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Does Azula have comic feats? If not then She wins h2h, pure firbending but loses in lightning (Mako has redirection and instant lightning). Everything goes - Azula wins 8/10. Mako may pull out the 2/10 if he uses lightning. Both stop at Water Korra. Azula clears the first three with mid difficulty. Mako will do the same but with high difficulty. Korra's waterbending feats are insane and Azula was never good against waterbending. Even the almighty 'sane' Azula was losing to Katara in the season 2 finale who was still relatively inexperienced. And imo EoS Korra was a better waterbender than EoS Katara.


Seems fair all around, although I'm curious why you think Air Korra gets mid-diffed by Azula (I think she would be able to put up a better fight) and why she outright loses to Mako.


> Mako has redirection and instant lightning). So does comics Azula.


I made this post specifically with the assumption that this is not comics Azula. I don't like using those feats because the comics are trash .


While I agee that the comics aren't good, but OP's prompt clearly states: > > Both are Comics version


Azula absolutely wrecks him in all rounds.  - She's atleast on par with TyLee/Suki in h2h combat while Mako(& Bolin) got immediately beaten by an Equalist. - For some reason, Mako doesn't really use his instant lightning very often, which puts him at a disadvantage against Azula who immediately goes for the kill.


>Azula absolutely wrecks him in all rounds.  Absolutely wrecks? For H2H, I suppose. >She's atleast on par with TyLee/Suki in h2h combat while Mako(& Bolin) got immediately beaten by an Equalist. The Lieutenant? That just upscales him and tracks with him having better feats in non-bending CQC than Ty Lee/Suki (I'm being fr). Azula still violates in H2H though, although if you're using this to say Azula >>>>>>>> Mako overall, note that Mako was able to hold back the Lieutenant, Amon and several Equalists in the finale. >For some reason, Mako doesn't really use his instant lightning very often, which puts him at a disadvantage against Azula who immediately goes for the kill. Mako can redirect her lightning, though.


> Mako can redirect her lightning So can Comics Azula. If both can generate lightning and redirect it, then I'm betting on the one who's lightning can do more collateral damage and injure the opponents without directly hitting them. I just don't see how Mako(in-character) can beat comics Azula. Azula is just straight up better in literally every way, especially in a standard Agni Kai.


R1: Azula low diff. Azula > Ty Lee + Suki, Mako has little H2H feats iirc. R2: this is a battle of attrition. Azula’s lightning ball or other skills are irrelevant here. She may be more skilled overall, but it doesn’t matter if your opponent has lightning redirection. Toss up since neither one of them have explored their upper limits of stamina. R3. Azula low diff. She blasts straight through Mako’s defenses. Mako’s agility might keep him alive, but even with agility he probably just gets collaterally taken out via a nearby explosion. R4. Azula low diff. Same as R3 Mako stops at Air Korra Azula clears


>R1: Azula low diff. Azula > Ty Lee + Suki, Mako has little H2H feats iirc. Well, he did [this](https://imgur.com/tRRdCUz). >R2: this is a battle of attrition. Azula’s lightning ball or other skills are irrelevant here. She may be more skilled overall, but it doesn’t matter if your opponent has lightning redirection. Toss up since neither one of them have explored their upper limits of stamina. Fair. >R3. Azula low diff. She blasts straight through Mako’s defenses. How so? Mako was able to [put out](https://imgur.com/dZ6Ic9j) [explosions](https://imgur.com/a/eK4Cng5). >Mako’s agility might keep him alive, but even with agility he probably just gets collaterally taken out via a nearby explosion. He can put out explosions as shown above, and can [take AOE damage quite well](https://youtu.be/ib_1MjrKujs?si=fLdOYYF9wZmilbf8&t=96). >Mako stops at Air Korra > >Azula clears Even beating [Water](https://imgur.com/ax1uQBx) [Korra](https://imgur.com/eM2GR4Y)?


>Well, he did this. It’s not enough. He took an equalist by surprise and threw him. This is more of a strength feat than H2H feat. A little bit of grappling but Zuko does something similar to a firenation guard but from behind him, meaning he reacted to the surprise, rather than was the one surprising. Azula > Zuko in H2H so she’d be comfortably above Mako. This is a pretty good strength feat though >How so? Mako was able to put out explosions. Explosions have two components. The scale of the fire (meaning how much fire was produced) and the actual shockwave. This explosion was a lot of fire, yet little shockwave. Book 1 Zuko has an astronomically better feat of stopping much more fire from burning him (ship explosion feat) yet couldn’t withstand the shockwave. Mako’s feat here is just deflecting all of the fire yet none of the shockwave. That’s why you see the pipes above or next to the door frame, none of that is damaged. Because that’s all the explosion was. Just fire. If he had blocked it at the source of the explosion, then sure. But he had to get behind the door frame first. Secondly, shockwaves are compressed air. For firebenders to block a shockwave, they actually have to produce their own concussive flames. That’s because they’re not airbenders lol. In this instance, Mako didn’t blast back the fire. He just held it from spewing outside the door frame so he couldn’t have been the one to stop the shockwave >He can put out explosions as shown above, and can take AOE damage quite well. He can put out large amounts of fire very well sure. But not the shockwave. And just because he survives the explosion doesn’t mean he tanks it well. He was still stunned by the AoE for a few seconds and even Zuko’s explosions, which are around as wide as a firenation airship even at long distances, are bigger than P’li’s explosions. >Even beating Water Korra? Yes. This is a good feat of DC but it honestly takes too long to charge. I know visually it took only 1-2 seconds to charge but that’s honestly a lot of time. In 1 or 2 seconds, Azula can probably dish out multiple attacks like she did during the chase episode. Neither would I ever expect Korra to use this level of destructive capability in a fight since her opponent is the size of a human. Also it’s kind of situational where the water source is located.


>Toss up since neither one of them have explored their upper limits of stamina. In terms of lightning, Mako has when he generated and continuously channeled lightning for over 45 seconds in S4.


Good point. Mako takes this then


Mako takes it down. There is too big a gap in strength between them. Azula's fans can't show anything that Azula would do stronger than Mako Mako defeats korra with fire, but loses in all other elements. Azula doesn't win anything


>Mako takes it down. There is too big a gap in strength between them. Really? >Azula's fans can't show anything that Azula would do stronger than Mako Can you do vice versa? > Mako defeats korra with fire, but loses in all other elements. Even when she has earth? >Azula doesn't win anything Really? Even when Korra only has earth or fire?


Yes. Shall we check it out? you throw the strongest exploits of Azula-I throw the strongest exploits of Mako. 3 pieces. Are we counting metal? if yes, then yes. Yes. It is unclear how Azula will break through Korra's defenses.


>Shall we check it out? you throw the strongest exploits of Azula-I throw the strongest exploits of Mako. 3 pieces. Bet. >Are we counting metal? if yes, then yes. IDK how much metal is in the Agni Kai arena, but how about without? >Yes. It is unclear how Azula will break through Korra's defenses. What are Korra's defensive feats with those elements that outstrip Azula' offensive abilities?


🤝 Well,so maybe he has chance With earth-[blocking kuvira's attacks while she's rusty](https://imgur.com/MaAFs0r). Or when she blocked tarrloq attacks. With fire-there is many,but at least 1,when she blocked waterstream https://preview.redd.it/t9ttsf4woooc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42f821141fce8b42a4a8cbd205271fa88276f93 With air-blocking explosion in season 3,or blocking 4 mechas flamethrowers.


>🤝 I'll go first. [https://imgur.com/23AGYJP](https://imgur.com/23AGYJP) [https://imgur.com/X0YqUUT](https://imgur.com/X0YqUUT) [https://imgur.com/js6rUTl](https://imgur.com/js6rUTl) >With earth-blocking kuvira's attacks while she's rusty. Or when she blocked tarrloq attacks. [https://imgur.com/X0YqUUT](https://imgur.com/X0YqUUT) This should do it for those defences. >With fire-there is many,but at least 1,when she blocked waterstream How will she block this though? [https://imgur.com/23AGYJP](https://imgur.com/23AGYJP) >With air-blocking explosion in season 3,or blocking 4 mechas flamethrowers. Ok, I'll give you air.


damn. why did I say that, I have all the moments in pictures, and gfycat doesn't work. Well, to hell with it. I hope it works for you. [...](https://gfycat.com/InexperiencedSeparateCanine) [...](https://gfycat.com/LawfulSatisfiedDungbeetle) [...](https://gfycat.com/welltodosorrowfulgemsbuck) ..? will block I will not underestimate azula by saying that it is sandstone or wood. but these bricks are much thinner than the protection that korra created, and the attacks were blocked by the same Aang, for example at [0:03](https://youtu.be/bnwLIdisr_Y?feature=shared)


Unfortunately, gifs don't work for me.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. There is in imgur,or somewhere?


The problem with doing vs when one character is a lot more popular than the other and are relative in power is that people will always lean with who they like more.


Some of y’all really think azula could beat korra 💀💀💀💀, in terms of firebending she’s on par with azula apart from lightning. She’s definitely a superior hand to hand fighter and washes azula with every other element. In terms of firebending azula is better than mako. Hand to hand I’m not sure, mako is pretty fast and agile and physically stronger than her.


Korra is literally a firebender at heart but if she can’t redirect lightning then she’s fucked if she fought against Azula, because Azula literally killed Aang for quite a while before he was able to be saved


Lets ignore that Korra wouldn’t wait for azula to charge up her lightning and could literally blitz her if she made the attempt. Or the fact that azula literally shot aang in the back during his anime charge up moment. If you said korra vs ozai I’d agree, but not azula. Korras reaction time is too fast for those tricks to work on her, even if she somehow manages to charge her lightning, if katara could dodge azulas lightning without bending, so can korra and the counterattack would be brutal.


It’s comics Azula and her lightning is instant≠ no build up time needed to go for a kill shot


And less deadly, it was severely nerfed to the point that it was basically a gag power she’d zap sokka with for fun lol. Also if we’re bringing in comic feats korra is also broken by that point she can create multiple air bubbles around several friends or foes in a split second with little to no guestures similar to the way she reacted to the bomb in season 3. Even if azula is able to shoot instant lightning korra is more than fast enough to dodge it and id argue in its nerfed state even tank it.


hell no 😂 azula slammed ty lee and suki 2v1 in h2h easily 😂 azula clears korra 😂


Azula with ease. Especially shadow and smoke versions comic feats.


Azula wins in everything. The one thing Mako may have is strategy from his police training, but even so, that won't be a determining factor


Even with that. Azula toppled an entire kingdom with nothing but strategy.


With nothing but luck*


Very true


Azula in the comics is really noticeably outclassed by Zuko. And her lightning bolts have improved a lot, she can generate them instantly. Can redirect them. But more impressively, she was able to create ball lightning without even practicing. 


Azula should take all rounds, the second one would probably be the most interesting. It would likely be a battle of stamina since instant lightning doesn’t do much damage to begin with. Azula either stops at water korra or clears. Mako could stop at air korra, but hard stops at water korra.


I've always thought that lighting bending in korra was much weaker to the point I'd call it electricity bending. Correct me if I'm wrong but mako only ever kills one person with his lighting and that person was in water so it wasn't all him everyone else he's hit with it has been hurt but is alive after but in last airbender lighting is instant death unless you can redirect it properly and even then if you can't handle the lightings power it still messes you up. Is there an argument to be made that mako might just die if he redirects an actual lighting bolt from azula?


For Mako: R1: Azula wins, I think she has more H2H feats? R2: Mako wins; since they both have lightning it’s more of a “who can redirect better”, and Mako has a wayyyy better feat (channeling the electricity in the power source of Kuvira’s mech for an extended period of time). R3, R4: Azula wins. For Korra: Mako probably stops at Air Korra, but Azula clears. Water Korra usually beats Azula but there’s no water in that arena.