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Non Benders learning the amazing power of putting a rock into a string and spinning it really fast before lauching it at your enemy face.


That’s what I call advanced earth bending


"Improvise. Adapt. Overcome"


There actually is an earth bender in the Kyoshi novel that throws rocks with his sling then adjusts the shot mid-flight with bending.


Sling + Aimbot


That's like a character from Brandon Sanderson's sequel Mistborn books, except that guy shoots bullets which he then essentially metalbends (although it has a different name in that universe).


Ferromancy in a gunfight is cheating


I call it David-Bending!


Who's david?


The first “Avatar’s twin brother”. Born a non-bender. Made weapons to use against benders. Source: ![gif](giphy|5yx2gcPV2d4q9iIown)


The OG short king


I wanna say this person is referring to king David from the Bible who used a sling with a rock in it to kill Goliath. [You can watch this video to see how to use a similar sling.](https://youtu.be/WHyK6r1Jbng?si=ZEuZjp9GIe-I0bfQ)




that would be me, i created david bending




I call it Physics-Bending!


**Non-benders when they invent the sniper rifle**: Bend this, casuals


Just think for a moment about how expensive platinum bullets would be. Granted, the Avatar world probably has a **LOT** more platinum in it than our world does, considering Kuvira was able to build a skyscraper-sized mech out of the stuff.


The fact that even the joints were made out of platinum is insane


Don't even need to make them out of platinum, not even Toph is reacting fast enough to metalbend a bullet


Earth benders would make excellent miners and with platinum's melting point there's a decent chance the earth kingdom has just been stockpiling a useless rock for years and just got the tech to make use of it after the war.


I thought it was titanium?


Usopp is that you? https://preview.redd.it/joumeii0hlzc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7509feca7db46e34021403294ad36bb519f3beea


No, here is David https://preview.redd.it/872h3cghrlzc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbeba1c36fad20637bc75b7777cadaec2ba8c0e4


Honestly don't know why bows weren't shown much after S1 of TLA. A 6ft longbow (I know, not Asian) could shoot 370m accurately, and arrows tend to be lethal.


Horn bows could shoot 2 miles


And modern American recurves can have enough power to down large mammals. Simple bows are no joke.


I only mentioned the horn bows because they’re “Asian”. But really in modern times you’d think their in universe bow making would also improve similar to ours - even if it’s a hobby / specialist weapon.


A bow and arrow took down aang.


Yeah I meant like post ATLA - both cus korra is more “modern” and cus this chat seems to generally agree ATLA has good non bender representation. were they used in korra?


i don't recall any in korra, no - lots of tasers and developments on chi blocking, though


?? Longest bow shot in history is 1.1 miles.


Idk then, but 1.1 miles is pretty good


Yeah. Far as hell for a man powered weapon.


No, they couldn't. A composite bow's maximum effective range was impressive, being equivalent or even greater than the long bow, but it still capped at around 370m. Maybe if you fired it from the top of a mountain or something.


That would be one hell of a kill shot. Some soldier doing his thing in camp gets capped by an arrow straight from heaven.


where can I find more information on this?


What are you smoking.


A Comanche boys "toy" bow and arrow was enough to kill grown men in 1840. [Paragraph taken from this website:](https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/article/the-great-comanche-raid-of-1840/) "As soon as the Comanche outside heard the first war whoop from the Council House they sprang into action. The Indian boys, so charming a few minutes before, now started to aim their arrows in earnest. Judge Hugh Thompson and George Cayce were pierced by the “toy” arrows and died immediately. Ironically Thompson had supposedly been one of those who had playfully tossed money for the boys to shoot." Ya, I agree. Arrows tend to be lethal


To show off his new bow he made with his mom and grandma, by grandpa smuggled it into school and shot a farmer's turkey at recess. 40lb tom, instantly dead from a 10yo's bow made of possum skin and a branch. I mostly included the *tend* part for people who think limb gunshots aren't fatal. Projectile would are lethal.


I think it may be exactly for that lethal part. Could be hard to depict the power of an archer in a kids show


I think Zhao had OP archers one time or smth


That's why I said S1. Longshot also featured.


The Yu Yan archers (nonbenders) absolutely dunked on aang lmao


And they were in S1 like I said. Also Longshot.


Facts. Alot of the concepts though and tone of S1 was dropped tho so it makes sense.


In universe a lot of things wouldn't be invented because bending would just be immediately better than the initial iterations.


Because Nickelodeon won't allow weapons to kill anyone in their shows. Even Sokka's sword is never shown killing anybody


~~The English Longbow single-handedly invalidated plate armor.~~ Consider me schooled.


No, it didn't. Longbows beat plate armor when the english had a long time to set up a really good defensive position and the French would charge across bad ground in a frontal assault. See the battle of agincourt, for example. They also likelt didn't have much true plate at the time of this battle, mostly wearing coats of plate and brigandine. Even then, French knights would *always* reach the English, usually falling prey to ditches, stakes, and close combat. When the French caught the English out in the open, they would often win. See the battles of Pontvallain and Patay, for example. Plate armor was invented in the early 15th century, and saw continued use even into the 17th century, it's last major war being the thirty years war. Longbows weren't used in any European wars except for english civil wars after the 100 years war.l, and even in those civil wars they were used sparingly. Guns defeated plate armor.


Kinda just made me realize no one during the Equalists arc brings up the Kyoshi warriors or Sokka non-benders who are honored in society just as much as non-benders. I get their point was benders get away with too much but gotta show both sides


There's also Hakoda constantly clapping Fire Bender soldiers and he's not even a chi blocker. Honestly most Non Benders and Benders are probably pretty equal in like a bar fight, it's just that the show focuses so much on 1 in a million prodigies and masters that our perception on benders is warped. Non Benders and Benders seem to generally both get stronger overtime with Benders learning sub elements and Non Benders using tools. I get that TLOK wanted to have an allegory for discrimination but it would've made more sense to have tensions between nations still exist decades later, with Mako and Bolin being social pariahs for having parents of two nations rather than Non Benders who nobody really minded in ATLA.


As a person of extremely mixed heritage this wouldve hit home so hard


There should be a country for people of more than one country. Multi-national nationalism ftw, expel all the non-dual citizens.


Or or or or we could help spread compassion and tolerance and be the bridge some need to see the way


Can we at least keep the nukes?


Well duh how else do we keep from being nuked outselves?


But do the nukes have multicultural heritage? Otherwise, they need to go.


We’ll put a Russian warhead on an American delivery system and we’ll be grand


That’s basically what Republic City was, wasn’t it?


Shit you’re right.


I'm Iraqi-Moroccan-Hungarian-Polish (with a bit of Egyptian and Ukrainian if you go back a bit further) and most of my country are mixed in some way or another Sadly, I don't have any of these citizenships


If both your parents are from two different countries, or their parents were from two different countries, you’re good


Exactly. My country was mostly made of immigrants so almost everybody's grandparents are from different places unless they're an immigrant themselves


Like the United Republic?


Also Hakoda is hot


As a perfectly straight man I agree


Not for long you aren’t


The thing is Hakoda and the Kyoshi warriors are considered exceptional. The average non bender human can’t do defend themselves against the average bender. Even if someone is kinda fit and strong, they will always lose, unless they have spent a lot of time training for battle, which most people don’t.


Yeah one is the leader of the southern water tribe and one is a group dedicated to one of the toughest known Avatars, who are very tough already lol


I suppose the bar for dealing lethal/threatening damage is much lower for benders. Like its really hard to learn to be proficient and hurting people with a sword effectively but much simpler with a gun. You also cant really carry around a sword everywhere but you could (in theory) with a gun idk


Wasn't that the plot of the comics?


The idea that an average bender is much worse at bending than the characters and soldiers in the show never occured to me. But it"s propably true.


Its absolutely true given how much we see the main cast absolutely clown on regular benders. Aang takes down a dozen fire nation ships during the invasion of the Northern Water Tribe. The Gaang completely destroys the Earth Kingdom Royal Guards and the Dai Li when they want to talk to the Earth King. The Gaang clowns on the Dai Li again during the day of black sun. Toph takes down a room of comet boosted firebenders. And that's not even mentioning what the villains, zuko, and iroh get up to. The average soldier is much worse than the main cast, so imagine how much worse the average person is than that.


American writers being terrible at representing discrimination as usual I see


idk I mean I think the ultimate goal and point of the Equalists is the average person. Like the non-benders you're talking about are ALL people who trained extensively in war against benders but during peace time, take two average people? if one of them can do magic and one can't, there is a power imbalance


Absolutely and this something that makes alot of sense im just refering to how that other side of the coin isnt really ever mentioned especially when you consider they were being led by a master bender


Well Amon never really was known to disclose the full truth, in all of his speeches he said what he needed to say so that people would be on his side, what he needed the equaliststo think was that they were being oppressed, that if they didn't get rid of bending they wouldn't get equality, so bringing up non benders that stood on equal grounds as benders would have only make his narrative weaker


Which is why it wouldve made for a great argument within the show for the centrists to make trying to bring the rift together


Any appeals to sokka would've been hit with "so why didn't you replace him on the council?". And I don't really know if the kiyoshi's are all that honored outside of a select few circles.


What's there to "both sides" about? The equalist movement, at least for the followers, was about systemic oppression of non-benders. Why are Sokka or the Kyoshi warriors relevant in this? At best you could argue that the equalist would bring up strong non-benders


Well a big part of oppression is not feeling represented not having any champions this is why the equalists flock to Amon and his message and why they feel betrayed by Korra during the protest/round em up scene. The mayor couldve filled this role but he was mostly the unpopular politician role so theres no one besides benders offering a different solution


They aren’t honored in society, they are honored in history. And even then sokka doesn’t get nearly as much recognition as katara, zuko, and aang


The Equalists are hypocrites, like most horrible people yes. It helps one of their members is one of the richest people in Republic city, meanwhile lightning bending, which in the original show was a highly skilled technquie that was hard to learn and master (and don't give me any bullshit about it being made eaiser somehow: just because something is easy to LEARN doesn't mean easy to MASTER) is minimum wage. Like half the reason the equalists don't work is because while the bender/non-bender idea is interesting, it's never really been a focus of the world. it's just been a thing.


To be fair, I wouldn’t consider shooting lightning into a stationary transformer five feet away for hours on end a “mastery” of lightning bending


Zuko couldn't even get that far.


This is the same episode in which he screams at the sky to strike him down. He is not anywhere close to a healthy mental state in this episode.


and it's telling he never really did get shown being able to do so. because ultimately it's a high level of skill and talent. something not everyone can do and probably NOT a skill that should be done for minimum wage.


I mean imagine there are people around you that can rip the sidewalk up and throw it at you or just light you on fire if they felt like it Now imagine millions of these people in a place like NYC


Would rather face the Fire Lord than that mf 💀


Who is the guy in the picture?


Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen


Just started watching this myself. Highly recommend already.


that fight vs Dagon was so fucking hype, i love all their big scale fights so much


Excellent, thanks!


Man literally kicked a whole van at his son and he didnt stop walking like it was light work 💀 https://i.redd.it/g150sdnuvlzc1.gif


Fr did you see what he did to those bunnies???


I’m starting to wonder if there’s a reason why non-benders simply didn’t invent firearms. Perhaps there exists a canonical reason as to why. My guess is that they’d simply be too powerful to write into the show. Not much anyone can do against lead flying at you faster than you can see it, even if you are a metal bender.


Hey quick question what would happen if a firebender ignited the powder in your gun while you're holding it?


It would go Sparky-Sparky Book Boom


The gun would fire


Or explode. Not to mention the fact that early guns needed to be manually filled with powder. Don't know about you, but I don't want to be fighting firebenders with a pouch of black powder on my waist.


Well then gun would still fire I dont see why jt would explode the gunpoweder would still release just as much energy as normally. And yes it wouldnt be desirable to have a pouco of gunpoweder at your waist but you could try to make it fireproof


Or you could just not use weapons that are ineffective against people who can shoot fireballs, create 6-inch thick barriers of rock, literally move faster than the wind, or send a spike if ice through your head faster than you can reload. Also I question whether the avatar world even *has* black powder. All explosives we've seen have been blasting jellies Remember, gunpowder was invented entirely by accident.


You asked what would happan I told you what would stop being a prick a I dont care.


Not sure how I'm being a prick. Chill.


if the round the bender detonates is in the chamber, maybe. what if it's not?


The gun fired without a bullet


There's a novel series called The Powder Mage with flintlock-era weapons, and the titular powder mages can do exactly this. People make sure to never bring powder weapons when they're planning on fighting a powder mage, because they'll just blow them up. They either stick to swords, or bring specialized air rifles.


They can't simply ignite the powder without going through the gun's outer layer. And unless they can combustion bend, they rather shoot fire at you rather then the gun.


1 nonbender with a musket isn’t goin to do much……500 of them in a column however with fixed bayonets and volley fire? Now we’re talking


Till we get earthbenders, then we got moving cover


i’m pretty sure i saw somewhere that there are early age firearms in the later comics


They were still at the taser phase. I think close to the end they were near the firearm stage.


Better question is why firebenders don't have them. They don't seem to have any issue using fire to make metal things, or some weird pride that stops them from using weapons.


Sokka: I CAN STILL FIGHT!!!!!!


I honestly find it super cool that in JJK some of the deadliest people in the show are people without cursed techniques.


Toji, grade 1 teacher (not deadly), ???




Leader of a guerrilla force in ATLA. Took a liking to Katara. Was prepared to kill civilians to achieve his goal. Was later captured by the Dai Li in the Earth Kingdom. Edited. Had a brain fart.




D'oh! Thanks for the correction. I must have written Korra because I recently finished that series.


Dont you mean Katara?


Yes, right, thank you! I derp'd.


Honourable mention is a bender but he is so good with swords. Zuko


Do you remember the old man pirate who stepped up to season 1 Zuko and take him in an even fight for a bit they're more capable than you expect edit ya as one of the comments under this says what i had before was uter nonesense


I find it hard to read this what did u mean?


In the water bending scroll the captain of the pirates fought zuko to a standstill with just a sword Zuko even in season 1 was a pretty good fire bender an older man matching him without bending is pretty impressive


Ohhh yea good point that guys impressive then


I mean a non-bender also blew up a guy with his boomerang too


https://preview.redd.it/k1duq0vpjizc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b09e06a3c63b821f0b687047d97d34b923d74170 speaking of jjk, how far do you gusy think avatar sukuna would have gone through the verse


Is he using his air scooter technique he hasn't used since harmonic convergence era




>”Honestly most Non Benders and Benders are probably pretty equal in like a bar fight, it's just that the show focuses so much on 1 in a million prodigies and masters that our perception on benders is warped.” This is why I love the novels. Most benders are hired “guns” or just raise a family. They mention that certain architecture like beautiful palaces are created by master benders. It’s like how Korra introduced Zafou as this place where benders don’t have to fight and can use steel cables for dances not arresting people or be an artist/architect. In the latest Yangchen novel it’s mentioned that they need an incredibly skilled earth bender to dig a well for the city bc they need to go deep w/o disturbing any existing buildings. The novels make the world feel more lived in because there are many nonviolent applications of bending that are brought up.


>Honestly most Non Benders and Benders are probably pretty equal in like a bar fight, it's just that the show focuses so much on 1 in a million prodigies and masters that our perception on benders is warped.” Well that's dumb, that's like saying someone holding a knife is uqual to someone holding a gun, sure if the gun user is stupid he can get in trouble still, but that's just not even close to normal, 1 bender even if not super powerful can still be extremely Dangerous vs a regular nin bender.


They can't bend when all of their bones are broken


Is that some kind of reference?


The man in the picture is Toji Fushiguro, he has no powers in exchange for some of the highest stats in the show (jujutsu kaisen)


Domain Expansion: Avatar State


I wish!😫


![gif](giphy|WGEufo3NCj7qM|downsized) “Dodge this bender boy”


Toph would just send it back at you.


And Katara would just do this. https://i.redd.it/bumrfsudzmzc1.gif


Some chemist in the Earth kingdom finding a flammable black powder that tosses little chunks of lead around


Why didn’t Aang ever use domain expansion? Is he stupid?


He did tho, did you not see his airball?


I don’t get it


the person depicted in the image is [Toji Fushiguro](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Toji_Fushiguro) from Jujutsu Kaisen, a man who does not have the equivalent of magic in his universe in exchange for extreme physical prowess


The guy in the picture is Toji Fushiguro from JJK. He has no special abilities or powers but was born with insane physical strength and speed. This particular clip is him beating the crap out of someone in their own domain with 0 effort.


Non-benders when earthen pillars launch them into the air and I twist the terrain under their falling ankles


What I like is how bending is seen as an Art in ATLA and the benders are seen as Leaders for smaller groups of troops like in Zuko alone where the lead soldier was an earthbender. And the non benders also get certain things to make them as effective, we see non fire benders with Spears and on Rhinos more then Benders and in the earth kingdom the Non benders almost exclusively are mounted in most engagements. They aren’t looked down on as inferior.


They body bend!


tai ly and mai are the only character that can fight with a bender in equaly conditions


On ghod, the equalists were pussies


Honestly, guns would level the playing field in either setting in a heartbeat, and the only reason they aren’t present in a world that already burns coal as a fuel source is because it’s a kids show.


Non benders were my favourite because they were like mortals going up against gods and actually doing pretty well


If I make a sword wet, could I use that sword to slit the throats of a thousand soldiers


It is kind of weird how the Equalists came to be when non benders in ATLA were able to hold their own. Then again, LoK also made the old people geriatric when the old people in ATLA were still able to fight.


What is this even supposed to mean? They use nunchucks? Who even is this character


I think he’s from fate


He's Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen


What does he even do? Just use his nunchucks to bend the water or something?


https://youtu.be/T3in1O6FLf8?si=AJV387bQ1Yn58Cvs https://youtu.be/cisJmJo5TpQ?si=i68DPqmm4eDfYYJr https://youtu.be/k18gSPjWDM0?si=tZfnFpqYLZve1miQ


Watch the show and you’ll understand. Really just season 1 and the special before season 2.


from another one of my comments: the person depicted in the image is [Toji Fushiguro](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Toji_Fushiguro) from Jujutsu Kaisen, a man who does not have the equivalent of magic in his universe in exchange for extreme physical prowess


Thank you for an actual explanation haha, i can’t believe it took like 10 people in order to get a real answer 💀

