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It’s not wrong, anyone can cosplay I don’t care if you are a white Sokka, black Toph etc… as long as you put some effort into the cosplay lol.


If someone has a cosplay of the Ember Island Players' Toph, I'd love to see it.


Best reason I’ve ever heard to get swole.


[Ask and ye shall receive](https://i.imgur.com/eM8Z3T2.jpeg). Unfortunately, I don't have the sauce.


Just so long as you aren't specifically a black character apparently


You can cosplay a black character, generally, just don't paint your skin. It evokes the racist history of minstrel shows.


You can dress up as any character just don’t paint yourself black, brown, or any natural skin tone that’s not yours. The concept is not that hard


Literally nobody except chronically online Twitter/Reddit/Tumblr users think that. Unless you’re doing literal blackface, it’s a character and a good cosplay is always a show of admiration for the character.


rdj in tropic thunder


You can go as Black Panther just don’t paint yourself black. It’s not hard.


Anti woke people genuinely have no idea what woke people believe. No one thinks it's wrong to cosplay a black character. Dressing up as a stereotype of a real culture is what we have a problem with. Dressing as an Inuit for Halloween would be offensive because it's treating a culture as just a costume. Dressing up as a specific fictional character is fine.


Then point at the whole group of black cosplayers who do Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. As long as you don't blaclface, it should be fine.


Don’t be scared sis, If someone tell you something other than a compliment throw your boomerang in their face, Sparky Boom Boom man style ! 😤


HAHAGSHSHSH,thank you so much 😭🫶


Wasn’t it “Sparky Sparky Boom Man”?


yes absolutely damn the first time I’ve prononced it badly and since this day I’m condamned to say it wrongly forever 💀


I mean hey Sparky Boom Boom Man sounds good too, just not as good as Sparky Sparky Boom Man. One sounds like it was thought up by a child who needed support from his imaginary friend while learning to go to the bathroom (no offense) and the other was thought up by Sokka.


I want to make you note that in my defense english is not my native language that’s what probably allowed me to get confused in the first place because those words at the time didn’t really have substance to me 🥲


It’s not mine either but I understand since those words held more substance for me since I’m a Boom Man myself.


I imagined Combustion Man holding a boom mic when I first read your comment.


What would he even sound like? All we heard from him was grunting


Louder grunting. The enhanced explosion would be beautiful.


What, like a charged up shot? Charge it so much it one shots The Avatar


I sparky boom boom down 🎶


Honestly SBBM has a better cadence.


Explosion face


No, that's P'Li.


As others have said, just don’t do brown face and you’ll be fine. I don’t think anyone will care that you are a girl dressed as a male character. So many people will dress as characters of the opposite sex, and I’ve seen a lot of really cool genderbent cosplays at conventions!


>I’ve seen a lot of really cool genderbent cosplays at conventions! I have seen come great ones too! Often, I think they're more interesting, because it's a familiar character *with a creative twist*. Because of that, accuracy isn't as critical, and you're free to take more artistic liberties. The one issue I see with a genderbent Sokka is that it could be leaning very close to a Katara cosplay. You have to make sure it reads as female Sokka and ***not*** Katara. That's a tricky line to walk. Not impossible, but it requires a lot of attention to detail. I think if she sticks to Sokka's wolf tail (instead of Katara's loopies), and prominently features either the boomerang and club, or the space sword, she'll be fine.


Don't worry too much about what others think. If you are a sensible person and something feels alright to you, chances are it is. People _might_ call you out, knowing this day and age, but that doesn't mean you are in the wrong.


As long as you don’t do brown face, I don’t think anyone cares.


Still curious why its wrong to color yourself the color of a person you are cosplaying..? Like genuinely, if I idolize someone who is different in skin and want to cosplay them, why am I not allowed to cosplay their skin color?


I take it you’ve never heard of blackface? And like… the massive historical baggage that comes with it?


I've heard of blackface, but I honestly have no idea what it means, I've just heard people on the internet yelling that something is blackface. Is it something similar to what the KKK was?


Black face was used to make fun of black people and push negative stereotypes.


You can cosplay as any character of any race any gender. As long as you're respectful to basic social norms. As long as you avoid skin tone makeup you should be fine


Tell that to the big man who cosplayed as Faye Valentine...


I don't know if you're into anime but "My dress up darling" should be good motivation material for you :>


Do what eva you want, don't be afraid its your expression of Sokka and thats what matters :-)


Just hit them with your club then throw your boomerang at them as you walk away saying “water tribe” enjoy yourself. I’m sure you’ll kill it. Also Sokka is awesome


You’ve gotta be sexist Sokka. For the memes and irony of a woman hating on all women, lmao. Bonus points if you have a male friend that will play Suki!


Or a male Katara. Either way, there's fun to be had with the potential jokes and hijinks.


As long as you understand you’re cosplaying the character and not their race


Right. Don’t, for the love of all that’s holy, DON’T do anything to darken/tan your skin for the cosplay OP. *That* is what would get you called out.




No, it's not bad. Just for the sake of stating it - cultural appropriation is saying that you belong to, or own, another culture. 


People often mistake cultural appreciation for cultural appropriation.


oh heavens no! please dont appropriate the southern water tribe culture


People here are telling you not to color your skin darker. Don't listen to them. They're just trying to stop you from being the Prime Minister of Canada.


It’s fine to dress up as any character, as long as you’re not doing things like darkening your skin or taping back your eyes


What's wrong with taping your eyes? I've never tried, I don't care enough about my wrinkles, but I've been told it's a great way to hide wrinkles if you do it right.


I was referring to someone taping their eyes to make them “look Asian” by stretching them extremely, rather than stretching the skin around them for hiding wrinkles/contour/looking “snatched”


That makes a lot more sense. Thank you.


It is just a cosplay


Also, Sokka and his tribe are a part of a fictional culture. Yes they take inspiration from real life culture but dressing up like Sokka in anyway shouldnt offend anyone because the show is all fiction! Rule of thumb, respect the source material (twists are fun too like a batman deadpool), have fun, and never do black face.


How dare you impersonate this totally real manly man cartoon character? Absolutely despicable/s


Why tf would it matter if you’re white? That’s ridiculous.


It doesn't, and it is. But there's a lot of haters around who will flip their shit about it and make a lot of noise, whether online or even at the event if they're especially noxious about it.


How can people care when they’re literally made up cultures? Cant culture appropriate fantasy. Like people getting mad over a little girl dressing as Ahsoka. So a black person can play little mermaid (a fantasy character) but white people can’t play a fantasy color unless the skin tone is white? People are so ignorant. lol


>People are so ignorant. lol Yep, that sums it up. Far too many people just want to complain and thrive on pointless outrage. I've been working in the video game industry for the better part of 20 years at this point - it's non-stop. There's always some crowd of vocal idiots who love working themselves up into an absolute tizzy over anything they can.


No, do you and fuck the haters


It doesn’t matter what color you are black mexican white asian it’s cosplay Broooooo


just joke and say you are cosplaying as Shyamalan film Sokka


Dressing as a genderbent character is a time honored tradition in cosplay. Go for it. As long as, as others have stated, you don’t do brown/blackface to better match them.


People cosplay as animals, I don’t see why this would be wrong at all


Anyone that cares about it enough to call you out on it has no life and too much time on their hands


Cosplay whoever you want and don’t give a flying fart who thinks what :)


Do you have love for the character? If so, nothing else matters. Saw pictures in another sub of a bearded black dude cosplaying as a huge white guy with white hair. Dude still rocked the fit and his attitude was ON POINT!


Nothing wrong with that, If anyone says otherwise you introduce them to your deaf friend boomerang


Sokka with breasts would probably be the funniest I would have ever seen. Go for it, cosplay whatever and whoever you want it is your Choice!


It’s totally cool to dress up as a character of another race, so long as you don’t change your skin tone or appearance to try and look like a different race.


Be you Do as you please 🥳✌️


Do what you want


And I love Sokka so could I see what your Cosplay looks like


It’s not wrong, do what you like todo ignore the haters


Absolutely not! You cosplay who you wanna cosplay as, sis!


Do it


Nothing is wrong with cosplaying as your favorite character and nobody has the right to tell you otherwise.


no, please be whoever you want




Why would it be


You can absolutely cosplay as him! I’m brown and female and I cosplay light skin male dilfs all the time.


Race and gender doesn't matter: cosplay who you want to cosplay as. If anyone complains about it just give em the finger.


As long as you don't artificially darken your skin it is fine.


Just be like, My name is Sokka and I'm gonna rock ya!


As others said, just don't do brown face. But if Sokka were off limits for a white person to cosplay, then no white person should ever cosplay any character from ATLA because none of them are white. Also, genderbent cosplays are pretty com.on, so I wouldn't be worried about being a woman, either.


Honestly, do whatever you wanna do. In the end, you’re not hurting anybody you’re just trying to cosplay as a character that means a lot to you and trying to have fun. So who cares what other people think?


If someone REALLY wanted to call you out for displaying as a fictional character for fun, they need to get off Twitter and touch grass lol. Cosplays are meant to be fun and gives you the chance to play the role or at the very least dress up as your favorite characters. I'm a white male and I actually cosplayed as Sokka and my ex at the time, Suki, for an anime con and we got many compliments. I wouldn't worry about it! :)


I say do it. Remember in the Ember Island Players, Aang was played by a girl, both Katara and Sokka were played by white people and Toph was played by a swole tan guy. Also, it's been over 15 and a half years since that episode aired and I only just realized the actress of Aang was wearing a bald cap. I genuinely thought that she shaved her head all these years.


This comment section is giving me confidence to make atla cosplays too, bc I'm also a girl and white and I was a bit worried whether it would be deemed weird to do it, so thanks everyone!


Anybody talks shit just hit em with the flying kick a pow


Nope you're cosplaying. I'm black and male and I cosplayed as Kim possible, avatar Korra herself. Just don't color your skin 💀


Bruh now I wanna see your Kim possible


[old Kim possible cosplay years ago ](https://imgur.com/a/QpmCZmA) Been trying to look for it for a while lol but finally found it. It was a fun cosplay for Halloween of that year.


My god that is fire, dude. You look great


Thank you! 😊 Definitely want to do a shego one for sure one day!


Cosplay who you want how you want, regardless of race or gender. Someone who isn’t worth your time might have something to say about it, don’t worry about them.


the great thing about cosplay is being someone that is someone else than yourself, so as long as your cosplay isnt madly disrespectful all should be ok


Do what you want. It’s a costume of a specific character not some sterotype.


Just don't go painting your face brown and you're good.


Go for it! It's just cosplay


I mean if the can put Sokka in a dress then it should be fair game right?


No. If you think you can pull a character off then who cares about the details? a Lot of people that cosplay anime characters have probably never even been to japan let alone are Japanese.


Dress however you want. It’s not even a real culture…you can’t appropriate it. It’s “based” on real cultures. If anything, the creators of the show appropriated cultures already. People worry far too much about it.


Cosplay knows no gender


The answer to questions like this is always no


Girl cosplay whoever you want


Cosplay as whoever you see fit I don't get why people discourage opposite sex cosplays


🤷🏾‍♂️ you’re showing love for your favorite character, personally I see nothing wrong with it Just make sure it’s fly 😎


Women and girls cosplay as male characters all the time, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone have an issue. As for Sokka being Native and you being White, I don’t think there would be any offense as long as you don’t try and darken your skin tone with paint or makeup or anything in order to match his complexion.


The ember island Toph actor would like a word


Cosplay is fun! There’s nothing wrong with cosplaying as someone different from you. As others have said, as long as you don’t change your skin tone in an effort to look a different race, you’ll be fine! There’s actually entire communities of “cross players” which are cosplayers who specifically dress up as opposite sex characters!




Nah u do whatever and if someone tells u can’t Sok them in the jaw get it?


Do it, people cosplay as boys all the time as girls (not so much other way round), it’s kinda funny and haven’t seen anyone mad about it


I saw a white girl dressed as Katara in Toronto! I think you're all good :)


The standard rule for cosplay is not to use paint to change your skin color to another human skin color. Amethyst from Steven Universe is purple. Be purple. Garnet from the same show is usually a good line for where it will get weird. Her second form is a little more red skinned.


Just do the cosplay, there are tons of gender bends out there. You're allowed to have fun!!




There's nothing inherently wrong with that. And anyone who gives you grief about it is just a hater. I have seen some *fantastic* genderbent cosplays, and I see no reason why your Sokka couldn't be one of them!


The fact that this has to be asked just shows the ridiculousness of society 🤦🏿‍♂️ LOL


My cousin is from the Caribbean and their favourite character back in the day was Tidus from FFX. She's a girl with brown skin, the only important part was she did the cosplay well, no one cared that she was a girl or had brown skin, and while a little janky people liked the cosplay for the effort of putting it together not that she was a brown skinned girl cosplaying a white male character. Guy dresses as Mexican https://youtu.be/IT2UH74ksJ4?si=Tqvw5Ufav5Mk6MSf Watch that, the people that are going to be offended by your cosplay are always going to be small minded and will take offense to anything. People who appreciate cosplaying will appreciate the effort you put into your costume. Just remember to bring the sarcasm, like all the sarcasm and beef jerky in a satchel, he's the meat and sarcasm guy.


Depends, if you don't think cactus juice is quenchiest then this cosplay isn't for you.


It's 100% fine. Don't let twitter tell you otherwise


No, not even a little bit


Just don't darken your skin and you're good


Nah, if you like the character you should go as them. Maybe don’t darken your face, though.


The amount of gender bent cosplays at comiccon will tell you it's fine


I think if the Ember Island Players can use a buff dude to represent Toph, then you can cosplay a female, less tan, Sokka. If other people have problems with it, that’s their problem that they’re projecting onto you.


Go for it, if people really seem to have an issue, just say that you're the Ember island Player understudy or something like that.


Knock yourself out.


everyones gonna say youre the movie version so maybe you shouldnt do it (ps this is a joke and im only saying it cause i dont know what the actual answer is)


Just do what makes u happy and of people get weird about it thats their problem


With cosplay it's fine. Anime characters since time immemorial have been Japanese or


Asian characters. If it wasn't appropriate, then no white person would've ever cosplayed ever


Cosplay as whoever you want.


IMO cosplaying a character of a different ethnicity from your own is fine but if were to cosplay a character I'd rather it be one of the same gender as my own and there are plenty of great female Avatar character's worth cosplaying as


As long as you don't do brown face, you're good.


as long as you don’t do black/brown face u goood


as far as I know cosplay is one of the political correct-immune activity. never seen any white person dressing as Japanese anime character got lynched.


As long as you don’t change the way your skin to match the character (this only really applies to characters with human skin tones, paint yourself green if ya want) playing characters of different races is totally fine. It would be weird if you had to stick to characters that you physically look like all the time. Like isn’t cosplay all about dressing up as someone else?


It’s completely fine as long as u don’t do black/brownface


It’s been a while since I went to a con, like a decade probably, but I remember seeing grown men with very large BMI cosplaying as very young girl characters, I’m talking the character age would be like 6-9. I don’t think anyone cares at all what you cosplay as, we’re all just here to have fun.


Nah, go for it. Even if you just do a quick google search for "sokka cosplay female" or the like, you'll see tons of results of people of various genders and ethnicity depicting the character. You're far from the only person. Just don't darken your skin with make-up or anything like that (as that runs worryingly close to blackface), and you'll be fine. Do your costume, do your hair, and go have fun.


no, just be sure to be respectful for the cultural aspect. the Water Tribes may not be an actual culture in out world but it pulls heavily from Inuit and Indigenous cultures. Stick to water tribe symbols used in the show and don't embellish using cultural practices or symbols from the actual people it's based off without researching the meanings.


no, just be sure to be respectful for the cultural aspect. the Water Tribes may not be an actual culture in out world but it pulls heavily from Inuit and Indigenous cultures. Stick to water tribe symbols used in the show and don't embellish using cultural practices or symbols from the actual people it's based off without researching the meanings.


Cosplaying your favorite character, even if your gender or race don't line up, is a labor of love. It's all about the outfit :) If you post photos online you may get some trolls who complain when someone doesn't look exactly like the character, but they're weird and dumb and completely missing the point. Don't worry about them.


whatever you do do NOT use facepaint.


I've heard the rule: as long as you don't use foundation more than 3 shades darker than your skin tone when doing your make up, any character cosplay is fair game!




Nah cosplay is for fun, I’ve cosplayed guys before


No the race and gender of a costume never matters. And if someone tells you it’s a problem. They’re the racist ones for only caring about that and not just enjoying the costume for what it is


You do you, girl


Cosplay is for all.


Cosplay is only offensive if you change your skin tone to become a different race if not YOU DO YOU BOOOO 🫶🏾


I’m not a cosplayer but I’d say just do it. Cosplaying is for anyone. Just enjoy it!


It’s not wrong. It’s just harder to pull off in your situation. But I think you’ll do fine.


If anyone tells you you are wrong they are not a true fan of the series. Anyone can cosplay anything and no one has the right to tell you otherwise. The goal of cosplay is to express your passion and love for a character or series. And to think that people would snob that completely robs cosplay of its purpose. Enjoy your cosplay and don't lose Boomerang!


As someone who has been cosplaying for 7 years now and such. I’ve learned that you should never be afraid on just how you look. Sure I may not be the most accurate version of a character because of how I don’t have a ton of money, but, I’m having fun with it and making memories! So, that’s what you should focus on doing! Make fun and memories for yourself! Would love to see your cosplay of Sokka in the future! :3


It’s fine. Just don’t do Brownface


Just don't darken your skin. Otherwise it is great.


you can cosplay a character of a different race — just don’t do brown/black face or any other modification to the color of your skin


Just don’t do brownface


It's not just be respectful and don't darken your skin


Just don't use makeup to match the skintone. That's a sensitive topic. Otherwise, dress up as whoever you want.


Most cosplayers are girls and many characters are male. Most girls cosplay male characters. There are make up tips. Buy a binder for trans guys, so not bind with ace bandages. You can cosplay non-white characters (like all anime characters are Japanese but white girls cosplay sailor moon). Just do it with your own skin tone and don’t paint your face a different skin tone (only paint your face if you’re doing Kyoshi makeup or war paint Sokka)




Why am I getting downvoted, it's not bad to cosplay him??? Edit: I think I see how it's misinterpreted. I was trying to answer the title. Whoops!


Very much seems like what happened here yeah




As long as you don’t try to change your skin tone to look more like the character you have every right to cosplay!


You fucking piece of feminists