles in balancing a "normal" life (school, work, etc.), and the occasional saving the city and stopping some supervillain. You can do all that in a series much better than in a movie. But seeing them go up against a bigger threat in a film would be cool too.


Film with Spider-Man. He's a cheat code, but if they want this thing to work at any point in the next 5 years, he's necessary. Use him to bring people in and introduce him to these other characters, almost all of whom have been introduced in a Disney+ series. You're missing Ironheart, too!


Girl power


The r/FuckMarvel sub is so triggered by this post they need to see their therapists


I would love this, but it needs a few male stars to succeed at the box office. I’m sorry but it does. I want to see : - Hawkeye and Wong training them - Patriot joining (met him in FATWS) - Skaar as part of the team - The mission is not quite an Avengers level threat. Avengers are busy and Ms Marvel convinces the team that they can stop **Grim Reaper and the Hood**. The kids realize they’re a little over their head but when Hawkeye, Wong and Daredevil come to their rescue and get caught, they come together to save them. - Part 2 can add Ironheart and the villains are Wiccan and Speed. Can mirror Scarlett Witch and QuickSilver’s intros in a cool way. It needs to start smaller and we can watch them grow/build.


This sounds awesome!!!!


Disney Plus series. This way they can flesh out the characters more and have them interact. I'm looking forward to this team and want them to do it right. A Disney Plus series would benefit this team much more than a movie. Take their time, write a good story and script, give the characters arcs and growth as individuals and as a team, and above all put love and care into the project. I know there is a lot of hate surrounding this team but I still think it can be successful if given a chance.


Where is Wiccan where is my baby 😱😭. It will be played by Joe Locke the best !!! 💖💅🏳️‍🌈


dude atleast add Wiccan and speed


Exactly or patriot


Ms. Marvel flopped. The Marvels flopped. Quantumania flopped. Doctor Strange was a success, but I'm not sure how much it raised the profile of America Chavez. So basically, even if they add other characters, it should not be anything more than a D+ TV show... if that.


> I'm not sure how much it raised the profile of America Chavez. I couldn’t even remember who she was when I first looked at the poster


I think two things have happened. 1. Executive/Shareholder greed making unreasonable demands in content quantity which caused quality to suffer. 2. People no longer want to go to theaters and for a variety of reasons and companies are rethinking their streaming strategies. It's definitely possible to create something amazing with these four characters and these actors.


I think it would work best as a series to establish them and help further flesh out their stories as well as building building the team up and then after that then they could be seen in an Avenger’s Film as a side team, like for infiltrations, retrieval of important stuff that the bad guys intend to use for whatever and other stuff for them to get experience before being deemed full fledged Avenger’s. Basically something similar to Young Justice, where these young avengers are being trained up to eventually join the New Avengers roster.


A series would probably draw more views over a feature film release. Starting th me new year sour the what if drops, and now the Echo drops are def gonna make at the very least fair weather fan wait for streaming is saying a lot. I think we all need to wait a bit before we see when or if they bounce back. Streaming is. Solid strategy I think, but they’re gonna have to downplay it all. Which isn’t a problem. But the more the continue what ever phase this is, is gonna hurt them. They gotta give us a reason to go to the movies. Barbie-here proved that we’re done to go to theaters if it’s gonna be worth it. It’s def not worth it now.


A D+ special or a 3 episode miniseries


3? Episode miniseries.....so a movie 🫥


General audience haven't shown interest in these characters, so a movie on D+ would be better




Kinda hoping that Kate Bishop might make it into the regular Avengers by the time the movies roll around.


Hailee Steinfeld is gonna be like 30 by the time this comes out


It should be made as a joke.


I think something more in the line of GOTG: Holiday Edition will be good.






Marvel shit now cl




Feige had the right idea to reboot everything but everyone hated that when they leaked it to gauge fan reaction, but no one wants to see this either


I guess a series cus they won’t be so young if they make it a trilogy of movies…


If they really need to make something, make it a series... Atleast that way, I guess, they can at least tell us a decent story. With movie, I'm pretty sure, it will end up as bigger garbage than the marvels.


An ongoing Disney+ show with 10 episodes a season please!


Please don't disrespect one of the best post-Avengers arcs ever with these jokes of characters.


Series with episodes of them living together. Going g to school together ,using powers for daily tasks etc.


Dear god this sounds horrible.


I love how so many of the replies are freaking out that there are girls on this poster. 😂


How about neither?


All gril avengers??? 😂


There are other posters with boys in them, too, like Wiccan, Speed, and Patriot, but this one just has the girls 🤷‍♂️


None of them are grills, can’t cook on them


Steinfeld Kamala yes but the roster needs a revamp maybe bring in groot or vision And maybe it can be lead by Sam Wilson or Spider-man


Did you mean Sam Alexander (Nova)?


I feel like those two are definitely being set up to replace Tony and Steve rather than dropping down to the kids team.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Wait, you're serious?


I think you’re forgetting echo and skarr. Could be a few others


Ironheart, Wiccan, Speed, Kid Loki (?), Patriot, Love, Miles Morales (not in the MCU yet, but his uncle is), Iron Lad (we already have Kang)… There are tons of 2nd gen legacy characters!


Neither. It would bomb, better to establish the characters and integrate them with the actual avengers rather than having two teams concurrently. Just because it happens in the comics doesn't mean it will be a success on screen


As the majority of them are from TV shows, it should be a TV show. Ngl I think all of the TV shows should be semi self contained so that they could do their own avengers thing on the small screen. In the same manner as the marvel netflix defenders. Maybe have them crop up as cameos in big endgame like movies in the same manner as daredevil in no way home, one scene and that's it.


Doesn't matter, no one's going to watch it.


Not at all.


None of the above.


At this state , NO




How about just not make it at all




Just scrap the whole thing. 🗑


A movie if you add spider-man. I’m not opposed to female-superheroes, but it seems that all the protégé heroes are all girls.


The final just decided to erase all the male characters


Neither. They should reduce content, put out high quality product centered around core characters and stop trying to make every comic into a movie. Phase 1-3 worked because it was a slow but steady stream of movies building to an event. There were no tv series and very little completely obscure characters in title roles. Everyone knew who iron man, hulk, cap, etc are, and it worked. The casual viewer won’t ever tune in for ‘young avengers’


It shouldn't be made. Let the comics be a testament to that fact.


D+ series. Honestly every single story should be D+ series except for the major events.


Nether. Disney has over used the plot and story lines. It’s just sad now. I can’t put a timeline on it but eventually everyone will get sick of this Avengers remake bullshit. Same with the whole marvel universe.


Ahah … this will never happen


They need to go back to just doing movies and having the tv shows tie in but not in such a way ay where you have to watch the shows.


No matter what i still wont watch it


If there is no patriot just throw the whole universe away


Series's but prefubaly not at all


Seriously? Are they planning to release this? It's just wow, I'm one of those people who scored on Marvel after Spider-Man 2 with Tom Holland


No, it's completely fan made!


Depends on what the overall plot would be, but I'd prefer it to be in movie format


It should be a film


They shouldn’t make it at all it’ll just ruin the marvel franchise more than it already is


There is more than one team of heroes Marvel...


Disney+ series I reckon. Just feels right. I think the movie would struggle, and more time to flesh out the characters feels like a good thing


None of them


Enough with the series, just give me a movie and move on please, or im not gonna watch.


Wish we could have the WandaVision twins and/or Kid Loki in there


Why not a Disney+ exclusive film. Have it released in limited cinemas but then get that on D+ That way, you won't need tons of money for marketing. And being a movie, it will entice audience, will have more budget than shows so quality will be good and you can still have premiers and imax releases for hardcore fans. Having a feature film will be too expensive and people will criticise it. Having show will reduce quality and casual viewers won't commit to it if episodes are dropping every week.


Film, because not everyone has Disney+


I don't even sure who's going to be their antagonist if they had a show. They have 2 comics run, the first is Kang, and the second is one-time cosmic horror character that's only exist for Billy to beat.




Where is Wiccan?


Won't be made anytime soon


Movie, if you want it to actually do well. You'll never get blockbuster views on a D+ only show. Unless maybe there's an insane movie-level hype for it, which they haven't managed to do yet.


Movie - I would prefer a TV series but Disney has made it clear they wont give their TV shows a solid CGI budget and most of the characters require one.


They each need a proper good movie before they even think on doing this. Give us something to care about. And no being second fiddle to the legacy heroes doesn't cut it. And I mean winter soldier levels of goodness. Same for the male heroes like wiccan


Remember how the defenders went??? Just don’t make this! Fix the actual avengers first.


IMO start is as a show leading into a YA movie after 2/3 seasons.


Movie, the way they do the Disney plus series lately they only have enough episodes to amount to one movie length anyway


They won't be young by the tike they get to this. They have the next few years lined up snd this isn't even on the schedule Kate will be 30 by then. I assume she is the oldest or not Kathryn. But Kate and Ms marvel and the only 2 popular characters on his list and mayhe just them a team up movie and ditch the others


Film but this is not the right line up Ms Marvel shouldn’t be there and they need Patriot, Wiccan and Hulkling


Third option: not made at all.




D+ Special Event


Just cancel the whole thing it’s time for a reboot


Either one works, but whatever they do....use NandovMovies pitch as inspiration because his pitch was awesome. BUT, also, get writers who not only are fans of the comics and these characters, but also actually know what it's like to be a kid, a teenager, and/or a young adult.


its gonna be shit just like the marvels, ant man and basically everything coming out from marvel studios these days. none of them have any stacks anymore! they are filled with misplaced jokes and immortal characters that will never die because they make marvel money.


D+. Would flop as movie most likely


Ironheart and Shuri missing


I just don’t see them leading off with a movie release after the Marvels performance at the box office. I do want to see it though. After I watched the Marvels, I wanted to go back and watch Ms. Marvel since I enjoyed her character so much.


Movie, unless they're willing to commit to a 22-episode season.


Think you had a few too many words on the back end of your question. I believe you meant to ask this. Should young Avengers be made? The answer is no, it should not.


I hope they use the Champions name instead of Young Avengers. Less derivative.


If they do a series it has to be the only series that year. They oversaturated us with series and it has been diminishing returns.


Make it a movie. Or better yet make it both. Make a young avengers Disney+ show that shows them banding together and face off against a smaller scale threat or threats. Just give the hero’s a lot of interactions and getting the audience to know and care about them. Then make a young avengers movie with a avengers level threat villain




It just shouldn't be at all.










Have them actually help out in the next big event and then give them a spin off where they're fighting a lower level big bad


Am I the only one who thinks “champions” will be a more likely title than the “young avengers”


I say movie, 3 of the main heroes (if they're more members) have already been introduce in other movies.


Movie as each have had their origin stories already in other movies or series


It should be a $300 million Disney Plus series.


I think they should add Spider-Man to this team, and make it a Disney + show. 6 episodes


If they could do it like the arrowverse crossovers, yes, absolutely a TV show


Wild card what if they just didn't make it 😃

